I am going to post this A/N on every single one of my stories with the hope, to further spread this news…

A guy named "Kane" is adding more and more fics from ffn every minute through his 'bot' onto fictionhunt . com…!

WITHOUT even attempting to get permission from any of the authors…

This is plain theft!

I ask every one of you who posts on here to check the site regularly if your works got stolen as well, and if so, to write a DMCA at: kane fictionhunt . com with a cc at: abuse enom . com (his server) and lir fiord . ru (his ISP)

UPDATE: THE SERVER'S E-MAIL ADRESS IS: abuse fryazino . net

(î remove the spaces)

You will have to file a DMCA for every single story.

Thanks for helping us doing something against this theft of our work!