The sound of water rippling broke the silence she lay in. Her hazel eyes snapped open in reaction to the shiver that sent tingles through the nerves of her back.

Tayuya had been so deep in thought that she'd momentarily forgotten where she currently was, sprawled out in the oh-so comforting heat of her usual nightly bath, right before they ate dinner together.

It was a feeling she was thankful for. Having time to allow her lengthy red mane to spill out into the water behind her, eyes closed in thought, processing all the difficult emotions of the day had been a sanctuary for Tayuya.

She lazily drifted her head from left to right, settling with closing her eyes again, feeling the sensation of the fibres of her hair parting with the flow of the water during her movement, only to allow the beautiful red strands to collect again each time she stopped, it felt almost as if the water was combing away her stress.

He thinks I'm special. Tayuya recollected, not fighting against the inflating of her lungs that raised her partially out of the water as a sigh gathered, then filled the air with sickly sweet satisfaction.

He thinks I'm special. Her inner voice repeated and her smile only grew, for the first time in her life Tayuya let out a rather hushed chuckle, so genuine and sincere was it that would surely turn the hearts of any who had been lucky enough to hear it.

Of course, I'm special. I should've never have even been worryin' about what that damn sand rat thinks anyway! Tayuya reflexively folded her arms over herself in her reassured confidence, her small smile stretching into a cocky smirk.

Like I was worried 'bout somethin' like that. She tried to convince herself but her smirk faded with the silence of the bathroom, the faucet dripping into her bath nagging at her sense of self.

Still…I dunno why he didn't say somethin' when that god damn pineapple head said we were perfect for each other. She gulped, Tayuya could feel herself entering volatile territory and after what had taken place just minutes ago in this very bathroom, she had to temper herself to relax. She had experienced enough emotions for one day.

It's not like I care or anything, not really. Especially after what he just said, that would be asking too much, wouldn't it? Whatever, this is stupid.

Her mind settled, the sounds of her hair stirring the water sent her back to her relaxation, the soothing scent of strawberry filling her proximity, it was from the shampoo that Naruto had picked out just for her.

Tayuya smiled at his thoughtfulness, then, her brow furrowed, her smile dropped into a frustrated grunt.

I mean, he just didn't say anything at all! That's even worse than saying something bad, right? She asked herself as if she would receive an answer of support.

Her ear twitched, and her eyes opened with her brows nestled together in effort, she raised her head slightly out of the water. She wasn't sure. Tayuya squinted at the bathroom door and moved her head a further few inches as if it would help her to hear in anyway.

She wasn't mistaken. He was humming. Tayuya's expression of effort transitioned into a spell of surprise, taking in the gentle melody. She could imagine him busying himself as he did it, even the melody was carefree and somehow reminded her of summer. Tayuya was surprised that he even held the tune rather well.

She shook it off, huffing in amusement as she sunk back into her place of respite. She was met with a new train of thought. Tayuya looked down at her legs, and in a very sudden twist she wondered, what would happen if they did heal.

Would all of this go away? She questioned, now very aware of the possibility, the more she investigated the concept, Tayuya realised that she liked living with Naruto and a very different idea entered her head as she looked down at her legs.

For a moment, Tayuya was unable to silence herself before the thoughts made themselves present. For just the briefest of moments, Tayuya had completely abandoned the use of her legs if it meant that she could stay like this. It was instinct and instinct alone but the meaning behind it was a powerful one.

I don't want to lose this. Tayuya face seemed to fold inward, scrunching up with a sting biting at her eyes. She aggressively slashed at the water with her arm, splashing across the surface.

"Stupid fuckin' steam." She hissed in a whisper, defending herself with a reason that her eyes had glazed over with the burning desire to release tears.

Still, vibrant images of being in an apartment by herself with functioning legs seemed wrong, any picture her mind created of her living in Konoha just didn't sit right unless Naruto was there, even ideas of Naruto living alone made her feel a sense of longing, a need to give him company even if she had to force his usual smile on his stupid face.

The idea of Naruto not living alone unfortunately ventured down a different avenue. It was not one that Tayuya enjoyed. Her fists balled together and something twisted inside of her stomach but yet she felt inclined to explore her feelings, to try to understand them even though it felt so horribly torturous.

She witnessed Naruto, cooking and busying himself as he would when cooking meals for her, except this time, Sakura lazily snaked her arms over his shoulders, a perfect smile on her face.

The day dream continued, Sakura leaned over Naruto, eagerly rising on her tip-toes to kiss at his cheek before nuzzling her nose against his likely warm cheek, a loving giggle escaping her. A gulp rolled down Tayuya's throat, she saw Naruto turn to Sakura and give her that grin, the one that said "I'm so happy you're here with me."

"I'm ready to get out!" Tayuya yelled, bolting to an upright position with her arms squeezed tight to her body, her knuckles white from the squeezing tension in her fists.

Her eyes opened and she looked down at herself, her mouth falling open in surprise, "O-Oh…" She mumbled in a tiny voice that didn't sound like her own. She backed up against the bath and quickly pulled out the plug, realising too late that she was not so ready to get out after all.

Tayuya grimaced as she heard the humming stop, and footsteps quickly made their way to the bathroom door, the only thing that was shielding her naked form from sight.

"W-Wait a sec you idiot! I didn't think it would take so long for the water to drain; I didn't think you would be this excited to see me again its only been like ten minutes!" She surprised herself at her remark and heard his hand leave the handle of the door.

"Stupid…I'm always excited to see you. Ten minutes? More like an hour." She heard him mutter, grumbling to himself. If there had been any sound at all in the bathroom other than the slowly draining water, she would've never have caught it if she hadn't been paying an absurd amount of attention to the entry way to seeing her body in the nude.

Her cheeks promptly matched her hair in shade of red, she was willing to completely forget that he'd called her stupid due to the flutter she felt at the sincerity of his remark.

"Whaddid you say Asshole!? Oii! I can hear you sayin' some shit out there!" She yelled to cover the sounds of her fumbling to get dressed in her underwear and towel. That, and if she were to be embarrassed then he was to suffer too.

"N-Nothing! I said take your time!" He hastily defended from behind the door leaving her shaking her head in amusement, he could be so predictable at times then bafflingly blindside her the next, it always managed to keep her looking forward to his reactions.

As she smothered herself in a soft cream towel that had been left for her, Tayuya was met again with her recent thoughts, what they meant to her and her conclusion.

Tayuya didn't want to be separated from him. She didn't want him to live alone either and she definitely didn't want anyone else to replace her, Sakura or otherwise.

"Alright, I'm getting cold. Get me out already." She huffed, though it lacked her usual punchy confidence, sounding more like resignation.

Naruto eyed the door handle, he had been leaning his shoulder against the wooden door after being caught out, he hadn't expected her to hear him and the chance of her hearing what he'd actually said left him dazed with embarrassment.
He faltered for a moment; how would he face her after what happened? Would things be the same as they always were? Why shouldn't they be?

This is hard. Was the only thought Naruto managed as he scratched the back of his head, the heat from his cheeks thankfully subsiding as he considered how he would act around her.

He didn't want to play off their bathroom tension as nothing but he also didn't want to press the matter into an issue that it shouldn't be. It was Tayuya. Wouldn't it be best if he was just natural with her, as he always got to be?

"Alright, I'm getting cold. Get me out already."

He heard her order in a tone that didn't quite sit right with him.

Is she upset? Was there something I've missed? Naruto flicked through the recent events in his mind until he was met with the barely concealed image of Tayuya in his mind, neck exposed with her rosy lips partially parted, her eyes distant and turned away from him.

Ah- Maybe I'll just see how it goes! I'm sure everything will be fine! What am I even worried about? Okay, here I go!

Naruto hyped himself up to enter the room yet his hand was glued to the door handle as if set in concrete, he glared down at his hand, willing it to move but it resisted his urges. He breathed in, composed himself, then pushed it open.

He had pushed himself into the bathroom much too quickly and now was facing the consequences, his eyes studied her wet form draped in one of his cream towels, her wet red hair still cascading water droplets down her arms as she hugged the towel to herself. Naruto felt himself being much too attentive yet noticed her eyes seemed to linger on him just as long.

He smiled, she smiled, then they fell into silence.

Tayuya managed a nod, an instruction for him to go ahead without having to trust her voice not to betray her, she felt his hands on her as Naruto scooped her out of the bath and into his arms.

Of course, Tayuya latched on to him, wrapping her arms neatly around his neck as she always did and allowed herself to rest against his frame, then, there was nothing.

Nothing had changed between them; it was as comforting and warm as it always was. There was no scary change or dramatic difference of sensation, just the regular feeling of complete comfort and safety. If she had to put it into words, Tayuya could only say it felt right.

Tayuya realised she was not as against Shikamaru's remark as she had previously thought.

So what? Maybe I want to be perfect for someone. That's okay right? Everyone wants that. An' I'm not even saying that it has to be for Asshole! He just takes really good care of me n' stuff. He even treats me really nice too, no one has ever called me special before. Tayuya admitted it, allowing herself some leeway with her honesty due to how difficult the feelings were to actually combat.

They made it through the bathroom door and she was greeted with his fragrant cooking as was normal, as was her schedule, this was her life now. She didn't want this to change.

"Oi…Asshole." She muttered, gripping the collar of his black t-shirt in a way that requested he looked down at her even if her face was well hidden in the comforts of his chest, away from the dangers of actually looking back up at him.

"Hm?" He inquired curiously, stopping just above the tired, but faithful brown couch that she so often claimed, the lightness of his voice had surprised even him but Naruto thought nothing of it in his comfort.

His reply only seemed to wreck Tayuya, the grip on his shirt strengthening in a way that left the material bunching under the force of her hold.

"Why didn't you help me? Y'know, with that pineapple-headed idiot."

"With Shikamaru?" She heard him pause, "Why would you need help with Shikamaru?" He answered.

It may have just been her imagination, or her overly focused mind but she was almost certain she felt Naruto hold her tighter, bringing her closer to his body, welcoming her with the earthy scent of summer as he drew her against him.

Tayuya let the lump in her throat subside, he was probably just concerned about dropping her, he was stood in place, with her held like this. It only made sense. What she couldn't explain was the feeling that Naruto was frowning down at her.

"Well, what he said." Tayuya finished her sentence and felt his body relax, "I-It was embarrassing, right? He said we were…" She felt herself trailing off, "He said we were perfect for each other."

Naruto felt her grip on his shirt threaten to tear it from his chest. He was left wide eyed, bewildered at the question as he held her over the couch in his arms. He could feel that this wasn't an answer he should rush.

Slowly, he lowered her down on to the comfortable couch, taking in the opportunity to be able to see her face again as he did.

Naruto stayed close to Tayuya, her hand dropping his shirt to pull him down to her level, arms resting over his shoulders to trail off down his back. She didn't quite manage to wrap them around him in what could be considered an embrace, yet she held him nonetheless.

He let out a nervous chuckle.

"I guess I didn't know what to say…I thought I'd end up sayin' somethin' stupid that would make you angry." His honest answer was followed by another laugh bundled with anxiousness, his hand stroking the back of his neck as he so often did.

"Tch! Why would I get angry?" She snapped, her frown disappeared as quickly as it had appeared and was replaced with a sincere surprise, "O-oh." She paused.

"There's no way I'd get angry with you that easy, Asshole!" She attempted, but to her misfortune, the reply still seemed poisoned with irritation causing her to let out a low growl of annoyance.

"It's okay, right? I think he was just jokin' around and stuff." Naruto offered, slumping down on the couch free of her arms instead of leaning over her while awkwardly still half stood up.

"I wanna know." Tayuya stated, she was surprised at how bold she had managed to sound, "What you would've said I mean…I-If it would've made me angry then I wanna hear it." She managed to voice her thoughts and a burning determination was evident in her hazel eyes.

Naruto sighed, he knew there was no getting around the subject as his eyes met hers, he looked forwards, away from her, trying to gather himself. He needed to come up with something, he didn't want this to end up as an argument. He repressed the urge to groan at his feeling of helplessness.

Tayuya pulled his shirt again, forcing him close to her. She saw Naruto stop himself using his hands on the armrest behind Tayuya's back, they were resting just above her shoulders, his chest just inches away from hers.

Their eyes searched each other. She began to lose hope.

"You would've denied it, wouldn't you?"

"No! Tayuya, that's not it! I-"

"It's fine…I get it."

Her grip on his shirt loosened, but she couldn't bring herself to let go, she didn't want to let him go.

"Tayuya I-"

Tayuya cut him off, her hands releasing him, she didn't like this. She didn't want to talk about this anymore, it took everything she had not to yell and curse and jump to early conclusions that would make her say something she'd regret.

"Forget about it…" She turned her head away, "Let's just eat or somethin'" She tried.

Tayuya's eyes quickly snapped back up to him when she heard his groan of frustration, she could see bottled up emotion on his features.

"I couldn't answer 'cause I didn't know what to say!" She could see his nervous eyes hunting through her own, likely looking for any signs that she believed him. He moved closer.

"All of this is so confusing to me." Her eyes widened at his honesty, that, she had not expected.

"I've always been alone. I've never had somebody by my side like this. Sure, I've had friends n' stuff, but I always wonder if we're really friends, y'know? Whenever I've really needed someone- well, that doesn't matter. It's like what I told you before with Sasuke. He may have been a bastard but…"

Tayuya watched his nose crinkle, a hurt lined his face that she didn't ever wish to see again for as long as she lived. Within his blue eyes shook betrayal, a deep bottomless ocean of shimmering discomfort. She let him open up to her, his fists clenched white with effort.

"He was always there for me, in our stupid kind of way. When things got hard, we would just fight over everything cause we're no good at this stuff!" His features softened, it was a look that made Tayuya feel much too weak, he was looking at her as if she was the only thing in the world.

"But you…you're always really kind to me, Tayuya. You don't just treat me like I'm just some useless idiot, you help me however you can and take your time to train me an' I've never really had that before, not like you do. You even make me smile an'-"

Tayuya searched him, she wanted to hear the rest, she knew he'd cut himself off, likely from fear of rambling but she didn't care, whatever it was she wanted to hear it.

She didn't think, her hands moved upwards, stroking through his hair and gently pulled him closer still by the back of his head, hoping to encourage him.

"With you here…I'm not alone anymore and that's so scary." He grinned at her weakly, "because it could go away again at any time-"Tayuya had enough of listening, she didn't want him to entertain that idea.

For the first time she pulled him into her neck, resting her chin atop his soft, blonde locks as if to stop him from saying another word.

"No one has ever gave a shit about me…I've been alone since I can remember an' stuff too. It is scary." She felt herself gulp, agreeing to the sentiment.

"I don't really understand 'bout you n' Sasuke…I guess it seems nice, in a really stupid, totally stupid kind of way." She huffed, frustrated as she began to lose out to her embarrassment but she felt Naruto shift under her.

A surprised smile lit up his face, Tayuya may not have realised it but that was the first time she had actually called Sasuke by his actual name.

"But well!" Tayuya let out a groan of frustration, "I don't know! I'm happy here…I know I shouldn't be, but I am!" She seemed to shrink inwards, her voice losing its volume, "Of course it's scary." She mumbled just above a squeak.

"Why shouldn't you be happy?"

"Because I was captured n' shit! What kind of ninja likes the place they're trapped in!?"

She felt him tense, as soon as the words had left her mouth she wanted to take them back, he freed himself from the comforts of her chin, looking down at her again with that unbearably hurt expression, it took everything she had not to look away.

"Trapped in?" His voice was soft, but distant. It was the voice of someone who was expecting the worst.

"So then…if you could- "His eyes lingered on hers, "You would leave?"

"No." She recoiled, looking up at him as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"You wouldn't?"


"If that is what you wanted then-"

"I want to stay with you!" Tayuya suddenly yelled, eyes slammed close ignoring any further discussion on the matter, it had been completely on instinct alone otherwise she would never have managed to say something so forward.

Her pale cheeks hinted a rosy pink as realisation hit her, she gazed up at him, waiting for a response with a quickened heartbeat with a lump in her throat the size of a golf ball.

Naruto didn't answer her.

Tayuya's hazel eyes widened to new heights. His body was against hers. A rough, yet soft surface clumsily crashed against her lips. She felt warm. Her lips felt warm. Tayuya felt herself slump into the back of the couch, fingers returning to his blonde locks welcoming his kiss.

It was brief and clueless with the two of them being completely unaware of how to even share something so intimate, they had done nothing more than manage to press their lips together.

Tayuya felt him pull away, as if to study her reaction to what he had thought was a good idea at the time, his eyes intensely tracing her face.

"Do that again." She mumbled against him, even though she had already half pressed her lips against his.

They relaxed into one another, with both of them pressing against each other for just a second. She pulled away letting the sensation linger on her lips. She could still feel his warmth, her lips even had a slight taste that could only be described as him.

Tayuya caught him leaning in again, her back against the arm rest. She retreated backward, momentarily embarrassed by the new feelings.

"Oi…" She looked up at him with soft, shimmering eyes and her voice lacked its usual flair, "Don't be just helping yourself all of a sudden." She mumbled quietly, she sounded far too feminine for her own expectations and couldn't help but let her eyes dance away from him.

She heard his soft huff of amusement, but he didn't pursue her. Instead she felt his arms snake around her waist and the warmth of his cheek land upon on her shoulder, letting her look away and compose herself.

Mostly, Tayuya was thankful that he'd rolled onto his side to lay against her and avoid placing any weight on her sensitive legs but even as a battle hardened kunoichi nothing had ever made her heart race quite so quickly.

"Close your eyes." She ordered.


"Close them."

She was happy to watch him do as instructed, and when she was sure that he wasn't going to peak up at her, she wrapped an arm around him in return. It curled around his shoulders, and her delicate index finger made way to his cheek.

Slowly, with all the relaxed concentration she could muster, she gently traced the whisker marks along his tanned cheeks with a shaky, slender finger. Tayuya moved from top to bottom, individually showing as much care to each as she let her finger travel the lines on his features.

It gave her nothing but satisfaction to feel him relax completely into her, to be completely open and vulnerable to her, to trust her so completely.

"Is that good?" She couldn't help it. She'd never done anything of the sort before, she had to know.

"Mmm." A lazy, utterly comfortable sound droned from Naruto, "If you don't stop…I'm definitely going to fall asleep." He muttered, a small yawn escaping him as if to back up his words.

A warm, throaty chuckle left Tayuya, it was vibrant and caring. It was so unlike her that her head jerked back in surprise to the sound.

"I guess I've finally found a way to shup you up, Asshole."

"I will have to make noise more often."


She couldn't help it. Tayuya was smiling like a loser and she knew it. She just couldn't bring herself to care as she looked down on him resting against her with a lazy smile, it was her who was making him smile like that.


Tayuya felt like screaming, she felt like cursing at anyone and anything, she had completely forgotten their deal. She had told Tsunade that Naruto would spend time with her in exchange for scrolls.

Thanks karma. She growled inwardly.

"Get up, I think Tsunade is here." She whispered to his ear, well aware that someone of Tsunade's prowess had hearing beyond normal measure.

She smirked as he bolted to his feet, dusting himself down as he headed into the kitchen to busy himself with his cooking while inhaling a glass of water in what Tayuya presumed was an attempt to cooldown his glowing cheeks.

Tayuya heard a slam, along with a grumble from downstairs. The footsteps had been Naruto's neighbour from the apartment below.

They looked at each other, sharing a glance of amusement, revelling in their embarrassment until they broke out into carefree chuckles.

"Y'know if you wanted dinner, you could've just said." Naruto joked, dishing up their meals.

"Isn't this how it always is? Bath then food, that's how it is."

"I guess I've never noticed, it's just something I've gotten used to."

"Then, since you're so used to it, then I guess I'll just have to endure it, Asshole."

"Well, maybe I'll eat in the bedroom tonight while looking out of the window, instead. That should change things up a bit. Don't worry, you can stay in here on the couch."
It taken a second for Tayuya to process what he meant.

"H-Hey…" She muttered, face upturned in an adorable expression, to her amusement he let loose a hearty laugh, displaying their dishes on the living room table as he always did, sitting beside her legs with them curved up against his back.

"Oi, I want to sit up."

She watched him glance down at her, likely wondering if he had heard her correctly. His smile softened into a stern frown.

"No. It's bad for you. We already went outside for quite a long time with me carrying you instead of using your chair today."

"Exactly, so I should sit up like in a chair, right?"

She watched him puzzle over her quick-witted reply, taking a moment to calculate a response.

"That's different, cause the chair is meant for that. If I sit you up here on the couch then you'll hurt your legs. Sorry, but try to get comfortable like that."

"Don't make me say it, Asshole." Tayuya grumbled quietly, watching as he readied the table for them to tuck in to the chicken soup he had prepared.

"Say what?"

"Just let me sit up!"

"If you're worried about eating the soup without spilling it, I can feed you if you need me to."

"I want to sit next to you." She grumbled, face turned inwards towards the couch so Tayuya missed the reaction of him dropping his spoon, letting it reverberate on the table in his surprise. She did catch the soft sigh of defeat however.

Naruto stood up, lifted her slightly, and adjusted her position to take up less of the couch. To her surprise, he handed her the soup regardless of what she had asked for.

Annoyed that he hadn't answered her she took the bowl with a glare, watching him closely.

Naruto taken his own bowl, sat down on the couch, then shuffled backwards. The concentration he used to not spill anything was rather endearing but she hadn't expected this.

He'd laid down next to her, the two of them propped upwards by the armrest of the chair.

"There, this is okay, right?"
She slugged him. Lightly smacking his arm then resting her head comfortably on his nearest shoulder.


Well, I decided to practice writing a little in a different style, one that was not so heavy and ultimately easier to read (At least in my opinion) I wanted to display what I hope to have learned in progressing my writing, as most of my writing is never actually displayed to the site and is scrapped due to perfectionism.

In any case, I decided that a lot of people seem to enjoy this story and I love writing Tayuya, so why not add a chapter as practice? I hope it was enjoyable. Think of it as a Christmas miracle, seeing as my updates are beyond a myth at this point.

Thank you and happy holidays.

- MM.