I got so many requests to have more Copdoc in my other story 'The art of betting', but that's totally Doccubus fluff with no room for CopDoc to develop! Other than friendship that is.

So I decided to try a story with CopDoc only. And here is the first chapter. Let's see how you all like it - Is it worth continuing or not?

If you have been following the art of betting, these are basically the same characters and the story will have things/events that have been mentioned in 'taob'. But I'm not going to call this a prequel, because I'm planning for a copdoc endgame for all you copdoccers :)

WARNING: This is gonna be all CopDoc! No Doccubus in this one!

PS. You don't need to read the art of betting to get this. I hope.

Double PS. English is not my first language, but hopefully there aren't too many off-putting mistakes in grammar or otherwise.

Oh, and I don't own anything.

And no beta, so all the mistakes are my own.

Now I'll finally shut up..


"Hey, Doctor Lewis. May I come in?" A deep voice said making Lauren look up from her computer screen.

"Hey, Dyson." Lauren said smiling. "I've told you to call me Lauren."

"Yes, I'll try." Dyson returned her smile. "Lauren."

"Please come in. Sit." Lauren motioned to the chair next to her desk.

"I'm not interrupting am I?"

"No, it's okay. I needed a break anyway. So, what's up?" Lauren replied.

"Now that Hale has been chosen as the new Ash, I'm getting a new partner. So, I thought I'd give you a heads up. I'll bring the newbie to meet you, when I can. I think she'll arrive tomorrow. So maybe at the end of the week. Friday, if that's okay with you?"

"Yeah, sure. So have you talked to her yet? On the phone?"

"No. I'll meet her tomorrow. I do know she's dark fae and a very good detective. Gets results. Or so I've heard. But she's also allegedly stubborn, difficult and has a bit of a badass reputation."

"She sounds, um, nice. And you'll have lots fun butting heads with her." Lauren smirked.

"Yeah, right." Dyson snorted. "Fun indeed."

"Have you eaten? " He asked suddenly.

"Not since breakfast." Lauren confessed sheepishly glancing at the clock on the wall. "I kinda lost track of time."

"That settles it. Come on, let's go to the cafeteria to get something. You can give me tips on how to deal with difficult women." Dyson chuckled.

"Make sure you got pen and paper ready." Lauren bantered back grinning. "There will be a quiz later."


"Hello." A tall blond woman said as she strode through the door like she owned the place. Lauren lifted her gaze from the microscope, eyeing the stranger barging in her lab. Uninvited. Touching my things.

"Hello. Can I help you?" She decided to be polite for the moment. "Please don't touch that." Or anything else either, Lauren thought as the woman poked the touch screen mounted on the wall.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm here to pick up your results for the McManus case."

"And who are you?" Lauren asked.

"Oh, right. I'm detective Tamsin. Dyson's new partner." Tamsin offered in a flat tone her gaze wandering around the lab.

"I thought Dyson was going to bring you to meet me today. Why are you here alone?" Lauren said suspiciously. Her first impression of the woman was not pleasant. More like aggravating.

"The wol.. I mean Dyson had a meeting with the chief, that he couldn't get out of and so I decided to come myself instead. Alone. I'm a big girl." Tamsin huffed. "We also need those results. Asap."

She glared at the doctor, who was looking irritated by now. What's her problem? Although I do have that effect on people, don't I. They get irritated for some reason, Tamsin conceded. Weird.

"I need to see some credentials." Lauren demanded keeping her eyes locked on Tamsin's. "Or do I need to call security?"

"What?" Tamsin spat. "We're on the same side here, Doc. Just hand over the files!" She practically barked scowling at the other blond.

"You could use a change of attitude, you know. I for one don't respond well to intimidation." Lauren snapped holding up her hand to stop the woman's protests. "I don't know you. You could be anyone off the streets! I can't give highly classified information to a total stranger. It's a protocol that I am not willing to break." Lauren explained seriously her hazel eyes narrowing to thin slits as she eyed the woman in her lab.

"So, I can call Dyson to come here with you later or you can show me your badge and id. You do have a badge right?" Lauren asked with a sly smile.

"Of course I have a badge! It's just.. I left it in my truck." The Valkyrie finished lamely and narrowing her eyes too, daring the doctor to force her to go to the distant parking lot to get it.

"Oh, good. So go and get it." Lauren stated and leaned back to her microscope ignoring the detective's presence. She soon sensed that the other woman hadn't moved and looked up. "Well, go on. I'll wait right here." She commanded dryly.

"Fine." Tamsin groused and stormed out.


"Shit. " Tamsin exhaled as she stomped the hallways towards the exit.

"And it's pouring! Great! I'm gonna get soaking wet!" She screeched when she reached the main entrance and saw the downpour outside. "Fuck!"

"That uptight, bitchy doctor! Argh. Shit. SHIT! Making me go out in the rain!" She complained and ranted.

Even though deep down she knew, that the woman was right. The lab couldn't release confidential stuff to just anyone lurking around, but still she could have trusted me! Tamsin mused bitterly. I'm trustworthy! Mostly anyway.

"Why the hell did I park in the far corner of the lot!?" The fuming detective sprinted to her car and ripped her badge from the glove compartment and headed quickly back to the building.

"This is so not my day." She muttered as she tried to shed the excess water from her clothes.

"Oh, jeez, you're totally soaked! Is it raining out there?" Lauren asked innocently while trying hide her gleeful smirk. The large windows in the lab were excellent way to check the weather outside, Lauren snickered inwardly. For some weird reason, she just wanted to rile up the detective a bit, Lauren thought. She didn't usually torment people like this. Not even the really irritating ones. But this one.. This one was different. And very irritating.

"No! I just decided to take a quick shower on the way here." Tamsin snarled. "With my clothes on!"

"Here's my badge!" She continued barking and threw the badge on Lauren's desk with a loud satisfying bang.

"Thanks." Lauren said nonchalantly picking up the identification. "Everything is in order it seems. Here is the folder for the McManus case."

Lauren had called Dyson, when Tamsin stormed out. She had asked if he knew his partner was in the lab picking up the files. He didn't, but offered a description of the blond that seemed to be accurate. And actually Lauren did believe the woman, when she had said who she was, but the detective's abrasive attitude was rubbing her the wrong way and it seemed Lauren wanted to be a little abrasive herself today.

Tamsin snagged the file from Lauren's outstretched hand and perched herself on the corner of the doctor's desk. She started to leaf through the papers in the thick folder.

"No need to thank me." Lauren said sarcastically.

"Hmph." The detective made an noise of acknowledgement.

"You're sitting on my notes! They're getting wet! Move!" The doctor exclaimed unhappily as soon as she realized that Tamsin's butt had made contact with the various folders and notes on her desk.

"Oh, sorry." Tamsin said smirking, lifted her ass off the desk and left the lab swiftly without looking back. She just waved her hand dismissively.

Lauren could tell that the detective wasn't really sorry at all.

"What a bitch." Lauren sighed rolling her eyes.


"Hey, where's detective Thornwood?" Tamsin asked a police officer when she arrived at a crime scene. "He called me to come here."

"He went to pick up Dr Lewis. I reckon they'll be here soon." He replied. "Oh, here they come." He pointed at Dyson's approaching car.

Tamsin strolled to meet the two arrivals. She hadn't talked to the blond doctor for almost a week. Not since their quite irksome first meeting. She had seen her from a distance, but that was it. Tamsin had had a weird urge to go see the doctor, to make up some errand, but squashed the feeling quickly and had managed to stay away. The detective reached the car and opened the door for the doctor, who hopped gracefully out and reached back in to grab her bag without a hello.

"You usually come out to check the crime scene, Doc?" Tamsin said curiously.

"No. Only when Dyson asks me to come. Not really my specialty." Lauren said curtly and moved pass Tamsin to talk to other crime scene investigators milling about.

Well, she seems royally pissed. Maybe those files I sat on were ruined, Tamsin thought with some regret and that surprised her. She usually had no regrets whatsoever. Tamsin stood with her hands on her hips scanning the area and ever so subtly sneaking glances at the blond doctor. Then she caught herself and huffed under her breath.

"Why the hell am I ogling her? I don't even like her! She's annoying. Stop it! Look away."

But still Tamsin kept vigilantly looking at the blond doctor as she checked the body lying on the ground and processed the scene. Doctor Lewis obviously saw something interesting on the ground, because she was now bending over. And giving Tamsin a great view of her jean-clad ass. The doctor moved a bit and again crouched down.

Oh my god! Stop with the bending over already.. I'm only a fae after all and there are limits to my self control, Tamsin groaned trying desperately to avert her eyes from the blond's glorious behind and exposed lower back. She fought to keep her eyes on other things, other people on the scene, even her own feet, but the doctor was like a magnet to the detective's wandering eyes. Stop it, before she catches you gawking at her.. Stop it, Tamsin ordered herself. That would be so embarrassing. Crap, I seriously need to get laid, she groaned.

"Hey, Dyson! Could you come here for a bit?" Tamsin heard Lauren call out. She saw Dyson heading to Lauren and decided to join them uninvited.

"What's up Doc?" Tamsin quipped earning a glare from Lauren. Well, at least that's something, she thought.

Doctor Lewis turned to Dyson and handed him an evidence bag. "This looks like a small piece of skin. Might be from the killer or not. But anyway it's possible to get dna sample. Also we've bagged the victims hands. There may be more evidence under his fingernails."

Tamsin heard Dyson only saying "Hmm." As he turned the bag in his hand to get a better look of the almost nonexistent strip of.. well, something.

Lauren continued explaining in great detail the blood splatter data she had gathered. Dyson was listening attentively. Tamsin not so much. She found it extremely hard to keep herself in check, when the other blond was geeking out so adorably. She's adorable, Tamsin realized shocking herself. What the hell am I doing?! Don't think like that! I'm just intrigued by her, because she's not taking any of my shit and is totally ignoring me. I'm interested only, because she obviously hates me. That must be it, the detective decided and nodded her head slightly.

Lauren and Dyson were both engrossed with something on Lauren's tablet. Lauren kept tapping the device gently and saying to Dyson 'see' and 'here'. Dyson kept nodding and humming. Tamsin couldn't see what the hell they were doing. But she narrowed her eyes, when she saw Dyson getting closer and closer to the doctor and finally placing his hand on her lower back. What the hell is up with that? She pondered with a weird sinking feeling in her stomach. Lost in her thoughts, she realized only after a minute or two that Lauren had already excused herself to go consult with the medical examiner.

"Why is the Doc here?" Tamsin asked Dyson, who was still standing beside her looking at Lauren.

"I asked her to come. She's here to help." Dyson said with a smile on his face.

"But she's not csi or the medical examiner. She's an ordinary doctor isn't she? She likes cutting up people. Alive people." Tamsin went on snarkily.

"She is a doctor, but there's nothing ordinary about her. She's helped us with difficult cases before. Lauren is scary smart." Dyson defended.

"Yeah and you have the hots only for her big brain." Tamsin sneered. "Are you getting it on with the Doc?" She spat venomously.

"What?" Dyson scoffed meeting Tamsin's eyes and seeing the scowl on her face.

"Well, you two looked awfully cozy. Touching and stuff." Tamsin snapped.

She had no idea why the thought of Lauren with her partner bothered her. She couldn't believe she was jealous of the blond. I have to keep these disturbing feelings to myself, until they blow over. And they will blow over, she declared silently.

"Jealous are you?" Dyson smirked wiggling his eyebrows. "Of me or of her?" He had not yet seen his new partner so out of balance. It was weird, but refreshing. Maybe the blond detective wasn't as stoic and unfeeling as she tried to be.

"Shut up! Not jealous. Worried. We need to concentrate on solving this case. So I hope the smoking hot doctor doesn't affect your work performance." Tamsin snarled and began to walk away. Her face paled when she realized what she had said and heard Dyson yell after her.

"Hey Tamsin! At least now I know who you were jealous of!" Dyson hollered. "You didn't call me smoking hot. I'm kinda offended you know." Dyson laughed and headed to meet the officers inspecting the area, leaving flustered Tamsin huffing in embarrassment.

Well, shit. That didn't go well. Whatever! I don't care how hot she is or how fascinating she seems, I'm gonna stay distant and purely professional. Not a problem. I dislike her. And she hates me, Tamsin rattled inwardly.

"No need to fret. I bet I can be totally professional with doctor Hotpants." Tamsin sighed miserably. Her inner voice kept adamantly yapping her not to bet on that.


So there it is - Thanks for reading :)

A/N I have some ideas for this story, but I'd love to hear if you think I should continue with this or scrap it.