The forest was not at all what Sherlock had been expecting. The path was narrow, and they had to walk in single file. At the front of the line was Thorin, and at the end was Sherlock, Bilbo, Fili, and Kili. The rest of the dwarves were somewhere in the middle Sometimes Sherlock had to duck, to keep from hitting his head. For the first day of the journey, Sherlock found the forest rather interesting. There were queer noises, and strange animals. But before long, he and the dwarves began to hate it. The dwarves hated it as much as they had hated the goblin tunnels, and Sherlock hated it as much as when he didn't have a case. For Sherlock it was the worst, the air was stuffy and dark, and he wasn't like the dwarves of Bilbo who were used to tunneling. At night it was worse, the forest became pitch black, and if you lit a fire you could see hundreds of eyes staring at you.

One day, their food supply ran out. Everyone was troubled at the news, but Bombur was especially horrified. He fell onto the ground and refused to get up. No one, not even Thorin could convince him to move on.

"Leave me if you have to," He wailed. "I shall just lie here and sleep and dream about food, and if i can't have it any other way, I hope I never wake up."

The group decided to stay where they were until morning. Hopefully by then Bombur would have changed his mind. As the dwarves began to settle down for the night, Sherlock became restless. The forest was quiet except for the sound of strange movement somewhere in the distance. Sherlock could take it no longer.

"I'm leaving." He said as he walked over to Bilbo.

"Leaving? Where?" Bilbo asked.

Sherlock turned and started off into the woods, leaving the path.


"Anywhere? Are you stupid?" Bilbo ran after him. "Gandalf said not to leave the path!"

Bilbo ran off the path to catch up with Sherlock.

"What are you doing anyway?" He asked

"Bored." Sherlock shouted over his shoulder.

It had been hard walking on the path, and it was harder walking through the forest without one. The forest was so thick that when Bilbo finally manged to catch up with Sherlock, the sun had set, and it was nearly impossible to see. Bilbo grabbed Sherlock's hand and tried to pull him away.

"We need to get back to the path or-" Bilbo stopped talking.

"Or what? its not like-." Sherlock was speaking when he felt Bilbo try clamp his hand over his mouth. Bilbo was shorter than Sherlock however, so all he managed to do was slap Sherlock in the face.

"Shh." Bilbo whispered, and pointed to pair of large eyes right in front of them.

Bilbo drew out his sword and stabbed them, a horrible screech came from whatever the beast was. From behind him, Sherlock felt something stab him. He quickly looked around for Bilbo, but Bilbo had disappeared. Where Bilbo had been, now there were more eyes. The world became blurry. Sherlock felt something being spun around him, and for what seemed like ages he stayed where he was. It was not until he heard talking that he fully awoke. The talking he was hearing came from all around him. Now that he could see, and now that the forest was lighter, Sherlock realized that the eyes that he had seen were spiders. He tried to move, but he was wrapped up in a web and could not escape. He was lying on the ground, and above him he could see other bundles of webs, probably the dwarves, hanging over him in the trees.

I might as well try to get away, though Sherlock. He rolled over, away from the spiders. Suddenly he heard a spider shriek! It must have seen that he was alive. Sherlock stretched his neck in order to see if the spider would come and stab him again. Surprisingly, a group of spiders all ran away from him, and he saw a few of them lying dead.

"It stings! It stings!" They cried.

It must be Bilbo! He's killing them, good for him. Sherlock continued to try to get away. Then a dwarf fell from the trees and nearly landed on him. Then another, and another. Bilbo must be cutting them out. Sherlock remembered his sword, and he slid it out with his hands from under the webs he was wrapped in. He was soon free, and set to work cutting the other dwarves out, since he couldn't see any spiders. Bilbo must have distracted them. Everything was going pretty well, until more spiders began flooding in from all directions. Sherlock could now see Bilbo, he was cutting Thorin loose, and just in time before the spiders reached them. Sherlock slashed at the nearest spider he could see, and cut off one of his legs. This made the spider angry, and it took several stabs to kill it.

That's one, thought Sherlock.

He saw at least a couple dozen, all the dwarves were fighting, but everyone was tired. The spiders had already recaptured Bombur, and were dragging him across the forest floor. Sherlock prepared to kill another spider, and he ran to it with his sword. But just as he reached it, an arrow flew and killed the spider. Sherlock glanced around, and more arrows flew through the air, killing their attackers. A group of elves stepped out into sight and began finishing off the last spiders. Sherlock could tell they were elves because they looked alike to the ones at Rivendell, and Gandalf had talked about them sometimes on their journey.

The dwarves and Sherlock gathered next to each other, in case the elves were going to fight them. Bilbo had disappeared, he had slipped on his ring. When the last spider was gone, the leader of the elves ran forward to the dwarves. He drew his bow, and so did all the other elves with him.

"Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf." He said to Thorin.

Then Sherlock knew that once again, he would have to deal with elves, which he now thought of as the most detestable race in all of Middle Earth.

Hi everyone, and thanks for reading!

To answer your question Doctor Frostybuscus: Sadly I haven't watched Merlin, so I probably won't be making Sherlock a dragon lord. I haven't planned anything big for when Sherlock meets Smaug, but I'm open to any suggestions anyone has! - ninjakat001