Well, I did say that another chapter of the Darker Half will be out by the end of March. I barely met the deadline this time. This one took a longer time, these chapters may seem longer (they take up almost 20 pages on word!) but only cover short time periods. Next chapter will be more about the first week of Hogwarts.

Next chapter hopefully out before April ends, especially if I can work on this during my spring break. However, AP testing is coming up...curse AP's.

The morning for departure came unexpectedly for Harry, although he was not protesting it. All feelings of anticipation and anxiety over attending Hogwarts vanished as Harry's lips curled at Jamie's disgusting manners.

"Mum, you haven't packed my trunk!" Jamie shouted from upstairs, seemingly just getting out of bed. It was already 10:00 in the morning, but Lily had insisted that her baby needed to rest up for the exciting day. Harry was up at 6:00, which was normal for him.

"Breakfast is already cold…poor Jamie, maybe we should make another," Lily said, brows furrowed at the thought of not giving the best for her prized son.

Lily called upstairs, asking Jamie what he would like for a good-luck breakfast.

"Every breakfast thing I like of course," Jamie huffed, before ordering his house elf Pokey to pack his trunk.

When breakfast was served, Jamie sitting next to James at the head of the table, Harry cast a longing glance at the waffles and French toast, which he preferred over the plain eggs and toast he had eaten this morning.

"Nuh-uh, Harry, I deserve this food. Besides, you've already eaten, fatty," Jamie mocked, before filling up another plate of bacon.

Almost sneering, Harry stood up from his seat, wanting to recheck his trunk, but Lily gave a small look and pleaded, "It'd be nice to have the family eating together. Afterall, it's the last morning we'll have together until break."

Harry scoffed, excusing himself by stating, "Oh I apologize, but I really must be rechecking my already packed trunk. Who knows what I'll forget." As Harry left the dining room, he head Jamie's obnoxious voice asking if he was allowed to bring a broomstick or the giant replenishing sack of money he had gotten for his birthday.

As Harry was walking upstairs, he passed Pokey adding last minute items to Jamie's trunk.

"Don't forget to add Jamie's favorite stuffed animal, I'm absolutely sure he'll want to bring that to the Hogwarts' dorms," Harry said, leaning on the opened door, giving a nod when it was added. After thanking the twitchy elf, Harry continued down to his room at the end of the hallway.

Opening his door, Harry was not bothered by the sparseness of anything personal, or of any of the gifts and knick-knacks that people always tripped over in Jamie's room. After opening his magically enlarged trunk, Harry made sure he brought all the reading materials that he knew he wouldn't find in the library at Hogwarts.

Closing the trunk with a hard push, Harry plopped down on his full-sized bed, the calming, neutral beige sheets wrinkling under his weight. His hand automatically started fingering his scar, absentmindedly.

"I wonder if this year will be any different…" Harry mumbled.

Thoughts of his recent years at Potter Manor flashed through his mind, ranging from happy giggling moments at Christmastime, with presents and wonderful food, to the same nights when Harry would silently let his tears pour, looking at the lonely Potter portraits in his room. From the angry indentations in the walls in his room, to the silent pacing in the library as he tried to understand a spell.

No, Harry had no doubts that life at Potter Manor would ever change, but Harry knew that he could escape its influence in Hogwarts, where he could establish himself as independent, unassociated with his dreaded brother. Harry laughed a bit, small smile on his lips as he imagined himself ahead of Jamie in classes, having more loyal friends than him, and having professors beaming at his accomplishments.

Harry had no anticipation and anxiety for Hogwarts; after all, those were the only things that had kept him motivated during his life at Potter Manor.

Even though Jamie and Harry had been told many stories about Hogwarts and the Hogwarts Express, Harry couldn't suppress a snigger at Jamie's panicked expression when they had to run into the brick wall. Harry cringed a bit at the rambunctious laughter, tearful goodbyes, and overall crowdedness of platform 9 and 3/4 .

"We can always mail whatever you've forgotten, dear," Lily said to Jamie, patting down his messy reddish hair.

"Don't forget all those tricks we taught you, right?" James chuckled.

Sirius barked out in laughter at that, remembering all the fond memories they had together. Even Remus cracked a small smile at that.

Harry's fingers lightly traced over his wand contained in his holster. He was always bored at conversations such as these, feeling as if he was the outsider. He cast his eyes into the crowds, noticing the confused faces of muggles and muggle-borns, along with the condescending glares of the aristocratic Purebloods.

Vaguely, Harry heard a voice calling him, so he turned his head back towards his supposed familial group, answering with a somewhat indifferent, "Yes?"

Lily gave a nervous smile, opening her mouth, before redrawing her words. Harry gave her a curious look, stamping out his fledgling hopes that she would bid him a loving goodbye.

"Just make sure Jamie stays out of trouble, "James said, nodding.

"Yeah, can't have this little guy land a detention within the week. Even though we managed to do that…not like I'm trying to encourage him to break out record I swear!" Sirius said, placing his hands up at Remus's accusatory stare.

Harry saw Lily look at James worriedly, and Harry knew that Lily's concern was not over his detentions but rather his Boy-Who-Lived status.

Harry gave a small nod, glancing at the clock on the pillar. Lily noticed his gaze and hurriedly led them to the doors of the train.

"It's the Boy-Who-Lived!" screamed one young Hogwarts student, pointing at the Potters.

Immediately, a crowd of reporters seemingly popped out of nowhere, pushing their automatic scribbling notepads with their magical cameras towards the Potters.

"The Wizarding Society wishes you luck at your term at Hogwarts!"

"What house are you planning for?"

Squeezing through the narrowing opening to the door, Harry sighed in relief when he was in the train hallway. Putting his trunk in the appropriate storage compartment, Harry carried Hedwig in her cage carefully to an empty compartment.

Sitting down, placing Hedwig in an empty seat, Harry was about to open his current book, "The Origins of Arithmancy" until the compartment door suddenly opened. Glancing up to see the person who would rudely enter without knocking, Harry was surprised to see a familiar face.

"Hello, Ron," Harry said, curtly. Ron, evidently disappointed at the lack of response, opened his large mouth, saying, "Er, yeah…just wondering if you knew where Jamie was?"

"He was sidetracked by paparazzi, in the meantime, I'm sure he'll appreciate if you save a compartment for him" Harry replied, now flipping through the book. Still hearing Ron's nervous breathing, Harry then added, "Elsewhere."

Ron left pretty quickly. The Potters and the Weasleys were politically aligned both towards the Light, making it expected for their offspring to befriend one another. Jamie and Ron frequently played with each other in Potter Manor or the Burrow, although Jamie obviously preferred Potter Manor's luxury. Harry was pretty sure that Ron had paused because he had forgotten the name of his supposed best friend's twin. Harry never felt jealous that Jamie had beaten him in gaining a friend first; Ron was unintelligent anyways for a Pureblood, or blood-traitor, and never could hold an interesting conversation with Harry.

It was almost time for the train to depart, and Harry had continued reading his book. He absentmindedly stroked Hedwigs feathers, smiling as she hooted softly. There was a faint knocking at the compartment door, and through the glass Harry saw a chubby, nervous looking boy.

"Come in," Harry stated, closing his book. The boy opened the door, smiling nervously at Harry.

"H-hello, Harry. It's b-been a long time, right" the boy asked.

Harry cocked his head to one side, contemplating that statement. Suddenly, Harry remembered that this was Neville Longbottom. The Longbottoms were friends with the Potter's during the war, and Neville had also played at Potter Manor, although less frequently since Jamie had declared him "boring and lame".

Harry gave a bright smile, gesturing for Neville to sit down. Neville smiled gratefully, and Harry assumed that no other compartment had available seats for this nervous wreck.

"How was your summer? I'm sorry I was unable to visit Longbottom Manor during summer at all. Did your grandmother finally update the greenhouses at your manor?" Harry questioned.

Harry had first met Neville when he had visited Potter Manor for a playdate with Jamie and Ron. Jamie and Ron had demanded to play hide and seek, and so Ron was running around the manor. Neville had run into the library, and then crouched behind a bush on the balcony where Harry was peacefully reading. The book Harry was reading had to do with the fundamentals of Herbology, which Neville then had excitedly talked to Harry about. Thus, Neville was heard from downstairs by Ron, and Harry and Neville had laughed and outraced Ron to Harry's room, which Ron refused to enter because he honestly was creeped out by Harry.

Although Harry didn't consider Herbology his favorite subject, with Neville's encouragement Harry had drawn parallels between Herbology and Potions, which was one of his favorites. Neville and Harry had frequently owled each other about Herbology questions and new studies, which was stopped this past summer because Jamie protested the family owl going to Longbottom Manor instead of going to the Burrow to deliver letters to Ron. Jamie had also complained about Neville playing with him and Ron at Potter Manor, since they never really had the same interests.

"Grandmother renovated all the greenhouses, except the one with tropical plants from South America. We want Uncle to take a look at the Flower of Vitality, since it's been losing petals and brightness lately," Neville replied.

Harry and Neville continued their conversations, touching briefly over Jamie and Ron, focusing on their futures at Hogwarts.

"Grandmother wants me to be in Gryffindor, like my parents," Neville mumbled, biting his lips in discontent.

Harry shook his head, replying that, "She can't force what house you're in. And I wish she would appreciate you for being yourself, instead of just the son of your parents."

Neville gave a small laugh, agreeing. "That's why I'm friends with you Harry. You never seem to mind about parental authority and aren't a pushover with Jamie."

"That's true. I swear, Ron should just call himself 'Jamie's Number One Fangirl' at this point," Harry sniggered.

"But seriously, Harry. What house are you going in? I'd say your parents would push for Gryffindor, just like Jamie," Neville pondered.

"Ordinarily, they'd never care, but this time it seems like they realize that Gryffindor would be the best choice because I could keep an eye on Jamie. They make it seem as if he's going to get into duels every day," Harry scoffed.

A loud banging sounded from the compartment door, and Neville opened it for a bushy haired girl. Harry mentally sighed, wondering if there was some sign on the compartment that said 'Please use this compartment for all your needs'.

"Excuse me, may I sit here? It seems like all the other compartments are full," the bushy haired girl said, before sitting down anyways.

Harry raised an eyebrow at her rudeness at not introducing herself, and asked, "No problems, Miss…?"

"Granger. Hermione Granger," she replied promptly, glancing around the compartment. "Ooh, what a nice owl you have there. A snowy?"

"Yes, and Neville here has a toad. I'm Harry Potter by the way," Harry said, gesturing towards Trevor. Hermione flinched at the sight, and Harry determined she must be muggle-born since Granger was not a wizarding name and since she obviously was not accustomed to the sight of toads.

"Sorry I had had interrupted your conversation. What were you talking about anyways?" She questioned.

Neville shot a look at Harry, who shrugged his shoulders and mouthed 'girls'.

"Hogwarts houses. I'm hoping for Gryffindor, while Harry here is undetermined. Possibly Ravenclaw or Slytherin, Harry?" Neville commented.

Harry had always considered Slytherin an option. Afterall, Slytherin was known for ambition, and Harry was ambitious ever since Jamie's newfound fame.

Hermione let out an audible gasp, drawing attention from the two boys. Upon their questioning stares, she blushed and stuttered, "Sorry, but isn't the Slytherin house evil? From what I know, they've done nothing good for society. Many books and modern articles I've read in the Prophet also reveal that those who commit crimes were from Slytherin."

Harry gave a wry smile, standing up. "Well, Miss Granger, I'm guessing you're the type who believes everything they hear or read. I'm sorry if we can't meet your expectations, but I don't tolerate anyone badmouthing something because of their naivety. Perhaps you should get your facts straight; many wizarding politicians are Purebloods who embrace their Slytherin side of ambition."

Harry opened the compartment door, gesturing with his hand and giving a small bow. "Thanks for visiting, Miss Granger. Maybe we'll see you along with other prejudiced Gryfinndors," Harry said coldly.

Hermione gave an indignant hmmph, then exited the compartment, not even looking back. Harry could almost imagine her rudely entering another compartment, saying that the other compartments are "full".

Neville eyed Harry cautiously. "It's pretty unusual to see you get worked up over something. Usually you're pretty calm and collected," he remarked.

Harry replied, "Well, can't have someone talk about my future house, right? Plus, I'm tired of people assuming they know things, or having too much impudence. It reminds me of Jamie and my parents."

Neville nodded, agreeing. Neville had seen firsthand how Harry was treated in the Potter household compared to Jamie, knowing that many people assume that the Potter family was perfect, or that Jamie was the perfect child, or even that Harry was happy to have the Boy-Who-Lived as a twin. Until he encountered Harry on the balcony, Neville had never seen or heard of Harry.

"Neville, it's so nice that you're here for lunch," Lily commented with a smile.

"Yeah, Jamie loves playing Quidditch and being outdoors," James said, helping himself to Lily's homemade sandwiches.

Jamie scoffed, and said, "I'd rather tell him stories about me, since Neville is terrible at Quidditch anyways. He should play with Harry too, he likes to do yucky reading."

"Harry? Who's that?" Neville said, thanking Lily for serving him some lemonade.

"Just my twin. He's probably upstairs in the library, it's so boring. And mum, this lemonade is too sour," Jamie complained.

Neville quietly reassured Lily that no, her lemonade was delicious, and as the day went on, noticed little things at the Potter Manor that made this Harry Potter even more mysterious.

Harry never came down for lunch, and no one had bothered to call him down. The table was set only for four, and Neville knew that he was expected for lunch, so he wasn't taking Harry's space. When playing tag with Jamie, in which Neville was declared "it" because he was fit to run around while Jamie would relax and hide, Neville had run past many Potter photographs. When he had looked closer, in less than half the pictures there was smaller figure next to Jamie. A pale boy, with messy black hair and bright green eyes, solemnly staring back at the camera. While the other photographs moved, occasionally smiling or looking down at Jamie, the boy either stared at the camera or looked off towards the side.

When an overhead voice told them that they would be arriving at Hogwarts soon, Harry and Neville changed into their robes. Both of them were of nice quality, but Neville already had a Gryffindor badge sewn onto his because his grandmother had insisted.

Harry left Hedwig in the compartment, after leaving a couple owl treats in the bottom of her cage, while Neville placed Trevor carefully into a cage also. As they exited the train, they heard a booming voice calling them over.

"Firs' years, firs' years gather here!" an enormous man bellowed, having a giant lantern in hand. A wild, mane like beard and haggard appearance shocked some first years, but Harry already knew who it was due to his parents' stories.

Neville and Harry got into a boat, joined by two shy girls. As the boat crossed the water, Harry heard many gasps in wonder. He could understand why, since Hogwarts was a massive castle that would be unexpected for a lot of muggleborns. Although it seemed a gray, imposing castle, the many lights that reflected onto the surface of the lake helped give a feeling of homeliness. Harry wondered what his next seven years in there would be like.

As they exited the boats, Hagrid led them up a pebbled path through a cave at the base of the castle. He told them to watch their heads at the low ceiling, and Harry stifled a laugh when Ron's lanky figure hit the ceiling.

As they ascended up the stairs, Hagrid stopped at the giant door and knocked three times with his massive fist. A women in emerald green robes with a tall witch hat exited from the door, opening the giant oak doors.

"My name is Professor McGonagall, I am the head of house for Gryffindor, as well as the Deputy
Headmistress and the teacher for Transfiguration. Please follow me, the sorting will start soon," The elderly woman said sternly, leading them to a small room outside the entrance hall.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room."

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose points. At the end of each year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours."

She cleared her throat, before continuing, "Please wait quietly. The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting."

Harry pointed out to Neville that some of his buttons weren't buttoned correctly, and Neville blushed and thanked him profusely. Harry tried to brush his messy hair back, but even with the help of gel his hair was still slightly messy. Harry hated the hair he had received from his father, since he had to run his hands through his hair often to try to keep it somewhat presentable, looking like a self-obsessed person who was preening themselves. Ron Weasley had a dirt patch on his nose, but didn't notice since he was helping Jamie adjust his robes so he could look his "best".

"Ghosts!" a paling girl screamed, fingers pointed at the appearing apparitions. The translucent figures emerged from the side wall, apparently conversing with one another with their cold voices.

"Ah, didn't mean to scare you there. Ho! I'm Nicholas de Mimpsy-Porpingston, the Gryffindor House. I hope to have many of you in my house!" One ghost said, giving a slight bow to the petrified young girl. A dark splatter was present on his ghostly clothing, and he had a dark line across his neck.

A once beautiful ghost of a formal, young woman glanced at Harry, giving a small shudder. Her long hair gently lifted up, revealing a bloody dress and a sad, discontent look on her face.

Many people shivered at the thought of ghosts, but Harry and other Purebloods knew this was a common occurrence. Purebloods often venerated ancestors, and accepted ghosts as a common tradition. Ghosts always fascinated Harry; he was often curious about the process of ghostification and how they existed in both the plane of the living and the dead. To Harry, ghosts were about as interesting as the studies of Necromancy, a dark forbidden art that Harry wanted briefly touch upon, although the Potter Manor had no dark books, to his utter disappointment.

"Watch it! You've stepped on my robes!" Jamie almost shrieked, when a platinum blonde brushed too close to him.

"My, my, you're Jamie Potter, aren't you? I recognize you from the many Prophet articles," the blonde said, extending a hand, "I'm Draco Malfoy. I see you're already associating yourself with the Weasleys, I suggest you extend your friend group to higher people than them."

Jamie sneered, looking rather stupid on his chubby face. "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, Malfoy. I know who you are, you filthy-"

"Excuse my brother, he has no idea what he is doing right now. As the next-in-line for the Potter family, I am pleased to meet you, and wish to extend that to all of your lineage, as well Mr. Malfoy," Harry interrupted, glaring at Jamie. Neville pursed his lips when Harry apologized to Malfoy out of all people, but understood the Pureblood significance. Sometimes, a rejection such as this could be taken as a rejection of alliance, or even a declaration of enemies. If Jamie had continued that sentence and accused Malfoy of being filthy death eater scum, as James usually put it, then the Malfoys and their political allies would know the Potter's prejudice and would never ally with them.

"Ah, it's alright… Mr. Potter?" Draco said, shaking his hand instead, looking confused as well as many of the surrounding crowd about the appearance of another Potter. Before he could continue to say anything else, the doors to the Great Hall opened.

Professor McGonagall was on the other side, and she led them towards the Head table. There, on a stool, laid a worn and battered hat. The ceiling of the Great Hall looked transparent, but at a closer look, was really just a ceiling transfigured to look like the night sky.

"It's bewitched to look like the sky outside. I read it in Hogwarts, a History," whispered Hermione to her female companion. Harry snorted, put off by her arrogant bookishness.

Soon, the hat by the teacher's table began to sing.

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm a Hogwart's Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong to Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong to Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

If you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin,

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folks use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a thinking cap!"

(-HP and the SS pg. 118)

By now, Harry supposed he was used to singing, magical objects; afterall, he lived in the wizarding world. But he was worried about the fact that the sorting hat could probe his mind to find out what house he belongs to. He had always been a private person, and hated to disclose every emotion or feeling to someone, or rather, something.

What made Harry feel even more worried was the fact that he was in Dumbledore's domain; Harry had moved from the restrictions of the Potter household straight into Dumbledore's lap. Harry knew that even though he gave off that grandfatherly ambiance, Dumbledore was really a proponent of the Light, the leader of the Order of the Phoenix, had political influence, and favored Jamie over him.

Professor McGonagall unrolled a scroll, and began calling names. Feeling Neville panic besides him, Harry gave him a reassuring smile.

Even if he was sorted into a different house from Neville, Harry knew they would remain friends. Even if they were in enemy houses, Harry would hope that they could find a compromise. House rivalries were infantile in his opinion, just reflections of political sentiment at the time.

"Granger, Hermione!" was called out, and Hermione rushed to the hat and almost shoved it onto her head. Harry hissed at how she treated such an old artifact that existed in the times of Salazar and Godric.

"RAVENCLAW!" was then called out, surprising Harry somewhat. With intelligence (albeit arrogant), like hers, it was no surprise that she was in the brainy house; however, her personality matched Gryffindor stupidity also, in his opinion.

"Longbottom, Neville!"

Neville froze when he heard his name, but Harry gave a small push to encourage him. Neville nervously walked, and visibly cringed upon having the hat on his head.

It took considerably longer than the others before him, but the hat finally declared,

"GRYFFINDOR!" to Neville, and he smiled in reluctant gratitude.

"Malfoy, Draco!" was called, bringing light whispering as Draco walked, an aristocratic sneer upon his lips. The hat barely touched his platinum blonde hair before screaming,

"SLYTHERIN!", earning the applause of the Slytherin table, unlike the screaming of the Gryffindors when Potter was finally called.

"Potter, Harry!" was called, and the applause stopped, as people began whispering in confusion.

"There's another Potter?"

"Is it a twin of the Boy-Who-Lived?"

Harry seethed; a little upset about how he was just associated with Jamie, how he was just "a Potter". What about him being an individual person?

He calmly walked up to the stool, ignoring Dumbledore's gaze. His palms grew damp, but Harry knew he had to keep a calm exterior, unwilling to display foolish, Gryffindor emotions like his family. A true Pureblood always acts calm, and superior.

"Hm…difficult mind of yours, eh? You seem to protest letting me into your head."

"Please elaborate," Harry thought.

"Occlumency. You seem to have a basic knowledge of it, and basic barriers, but it is still impressive for one your age, isn't it, Mr. Potter?"

"I suppose, but is it not unusual for one of my status?" thought Harry.

"You are smart, oh yes. But you have bravery and loyalty to those you love, although that list is few. You have a very, very nice thirst to prove yourself to your brother, parents, and the wizarding world. Plenty of ambition. You have qualities of all the houses, but your ambition stands out the most."

"I have no objections towards Slytherin. My family does not matter enough to influence what is best for me. I am not afraid of the fallout."

"Strong determination as well. Well, better be-"


Small, scattered applause came from the Slytherin table. Harry could feel the pressure of the stares of all the tables, also with Dumbledore and his brother. Swallowing, Harry smoothly walked to an open seat at the Slytherin table, ignoring the whispers.

"A Potter? In Slytherin? That's rare."

"Brother to the Boy-Who-Lived, what a disappointment."

"The Potter's black sheep."

Professor McGonagall then called out Jamie's name. Loud applause rang from almost all tables, and many shouted their desire to have him in their house.

"Pity, they'd do better off without him in their house," Harry mumbled, not noticing Draco had heard that, eyes widening in shock at the statement.

Jamie straightened his button up shirt, which was strained across his wide belly, then brushed off his shoulders as he walked up to the stool.

Even though the hat only talked to one's mind, Harry could still tell that the conversation was not going well. Jamie's face was slowly turning red enough to match his hair, which Harry had long ago determined to be a sign of an inevitable tantrum.

"GRYFFINDOR!" shouted the hat, although the voice seemed somewhat strained. Harry immediately turned his hand to look at Dumbledore, whose face betrayed to emotion, but Harry had noticed that his gaze was upon the hat, and one hand was below the table. Harry frowned, wondering if Dumbledore had reached for his wand to change the hat's decision, or had placed an imitating charm to say the decision himself in the hat's voice.

The sorting ended with "Zabini, Blaise" a tall, Italian boy who was sorted into Slytherin. Harry glanced around the Slytherin table, noticing all the first-years, and judging the characters of the older years. The older years all had the same guarded look, and conversation flowed less among the Slytherin table in comparison to the rowdy Gryffindor table, which was celebrating Jamie's admission.

Dumbledore gave a small speech, and Harry tuned him out for most of the time. He did, however, catch a few important sentences, such as how the third-floor corridor was to be avoided unless one wanted a painful death. He honestly wondered how Hogwarts ever passed any health or safety regulations. Some of the teachers seemed either threatening or unstable, while Dumbledore's sentence seemed inappropriate in a school setting.

As Harry tuned out the speech, he cast a calculating look upon the teachers. None were remarkable, although Harry easily recognized Professor Snape by what James had described.

Food suddenly appeared, and Harry's mouth almost watered at the sight of the variety of foods. Jamie had always requested his favorite foods, so Harry never got to taste other foods that often.

After serving himself, Harry listened in to the conversations around him. From what he could judge, many of them grew up together. All the Purebloods seemed to know each other.

"Interesting year for us first years. Do you reckon he was joking about the painful death?" Blaise questioned, scooping up some mashed potatoes.

Harry gave a small laugh, causing many in the group to look at him curiously. The Slytherins honestly didn't know what to make of this Potter, the first Potter in Slytherin since the Potter's had turned to the Light.

"If he was joking, obviously some regulations need to be enforced here. Or, Dumbledore has a crazy sense of humor to match his questionable personality," Harry merely stated, picking at the fried chicken, which he disliked since it was Jamie's favorite.

There was a small pause of silence, before Draco Malfoy shrugged and said, "Nice observation. Well, my father is on the board of governors, and they've been trying to remove Dumbledore for years."

Conversation continued after that, and Harry knew that by Draco's statement he knew of Harry's opinion of Dumbledore, and that he accepted Harry's place in Slytherin.

"Sorry about the incident with my brother earlier," Harry apologized to Draco. Draco waved his hand, dismissing it.

"It's fine, I'm sure your idiotic brother is nothing like you. I heard your comment about him earlier. Am I correct in assuming that you dislike him?"

Harry grinned. "Oh yeah, I do. I'm sure more than half of this table isn't bought over by half of his accomplishments, and dislike his obvious Light prejudice."

Blaise leaned over, joining the conversation, saying, "Oh, so you're saying you don't like the Light side? It'd be no wonder why you're sitting with us then!"

Harry nodded, offering a small explanation that, "The Light side is not politically sound; they want to completely control all Dark aspects, but cannot agree on the right ideals."

Blaise laughed, saying, "And that's why my family's neutral. No one's hurt, and we don't have to join the naïve Light nor the dangerous Dark."

Draco scowled. "So you consider the Dark as dangerous, Zabini? What about your mother? I would consider her dark as well for all the questionable incidents that your step-dads face."

Shrugging, Blaise agreed with Draco in that matter.

"That's Professor Snape, correct?" Harry asked to Draco, gesturing to the teacher's table. "The one next to the turbaned teacher?"

"Yes, he's also my godfather. He's the best Potions Master Britain has to offer. The turbaned teacher is Quirrell, he's new," Draco replied.

"Well that's wonderful. I'm sure I'll get on Snape's bad side within the first day of meeting him. He has a bad past with my father," Harry murmured.

Draco gave a small grin. "Don't worry, Snape will try tolerable to any one of his snakes. Even if you are a Potter, you do seem different from that lot. Besides, you seem to embrace more Pureblood ideals that them."

Harry agreed. "Just because my family is associated with the Light, doesn't mean they should follow muggles and ignore Pureblood traditions. It's disgusting how much my family doesn't uphold the olde traditions."

After desert, the Slytherin prefects led the first years down to the dungeons. It was noticeable damper and colder down here, but as they entered the commons room after the password, "Salazar", Harry wasn't disappointed.

Decorated tastefully in silver and emerald green, the Slytherin's common room looked simply luxurious. Unlike the Gryffindor common room, which was described by the James, Sirius, and Remus and homely, the expensive furniture and darkened light suited the Slytherins well. Besides, Harry wouldn't have liked the Gryffindor common room, because he didn't feel at home anywhere.

Professor Snape was standing outside of the first year dorms. He looked down his sharp nose at them, his long, black robes cutting an imposing figure.

"Welcome to the Slytherin Common Room. While I congratulate you on earning your way into Slytherin, I would like to remind you that your next seven years will not be to mess around. I will not tolerate any rule breaking or anything to shame the Slytherin name. Ambition is the virtue of Slytherin, so I encourage you to apply yourself to your studies correctly. As Slytherins, we never betray each other or show division to other houses. If you ever have any problems, report to your prefects, who will then report to me if it is of utmost importance. Tomorrow morning, you will meet here at 7:15 sharp so we may depart to the Great Hall together to receive your schedules. Classes start at 8:00, and it is expected that you know where your class is beforehand. Curfew for first years is 9:00, meaning you will not leave the common room by that time. You will be allowed to the library after 9:00 with a pass. You are dismissed," he curtly stated.

Professor Snape then walked away, his robes blowing behind him. He spared a small glance at Harry, keeping a straight face. Harry was unsure if that meant Snape accepted him or not. The Slytherin boys quickly claimed their beds. Harry received a bed in between Malfoy and Zabini. Theodore Nott was closest to the door, while Goyle and Crabbe were next to Malfoy.

Their pets were by the door, and Harry put Hedwig's cage by his bedside table. Opening it, he fed Hedwig a couple of owl treats before letting her fly out of the window.

Draco had a large black owl, which was called Corvus, like the crow constellation. He also let Corvus out of the windor. However, Harry noticed that Draco had another cage by his bed.

"Is that a snake?" asked Blaise, who was petting his barn owl, Artemis.

Draco smirked. "Yes, I convinced my father to buy it for me in Diagon Alley. It is a proper Slytherin pet, although it is poisonous so I can't play with it. It's rather a bore."

"What's his name?" asked Harry, instinctively getting closer to the snake. It was a dark gray, almost black, with a length of 3 feet. Its serpentine eyes beadily stared at Harry, black tongue flicking out.

"Serpus. He's a black Mamba, one of the most poisonous snakes in the world. This species was supposed to grow out to be almost 8 feet, but it seems like a stunted one," Draco boasted.

"Serpus is for malessss. I am called Layali, Arabic for nights." Harry heard, slithering from her forked tongue.

"And a beautiful name that is, Layali," Harry replied.

Draco and Blaise gasped, Draco almost dropping his book. "You speak parseltongue?" Draco exclaimed.

"Parseltongue? What do you mean?" Harry asked, dumbfounded.

"You are another sssspeaker of the tonguesss, are you not? It is an honor to meet one, they are rare to find," hissed Layali.

Harry's eyes widened. "Apparently I did without even realizing it. It's a she, and her name is Layali, its Arabic for nights."

"May I have the honor of being your familiar, ssspeaker of the tonguessss? I will no longer bite, if you want" Layali hissed again.

"Draco, I think she wants to be my familiar now," Harry said, reaching his hand in between the cage bars. Layali flickered her tongue over his hand.

Draco looked uncomfortable at Harry's closeness. "Don't do that! He's-I mean she's- highly venomous!"

Harry laughed. "She said she wouldn't bite me if I'm her owner. I can compensate for her price, if you want. She's a rare breed, must have been over a hundred galleons."

Paling, Draco just stuttered out a, "T-take it. It's not like I could have done anything with a snake anyways. I-I expect a great Yule present instead."

Harry smiled at the offer, and then unlatched the cage. Layali immediately slithered up Harry's arm, wrapping herself around him like a long, coiled bracelet that covered his entire forearm.

"Is it possible if I am carried around like thisss, ssspeaker?"

Harry nodded, saying "My name is Harry, and I can let you do that as long as many people do not see you."

"Thank you, Draco. Now, is it legal if one has a snake as a familiar? Is it fine to have both an owl and a snake?" Harry asked Draco.

"Maybe, but as long as no one notices and reports you'll be fine. I can't believe you're a parselmouth though. Only the heirs of Slytherin are," Draco said, jealously seeping into his voice.

Blaise shuddered. "As long as that thing is away from me, I'm okay with it."

Dear Mum and Dad,

I got into Gryffindor, just like I knew I would! The bloody hat took a long to decide it, so it must have been overwhelmed to have the Boy-Who-Lived under it. Gryffindor seems nice, and Ron got in with me too. I hope to get some care packages from mum, I miss the homemade cookies you treated to me all the time.

The Gryffindor dorms are rather small compared to my room. I mean, who puts 5 boys into one dorm?! It's ridiculous, I want my own room since I deserve one. Professor McGonagall seems as serious as dad said.

By the way, Harry got into Slytherin. I'm not sure if he was going to tell you, so I'll say it for him. Can you imagine, the first Potter in Slytherin in over a hundred years! It's a disgrace, I'll tell you that. Even Hufflepuff would have been better for a snake like him. He's hanging around other snakes now, like Draco Malfoy. Malfoy almost tripped me before the sorting, and just when I was gonna yell at him Harry comes in and apologizes. Can you believe that?

Classes start tomorrow, and I know I'll be first since I've gotten lessons from Dumbledore himself. Snape looks like the greasy git you mentioned. I have potions tomorrow, ew.



Dear Mother and Father,

If by now you haven't heard from Jamie, then I would like to inform you that I was sorted into Slytherin. Jamie seems to be fine with Ron Weasley in Gryffindor. I have some classes with them for joint Potions.

I will send monthly owls, but I suppose Jamie will tell you more of what is going on here. It is still undetermined if I will want to come back for Yule at Potter Manor.


Dear Mother and Father,

I am proud to tell you that I was sorted into Slytherin, like all Malfoys should be. I was proclaimed Slytherin even before the hat fully was on my head.

Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Vincent Crabbe, and Greggory Goyle were all sorted into Slytherin with me. Zabini still seems to be neutral, while the rest are dark. I will follow your advice, father, and will try to prove my superiority over them and to convince Zabini over to our side.

On the other hand, a certain Harry Potter was also sorted into Slytherin. I was unsure of his true intentions, as he is the twin of Jamie Potter, but have established friendly relations with him. He seems to reject his Potter side; he dislikes both his twin and the Potter's light politics. We first met when Jamie Potter accused me of stepping on his robes since I was pushed into him. Before he was going to finish calling me a filthy- Harry Potter apologized as the next-head-of-line and extended his pleasure of meeting me to the Malfoys as well.

Even more disarming is the matter of Serpus, the snake that you allowed me to bring. I was preparing to feed her, when suddenly Harry was speaking parseltongue with her. He tells me Serpus is a female, and requested that he buy her off from me. I was quite shocked, and gave the snake to him, and now he owes me. He seemed unaware that he spoke parseltongue until he encountered a snake.

Classes start tomorrow, and I expect mother's care package to come soon. I know I will be at the top of the classes, as expected of a Malfoy.



I may have made Hermione seem ruder and bitchier than she usually is. She will play an important part later on, and will have a personality change. Here, she is still realizing that intelligence isn't everything and that she needs to posses humbleness.

Draco may have come off as friendly, but remember, Slytherins can be tricky. He's more accepting since Harry acts more like a Slytherin, and more like a Pureblood as well. I think I will make Draco one of Harry's Slytherin friends, along with Blaise. Both of these Slytherins will play big roles later on the grand scheme of things.

Ron will basically be Jamie's slave, and will suck up to him for whatever he wants. Not a lot of Dumbledore/Snape interaction with Harry yet, but that's still coming up.

I like Neville's character, and I like this new characterization of him. Neville will still be shy, but more open around Harry. He's one of Harrys first and few friends, and later becomes a valuable person.

Slytherin was the best and only choice for this plot, and for Harry's overall personality. I'm not sure whether to make him snarky or cold, so I tried my best at being in between.

Next chapter (before end of April): First week at Hogwarts, and the Halloween incident.