Title: Till The Casket Drops


Parings: Bonnie/Stefan, Caroline/Jessie, Damon/Elena, Jeremy/Eva

Bonnie/Jeremy, Bonnie/Damon(one-sided)


Bonnie was dead. Stefan was trapped in a watery grave. Both came together, two lost souls just trying to find a way back home… to the people they loved. Trapped on the other side, Bonnie become a rock for a weary, and fearful Stefan. Who is dying over and over again. Bonnie becomes the reason Stefan stays the course and holds on to his humanity. Bonnie never meant to fall in love with him, Stefan never meant to fall in love with her. Still, in a short amount of time they did.

So what happens when, they are both back from the other side. In the land of the living? When Stefan can't remember being with Bonnie on the other side. Has no idea what she means to him and what he began to mean to her. Bonnie has lost so much in her young life… she will be damn to lose the one person who could truly understand what she went through.

A/N: Well hey there one and all. I promised this chapter would be up by the first week of Feb and I have stay true to it...

YAY me!

The chapter is a little short, but i wanted it that way. It set things up nicely for the one to follow. You know what they say it's not quantity it's quality( though I would rather have more lol) Anyway I hope you all like it :D

*I did not make the cover art for this fic*

Bonnie walked towards the tall figure standing in front at the edge of the cliff. They were on their way to him. Soon he would be gone again… but this time he wouldn't be appearing on this side again. Bonnie stood next to the youngest Salvatore in silence as they looked off into the night sky. The moon was high and the light- though pale set his copper hair a glow. For the past three months he had been dying over and over and though she told Jeremy where Stefan thought he was, they had yet to find his body. With any luck, that was about to change.

" I came to say goodbye" she smiled sadly clasping her hand together.

Stefan slowly turned towards her, with brooding eyes and a hard sketch frown on his face, " What are you talking about, I just got here?

"Jeremy already told them were we are Stefan, Elena and Damon our on their way to you right now. You'll be alive soon."

Closing the distance between them he took her cheek in hand forcing her to look up at him once more.

"What about you?"

Bonnie shrugged her shoulders, " Damon and Jeremy are handling it."

His frown deepened " No, Damon-" he began to protest. However before he could finish Bonnie cut him off, place her index finger on his lips.

"Stop, we don't have much time 'll be waking up soon and hopefully for good." She took a step towards him. " Tell me the third thing Stefan."

He shook his head " Bon?"

She smiled at him, and watched as a tear fell from his her thumbs she wiped away the tears smiling softly at them. She had been so alone before she found out what was happening to him. How he would die and painful death under water. Some how finding his way to the other side… to her. It had been a long three months and even though she had Jeremy to help her through… lying to her friends. She had mist the simple action of touching another person. Stefan had been god sent… and now he was leaving her. With a strong chance that they would never be able to see of touch each other again.

"I love you, Bonnie" he sighed heavily

Her heart jumped as tear feel from her eyes " I love you too. So much."

Slowly he stretched his hand towards her cheek, even on the other side she skin was soft " I'm not ready to let you go." He says barely a whisper. That is when he can feel the pull of his live being given back to him.

She could feel it too, it was as if his body was starting to fade. Soon he would be gone and there would be no one to hold her again. Throwing herself into his arms; she stood on tip-toe. Her lips meeting his, she swallowed his moan as he snaked his arms around her waist pulling her closer. Their tongues teasing, moans pleading, holding on to each other as if to will him to stay. Bonnie opened her eyes suddenly, arms empty as the man she loved was gone.

" Bonnie." A voice came from behind. Bonnie was pulled out of her last memory of him. Tear sprung anew as she turned to face Elena and Caroline. He two best friends, standing in the same room with her… and they could see here.

"Please tell me this is real?" Caroline said eye wide in shock.

"You can see me" Bonnie said to no one particular.

Bonnie couldn't contain her joy any longer as her friends ran to her. Pulling her in for an embrace. Bonnie continued to offer words of thanks for her friends that had done everything they could to help her. Still there was one person… one person who had put more effort than most.

Damon slowly walked up the front steps, crushed that Amara had died. He was sure that he was too late. He could hear the crying of Elena and Vampire Barbie already. He knew he needed to be there for Elena. Knew that she might lose herself if she lost someone else that she loved. That when a familiar scent hit him. It was a mix of sage and cinnamon something only the wit… Damon's eyes flash up taking in the sight in front of him. Elena and Caroline had their backs to him. And in the middle, where her emerald eyes staring back at him…

"Bonnie" he whispered

Elena and Caroline pulled away from her in that moment. Elena beamed at him even Caroline couldn't frown at him. However the only girl he noticed was the one with the green eyes. She slowly made her way up the steps towards the front door where he stood in the foyer. He didn't know what he was feeling. This was the Witch. The one that got on his nerves for so many reasons. The one that wouldn't get off of her high horse to give him a break for his mistakes. The one… that he could depend on to get things done. The person that could get him to listen to reason… even if he didn't want to. Damon had no idea how much Bonnie Bennett meant to him… until it was too late.

Except, now it wasn't too late. She was alive, she was alive standing in front of him… and he felt more than just relief that she was alive once more. Bonnie stretched up on her toes as she wrapped her arms around his neck in an embrace. Damon eyes widen a bit, could a vampires heart… skip a beat? She squeezed him tightly as he slowly allowed his arms to wrap around her small waist…

"Thank," she whispered " So much Damon… you brought me back just like you promised."

He held her tighter as a small smile formed , she was alive.

" Sure thing witchy" he finally replied pulling away from her. Their eyes meet again and he could see the sincerity there and something… something he wasn't quite willing to identify just yet. He watched as the witch looks around and he frowns… " Lost something BonBon?" he asked

"Where Stefan?"

Damon remembered Jeremy explaining to he and Elena that Stefan and Bonnie were on the other side together. Though Stefan was only there as long as he was dead before being resurrected thanks to his vampirism. Damon had thought nothing of it at the time. But, as he watch the look of worry and fear appear on the witch's features he was starting to wonder if maybe… Stefan and Bonnie had been more than just a comfort for each other as Damon and Jeremy may have thought.

Elena was the one to speak " His in study," she began as Bonnie made her way to him ' Bonnie wait…" but it was too late. Her best friend was gone. Elena eyed the other before they all followed after Bonnie.

Bonnie had just walked into the study stopping abruptly. There he was, standing in front of the fireplace. A drink in hand and his back to her. Would it be silly if she still thought that he had a hot back? Slowly she entered the room. If he had heard her-which he must have because he was a vampire after all. He didn't make it known to her. Stopping when she was just a few feet behind him.

"Stefan?" she said watching as he slowly turned to her. He looked at her for a moment before a smile appeared on his face. Bonnie returned it ten fold.

"Hello" he said. Her state wavered a bit… why was he being so formal. After the past three months and his declaration of love more than two weeks ago. She would have thought he would be over-joyed that she was standing in front of him. That is when she noticed that there wasn't any recognition in his eyes. That he wasn't happy to see her… just being polity. Bonnie's heart started to bet a mile a minute, a sick feel settling in the pit of her stomach. "Who might this pretty little thing be?"

Her heart shattered, he didn't know her. Her smile fell as she took a step back. He frowned in return.

"Sorry pet, I didn't mean anything by it. I was just stating the obvious fact that your pretty" he finished taking a sip from his drink.

"You don't remember me?" she asked, her voice breaking a bit at the end.

Stefan took a moment to really look at her. The eyes, it was something familiar about them. The color, that sad look about them. Like he had seen this all before but he couldn't put his finger on how or when. He shook his head " I have no idea, you look familiar but… for the life of me I can't figure out why."

The others arrive then,noticing the awkward tension in the air. Elena asks if Jeremy would take Bonnie home. But in the end Bonnie opts to have Caroline take her in stead. She takes one more longing look at Stefan. She could see that he was trying to figure out who she was. Could see the gears in his broken memory trying to give her something. However in the end… nothing came back to him. The car ride to her house was a quite one. Caroline didn't think it would be a good idea to leave her alone in that house. Even if she did have her magic back. So she took it upon herself to stay with her newly returned best-friend. After they had dressed for bed, and laid comfortably in Bonnie's bed. Caroline began to tell her what had happen after they had found Stefan. He had already been pulled out by the time they got to the safe. They had found him hold up in some hick-town dive bar.

"I'd never seen him so… crazed. It was like he was more animal than anything."

Bonnie nodded in understand, she had thought the same when she first found Stefan on the other side. It was shortly after she died. Maybe a week or so…

Bonnie had walked around the Salvatore grounds. She didn't know why she was always hanging around there. Maybe to see Elena being happy. Mostly it was hard to watch her dad. He was… alone. Often times he would just sit on the couch with the TV off for hours. She found that at least hanging around the Salvatore Brooding house she would stay abreast to any news.

She watched the figure for a moment and it hunched over and not really standing straight. She knew that she was a ghost but it was still scary as shit. Approaching the thing the light hit on the top of the head. She notice the copper hair and knew who it was.

"Stefan?' she called knowing that she couldn't hear her. So guess how surprised she was when the figured turned and looked at her just as shocked as she was.

"B…Bonnie?" he asked

His voice was raspy and he looked… wet. Drenched in water from head to toe.

"I… I've been calling for her" he pointed into the window where Elene and Damon sat on the couch… kissing. " B…but she didn't answer."

Oh no, she thought as she went to knell next to him as he crotched closer to the side of the house. She ran a soothing arm down the side of his own. After a few minutes of this action he seemed to relax a bit turning closer into her direction.

"That, that's because your dead Stefan. Elena won't be amble to hear you, no one will."

His eyes widen at the news but he only nodded his head in understanding. Bonnie however had a question of her own. " How did you die?"

"Water," he sighed before starting again " He found me, apparently I was his doppelgänger and he wanted me out-of-the-way. So he locked me into a safe and pushed me over into the lake by the Gilbert cabin… " his words dropped off as he heard laughter coming from inside of the house. They had both looked up to find Damon and Elena now kissing in front of the window. Taking him by the hand Bonnie pulled him away from the scene as she could clearly see the anguish in his eyes there.

" Come with me Stefan."

"Where are we going?" he asked turning away from the house as he followed her.

" I'm going to show you the perks of being on the other side."

"Still," Caroline continues pulling her out of the memory " After a few days, he was back to himself. Well, kind of. Now he is more like a mixture between Ripper Stefan and Saint Stefan if that makes sense?"

When Bonnie didn't answer Caroline turned towards her friend. She stopped her protest as she notice the look in her eyes. Had she said something wrong? Maybe she was missing Jeremy? As a tear escaped down her cheek Caroline shot up pulling bonnie into her arms.

" Look at me, here I am going on and on about Stefan. And your finally home. We should be celebrating or at the very least I should be listening to you go one about what it was like being there? Or not if you don't really want to talk about it."

Bonnie just shook her head, " I'm fine Care, I'm just happy to be alive."

It was particularly true. Bonnie was happy to have returned from the other side unharmed and with her full powers. She should be happy that Silas was dead. That she and her friends were all safe and on the same plan. Even thought she knew she should be happy. She couldn't find the joy; not without him. The last three months had been the best and the worst of her life. Worst because she was a ghost; no one could see her or speak to her except for Jeremy. With the exception of Grams she had been completely alone. It was the best, because she was really starting to think that she would never make it back. Than Stefan appeared and everything changed.

She had seen a side to him that few got to see. There time together had meant something to her. It had meant something to him. Even if he couldn't remember… she did. Bonnie didn't just want to give it up. She didn't want to walk away and forget about what they had been… what they could be. She would fight to make him love her, she would hope that he could feel for her what he felt before. She wouldn't give up until she and Stefan were together… on this side. Bonnie sat up now wiping away the tear on her cheek.

"I think it's time for a change."

Caroline frowned " What kind of change?'

Bonnie smiled devious " How would you feel about giving me a make-over. I'm alive Care, it's about time I started living."

Caroline's eyes widen as she clapped her hands together bouncing on the bed " Oh hell yes! I live for makeover"

Bonnie laughed along with her friend as Caroline pulled her out of the bed and into the bathroom; apparently they would start the makeover tonight with a hair cut. Tomorrow they would go shopping, as Bonnie got comfortable with the idea of Caroline cutting her hair she couldn't help but think that this was all for a good cause…

Bonnie Sheila Bennett was going to make Stefan Salvatore fall in love with her. Again.

A/N : I think this is going to be fun to write. Especially that Stefan is going to be a bit more playful and not as brooding as he normally is. ( I always love Paul when he plays Ripper or Bad-Boy Stefan lol)

So, Bonnie has made up her mind that she is going to make Stefan remember their love... but one question remains.

How did he lose it in the first place?

We will find out soon, Silas may be dead but you never know. Tessa maybe around some where. :D

Review ,REview ,REView ,REVIew ,REVIEw ,REVIEW! lol

I love it when you do, I'm always wanting to know what people think. That's all for now guys and like always...

Happy Reading!