This tale begins in June 1990 - six months after Ghostbusters II takes place.
Peter, Egon and Ray are still busy Ghostbusting full time, having finally earned the respect of New York and its people.
Winston has become a part time Ghostbuster due to family commitments.
Janine is still the Ghostbuster's secretary and is continuing to date Louis, who is infatuated with her.
Peter and Dana's on-again-off-again relationship has ended - again.

The Firehouse door slammed shut.
Upstairs in the lounge, Peter was lazily drinking a cup of coffee while watching Egon and Ray, who were sitting at the dining table, repair some damaged equipment.
A cloud of smoke from Ray's cigarette encased the two.
None of the men reacted to the sound of the slamming door.
After all, it was probably just another administrator from the city wanting to talk to Louis about legal formalities again.
Downstairs they could hear Janine welcome the visitor with an unusually cheerful tone.
The visitor greeted Janine back – in a female voice!
Peter perked up, focusing his attention on who was down below.
Ray began asking Egon a question, but was quickly interrupted by Peter.
"Shhhh!" Peter said as he signalled with his hands for Ray to stop talking. "There's a chick down there. I haven't been laid in a month, this could be my chance."
Ray and Egon rolled their eyes at each other and carried on with their work.
Peter, unsatisfied with not being able to see and hear the potential babe below, stood up and edged quietly to the door.
He pulled the door ajar, stopping and wincing as it squeaked loudly.
Peter craned his neck trying to catch a glimpse of the visitor, to no avail.
He paused for a moment, ran his fingers through his hair, cleared his throat and made his way downstairs to introduce himself.

Peter was half way down the stairs when he begin to see the visitor from the feet up.
He observed her delicate feet encased in simple white sandals, red nail polish on her toes.
His vision followed up her feet, to her bare legs that showed her soft, milky white skin.
She was wearing a pale blue, knee length sundress covered in small white polka dots.
He inched his way down the stairs slowly, not wanting to disrupt the visitor's conversation with Janine.
The visitor's back was to him allowing him the perfect opportunity to sneak down the stairs undetected.
He took another step.
She was holding a book in her arms.
Another step.
She had long wavy blonde hair arranged in a thick braid cascading down her back.
Definitely cute, Peter decided.
He jumped the last two steps onto the concrete floor below causing a loud bang that startled Janine and the visitor.
"Jeez Peter, don't do that to me!" exclaimed Janine as she put her hand to her chest, visibly startled.
"Who do we have here?" asked Peter, extending his hand to the visitor, who had now turned around to face him.
He studied her face: big blue eyes framed by long black eyelashes, full pink lips and the slightest hint of freckles across her delicate nose.
Way out of my league, he thought.
He shot her a smile and the visitor smiled back at him.
It was a warm, sincere smile.
Peter already knew she couldn't be from around here.
"Hi. I'm Audrey."
She extended her hand to Peter's, expecting him to shake it.
Instead he pulled her hand to his mouth, planting a kiss on top.
"Hi Audrey, it's very nice to meet you." said Peter, laying on all the charm he could muster.
"Ugh, don't mind him" said Janine with a roll of her eyes "He's like that with everyone he meets."
"Oh?" replied Audrey "Well, I guess you have to do whatever's good for business, right?"
She grinned at him while Janine giggled from behind her desk. "I don't think I caught your name."
"It's Venkman. Peter Venkman. I'm a scientist." he replied, caught a little off guard by her remark.
He cleared his throat.
"That's an interesting accent you have, European?"
"Uh, Australian actually."
"Oh they had to send you to come and get the Ghostbusters for a little problem down in Australia, huh? What have they got, a ghost in the Opera House?"
Audrey giggled. "No, I live here in New York actually. I've been here a few months. Janine and I are in the same book club and I was just dropping off next month's book to her," said Audrey looking over at Janine, who was leaning on her hand watching the conversation with interest.
"Aww, book club. You know I like to read. I'm a big fan of the classics. Dickens, Hemingway, Sendak..." rattled off Peter, clearly bluffing. "I'm also a brilliant tour guide so if you'd like to be seen in the coolest restaurants in Manhattan on the arm of the most sought after Ghostbuster in the city, I'm your guy."
He cocked his head at her.
How could she refuse that invite? he thought.
Janine let out a snort.
Peter shot her a stern glance.
"Well that sure is tempting, Peter. Thank you" replied Audrey, smiled at him again and brushed a wavy tendril of hair behind her ear.
There was a moment of silence.

"Well, I really should be going." said Audrey as she turned around to face Janine.
"I'm still finding my way around, so it takes me forever to find my way home. I don't even know how I managed to find this building without having to take an hour long detour!"
"Aww, you'll get used to it!" replied Janine. "It really is a lovely city, just make sure you buy a knife or some capsicum spray and you'll be fine!" she said with a smile. Audrey smiled back nervously, unsure whether Janine was being joking or not.
"Well Peter, it was nice to meet you," said Audrey, looking over at Peter who was now sitting casually on the corner of Janine's desk playing with a Rubik's cube.
"Likewise" replied Peter, "Don't forget about my offer to show you around. You know where to find me."
He winked and smiled at Audrey.
"See you later."
"Bye" said Audrey as she turned around, taking a couple of steps towards the firehouse door before exclaiming "Oh!" and turning back around to place the book she had been holding in her arms on Janine's desk "I nearly forgot!"
Audrey turned around again, her dress swaying with her every step, and left the building, the door slamming shut behind her.

Peter turned to Janine.
"I never knew you had any hot friends, Janine. Where you been hiding this fox?"
Janine, who had begun filing her nails, looked up at Peter from her chair.
"I've only known her a month or so since she started coming to book club. She's looking for friends I guess. She's a real nice girl. Real smart too. We should invite her along to the dinner thing we're all going to next Friday. You know the one? We have a spare seat to fill."
"The ass kissing New Yorkers banquet at the Belvedere? Yes! Great idea Janine, great idea!" replied Peter enthusiastically, as he jumped up and bounded back up the stairs two at a time.

Peter burst through the door back into the lounge.
Ray and Egon were still in the same position, still tinkering with the equipment.
Ray, now wearing a large pair of magnifying goggles looked up, his eyes resembling a bug-eyed cartoon character.
"You were gone a while, Peter. Who was it?" he asked.
"Only the hottest chick I've seen all week, Ray. Possibly even all month."
"All month? She must be an absolute goddess for you to say that, Peter" shot Egon, giving Ray a smirk.
"Oh she is Egon, she is. A foreign babe too. Just wait till you see her. She's coming to the banquet with us next week."
Ray and Egon shot each other knowing glances before going back to work.