Minesweeper... the sweeping of mines...





...This sweeping field... it's full of mines.

Mines that can explode at any minute. Things weren't easy to get around, as whenever someone revealed a square, it had the potential of revealing a mine. And when a mine gets revealed...


Your whole game ends. So it's best not to step on any mines... or you may find your luck going south...

And when that happens...

"All right, sheesh, I get it!" Toadette groaned as she glared at Silver The Hedgehog, the two being in the computer room that was floating in the middle of nowhere, with the young pink mushroom girl on the computer with Minesweeper on the screen. "I won't click any of the stupid mines!"

Silver frowned as he folded his arms together, shaking his head. "That's no fun. It's better when I was having this booming, dramatic voice..."

Toadette rolled her eyes as she moved the mouse and clicked one of the squares, only to get a mine. Toadette groaned as she tilted her head back, angered.

"Augh, really!? And on the first try, too!"

"Hey, at least we're not there..." Silver pinpointed as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head with his right hand.

However, the silver colored hedgehog pushed his luck as the computer sucked both of the characters in, causing them to land in the game of Minesweeper. The mouse then began moving by itself as it was clicking on random squares, with Silver and Toadette glancing at each other as they screamed in horror, running away from the mouse cursor as far as possible, with the cursor clicking on a square that revealed a mine...










