A new fan fiction. I hope you like. Title is from the song by Kansas which fit appropriately.

This fic is dedicated to all my Tumblr followers.

Miracles Out of Nowhere

Chapter 1

Amelia blinked rapidly as she awoke; her neck and back stiff as a bright light shone in her eyes. She shied away, groaning, and tried to move more, only to find she was strapped down. On a table, tilted upright; it was cold, damp and felt quite organic, many tubes and cables hung around her. Amy looks around, at the ship, dazed as many snapshots of her surroundings came to her as she fought off what had to be a drug.

"Where am I? Where is this?" She asked, looking around the dark surroundings, trying to make out various shapes of what looked like a console. There were figures next to it, tall men.

Amy made a fist with her hands and tried to tug on the restraints on her arm, the lump in her throat as evidence she was scared. One of the aliens turned towards her and Amy gasps, pressing back into the seat. It was dressed in a suit and tie, with a large white, bulbous head, sunken eyes, no nose nor an evident mouth, just lines to where a mouth would have been. Amy looked away, frightened and settled on another sight, on the other side of the makeshift console.

"Who's she?" Amy asked, nodding towards a girl, who looked unconscious and was strapped to a similar apparatus to her. She looked young, a teenager. A heart shaped face, pale skin and brown hair in an untidy side plait. But her eyes were closed and some of her skin held red blotches. Why take her? Amy had never seen her. It was obvious she had been taken to lure the Doctor, something very, very stupid to do. Amy returned her gaze to the Silent, unblinking.

"You are Amelia Pond." It spoke in a raspy voice. Amy glared at the alien. That hadn't answered any of her questions.

"You're ugly, has anyone mentioned that to you?" She retorted, weak due to lack of energy as she strengthened her resolve.

"We do you honour. You will bring the Silence. But your part will soon be over." That was cryptic, Amy thought but let out a slight note of disgust as the alien walked closer, bending over like a predator assessing its prey. Amy leant back and away, becoming more and more determined.

"Whatever that means, you've made a big mistake bringing me here, because wait till you see what's coming for you now." She shot back.

"You have been here many days."

"No. I just got here. You just put me in here." Amy frowned, it was impossible. Did this wacko have a different sense of time? Like a fruit fly? It looked a bit like a fly. That or the Scream.

"Your memory is weak. You have been here many days." The Silent echoed. Amy shook her head. It was impossible, she can't have been and she told him that. The Silent edged towards her, leaning over as Amy fought more against the restraints. "You will sleep now. Sleep." The crackling hiss, like a bug echoes as it takes and Amy is suddenly full of dread, her head becoming lighter headed. She yells out in fear.

"No! No! Get off me!" She yells closing her eyes and pulling in determination.

"Sleep." The noise intensifies. Doctor, where are you? Amy thought as her stomach churned, her whole body screamed to get out, get away. "No! No!" Then she hears a sound that makes her heart leap as the echoing groan of the TARDIS materializing and the blue box stands metres away. She lets out a breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding as the Silence all turn towards the box as the door opens and out steps the Doctor, River and Rory. The Doctor looks confident, holding a television set, River has her gun out and Rory looks fervently around, his gaze catching Amy's.

"Oh! Interesting. Very Aickman Road, seen one of these before. Abandoned, wonder how that happened. Oh, well! I suppose I'm about to find out. Rory, River, keep one Silent in eyesight at all times. Oh, hello, sorry. You're in the middle of something. Just had to say though, have you seen what's on the telly? Hello, Amy, you all right? Want to watch some television?"

He starts rambling, pleasantly though Amy can see the plan behind his eyes. He sets down the TV on the console. The Silence move towards him but he rounds on them. "Ah, now, stay where you are. Because look at me, I'm confident. You want to watch that, me, when I'm confident. Oh, and this is my friend, River."

He points back to her. "Nice hair, clever, has own gun, and unlike me, she really doesn't mind shooting people." He said with a crook of his head before shooting River a look. "I shouldn't like that. Kind of do." River shoots him a flirty smile, her gun trained on one of the Silents.

"Thank you, sweetie."

"I know you're team players and everything, but she'll definitely kill at least the first three of you." He continues, River moving to stand so that they are back to back.

"The first seven, easily." She counters with an ease.
"Seven, really?" They continue to flirt, River leaning into the Doctor as he smiles before Amy gets fed up.

"Is this really important, flirting? I feel like I should be higher on the list right now." Amy interrupts, perturbed as she views the spectacle, then her head nods towards the unconscious girl. "Doctor, there's a girl over there, she's unconscious." The Doctors eyes flicker over to the girl before he claps his hands together before pointing at River, once again speaking to the room at large.

"Yes, right, sorry. As I was saying, my naughty friend here is going kill the first three of you to attack, plus him behind. So maybe you want to draw lots, or have a quiz." Meanwhile, Rory is tugging at Amy's bonds, trying to free her; she leans over and whispers to him.

"What's he got?" She asks. Rory glances up at her.

"Something, I hope."

"Or maybe you could just listen a minute, because all I really want to do is accept your total surrender, and then I'll let you go in peace. You've been interfering in human history for thousands of years. People have suffered and died. But what's the point in two hearts, if you can't be a bit forgiving now and then." The Doctor continues, walking around the console before settling in front of the leader, staring him down. They don't respond.

"Ooh! The Silence. You guys take that seriously, don't you?" He goads, staring the leader down. Then he turns. "OK, you got me, I'm lying. I'm not really going to let you go that easily. Nice thought, but it's not Christmas. First!" He cried, turning on the television set. You tell me about the girl in the spacesuit. Who is she? Why is she important? What's she for?" He demands, the television behind him speaking and showing the moon landing.

The Silence leader rattles but the Doctor just narrows his eyes. "Guys, sorry. But you're way out of time. Now, come on, a bit of history for you. Aren't you proud, because you helped?" He claps and pulls out the antennae. "Do you know how many people are watching this live on the telly? Half a billion, and that's nothing, because the human race will spread out among the stars, you just watch them fly. Billions and billions of them, for billions and billions of years. And every single one of them, at some point in their lives, will look back at this man, taking that very first step, and they will never, ever forget it."

He taps the television with each word of that very last bit of that very last sentence, his tone becoming more and more threatening. Rory and Amy watch on as the moon landing unfolds. But then the Doctor continues, taking out a phone.
"Oh. But they'll forget this bit." He dials and speaks into the phone. "Ready?" The conversation lasted 30 seconds before the beep of a machine whirring to life could be heard.

It's one small step for man...

The broadcast is interrupted with the video of a Silent, giving an order straight to the human race on a loop and repeating.

"You've given the order for your own execution, and the whole planet just heard you." The Doctor says triumphantly.

One giant leap for mankind.

"And one whacking great kick up the backside for the Silence!" He roars, taunting the alien race. "You just raised an army against yourself. And now, for a thousand generations, you're going to be ordering them to destroy you every day. How fast can you run? Because today's the day the human race throws you off their won't even know they're doing it. I think, quite possibly the word you're looking for right now is, "Oops!"Run!" He looks around, panicking as the Silence grow angrier and gesture to the rest of them. "Guys, I mean us! Run!"

The Silence let out horse roars as their mouths open like wormholes and they splay large fingers out, aiming and drawing on electric energy. River takes this as a cue and begins to fire, the Doctor whizzing around, his sonic letting out a continuous buzz as the console behind them sparks.

"I can't get her out!" Rory yelled, furiously tugging on Amy's straps.

"Go, just go! Get the girl and run!" Amy shouts at him. He grits his teeth.

"We are not leaving without you!"

"Will you just get your stupid face out of here?!" She cries. Rory stops and looks up from the straps, staring at Amy. River notices and yells at them all.

"Right, into the TARDIS, quickly!" The Doctor runs over to Amy, buzzing the straps on her wrists which come undone and Rory helps Amy into the TARDIS as the Doctor charges to the other side, narrowly missing a well-aimed beam of energy from a nearby silent. Ducking and placing his arms over his head, he reaches the girl and buzzes her free as well, grabbing her by the waist and hoisting her out and off of the table.

Supporting her, he helps cover River and the rest, the green light on his sonic flashing. "Don't let them build to full power!" He yells at River. She continues blasting a nearby Silent.

"I know. There's a reason why I'm shooting, honey! What are you doing?" She roars back at him, partially exasperated.


"You've got a screwdriver. Go build a cabinet!" She says; now back to back with the Doctor. He lets out a frustrated yell waving his sonic and holding the girl simultaneously.

"That's really rude!"

"Shut up and drive!" The Doctor ducks again, using his other arm to rewrap around the girl's waist as he pulls her into the TARDIS. Rory is immediately by his side and places one of the girl's arms around his neck, the Doctor doing the same as they heave her up the small set of steps and place her onto the chair, still unawake. Rory goes out to help and moments later, Rory and River come in.

River hops up to the console, pushing the Doctor out of the way. He huffs, annoyed as she begins to press controls.

"You can let me fly it!"

River, Amy and the Doctor enter the TARDIS, smiling after saying goodbye to President Nixon and Canton. Rory is over by the girl who stirs slightly as his nurse head kicks in. He dabs a rag across her face.
"So, who's she?" He asks the Doctor as the Doctor hops up the stairs, walking around the console to the chair she's laid on.

"No idea." He stated, with raised eyebrows.

There we have it! Chapter 1. Sorry it's a slow start but more is on the way and I have most of C2 done already.

Please feel free to review; it is a click away and means a lot! Or message me on my tumblr: bethedrunkgiraffe.

H x