Hey guys! I'm back! Sorry its been so long! Hope you all enjoy this latest installment.

Warning: Non con oral sex

I have missed all of you and missed writing! So thanks for everyone who's sticking around with me! I appreciate you all!

This has not been beta'd so excuse my mistakes :)

Molly stared out the window, her thoughts racing. How could she do it? How could she possibly contact Jim and get passed Sherlock? If Sherlock wasn't there with her, then Mary was. Sherlock would never leave her alone, not even for a half hour. But she knew she had to do something. Jim had her little niece and he had already hurt so many others. Molly felt that if she offered herself to Jim for revenge or whatever reason he seemed to want her, maybe he would stop hurting people.

"I have eyes everywhere, Molly," Sherlock said from behind her. "You would not get two steps before I knew about it."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Sherlock," Molly said tiredly. "It's a lovely day and I wanted to look outside, since I'm never allowed out."

"You can leave the flat anytime you wish," he said. "Just not alone."

She turned to look at him and she could see the dark circles under his eyes. He was as exhausted as she was. He had worked tirelessly with Greg and John since her niece had been taken. Jim was making it impossible for Sherlock to have any time or to focus on any one case for very long. Jim had gone to committing the most random of crimes, many which Sherlock considered beneath Jim.

"Have you spoken to Jim?" she asked. "I want to talk to him, Sherlock."

"Why?" Sherlock asked annoyed. "So he can torment you? I know what you want to do…offer yourself up to him like some prize. I won't let you martyr yourself for this psychopath."

"This isn't just about me, Sherlock," she snapped. "And what about all the other people who are in danger from him or have lost loved ones to him? How do you think they would feel if they knew that just by giving me to Jim, he might stop?"

"I don't care about anyone else, but you and…"

"I want you to care," she screamed at him. "What about my niece? She's just an innocent child and I would give my life for her over and over if I had too. You have no right to be the one making the decisions about this. It's my life and her life and so many others are at stake."

"Do you trust me?" he asked softly. "Do you think I can stop him?"

She knew what he was really asking…he needed to know that she still believed in him. Molly went to him and reached for him, placing her hand on his cheek. "Of course I believe in you and of course I trust you. I know that you will find him and stop him. I'm just worried about the people who will be hurt in the meantime." Tears filled her eyes. "Oh Sherlock, she's just a little girl…please…just let me talk to Jim."

Sherlock wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. "I haven't heard from Jim in three days, Molly, truly I haven't. I swear to you that I will find her…I'll find her and bring her home safe, but not at the cost of you. I will not give you up to him. I will find him and I will beat him."

Mack tried to keep his eyes closed, but Jim's henchman forced him to keep them open. Charlotte gagged as Jim shoved his cock deeper into her mouth; tears were streaming down her cheeks. Jim held her head in a vice grip as he fucked her mouth violently, bruising her throat. She vomited when his cock hit the back of her throat. Jim allowed her to spit the vomit out before shoving himself back inside of her mouth.

"Don't want her to choke on her own vomit when she's about to swallow my load," he said cheerfully. He thrust two more times forcefully in her mouth before closing his eyes and moaning as his hot cum spurt in two large globs into her mouth. She tried to spit, but Jim grabbed her by her hair and held her mouth closed with his other hand. She was forced to swallow.

Jim jerked her up by her hair and back handed her hard, sending her sprawling across his bed. "Shall I fuck her now or will you obey me?" Jim asked staring pointedly at Mack.

"Why are you doing this? She's just a child?" Mack cried in anguish.

"20 years old is hardly a child, Mack," Jim said climbing onto the bed and straddling her. "Tell me, Mack," he said as he pulled her dress up, bunching it around her waist. "Was that your precious daughter's first taste of a man?"

Jim looked down at Charlotte. "Have you ever had a cock in your mouth before?"

"Get off her," Mack screamed. "Leave her alone!"

"Answer me, bitch," Jim shouted, slapping her again.

"No…never…" she cried.

"And have you ever had a man here?" Jim asked as he ripped her panties from her body and pushed two fingers inside of her.

She cried out in pain and the smile that crossed Jim's face was sickening. "I've never had a virgin…" he said almost with childlike glee. He turned to look at his gunman. "I've never had someone pure before…have you Bobby? Have you ever had a virgin?"

Bobby swallowed hard, but nodded his head as he stared at his psychopathic employer. Jim's grin widened. "Who? Tell me about her," Jim said.

"My…my wife, sir," Bobby said. "On our wedding night."

"Oh how romantic," Jim said with an over dramatic flourish. "And you understand, don't you Bobby? What it means if you don't obey me?"

Bobby swallowed again and blinked back tears. "Yes, sir," he said.

"What does it mean?" Jim asked.

"You will fuck my wife and daughter," Bobby said barely above a whisper.

"Your wife yes," Jim said. "Your daughter…I think I would do something more special with her…perhaps get her strung out on heroin and make her a whore." Jim sat back on his heels. "But I'd probably fuck her before making her a whore." He laughed manically and clapped his hands. "Now Charlotte…do you want me to fuck you?"

"N-no…please…" She whispered.

"You know I would make it as painful as possible for you don't you?" Jim said gently as he leaned down to stroke her cheek. "You know it's nothing personal. I rather like you…you're a sweet girl and very pretty too. I'm sure you're very smart and will make some lucky man a wonderful wife someday…that is unless I've brutalized you and traumatized you too terribly." Jim climbed off her and sat down beside her on the bed, pulling her into his arms where he held her and rocked her as if to comfort her. "But that is up to daddy dearest and how well he obeys his boss. So tell him Charlotte," Jim said stroking her hair and kissing her cheek. "Tell him that you want him to do as I say."

"Please daddy…" she cried. "Don't let him hurt me anymore."

"Yes daddy," Jim mocked. "Don't let me hurt her anymore."

"I won't darling…" Mack said with tears in his eyes. "Don't you worry…daddy won't let him hurt you ever again."

Jim laughed and hugged her to him. "How marvelous," he said. "I am so glad that we have worked this out and we are one big happy family again. Bobby, you and Mack may leave now. Go and keep our young guest company. We mustn't allow her to be bored. I'm rather tired. I think I'll take a nap here with Charlotte. I know she is tired and after today, she needs comforting. It's been a hard day for you hasn't it, my love?" he asked as he kissed her forehead.

"You said you'd leave her alone if I did what you said," Mack said desperately.

"Am I hurting her now?" Jim asked, laying back and pulling her down with him. He tightened his arm around her waist and tossed one of his legs over her. "We're quite comfy aren't we beautiful Charlotte?"

Charlotte stared helplessly at her father. Jim's tightened his arm around her in warning. "Answer me precious, or my cock just might get hard against your ass."

"Yes daddy," she whispered. "I'm fine, we're comfortable."

"Good girl," Jim said kissing her again on her hair. "Bobby, clean up her vomit before you go."

Bobby quickly went into the bathroom and got paper towels to clean up the mess. When he was finished, he took Mack by the arm. "Come on, Mack," he said quietly. "You don't want to make this any harder on Charlotte."

"No we don't want to make this any harder on Charlotte, do we Mack?" Jim asked before titling Charlotte's head back and kissing her, forcing her lips to part so he could shove his tongue deep inside her mouth. She struggled against him, which only incited him even further and he kissed her harder, refusing to pull away to let her catch her breath.

She began to struggle harder and try to cry for help with Jim's mouth over hers. She was becoming dizzy and her heart pounded in her chest. She could hear the blood pounded in her ears as she fought for breath. Finally when she spots began to dance in her eyes and she began to black out, Jim pulled away and she gasped for air, heaving a huge gulp of air into her burning lungs.

Charlotte began to cry in earnest and Jim's face contorted to one of false concern. "Oh sweet Charlotte, my sweet girl, don't cry," Jim said. "Daddy Jim isn't going to hurt you. I only wanted to give you a kiss goodnight."

Mack's fists clenched by his sides and Jim looked at him, his brow quirking as if he dared him to say or do anything to help his child. "Are the both of you still here?" Jim asked. "Get the fuck out and let me and my lovely girl sleep."

Bobby pulled Mack out the door, but before the door was closed, Mack spoke to Charlotte. "I love you, Charlotte…daddy loves you." Bobby pulled him the rest of the way out and shut the door.

Jim let go of Charlotte, allowing her to lie on her back. Jim lay beside her on his side, his chin propped on his elbow as he looked down at her. "He does love you very much you know," Jim said. "Your father loves you more than anything and he will make sure that I don't have to hurt you again, so you have nothing to fear by me."

"Why are you doing this?" she whispered.

"Because I can," he said. "Because I like too…I don't know why. I'm an evil man…I have always done bad things. I like to feel powerful, I like how men scurry to do my bidding. I get tremendous joy from playing games with peoples lives. I like taking from people...I like destroying..."

"Please let us go," she said.

"I'm going to let you go, my love," he said stroking her hair. "Very soon. Once I have Sherlock and Molly…" He looked down at her and licked his lips. "It is a shame that you look so much like my Molly, you…tempt me…you make it very hard to keep my promise to Mack to not hurt you. I would very much like to fuck you…to call you Molly…make you scream my name…just until I have her of course, then I'd let you go. I might be a psychopath, but I don't lie."

"Are you going to rape me?" she asked as a fresh wave of tears spilled over her cheeks.

"I'm going to try very hard not too…" he said. "Unless…you offer yourself to me." He traced her jaw line with his finger. "If I didn't have to use force…I'd be gentle…if you would be Molly for me, until I have the real thing."

Charlotte squeezed her eyes shut and tried not to sob. Jim stroked her hair from her face. "Don't cry my lovely, I wasn't lying when I said I was tired. I only mean to sleep in here tonight. You can sleep fear free and think about what I have said. I will try to resist you, but if I can't and you fight me…I will hurt you."

Molly watched Sherlock as he lay on the sofa, deeply embedded in his thoughts. She could only imagine how quickly his mind was moving, recalling data, searching clues, moving through his mind palace, remembering faces, names, anything and everything he could to find and stop Moriarty. As much as she wanted Sherlock to work and find Jim, she found that she needed him more.

"Sherlock…" Molly called to him from the bedroom doorway.

Sherlock responded instantly to her voice and sat up, turning to look at her. "What is it?" He asked standing and coming to her. "Are you alright? Did you have another nightmare?'

"No…" she said softly. "I just…I need you with me, please. I know you don't do sentiment…that you aren't comfortable with closeness, but…"

"I'll do and be anything you need, Molly," he said, taking her hand in his. "Just ask."

"Will you hold me?" She asked. "Just until I fall asleep?"

"Of course," he said. "Nothing would give me more pleasure than having you in my arms."

She laughed, but it was a sad laugh as she looked down. "You don't have to say those things to me, Sherlock," she whispered. "You've already done so much to help me and I will be forever grateful."

"Molly, your gratitude is the last thing that I want from you and I do want so much from you," he said. "And I never say anything other than what I mean, you should know that by now. I'll hold you while you sleep because I want too, Molly, for no other reason than that."

Sherlock took her hand and led her into the darkened bedroom. He waited for her to lie down and then he climbed in beside her. He pulled the covers over the both of them and wrapped his arms around her. "Sleep, beautiful Molly," he said. "No harm will ever come to you, not while I'm alive."

There you go! Thanks for reading! I do appreciate it!