
Dear Reader,

I've wanted to do a Big Time Rush/Phantom of the Opera crossover for some time, but hesitated since I might be biting off more than I can chew. Thinking over the concepts has gotten to me though, and I have no choice but to pursue this. I intend to see it through to the end.

There will be two acts, and each chapter is a scene; some may end up being quite short, but it's much easier for me to catalogue to story this way.

You will notice that it is not just the original musical set to different characters. I have indeed based a lot of it on the 2004 movie (which I adore), and many scenes will be almost identical. However much of the plot is different. Some small notes will be set in brackets when needed, but other than that it should explain itself well.

In theory you should be able to enjoy this story without knowing any of the Phantom of the Opera. I hope it's as much fun to read as it is to write!



He stayed awake all night, with his elbows propped on a windowsill in the middle of his crowded dormitory. While the other boys slept, Logan Mitchell gazed longingly over the city and contemplated many questions that kept his mind alit. If his father had not died so many years ago, would he have lived at the opera? Would his voice have been as well trained? Without the passing of Mr. Mitchell, would he have had his tutor? Those questions prevented him from sleeping, but gave way to the secret lessons.

Logan slipped between the occupied beds soundlessly, tiptoeing with great ease until he got to the door out. Luckily it was left slightly ajar, so he could just tap it a bit and step through. Then he took the northern stairs down two flights and went into one of the many secret doors throughout the opera's facilities. There he went door another set of stairs and into the old chapel, long out of commission. There is where the lessons took place; between the cold stone walls, far from any other life form, Logan would sing in private for his angel of music.