DISCLAIMER: This is a fanfiction, I don't own anything. Just unleashing my imagination.

PAIRINGS: OC/? (Has yet to be decided)

WARNINGS: There will or will not be romance, boys-love and girls-love. Some character bashing. Reincarnation fic.

SUMMARY: When I opened my eyes and looked into the Mirror... I saw a world of color so different from my own monochrome one... So I reached in, took my frayed thread and wove it into the beautiful world just past the Mirror's reflective surface... Little did I know that there were eyes glowing in the darkness of the Mirror's surface...and that Madness awaited me...

Thank you my dear friend and lovely beta Midnight Kaito for all her hard work on fixing much of my many mistakes!

Edit: 22/02/2014

PSI powers: supposedly parapsychological or psychic facilities or phenomena.


.a braided shimmering thread slowly twisted in the darkness….


Have you ever dreamt about hearing another person's thoughts, seeing your beautiful neighbor shower behind those annoying walls, reordering time as to cause the "accidental" death of a person through a roadside accident, or manipulating objects with just the power of will alone?

A power that enables a person to do unbelievable, sometimes dark and dangerous, things that an average person can only dream of doing. My name is Kobashigawa Shiori.

I am a PSI user. And more


slowly, ever so slowly it lost its glow then proceeded to twist some more….


14 years ago, I died an unexpected early death. I was still at the prime age of 45, running late for work as usual. The unusual occurrence on that faithful day however, was that I had a fever of 40 degrees Celsius. In my line of business, sluggish movements and a muddled mind can cause one's death.

I am an assassin. Or was…

The job I had that day was a one-of-a-life time opportunity for me to strike rich and retire to live a normal retiree life. Ironic isn't it? I couldn't resist the temptation of living in the world of normality, even with my high fever and limbs that felt (and weigh) like lead. Due to this one particular job, my life (or death) took a hundred and eighty degrees turn.


the twisting took a turn for the worst as the constant turning caused it to stretch and fray….


As soon as I stepped out of my living quarters, the only sound I heard was a string being forcefully stretched before everything returned back to normal. I brush it off as a sickness thing and continued my way towards the street.

Thanks to my extremely high fever, I didn't notice the light had turned bright red, the sound of tires breaking and horns honking; trying and failing to grab my attention.

If my work colleagues saw me at that moment, they would be laughing at my oh-so-tragic death. The headlines of the day would be; One of the world's greatest assassins getting killed by a truck because he was inattentive.

I made the underworld have a new holiday to celebrate for that particular date.

Apart from feeling my bones being crushed under the weight of the truck, my blood seeping out and limbs twisting in odd angles, I couldn't help but show a small broken smile. I'll be free soon.

With my ridiculous high tolerance of pain due to some previous torture I received when I was younger, I couldn't feel much of the impact until I was nearly numb of all sensations. And God it hurts.


the fraying got worst…more treads came loose and broke…until….


As my eyes begin to lose their focus, I caught sight of a beautiful man with sorrowful eyes looking at me. His lips were moving but the words were lost to me as the only sound I heard was a string snapping violently. Stupid sickness, at least let me hear what he was saying to me before I leave.

Death soon embraces me in his dark clutches as I close my heavy eyelids, leaving the world for good… that's what I thought anyway.


SNAP!…. two dimly glowing treads fell loose and into the darkness…

Prologue END!
