AN/ So, this is my very first fic, so please forgive me if it sucks :D Just so you know, I'm French, so there might be mistakes, feel free to tell me. I'm quite anxious about this one, I've never writen anything before, and I'd really like to know what you think.

Chapter 1

Emily was in her appartment, trying to relax after their last case. It's been a tough one, especially on her. Hotch had forced her to take at least two weeks off, considering that she'd been beaten up by the unsub. She was reluctant about it, she was feeling just fine and didn't want to be taken care of. Yes, she was stubborn but eventually Hotch won and managed to make her promise not to come back at the bureau before 10 days.

So there she was, lying on her couch, with music in the room, and a book in her hands. It's only been 3 days, and she was getting bored. She had no idea there was someone really nervous on the other side of her appartement's door. When she heard the knock on the door, she considered not getting up and pretending there was no one home. But then she heard her voice and she couldn't anymore. She got up, walked toward the door, and opened it.

She wasn't sure it was such a good idea. She had tried to avoid that kind of situation for a long time now. And yet she stood there, looking at the door, convincing herself to knock. I'm just here to see how she's doing, nothing more. Come on, it's just a door, knock on it. Her peptalk wasn't working the way she planed. She started to move back, when she heard someone coming in the hallway. If she didn't want to look like a stalker, which she didn't, she'd better knock know. So she did. When no answer came, she considered leaving and instead she spoke : "Emily, it's me, can we talk?" Her brain hadn't authorized those words to come out, but it was too late.

It was too late, she couldn't go back so she waited until the door opened, getting more anxious every second. She tried to school her features, but it didn't change much.


"Hey Jayje."

"Can I come in?"

"Umh, yeah sure." Emily stepped aside to let her coworker and friend in.

"So, how are you holding up?" If she was being honest with herself which she wasn't, it wasn't the real reason she was here, but she needed one, and it was the only thing that came to her mind.

"I'm just fine, you know, sleeping over, watching TV all day, rereading all my books... There's just one thing I'd like, and I can't have it." She pouted with an hint of anger in her voice. She was an active person, sitting in her home all day just wasn't something she did.

JJ looked down, she couldn't look into those eyes if she wanted to keep control on her feelings. Trying to change the subject, she started talking about the few things that happened while Emily wasn't there. Reid's girlfriend came to visit the BAU, Morgan got rejected by the new receptionist girl...

Emily was glad her friend came, but there was something off. JJ looked everywhere except at her and it was starting to piss her off. "JJ, could you please look at me when you're talking?"

"I can't..." JJ answered in a really small voice, absolutly not like her.

"You can't? And why's that?"

"Because if I do, then you'll see something I'm pretty sure you don't want to see."

"Oh yeah, try me!" Emily was getting mad at her. Why can't she just like at me, with those beautiful eyes of hers?

That got the best of JJ's promise to keep everything under control. She looked up, locked her eyes with Emily's, and what she saw was something she wasn't excpecting. She didn't take the time to process it, because the moment she saw the brunette's face, she snapped.

Taking a step forward, the blonde liaison put her right hand on Emily's hip, and her other hand came to cup her face. Then she lost it completly and the next thing she knew, her lips where on the profiler's.

Emily was a bit surprised at first. How could she not? She had a crush on the blonde for a very long time, and thought she knew that JJ didn't feel the same. Obviously, she was wrong. But then she realized what was happening and kissed her back. She put her arms around JJ's neck, while the later was still cuping the brunette's face, but with her two hands now. Emily felt the blonde's tongue on her lips and opened her mouth to grant her access. When their tongues first met, electricity passed through their bodies.

JJ was now pressed against the wall, and moved her hands under Emily's shirt. She felt soft kisses, yet passoniate ones, on her neck. She moaned, which only made the kisses to move down to the limit of her shirt. "Emily..please..take me to bed.." Her voice was hoarse, and weak, but Emily seemed to have understood. She took the liaison's hand and guided her through her home, to the bedroom.

AN2/ So what do you think? I've a next chapter to it, but I'm not sure it needs one... Thanks for reading it :D, I'll try to get a following to this story if you want one.