Okay, I know I'm pushing my limit here, but I couldn't help myself. This was one of my favorite stories, and it would be a shame to not continue it. Please enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom or X-men Evolution, even though I wish I do. I also got permission from the original author of the story. Also, AU, where Danny will gain his powers at twelve and meets Professor X before Cyclops does.

Prologue: The Ghost Kid

A young boy with black hair and blue eyes, about twelve years old, was sitting on the corner of his room, sobbing. Once again, his parents tried to experiment on him. If it wasn't for her sister, he would have been in the lab, getting experimented. She was currently talking to them, though it sounded more like shouting and screaming.

This boy's name was Danny Fenton.

It wasn't always like this. Once, they were a happy family, even when they weren't normal. His parents were ghost hunters. This cause people to call them crazy, telling them that ghosts don't exist. Even though the people shunned them, Danny always loved them because they cared for him and his sister.

He also had two friends; Sam Manson and Tucker Foley. The three would always play together and hang out during school. Danny was just a normal boy.

But it all changed when Danny turned twelve.

On his birthday, everything changed. When he woke up, he found himself floating in his room. Panicked, he screamed, which alarmed his parents and sister. When they entered his room, the saw Danny, but he looked different. His hair was snowy white, his eyes were neon green and he had an unnatural glow around him.

The moment they saw him, they tried to attack him. If it wasn't for Jazz, they would had killed him. Since then, his world turned upside down; people would avoid and sneer at him, trash would be thrown at him, bullies would attack him, his parents would try to ambush him, and worst of all, his friends avoided him.

What's worse is that weird things kept happening to him; he would phase through solid objects, turn invisible, there would be a flash of light and his appearance would change, and he floats.

As he wiped the tears away, he heard a loud crash, followed by loud, hurried footsteps. His door abruptly opened, revealing Jazz, his orange haired sister.

"Jazz?" he said, hiccuping a bit.

Jazz surprised Danny by hugging him, crying a bit.

"W-what's wrong?" he asked worriedly as the hug ended.

"There isn't much time," Jazz said as she grabbed Danny's arm and led him downstairs. When they got there, Danny jumped when he heard a loud banging noise. He turned and saw the door to their basement breaking down, angry shouting behind the door.

"Open this door!" a booming voice demanded.

"Here," Jazz said as she handed Danny some money and a bus token. "You have to go."

"B-b-but…" Danny stammered.

"Hurry!" Jazz exclaimed as she pushed the stuff in his hands and pushed him through the door. "I'll stall them as long as I can. Just get out of here!"

Danny cried as he ran away from the room and Jazz closed the door. As he ran, the people from the neighborhood noticed him, and the money on his hands.

"Look! It's that freak!"

"He stole something!"

"Get him!"

Danny looked back and saw a mob behind him, carrying bats, sticks and bricks. He ran and ran, ignoring the pain in his legs and the rocks they threw at him. Suddenly, he tripped and fell to the ground. When he looked up, the mob was around him.

And they didn't look friendly.

Two men roughly grabbed him by the arms and lifted him up.

"What you gonna do now, freak?" one of them asked, gripping on his hair.

Danny screamed and kicked the person away and suddenly slipped from the two men's grip, causing him to fall to the ground on his butt.

"You'll pay for that, freak!" the guy exclaimed, grabbing a bat and walking towards Danny, lifting it up.

Danny closes his eyes and covered his head, waiting for the pain to come.

He waited.

And waited.

He slowly opened his eyes and his eyes widened in surprise. The guy with the bat was in front of him, his face was snarling and the bat was an inch away from his head. He looked around and saw everyone not moving an inch from their spot.

"What is this?" Danny asked, feeling scared.

"There's no need to be scared, Daniel," a voice said, surprising the young child.

Danny turned and saw a bald man wearing a suit on a wheelchair smiling gently at him. He wheeled himself towards Danny, who was still shock.

"W-who are you?" Danny asked, slightly afraid.

"I am Professor Xavier," the bald man said with a smile. "I am just like you."

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you think they are frozen?" Xavier asked, gesturing at the angry mob.

"You did this?" Danny said, astounded. "How?"

"I am a telepath," Xavier explained with a smile. "I can communicate with my mind."

"Can I do that?" Danny asked.

"Perhaps," Xavier said. "Your powers might be different from mine."

"What…what are we?"

"We are Mutants."

Danny looked at Xavier with a confused expression. Mutants? Like the green, slimy monsters he read about it the comics?

"No, not that kind of mutant," Xavier said, surprising Danny. "Mutants are people who have been gifted with extraordinary gifts. And it appears you are one of them."

"W-w-what do I do?" Danny asked, looking afraid. When he looked up, he saw Xavier offering a hand.

"Come with me," he said, surprising Danny. "I can help you control your powers."

Danny looked hesitant at first before he nodded and grabbed the professor's hand. Xavier helped Danny up his feet and the two walked away from the mob.

"Where are we going?" Danny asked as he pocketed the stuff his sister gave him.

"To a safe place," Xavier replied with a smile.

Danny followed the bald man away from the crowd that tried to kill him. He looked at the town that wanted him gone and he felt his chest become heavy.

"It will be alright, Daniel," Xavier said in a calm voice. "You will be safe in your new home."

"…Call me Danny…"

Okay, that's short, but all prologues are short. Now I know this isn't like fighterofflames' story, but I wanted to be creative. In this story, the ghosts will be Mutants, but they won't make appearance soon. I will also rewrite some of fighterofflames' old chapters and make some original ones.

Well, it's late. See you later!