A/N This idea just came to me so I decided to write it down. It will be either a two shot or three shot depending what ideas I have.

There will be mild sexual innuendo but nothing graphic at all. Mostly just a little fluffiness.

Disclaimer: I do not own or ever will own frozen. All characters sadly belong to Disney. This is written purely for entertainment.

Remember feedback is appreciated.

Chapter One

Being Arendelle's official ice masterer and deliverer did have its perks. One being he actually got paid, the other, which in his opinion was the most important, was he got to see Anna at the end of every day. Yes it had been six months since the curse of the eternal winter had been lifted from the kingdom, and some kind of normality had returned. It had also been six months since Anna, the Princess of Arendelle had presented him with his shiny new sled complete with cup holder, and of course his new role.

At first he had been dismissive when Anna had informed him of his new title, shrugging it off as something the Queen must have just made up off the top of her head. She's the Snow Queen! he had muttered to himself. She can make all the ice she needs, so why choose me? He really shouldn't have questioned it, after all without this job he'd probably never get the chance to see Anna.

He had been so deep in thought he had hardly heard her call his name."Kristoff!"

Kristoff looked up to see Anna racing towards him. He loved everything about her. Her slender figure, her strawberry-blonde hair complete with her signature style of two simple braids. Those big blue eyes, that fair skin, even those cute light little freckles that complemented her rosy cheeks. Then there was her personality. Free-spirited, warm, kind, and fearless. Okay that didn't come without her slight quirkiness, clumsiness and her ability to talk forever, but that was just part of who she was and he wouldn't have her any other way.

"So how's your day been?" Anna asked as she threw herself into his arms and planted a huge kiss on his lips.

Kristoff's cheeks turned bright red. Okay so this wasn't the first time they had kissed, but usually they went somewhere a little more discreet. There were still those who hadn't quite accepted Anna's relationship with this lowly commoner, namely her older sister Elsa, the Queen.

Anna could see his slight reluctance. "It's okay I don't think Elsa is spying on us. She'll be too wrapped up in her queenly duties to notice what we're doing."

"Yeah but she could still have people watching," he informed her as his eyes flitted around the crowds.

Anna let out a girlish giggle. "Now you're just being paranoid. Besides, she's very fond of you."

Kristoff wasn't convinced. "What makes you say that?"

"Well she told me." Anna replied smiling.

Now he was just plain nervous. Queen Elsa fond of me? I don't think so. "Yeah that's right, she's just biding her time until she turns me into a popsicle."

Anna slapped his shoulder playfully. "Kristoff! That's not a very nice thing to say. She's just nervous around people, especially a man. And not just any man; the man who also happens to be courting her little sister. She's just being protective, and she has every right to be, especially after what happened with Hans."

Hans! That evil, manipulative, conniving, cold-hearted, traitor. He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. The thought of that snake just got him so wound up. But he supposed he could relax a little. Hans was gone now, hopefully residing in one of the Southern Isles' darkest, deepest dungeons and sharing a cell with the rats and maggots. At least that was what he most desired.

"Is that why she wouldn't bless the marriage?" Yes marriage. Two weeks previously Kristoff had asked Anna to marry him and she had said yes. He was happy, she was happy, only not everyone had shared the joy of such a proposal. When they had gone to Elsa with the news she had trampled over Anna's heart again with her flat out refusal.

Anna had seen the disappointment then and she could see the disappointment now. "She'll come around Kristoff. I know she will. The situation with Hans has made her a little fretted that's all."

She has trust issues, which is kind of understandable in my book. He wasn't entirely happy, but for now he would trust Anna's judgement. "Yeah I know," he sighed. "But just so you know, I am not Hans. I would never hurt or betray you like that."

"I know you wouldn't," she assured him stroking his face delicately. "Hey I have an idea."

"What?" He never was very fond of her ideas. It either involved them getting chased and almost eaten by wolves or being chased off a two hundred foot cliff by a huge snowman.

"How about you come to my bed chambers tonight."

Well I was not expecting that! "What? Really? Hang on. What about Elsa?"

Anna scoffed. "She doesn't need to know..you could.. well sneak in."

He arched an eyebrow. "You're not serious? What with the Queen of mean stalking the castle."

"Kristoff! Stop talking about her like that. She is not mean at all. She is just my big sister trying to look out for my wellbeing."

"By stopping you being happy with me," he reminded her. "Let's face it she hates me."

"Look just because she hasn't blessed the marriage yet does not mean she hates you. She just needs time."

"Time?" He mocked. "It's been six months. How much more time does she need? I'll be old and gray before she comes to a decision."

"Look do you want to come see me or not?" She folded her arms across her chest and pouted.

"So what exactly will we do in your bed chambers?" He asked inquisitively. Not that he had anything like 'that' on his mind. Of course not, he was after all a gentleman.

Anna fell silent as if thinking. "Well we could eat lots of chocolate, maybe lay under the stars, and...I could show you something amazing."

Well if she was offering he certainly liked the sound of that. "So what time should I be there?"

"Well the servants retire to their quarters at just past ten, and well Elsa she's in bed well before eleven..so say eleven thirty."

Kristoff nodded as she gave him a farewell kiss. "Erm there is just one question. How am I supposed to get in?"

Anna slapped her forehead at her stupidity in leaving that part out. "Oh yeah right. Well once the servants have left for bed I'll leave the parlor window ajar. Then all you need to do is make your way to the third floor, and my room is the one on the left.

He repeated her instructions to clarify he had heard correctly. "Parlor window, room on left, got it."

"Don't be late," she teased with a seductive smile before heading back to the castle.

Kristoff strolled back to his sled whistling. Sven eyed him suspiciously. "Come on Sven I've got to get back and spruce myself up. I've got a date with a Princess."

Anna was laying in bed fantasizing about Kristoff and what they could get up to later that night when she heard a gentle knock on the door, and then a familiar voice.

"Anna, it's me Elsa."

Anna quickly sat up composing herself and trying to wipe the smirkish look off her face. "Come in."

Elsa entered the room and Anna had to contain all her envy at seeing her sister dressed in such splendid attire. Even in her night wear she still managed to look stunning. Elsa sat down on the edge of the bed looking rather exhausted and quite fragile. "I haven't seen you all day. Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine Elsa. Sorry I didn't come see you, I was just busy today."

"Doing what?"

Does she have to be no nosy. It's not like I ask her what she's been doing all day. If I asked her that I'd probably be given the cold shoulder, no pun intended. "Well actually I did a little horse riding, then did a little shopping in the market, then I saw... " she bit her tongue.

"You saw...? Come on Anna spit it out...you saw Kristoff didn't you?"

"How'd you know?"

"I'm your sister Anna, and the Queen. It's my job to know."

Anna eyed her sister suspiciously. "Kristoff was right. You have been spying on us...I can't believe..."

Elsa interrupted her. "Anna slow down. I haven't been spying on you, but a couple of the guards caught you and Kristoff well...we won't go into details shall we? Let's just say they brought it to my attention."

Anna was fuming. "Well maybe if you would bless the marriage and let him stay in the castle then I wouldn't have to sneak around behind your back!"

Elsa was trying desperately to remain calm and collected. "I've become very fond of Kristoff too you know, over these past few months. I know you care for him, but he's not..."

Anna immediately cut her off. "Go on you can say it. He's not a Prince or has any connections to royal blood. Well it doesn't matter. I love him, and I'm going to marry him."

Elsa stood up backing away before she let her emotions get the better of her. "We'll talk again in the morning."

Anna just sat there a single tear rolling down her cheek. Why can't Elsa just accept I'm in love with Kristoff! He doesn't need to have a royal title, or wear a crown. As long as he makes me happy then that is all that should matter.She layed her head down and was just dozing off when she heard the chiming of the clock. It must be eleven o'clock. She slowly opened the door and checked the hallway. Clear. She tip-toed past her sisters room on the opposite side very quietly in fear of disturbing her.

She made it to the stairs and crept down until she was safely at the bottom. She excitedly rushed towards the parlor and threw open the window, although just a little. A gentle breeze blew in and Anna could hardly contain her elation at how rebellious she was being. Once that had been taken care of she carefully sauntered back to her room, jumped into bed and awaited his arrival.

"You stay there Sven, okay?"

His faithful reindeer just growled in acknowledgment as Kristoff pushed the window to the parlor open further allowing him to fit through. The room was huge with a large fireplace, red velvet covered chairs and various other pieces of furniture scattered about. There were shelves everywhere filled with statues and ornaments. He put through one leg and was about to bring the other when he lost his balance sending him crashing into a nearby table. The large vase began to sway, threatening to fall. Kristoff threw himself to the floor ready to catch it, but luckily it remained steady. Phew that was close. If Elsa catches me like this I'll be spending the rest of my days as a decorative ice statue. He would have laughed it off if it wasn't so serious. Cautiously he made his way to the foot of the winding staircase.

One foot slowly after the other. The stairs underneath him creaked and he held his breath. Oh Anna how did I ever let you talk me into this? Because she said she would show you something amazing. Yeah but what did that even mean? After the long climb and with his heart pounding in his chest he reached the top. Now for the easy part. A little way down the hallway he came across two doors. They were identical in appearance and now he had to think. Did she say the left or right?...Hell he couldn't remember. Left or right? "That's it, the right door..."

Thoughts? feedback is love...