Chapter 18

Paul's pov:

Dawn is a freaking Goddess?! And that too Mysterious Goddess, the Goddess of everything! Ok I'm getting dizzy. I shooked my head and concentrated on Dawn. She laughed and ducked down to get away from a power punch thrown by Giratina. Dialga and Palkia are training nearby Dawn. We're in Lake Verity. Arceus is meditating nearby too. Mesprit was just giggling and floated towards Dawn now and then.

Misty, Ash were near the lake just talking. Drew and May are watching Dawn's battle.

"How the hell could you figure out my strategy?" Giratina asked.

She stuck her tongue out and pointed to the ground. Giratina groaned "Gosh! I can't believe I forgotten about your earth bending power!"

Dawn giggled "And also, I've been with you for four years, Giratina. I know everything about you" she told him and did a back flip. Giratina growled and used Shadow Ball. Dawn narrowed her eyes and her hands glowed, within a second she ran up to it and clawed the Shadow ball. I watched in awe as the black crystals sprinkled everywhere. Then suddenly Dawn stopped when she felt the emotion in the air begun to…dark instead of happy and joyful one.

Her head snapped towards May as soon as she felt it strong from her side.

"May! Are you alright? You seem to be down" Dawn asked with concern.

May shooked her head. Dawn sighed and gave us a quick glance, we nodded as we got the message and walked away from them. Misty and Ash were far ahead, so no problem.

Dawn's pov:

"What's the matter?"

"No. It's nothing" she told me while staring the ground.

"Something is troubling you, since I told you all who I am. Are you avoiding me?" I asked quietly.

She was shocked that I came to that conclusion "NO! I-It's not like that. It's just I-I believe that……uh" she stammered.

I sighed "You believe what?"

"I believe that you're drifting away…from us. Quickly. You're on top, where no one could reach. We're nothing but humans, but you're the goddess. I feel like you're drifting away from us" May whispered.

I was stunned. Four years ago, Me and May were always close. You could mistake us for real siblings, I hugged her and she returned my hug. I felt tears dropped on my shoulder.

"May Haruka Maple, even though I'm goddess, I'm still your friend. Your best friend. I won't change." I told her and grinned.

She chuckled and released me. She is normal right now. Drew and others came behind May, and gave me a look. I smiled and gave him thumps up and I left May with Drew, and shooed away everyone. Drew sighed in relief and wrapped his arms around May.

"Jeez, you don't have to shoo us away. You could've just told us, Dawn" Giratina rubbed his right arm, unconsciously, as we gone away from that happy couple.

I shrugged and stared something or should I say Giratina's right arm. As soon as he saw where I'm staring, he attempted to hide it.

"Giratina…. Why are you hiding your arm?" I asked him and eyed his arm again.

"Hehehe…nothing Dawn"

"Giratina show your hand"

"No…Dawn step back!"

"Show. Your. Hand" I said dangerously.

"Paul please grab Dawn for me" Giratina told him. No…Giratina practically pleaded him. Strange…that never happens.

"Wh-" he didn't even finish, I lunged at Giratina in an attempt to see whatever the heck he is hiding.

"Wha! Dawn! Get off me! Get off me!"

"No I won't. Until you show"

"Damn Paul grab her!" Giratina shouted to Paul who stunned 'cause of what happened. He shooked his head and grabbed me by my waist. I gasped slightly. Shit! Stupid feelings. The electricity is flowing from my waist to every part of my body. I'm standing there, paralyzed. Giratina smirked knowingly and sneaked away. I felt my entire body is heating, my face would probably be red as a tomato.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Paul asked, but Giratina simply waved at him.

"Uh…Paul c-can you l-let go off me…?" I squeaked. That stupid blush is still there in my face.

He glanced where his hands are, thought something and shooked his head. I struggled "Paul! Let me go! Or I'll break your jaw, just like what I did with Giratina" I screamed and kicked. But he wouldn't budge. He smirked and lifted me in a bridal style and walked into the woods.

I just don't know why but…. I felt a cold chill running down my spines. The wind was harsher when Paul stepped on this part of the forest, the trees are clashing with one another. I'm not afraid of anything and you guys know why…but now it seems just…off. I don't feel like the way I had just 2 minutes ago. Paul placed me on the ground and pushed me to the nearby tree, inched his face closer to mine.

Paul's pov:

This is it! I'm going to tell her what had happened four years ago. I pushed her to the nearby tree and inched my face closer to her. She blushed cherry red, but she didn't avoid my eye contact. And I'm glad for that.

She stared my eyes and I stared hers. Then my eyes flickered to her lips and lingered there for few seconds. I sighed I can't kiss her right now, even if I did that, she would think me, taking advantage of her. She looked down, avoiding my gaze.

"Dawn, please listen to me" I whispered.

She looked at me and nodded, completely knowing what I'm about to talk. I took a deep breath

"Dawn four years ago….nothing happened between me and Ursula"

She narrowed her eyes "You already told me….tell me why you did that" I stared her for long time and nodded

"It happened when I told you to come to my home, remember?"

She nodded and I sighed and explained to her….

Flash back

I chuckled and came to my home. "Reggie, I'm home!" I got nothing. I shrugged and went to the kitchen and saw a note.

Hello Paul!

I've gone to get supplies for my favorite chocolate cake! I'm so happy finally I'm baking my own chocolate cake! Anyways, I won't be coming for an hour. You told me that Dawn is coming so… USE PROTECTION!

That's all!


Forever your brother~ Reggie!

My face heated up when I saw those bold words. "Stupid Reggie" I mumbled and threw the note into the trash can. I took milk, some cookies and went to my room startled to see that Ursula is curled on my bed….like a cat. What the hell?

"What the heck you're doing in my room!" I screamed. But she just chuckled and walked to me "Oh Paul you just don't know what you're doing!" She purred.

I made a disgusted face "What are you talking about?" I spat. I'm not comfortable with any girl in my room. Well apart from Dawn. She just rolled her eyes and pressed herself closer to me and I saw a 'G' pendant on her neck "Oh Paul you don't know whom to choose. You're choosing the wrong person" She purred.

I immediately know what she is talking about. Dawn. She is talking about Dawn. I grabbed her neck and pinned her against the wall

"Don't. ever. Say. That. Again. In . front. Of. me!" I whispered coldly. I thought she would just scream and kick her legs but she just chuckled. What happened to her? Not that I care. I would be so happy if she would just stop hitting on me. It's just she is so….. off.

"She can't live much longer. She is dangerous to you, Paul"

Can't live much longer? Dangerous? What the hell she is talking about?

"What do you mean by that?"

Her evil laughter filled my whole room, jeez could she be any louder? I rubbed my ears "Well, tell me what do you mean?"

She smiled crookedly "She is a threat to our whole world. I need you to stay away from her. Now on"

I glared her "No! Why do you think I will stay away from Dawn? Now get away from my house before I do something I'll regret!"

She chuckled "Oh Paul…You don't know I'll do something that you'll regret"

That caught my attention and I glared her. Ursula smirked and explained "I want something from you precious girlfriend which she doesn't even know. If you could do something harsher to her, she will be revealed. So I want you to act like you're cheating on her. I think you know what I'm talking" she purred.

I pushed her away from me "Get away from here"

She chuckled "Now now Paul, no need to be angry. I'll destroy your precious little girlfriend. I think you want a boost, huh"

She smiled and looked at milk which is at the study table for a minute and released "Toxicroak use Venoshock on that milk"

I was shocked since when did this loser had a powerful Toxicroak? I stood there motionless when that powerful Venoshock move hit that milk. The white color turned into blue indicating that milk is poisoned. She crooked a smile and glanced at me "I think I gave you a boost, but if you did think this was some a sick joke, then I could do something like that again"

With that she glanced around and spotted a little rose plant sat there innocently on my window. That was given by Dawn. She smirked again and nodded her head at her Toxicroak, he used the same Venoshock again and that plant immediately decayed. The beautiful greenish color turned into a disgusting grey color.

My eyes widened, now I understand that what she told me. She will kill Dawn! She smirked at me "I think I gave enough boost"

I glared her "What are you going to do to her?"

She chuckled darkly "Not 'I' but it is 'We' Paul"

"What do you mean 'we'?"

"I, the Ursula Urara, is the second in command of…." She trailed off with a smirk.

"Of what?"

"Team Galactic" she finished.

I gasped. She is the second in command of the Team Galactic? this isn't possible! My breath came in quick startled pants. She smirked "She is something we want. The only thing by which we could break through her is by her….emotions"


"I need you to break and shatter her heart. That will give us a head start."

"I won't ever do that!"

"We know that. That's why I brought this" with that she took something form her jean pocket, whispering something she blew the dust in my face. I coughed "What the hell is this?" I yelled.

She smirked "It's a Love Dust. In a few seconds you'll be mine. And Dawn Platina Berlitz will be ours"

Next thing I knew is nothing. Blackness covered my whole eye world. I was woken from my nightmare when I saw a teary pair of beautiful sapphire blue orbs, looking at me.

My eyes widened and attempted to explain to her and you guys know the rest….

End of the flashback

I looked at sadly, Dawn looked at me…shocked. "She was the second in command and used…Love Dust?" she whispered.

I nodded "I ran to you to say everything, but you slapped me. I got angered and ….yeah you can guess" I said quietly.

She stared at me for a while and then did something that shocked me. She smiled at me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

I smiled and hugged her. "Thank god… you never know how much I missed you Dawn" I whispered. She broke the hug and smiled "I missed you too. So much that I almost killed Dialga"

I sighed "I thought that nightmare would've came true" she stared at me, narrowing her eyes in confusion. I shooked my head "Nothing I said that luckily that pig tail didn't come and interrupt me"

I laughed along with her and I stared her with a smile on my face "I love you, Dawn"

She giggled "I love you too" with that I couldn't control myself. I captured her lips with my own and kissed her. I could say she was startled by this sudden assault. Her widened eyes closed and she deepened the kiss.

My fingers slowly came from her arms down to her waist and wrapped her. As the kiss grew intense I tightened my arms around her. After few minutes we pulled away and panted heavily. Dawn's face was red and probably mine too. Then a perfectly eight pointed star shaped snow fell on our head, Dawn grinned and we looked up to see snowing over us.

I smiled and kissed her again this time licking her lips, begging for entrance, I inhaled her strawberry perfume and I felt as if I'm in heaven. Kissing your ex-girlfriend again, while snowing above them, no one could get that. Guess I'm lucky to have Dawn as my girlfriend.

We pulled away and panted lightly before I could ask her to be my girlfriend we heard a flash. We startled and turned around to see Mesprit giggling with a camera on her hand "That's so beautiful! Lucky I caught you guys! I have to show this to others!" with that she ran away from us. Dawn's eyes widened "NO MESPRIT! Don't show it!" and ran away to find her.

I stood there with shock; then I smiled and walked towards them, with my hands in my pocket not really noticing a pair of pure red eyes watching me with a pure hate.

I won't let you to get close to….my little Rose

Anyways…what will happen in Dawn's and Paul's life? Find out!

Sorry….I couldn't update soon! I need to re-write this chappy becaz I thought there were no relevant…things?

Besides…I have lost inspiration. But don't worry I won't abandon this story! I just want some more time before I update another chapter maybe a month? I don't know…. But I will be back!

Anyways, thank you for those wonderful reviews, readers!

Review please

Until then….

Peace out!
