Sophrosyne: A healthy state of mind, characterised by self-control, moderation, and a deep awareness of one's true self, and resulting in true happiness.

"You were smiling again in your sleep," Pepper informs him when he wakes up at approximately 7:03 AM, his daughter crying unceremoniously loudly from the other room. She has just started to teeth, and spends much of her waking hours gumming on a ring that Pepper sticks in the fridge. "Good dream?"

"Fairly good," he tells her, rolling over and rubbing at the crick in his neck. "I had a dream that I was back a few years ago getting drunk and spending corporate money on hookers and blow."

Pepper rolls her eyes almost violently and punches Tony in the arm lightly, playfully. "And you've been very good about not getting drunk and not spending corporate money on escorts and drugs. One would even go so far to say as that you're leading a happier lifestyle than you might have been."

"Happier?" Tony slaps his alarm clock, which is beeping irritatingly, and thinks about his daughter, his wife, his company, his friends, "better, perhaps. Happier? Well, corporate money can buy a whole lot of hookers, and a whole lot of drugs."

Pepper rolls her eyes again, but there is a little smile in the corner of her mouth as she shoves a bottle into Tony's hand and tells him to go feed his daughter some breakfast.