First off thank you for reading.-By popular demand I picked of where the last FanFic, "A New Treasure," ended at the proposal.- For all of you who join me since, "A New Beginning." I thank you! Please Enjoy!

"Will you marry me?" Her eyes open at the tremble in his voice. She looks at him deeply with the depths of her green eyes his piercing back, taking a deep breath, their hearts beating frantically and breathing in unison, his hand joined with hers between them near their chests. She closes her eyes her other hand taping his chest tears running down her eyes. There is a deep silence for several minutes until he starts pulling away. She whimpers running her hands behind his neck the feeling of his hair running through her fingertips making her know this wasn't only a dream. She pulls him into her kissing him profoundly. She pulls away with a deep breath, tears running down her face putting her forehead against his, finally opening her eyes meeting his again.

"Of course I'll marry you." She whispers onto his lips, he smiles. "Don't let go of me." She wraps his hand that released her hand around her waist.

"You had me worried there for a second." He says softly.

A soft noise escapes her expressing everything, he smiles when she pulls away a fragment and shakes her head in disbelief, swallowing a knot in her throat. "Oh god," she wipes her tears finally feeling the strange weight on her finger she looks down at her hand. "Andy." Her voice almost breathless. "It's Sara's ring." She looks up at him and back at the ring, holding it to her chest. "How?" She meets his eyes again.

"You need to stop crying first." He smiles wiping her eyes. "You're breaking my heart." She doesn't stop they keep running, he knows it is from happiness but it still breaks him seeing them run down her face, when he can't stop smiling.

"Andy it feels like I've been waiting my entire life for this and it isn't till now that I realize it, the tears are going to run." Andy smiles not going to argue with her. "I can't believe it." She says out loud after saying it in her head over and over. He kisses her cheeks clearing her tears. "This whole trip, this thread." She smiles when he kisses her lips.

"Too much?" His voice soft stopping his kisses and meeting her eyes that are glazed but filled with joy.

She shakes her head leaning her head against his. "No, it was perfect." She kisses him, softly trying to savor the moment, a moment she desired more than she knew, her hand going behind his neck. He holds onto her t-shirt and leans over to the coffee table and picks up the glasses she had taken from the fridge and hands them to her, she gives him a questioning look she gasps in surprise as he bends and picks her up. "What are you doing?" She giggles her legs to one side of his arms.

"You told me not to let go." He sets her down on the counter in the kitchen, she sees now what the glasses are for.

"Champagne, cider and strawberries." She whispers as she watches him fascinated sniffling and wiping her eyes as he pours the glasses, he hands her the champagne she smiles as he taps his cider with her glass.

"For making me the happiest man in the world." She takes a sip taking a strawberry into her mouth, but she hasn't the faintest desire for anything but him at the moment.

"Andy," her voice breathless he looks at her and can't help but smile there is a glow radiant from her one he hadn't seen before, and she could feel it in her cheeks the soft burn creating from not being able to erase the smile from her face. "Is it Lou and Sara's ring?" He nods, he takes her hand again, moving the ring.

"It's a perfect fit too." The large emerald diamond, surrounded by smaller white diamonds on a silver band.

"It's breathtaking," she had pictured it but never to this extent. "Andy, how did you find it?" She keeps her eyes on her hand, his fingers intertwined with hers. "I thought it was lost?" She looks up.

"It was but Julio interviewed the witness to the accident one last time." He explains to her what had happened, with his jacket the way the witness returned it. He stands in between her legs his arms around her waist, she puts the glass aside and leans down into his lips her legs wrapping around his waist. "Rusty and I went ring shopping," he says between her kisses, "and it was terrible but I promise, I'll get you one." She frowns on his lips the smile fading. "What did I do?" He looks at her softly.

She looks down at her hand and pulls it to her chest again, Andy looks at the ring resting beautifully on her finger looking up at her eyes, mesmerizing the same color twinkling from them. "After what you just said and did setting all this up, I don't think you plan on marrying another woman." He smiles softly running his hands along her thighs. "I'd like to keep, this ring." He takes her hand and kisses it. "I fell in love with it before I even saw it." He pulls her from behind her back she kisses him softly, she hums her hands going behind his neck.

"I thought you may want a ring of your own." She shakes her head, grinning but not letting go of his lips, tugging on it between her teeth, she lays kisses along his face.

"Who better than Sara and Lou to think about, when we hold hands, to keep us balanced." He smiles.

"No one." He kisses her chest. "It's time you met Lou."

"I'd love to," her voice genuine. "But I have something else planned, right now." His eyes darken she leans into him their lips meeting. Her hands unbuttoning his shirt. Her cellphone rings in her pocket they both grin on each other's lips.

"Of course the phone rings." Sharon says sarcastically, kissing him again and pulling out her phone slightly breathless. "It's Lieutenant Provenza." She whispers almost as if a secret. Andy groans lifting her off the counter, she giggles her ankles crossed behind him, wrapping an arm around him to hold herself up he walks with her to the bedroom and lays her down at the edge of the bed. Her phone rings again Andy groans taking her phone. "Andy." She says giggling sitting up to look at him.

"Louie, not now." He almost hisses, Sharon can't help but smile.

"Flynn." Andy pauses at the stern and softness of Provenza's voice.

"What's going on?" Sharon stands up looking at him worried, the energy in the room changing immediately.

"Rusty got a message on his phone from the creep who writes these letters. I need the Captain." Andy looks at Sharon.

"What happened to Rusty? She lets out quickly seeing it in Andy's eyes, taking the phone. Andy walks to the other side of the bed getting the shirt she had removed earlier and moves backs to her. "He's okay though?" She takes her shirt from Andy putting the phone on speaker and handing it to him.

"Yes Captain, he has twice the security. He stayed with me last night on Chief Taylor's orders, Emma is being helpful so whatever you say Captain I think she's willing to work with us." She switches shirts, folding Andy's up putting it down. "Captain?" Andy looks at her he can see the wheels turning in her head.

"Louie we are on our way." Andy tells him.

"Is the Captain alright?" Provenza's voice worried, Sharon swallows deep in her throat.

"I'm fine," she takes her phone. "Lieutenant, I want Amy and Julio alternating on him as well when me or Andy aren't around, just until we get a.." Get what? She has no idea what they're after.

"No need for a reason Captain, I'll let them know." Provenza practically reads her thoughts.

"Thank you," she looks up and meets Andy's eyes, he smiles softly and swipes her hair. He knew what she was thinking that the moment had been ruined but he was thankful for the multitude of hours he had finally had her for himself. And she can see the softness in his eyes. "We will be there in a few minutes Lieutenant." She hangs up Andy kisses her forehead, she wraps her arms around his waist. "I love you." She says softly.

"Me too, Beautiful." He kisses her temple.

"We need to go." She kisses his chest lingering for just a moment almost as if apologizing for ending this dream, than moving out quickly Andy follows her turning off lights.

Sharon rushes through Parker Center, Andy behind her as they enter the elevator she taps the button vigorously over and over. Andy watches her as she looks at her phone again, he reaches for her hand but she's out the elevator, her hand slipping through his fingertips. He stays put in the elevator putting his head back the door closing, she hadn't let him talk to her on the drive and he didn't want this to cause her to pull away, but he sees her hand come in and stop the door. Sharon walks in again taking his hand.

"I'm sorry, it didn't register until I was turning the hallway." She intertwines her fingers with his, she hits the elevator button and it opens. "I need you." Her voice is strong, she doesn't appear broken making her words sound even more meaningful. She tugs on his arm he follows her not letting go of her, he expects her to let go as they enter the murder room but she doesn't. Her heels attract the team's eyes. "Where is he?" She asks the team as a whole.

"Sharon." She turns around facing her office. She lets out a heavy sigh, releasing Andy's hand and moving to Rusty. "I'm fine." She shakes her head and embraces him. "I'm fine." She pulls out and cups his face.

"Yes and I'm very happy to see that you are fine." She swipes his hair. "Where's your phone?" She examines him trying to make sure that in fact everything was fine. Everyone looks at one another, realizing now more than ever how important this really is. They had known Sharon's maternal feelings for Rusty but never like this, it made them want to find this person even more.

"Detective Sykes has it." She nods, turning around. "Sharon," he whispers, she looks at him again. "I want to go home." His voice broken, making her feel broken too.

"And you will, but I need to figure out who sent this message." She keeps her voice gentle like his.

"No, Sharon please." He looks at her almost ready to cry, he could feel his life slipping through his hands.

"Honey." She says too quickly but continues. "I need to see what's going on first, just hang on and trust me." He nods, she runs a hand through his hair. "Lieutenant Provenza, come with me please we need to see the Chief." He stands up quickly.

"Andy, will you come with me?" He nods. "No." Everyone watches her as she stops putting her hand to her lips. She walks closer to him. "Stay with Rusty he needs one of us." Her voice quiet so only he can hear, Andy runs his hand along her arm.

"Of course." She smiles, his hand running from her wrist to her hand. She turns still holding on to him even as he stands behind her. "Julio," he turns quickly. "I need Emma here."

"Ma'am she's on her way, we called her when Provenza talked to you."

"Detective Sykes, the phone?"

"Nothing yet Captain." Her voice as anxious as the rest.

"Rusty stay here you don't leave Andy side you understand?" He nods, he knew better now he wouldn't hurt Sharon, he would listen and do what was asked of him. She turns to Andy and smiles letting his hand go, moving out of the murder room followed by Provenza, they arrive at the elevator. "Lieutenant, thank you for watching out for him." Provenza just grumbles an 'it was nothing.' The next words that escape her almost break her, "can he stay with you?" She lets out flatly looking at the elevator doors.

Provenza looks shocked. "Uh yes, Captain." They step out of the elevator. "I'm not sure he'll agree."

"It's only in case Taylor refuses to let him come with Andy and I and it would be only till, well until we find this…"

"Asshole." He finishes for her. "But it'll be only till he testifies." They knock at Taylor's door.

"Sharon won't get mad that we're in her office?" Rusty ask as Andy closes the door behind them, he looks around.

"It is strange being here without her, isn't it?" Rusty nods, they continue into the conference room.

"Am I in trouble?" He asks as Rusty sits down, watching Andy take a seat in front of him.

"Why would you ask that, do you have something to be in trouble for?" Rusty can hear the tease in his voice and smiles, releasing some tension in his body.

"No but you're here, when the case is out there." He watches Andy look at his phone, realizing he was being kept updated.

"Well, I wanted to thank you." Rusty frowns, "you helped me pull off the surprise." He needed to distract him and he knew this would be a start.

"Oh yeah." His eyes light up. "She said yes? I didn't ruin it did I? I left the flowers and things, I had to tell Provenza and Tao so they wouldn't call you and interrupt yesterday." Andy smiles he was still the same sarcastic kid, but now he cared and more than anything he loved Sharon but then his words register and he frowns.

"Wait, you got this message yesterday?" Rusty's eyes sink, "Sharon's going to freak out." He wasn't prepared for that and by the looks of it neither was Rusty.

"We don't need to tell her." He offers hopeful.

"Yeah that's not going to work Kid." Rusty sinks into his chair, letting his head fall onto the desk with a thump. Sharon was the one to console him, this was different for him. He knew how, but not with Rusty. "You did the right thing, going to Provenza." He finally says.

"She said yes." Rusty mumbles, Andy smiles.

"Yes, she did." Rusty looks up at him.

"Congratulations Andy." His words honest, he had helped him by ring shopping unsuccessfully, he had bought the roses like planned and left them at the condo and set up a few things.

"Thanks Kid, I couldn't have done it without your help." Rusty gives him an awkward smile, there were few times when they sat alone but this time it was without a television screen, a controller or homework sitting in front of them. And they both found this less awkward than expected.

"She got engaged because we didn't call her, she won't be mad." He says with a grin, hopefully finding his excuse.

"Oh please don't use that as an excuse with her, she'll scorch us both." Rusty laughs hopelessly and Andy joins in.

"Emma you agree he can stay with Sharon?" Taylor asks her from his side of the desk, Provenza and Sharon both look at her sitting in front of him as they stand, she meets Sharon's eyes.

"Yes," Sharon lets out a deep breath one she didn't know she was holding. "Lieutenant Flynn and Sharon are there and now with double security. I think there is no where he'll be safer." Taylor taps at his desk. "We testify in a week." Emma assures quickly.

"No, I want him away from you Captain." Taylor says condescendingly.

"Excuse me?" She shrieks, Emma shakes her head at her.

"For the week Chief?" Emma asks, Taylor stands up and grabs a water bottle.

"He will stay at Provenza's for the week, then we will see?" He looks at them almost as if excusing them.

"We will see?!" Sharon shouts. Emma holds her hand up trying to stop her, which infuriates Sharon more.

"Once he testifies.." Taylor starts.

"What," Sharon's volume rises more than she would like but she can't control it. "He's not important anymore? So we put him back out on the streets? You cannot stop him from being in my home after he testifies." Her arms across her chest.

"I can't?" Taylor scoffs. "He will be in our custody until the trial is over, that means it's ultimately my decision."

"Yes you can't." Emma stands at this point trying to calm Sharon, Provenza is as frustrated as Sharon and Emma. Taylor's eyes widen. "Threaten my job, I'll be happy to hand over the job to Provenza." Sharon says taking a step back from the desk ready to leave she knew those would be Taylor's next words a threat to lose her job and a dismissal.

"No it would be handed over to Flynn or Tao." Provenza interjects, they all look at him.

"You two are threatening on quitting." Taylor says sounding amused.

"I can possibly understand the week at Provenza's till the trial but after he should come home!" Sharon says forcefully, Emma is trying to calm them but no one is listening.

"That's why I want him away, this is too personal." Taylor says equally as forceful.

"Okay," Emma says roughly, they look at her. "This is personal," Sharon and Provenza look at each other rolling their eyes, she was about to throw them under the bus. "Chief, I had a meeting with Gavin Baker," Sharon looks at her confused why was she with Gavin? "And as much as we do not get along." She sits back down. "We both have the best interest in mind for Rusty. He gave me this yesterday," she pulls out a folder opening it up handing it to Taylor. "Captain it's for you too." She says.

"Adoption forms." Taylor says looking at Sharon with piercing eyes almost as if ready to attack. Sharon was confused, why did Emma know about this.

"Captain since Rusty has already agreed and he will be eighteen soon we don't have to have to show Rusty's mother as unfit in court anymore. It's ultimately his choice and it requires," she takes the folder out of Taylor's hands, "a few signatures. "The lawyers for both parties." Sharon understood now she was Rusty's lawyer. She points at the signatures as she calls them off. "Gavin's, mine, Rusty's case worker, which we have." She flips a page.

"We need Rusty's?" Sharon looks at her. "Which I took the liberty of getting," both Taylor and Sharon look carefully at the paper, "and finally Captain we need yours." She holds out a pen.

Rusty signed?" She says her voice shocked an excitement running through her body. She wasn't expecting this. It wasn't all bad. She had been engaged and now she was moments away from signing a form that would lead to her adoption of Rusty.

"Yes, he did yesterday the caseworker was there and Lieutenant Provenza who also signed as a witness." Sharon looks at him who shrugs, she keeps her eyes on Taylor's who looks defeated as she leans over clicking the pen and signing the paper. "Captain, Rusty cannot leave your home for thirty days, while it's being processed he's to stay home and in state." Emma smiles at her, Sharon returns it and Provenza lets out a puff of relief.

"Chief you can have my resignation on your desk at your request." Sharon looks at him and he waves her away in dismissal and she walks out of the office knowing he wasn't going to do such a thing, Taylor wipes his head. Provenza grins following Sharon, Emma clicks her folders at the desk.

"I have to go see Gavin." She raises her eyebrows. "I really don't understand why the Captain likes him." She smooth's her skirt and she walks out of the office to find Sharon and Provenza. "Captain." She lets out as she continues walking.

"Thanks Emma, you saved us in there." Sharon follows her.

"You have Gavin Baker as a lawyer he'll do anything to win a case, even call me." Sharon can hear the bitterness in her words. They had left her out once again.

"He's a good friend." Provenza is behind the two rolling his eyes annoyed. "You weren't entirely on our side Emma when I recruited him, he also helped me through divorce." She was looking in again when she was supposed to be involved, she can imagine how she had to have fused when Gavin called her and knowing Gavin he probably did everything to make himself the savior of the story.

"I've always been on Rusty's side Captain," she stops at the elevators. "It may seem like I'm attacking but I want Rusty safe as much as you." Sharon looks at her blankly. "I'm off to see Gavin." She taps the button. "You'll probably get a call from him soon." She turns on her heel and goes.

Sharon winces watching Emma get on the elevator. "She didn't freak out." She whispers to Provenza.

"Yeah I think it really hurt her this time." Provenza says sarcastically and Sharon was sure it did. She told herself she would call her later. They had never gotten along but since her attack it had seemed like Emma was making an effort. "You think I should pack my desk?" He looks at Sharon with a teasing smile, cheering up the mood only like Provenza can.

They enter the murder room and she sees Andy and Rusty laughing in the conference room, she smiles. "Lieutenant if I would have been fired, you would have resigned?" He stays quiet almost admitting its truth. "Andy has an offer in Texas we can go there," her voice a bit teasing he rolls his eyes but she pauses in her stride and he looks at her concerned. "Is that awful woman gone?" Her voice full of bitterness.

Provenza laughs as they continue walking. "No she's still around." Sharon groans as they walk to Tao's desk the last thing she wanted was to have to confront Kennish. "What do you have Tao?"

"No trace to the phone, it was bought six years ago, the corner store only tracks yearly records. The phone is untraceable." He turns his chair around and looks up at Sharon, Provenza runs his hand through his hair.

"I got Rusty a new number." Buzz hands Sharon his phone.

"Thank you to all of you, I'm going to see Rusty." She turns toward her office as soon as she closes her door they all look at each other.

"Did you see her ring?" Sykes whispers, she had vocalized what the others were thinking, besides Tao and Provenza the others hadn't had a clue. "Am I allowed to congratulate?" Provenza rolls his eyes, same Sykes.

"Hey, seems like you're having fun in here." Sharon walks in and rubs Andy's shoulder, he takes it and kisses her hand holding on to it.

"Andy was telling me about Lieutenant Provenza's and his mischievous days." Sharon smiles and looks down at Andy.

"Mischievous days, will never end for you two." She says almost scolding him, Rusty chuckles. "I have good news." They both look at her. Both finally remembering what was going on outside these walls. She slides him his phone. "Rusty you're stuck with us." He grins. "You have a new number too."

"Emma didn't offer witness protection program, you were in there a long time?" They can hear the worry in Rusty's words.

"No Emma actually saved us." They frown at her. "She had the adoption papers in there," Rusty begins to understand but Andy looks even more confused. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asks Rusty.

"I'm missing something." Andy looks at both of them. Sharon fills him in with Rusty's help, also filling in Sharon in what she didn't know. The way Gavin called Emma and since she was called the day before about the message she did what she thought best for Rusty and helped Gavin and brought the papers over to Provenza's house with the case worker. "So you won't be able to get rid of Sharon after these thirty days. You better run now." Sharon slaps his shoulder pulling her hand out of his. Andy laughs, Sharon sits on a chair next to him.

"Well neither can you Andy." Rusty looks at Sharon's hand. "It's not a secret than?" Sharon fidgets with the ring looking down at it a smile across her face. "Congratulations Sharon." She looks up at him and smiles broader.

"Thank you, for helping Andy too. And we never talked about it," she looks at Andy. "You don't want to hide it do you?" Rusty smiles knowing Sharon wasn't giving him an option.

"Never crossed my mind." He answers smiling at her, loving the way she was ready for every to know not wanting to hide anymore. "We both chose you we're not running anywhere." Andy takes her hand again.

"You did." Sharon looks at both of them and smiles.

"Or maybe she picked us." Rusty offers, both Sharon and Andy look at each other grinning. It certainly felt like family no matter what way it happened she was in love with her life. They had picked each other. It was family.

Thank you, I returned sooner because of all your wonderful PM's thank you!