Some say 13 is unlucky...

Anyway, this chapter took a while to write, as I was busy on days out with my family in my free time, rather than writing on here, which I'm sure all of you will understand.

I also have exam results day next week, for my GCSEs which I took earlier this summer, which I am really, really nervous about. My main worries are not getting a B in English literature, surprisingly enough, and not getting a C it ICT.

:O #firstworldproblems ; worrying about exam results.

here enjoy this chapter, I've been chatting for too long.

This bit was written the week before

Chapter 13; a trap in motion

Descole's POV

I noticed straight away, that Raymond had carried out his part of my plan in an excellent fashion, as he would always do for me over the years. Targent were here. And just where I wanted them was the time for me to play my part of this trap act...

As the Targent scum entered the cave, Raymond swiftly moved out of the way from the entrance of the cave. And I moved back swiftly from the brow of the ledge above the cave entrance. I grabbed the bomb detonation box. Immediately pushing the detonation pipe downwards into the rest of the box.

The explosions was immediate. snow rock, and old ice came tumbling down like snow and hail in a blizzard. Dozens of Targent men were now trapped inside the cave, which was exactly what I had been planning the whole time. The leaderless swine were boxed in like sheep without a dog to advise them on directions, their guiding dog was dead; Bronev.

Now, all that was left to do was to detonate the other bomb, a much larger bomb which would complete the plan. One that would kill. By dropping not just the roof of the cave on their heads, but hundreds and hundreds of tons of snow on their heads.

I set off this bomb instantaneously. The ground beneath my own feet gave way. Suddenly, I was jumping to a much more secure piece of rock away from the explosion area.

When I had trapped the Targent men in the cave, I could still hear wailing and shouting, even gunshots to the wall of rock in their way, I could even hear them still just fractions of a second after the second explosion. It was deadly silent now. The sound of the dead.

We did not have time to lose at the time. Although, I paused for a few seconds to wait for Raymond to emerge from the valleys. And there he was.

"Quickly Master!" Raymond called from the Bostonius, which was quickly soaring up towards the top of the mountain where I was. Raymond was doing exactly as I had instructed him to; skiing back down the mountain to the airstrip in record time, to help me escape before anyone in the town was wiser to our actions.

I casually leant out, and grabbed hold of he rope ladder dangling down from the Bostonius like an icicle in the once cave below. I clambered up it, quickly, and before I knew it, I was at the top of it, and entering the Bostonius through a door.

"Thank you Raymond." I said, in between gasping more welcome warm air in to my lungs, before collapsing into one of the thickly cushioned armchairs in the centre of the ship. It wasn't my usual one, but it was enough to be getting on with; I didn't care for that fact.

"You are very much welcome, as always Master." Raymond replied, without even looking at me or physically acknowledging me; he was far too busy keeping the Bostonius flying in a safe and straight line. It was pretty windy today after all, it usually was at least breezy in Froenburg.

"Where would I be without you? Your help is second to none. You executed that brilliantly. I am forever in debt to you." I said, trying to get through my feelings of awe for his courage although he was far too concentrated on steering the ship in the correct directions at the time. Which was probably for the best really.

The Bostonius soared across the sky away from the scene, at a luckily, extremely fast rate both in altitude gained and movement across the skies. I could no longer see the scene that I was looking forward to seeing for so many years; Targent gone, dead, destroyed, ... no more.

I was glad...

And that is the end of another pretty brief chapter, a brief chapter which took far too long to write, and was probably shorter than the actually authors comments.

Anyway, since I started this chapter, I received the results for my exams, I did about as well as I predicted I would, 2A*s, 4As, 6Bs, 2Cs (one in English Literature believe it or not), and 1 1/2 Ds.

Feel free to review! This chapter was a little rushed as I couldn't be bothered to fully interpret everything when I proof read it.