Yeah... This isn't exactly my first Hetalia fanfic, but it's the only finished one (Because I decided to be lazy about it), and the only one I've bothered to put up here. It's just some fluffy schtuff I wrote for my friend Cassidy. Spamanoooooooooo~ XD

"España?" A distinctive curl from a head of auburn bobbed up and down lazily, "Where… Where'd ya' go… Ya' bastard…?"

The dark-haired Spaniard looked down at the Italian, amusedly.

"I'm right here, tomate~"

Romano was so adorable when he was drunk. He wasn't as… Actively aggressive. But that wasn't exactly what Spain liked the best about such times. What he liked the most was…

"Oi… BastardoBé... Bésame…"


"Gladly, my little henchman," Spain leaned across the back of the couch where Romano sat to fulfill his request with a kiss on the forehead.

The Italian hummed softly before brushing his hand over the seat next to him, "Siddown… You gotta stay here so you'll be safe…"

Once again, the older nation obliged, plucking the Italian's wine glass out of his hand as he sat. He'd learned from past experiences that leaving breakable things in Romano's hand when he was drunk normally didn't end well.

"Safe from what?" he asked, humouring the young man, whatever he was thinking.

"From the tomato box fairy," Romano answered very matter-of-factly, throwing in an not-quite-sober glare at the space to the left of where Spain was, "Fratello told me about it some time ago… I think it was when he first met the potato bastard… That's why I gotta keep you safe. The fairy's gonna take you to a potato bastard."

The Spaniard had to put a hand over his mouth to keep himself from bursting into laughter.

"Don't worry," he said after he'd choked down the last of his grins, "I'll stay right. Here." He poked the Italian in his chest, where his heart was supposed to be. Romano clumsily swatted at the man's hand, missing quite pathetically.

Seizing the opportunity, Spain clasped Romano's with his own, and brought it to his lips.

"Boss is going to protect Roma from any potato bastards, ?" he proclaimed, lightly grazing the smooth skin with a fluttery kiss.

"...…" he answered after staring, confuzzled, at Spain for a few moments. The latter looked up, questioningly, his emerald eyes boring into Romano's own hazel ones.

Ti amo.

Te quiero.

Yaaaaaaaaaay~ XD And yes, I say 'confuzzled'. I don't use that... Other word... For reasons. Y'know. So. Yeah.


Ciao, my mofos! XD