I apologize for the long wait but the source I normally use to get LOTR movies has failed (coughMegasharecough) so it took me a while to build up the tolerance to stream it from my tablet which is incredibly slow and aggravating! But I did it, so here's the next chapter! A little FYI, I will be making her be Calen again in the next chapter b/c of the bad reception Ren got. Ren will be renamed Calen again, but she will still have her memories. Just deal with Ren for a bit ok?

"Ren, Ren, Ren!" I heard Shalen's voice from my sleep.

Then I felt her hands on my shoulders, shaking me violently.

"Shove off," I moaned, rolling over and pulling the covers over my head.

Shalen only ripped them off me and grabbed me by the arm.

"Come ON!" she whined.

"No," I groaned in response.

"We're leaving in an hour!" I heard her snap.

"W-what?!" I stuttered, sitting bolt up.

"Gotcha!" she laughed.

I looked over at Shalen, her gleaming green eyes and vibrant smile. Oh how I had missed her. No day could be sour with that girl.

"Bitch," I chuckled, climbing out of bed.

"But no, really," she exclaimed, "I've got great news!"

"You get another horse in Rivendell?" I joked, digging in my pack for my clothes.

"Very funny," she rolled her eyes, "Well first off, I met all your Fellowship friends and they're really nice,"

"Even the stiff one?" I asked.


"The elf," I said with disdain.

"Yes, the one that you…" she began.

My hand flew from my pack to her mouth.

"Not another word!" I said, flustered, "I don't anymore!"

"Okay," Shalen said skeptically, removing my hand from her mouth.

I tried to go about fixing my hair into a ponytail but I couldn't keep the question in anymore.

"Did he say anything about me?"


"Shalen!" I snapped, "I only want to know…"

"Cuz you totally want to snog him!" she laughed.

I thrust my hand over her mouth again, she was too loud for her own good.

"No, bitch," I hissed, "I want to make sure he wants nothing to do with me anymore,"

"…Really?" Shalen asked, looking confused, "Why?"

"Like I said, he made me weak when I was Calen," I scoffed, "And I want him to see me as Ren, not Calen. A woman who won't be weakened anymore,"

I turned away and slipped Karka and Rakka over my hands. Shalen sighed.

"You really don't want to open up to anyone do you?"

"I've got you," I shrugged.

Shalen stared on at me with pitiful eyes, shaking her head.

"But you won't always,"

"Please don't talk like that," I whispered then held out a hand, "Come, let's saddle up,"

I slung my saddle over my shoulder, lugging it towards my horse's stall, grabbing an apple from my pocket along the way.

"Hey boy," I muttered, patting him on the snout, "Guess what? I remember,"

"Do you now?" an old voice asked.

I spun around to see the White Wizard, and the good one, his warm smile as it always was and his kind eyes still gleaming.

"Gandalf!" I dropped my saddle and launched myself into his arms.

He gave a jolly laugh as he hugged me back, making me feel like Calen all over again. I breathed in that old tree scent that he always had to him, probably because his staff was made from a sycamore or something. After a few seconds, I pulled away, finding myself mimicking his warm smile.

"It is good to see you again, Calen," he said, placing a hand on my head.

Looks like I'll have to explain this to him too. Having amnesia blows.

"I…uh," I muttered awkwardly, trying to find a way to tell him.

Gandalf tilted his head to the side in curiosity. It was going to be hard to let down the man who had so much faith in me.

"I'm…not Calen," I finally blurted out.

Nervously looking up, I saw Gandalf's eyebrows raised in surprise, looking even more curious. He didn't look sad or upset like the others had!

"Is that so?" Gandalf asked, leaning on his staff down to my eye level, "Well I'd love to hear all about who The Raven really is,"

He made it seem so easy: tell your new name, your back story, and etcetera. But how could I when my past and even my name were drenched in blood. Didn't he know that? Why was he so happy about it?

"Hi…my name is Ren," I began.

"What a lovely name!" Gandalf mused.

I looked at him skeptically and he gave me an equally skeptical look back.

"Why so doubtful?" he asked, "Aren't you happy to know who you are?"

"Y-yes, I am!" I said defensively, "Really, I am grateful…alright I'm not, I hate it…"

Gandalf stayed in silence, waiting patiently for me to continue. I almost felt like a child, begging for something then realizing how awful it was and wanting nothing to do with it ever again.

"I thought that learning who I was would…do something!" I said exasperatedly, "But all it did was fill me with regrets of the past,"

I fought back tears at the thought of Eila. I felt Gandalf's hand on my shoulder, squeezing it in reassurance.

"Ren, I knew from the start that your past was a sinful one," Gandalf admitted, "I never expected The Raven's tale to be one of a happy ending. But one cannot live unaware of their history, let alone run from it for it will catch up to them. Why do you think Frodo let you come with us?"

I looked up to the old man, remembering the Ring Bearer's trusting face that day, the only one in the group.

"It was so that you could find yourself," Gandalf said spiritedly, "And you have done just that! He would be proud,"

"Proud to know the people I murdered?" I asked in a whisper.

Gandalf shook his head, "Proud to know the real Raven,"

The old coot was right. Everyone in Middle Earth knew me as the legend who killed and stole but now that I had rediscovered myself, I had found who The Raven truly was. Just a girl who was drunk on power and in the end, caused the death of her friend. A girl who repented for her sins and did her best to make up for them. I don't think I'd be the same Raven as I was back then if I hadn't learned that, I'd still be drunk on power. And all it took was to rediscover who I really was.

"Do you think it's too late for me to still be Calen?" I asked tentatively.

Gandalf raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Calen allowed me a fresh start…and I don't want to leave her behind. I mean sure she was weak and stuff but I can't forget about her so quickly…" I thought aloud.

"You can be whoever you want to be," Gandalf smiled, "We are your friends and we will accept you no matter what,"

Gandalf, who had just stood there as I had my epiphany, decided to take on a lighter tone.

"So, now that you know your real name," he said, taking his hand off my shoulder, "What is your steed's name?"

Immediately brightening of the thought of my friend, I turned around to my horse and held out the apple to him. Watching him happily nibble away at his favorite treat, I remembered the last time he had an apple. The time I wished he could speak to tell me who I really was, but now I didn't need that.

"Discord," I said, patting his neck, "His name's Discord,"

DundunDUUUUUUUN! Discord is part of her prophecy right? Interesting...

Next time in Chapter 32, Ren decides to be the Fellowship's Calen once again (happy now?). Oh, and they go confront Saruman.

(Disclaimer: Ren's decision to be Calen again may seem abrupt in this chapter and the next but I had to do it quickly for the sake of keeping my readers happy ^^)