thanks to isikiddo, superhwholockianwriter175, ealasaid una, Guest, and Ani Teen Lyoko for the awesom reviews and feedback. When your done, please review :) it really helps me.

Clint watched calmly as Ivan pulled the trigger, hoping that he wasn't wrong, because if he was, it would cost him her life. Clint watched as it slowly comprehended to Ivan that she was not only alive and still standing, but was smirking at him. She calmly drew out a knife and threw it at him. This time he didn't manage to dodge it completely, it pierced his side. She drew out another knife and threw it at his shoulder. It became obvious to Clint that he was watching a game of cat and mouse. He watched as she unceasingly threw knives at her former tormentor until he resembled a writhing pincushion. It didn't dawn to Clint that his radio had died until he saw her lips move with no sound from the radio.

Natasha calmly watched Ivan pull the trigger. Inside, she was smirking at his stupidity, but she had to let him know that he won, so he wouldn't try anything out of her plan. He didn't. After he pilled the trigger she smiled and drew a knife.

"This ones for you," she threw it at him and it pierced his side. "You will be one death I will never regret," she threw one at his shoulder. "For years of torture, this is your payment," a knife in his thigh. It wasn't until Ivan had 14 knives embedded in him that Natasha gave mercy to him. " You're lucky I'm showing you this mercy, because god knows you d*mn well don't deserve it," she said as she shot him in the head. It wasn't until then that Natasha took stock of her injuries. Judging by the throbbing in her wrist, a sprained wrist, grazed abdomen, and numerous bruises. She stalked out of the room. Any guards that crossed her path she merely temporarily incapacitated them.

"Well fancy seeing you here," a voice greeted as she walked back to the metro. No words were needed to say that everything was as it should be again as they walked back to her hotel, his arm over her shoulder.

"Any injuries?" he asked when they were back at their hotel.

" Just a sprained wrist, cuts, and bruises," Natasha said.

Once they were back at the hotel he assessed her injuries "That wasn't as bad as it could've been," he said as he rolled up her shirt to reveal a gash in her side. In silence he sterilized and patched up her wound.

"Did you see all of it?" Natasha asked quietly.

"Yeah, I was watching from a rooftop, I had your back. Were you ever planning on telling me about that cut on your back?" he gave her a half smile, rolling her shirt up more to clean it.

Natasha snorted, "No," as Clint dabbed her wound with a sterile cloth.

"So Jane's baby is due in about 8 weeks," Clint informed her.

"Oh yeah, girl or boy?"


"You know how people ship characters?"


"Well what if they names her like Thane or something," Natasha laughed for what seemed like the first time in weeks.

"Yeah, or…. Jare," Clint smiled.

"Nope, Thane would be better,"

"Uh, no, its Jare!" Clint exclaimed. With a small smile on her lips, Natasha leaned her head on his shoulder. At ease for the first time since their breakup, Clint bent over and kissed the top of her head.

"Well finally! We were starting to wonder if our resident hawk and spider were ever going to come back," Tony greeted them. Well, to be precise they had gotten back late the previous night, even after Tony was forcefully dragged to bed by Pepper.

"Yeah, well we thought that if we were gone to long, Tony would wreck irreparable havoc," Natasha smiled.

"Too late," Bruce and Steve muttered. Natasha looked them up and down and laughed. Steve's hair was orange and Bruce's green, probably in tribute to the hulk.

"Its not, funny! It. has. Been. In. my. Hair. For. Two. Weeks." Steve said, punctuating every word.

"And we haven't found an antidote," Bruce said. Behind them, pouring himself some coffee, Tony smirked.

January 19th

"Guys, this is Eden Adelle," Jane said. After going to the hospital at 6:36 in the morning, the blissful parents finally arrived home 10 hours later.

"Oh, hello there," Pepper cooed at the baby in Jane's arms.

"They wanted to keep us at their hospital longer, but since they were both healthy and we told them that we had a doctor here, they let us come home," Thor smiled.

"You wanna hold her?" Jane asked Steve, "Any one but Tony, Tony is not allowed to hold her." Jane announced as she gently handed Eden to Steve, who was sitting on the couch.

"What? I am offended, you know that? That is a hard blow." Tony said.

"Jane, its perfectly normal to have misgivings about people you would normally trust after giving birth," Bruce assured. "It's a normal mother instinct."

"Okay…. but only when I'm watching him for at least the first week," Jane said as she took Eden back from Steve.

"She has Thor's eyes, but Jane's hair," Natasha said, holding a murmuring Eden. Clint stared at Natasha, he had seen her take down 7 men in less than 3 minutes, he had seen her fearlessly jump out of a plane with no parachute, granted, she had been counting on him to save her, which he did, he had seen her wounded and fighting for her life, but this was a new side of Natasha. Though there was no doubt that the kick *ss Black Widow was still inside of her, this was a new side, gently holding a baby in her arms, smiling at her. Clint smiled.

She was walking. Metal cuffs bit into her wrist. A rough, dark bag was secured over her head. A gag was crudely tied over her mouth. Her shoulder was throbbing; it had probably been shot, and rough hands on her shoulders probably wasn't helping. There was constant dripping and a musty, stale smell, underground? There was another person shuffling beside her and judging by the gait they were injured. Finally, she was forced into a chair, and her hands were tied to it. The bag was thrown off to reveal a dark, dank room lighted only by two flickering light bulbs.

"Почему вы желая пересечь границу?" (Why do you want to cross the border?) A man demanded in her mother tongue. She took in her surroundings, and suddenly, she knew which horror she was imagining. With a nasty gash in his thigh, Clint was bound up as she, with the one exception of the gag. He remained silent.

"Хорошо, тогда она получает наказаны за каждый вопрос вы не делаете ответить! " (Fine! Then she gets punished for every question you don't answer) the man nodded to one of his employees. He reached down and pressed on her bullet wound. Hard. She suppressed any pain that emerged.

"Онатяжело, ядамвам, что, ноонасломаюдостаточноскоро. Теперь, каквызнаете, мыдвигалисьэтотгрузсегоднявечером?" (She's tough, I'll give you that, but she'll break soon enough. Now, how did you know we were moving this cargo tonight?) Silence. He drew a knife and without warning suddenly slashed at her arm. As the metal bit her skin she held back a gasp. The blood rushed to the afflicted area, dripping onto the cold, hard, concrete.

"Каквызнаете, мыдвигалисьэтотгрузсегоднявечером?" (How did you know we were moving the cargo tonight?) No answer. She fell to the floor, a bruise already starting to form on her face. More questions, she lost track of all of them. But only knew the pain.

"если вы не ответить на этот вопрос, она умирает," (If you don't answer this, she dies) the man snarled, finally losing patience and resting the barrel of his gun on her temple.

"продолжай," (Go ahead) Clint said, no expression on his face. And suddenly as it was a dream, her gag was off.

"Clint, please, no!" she cried.

"Лучше, темнеменее, здесь,"(Better, yet, here) the man handed Clint the gun. She couldn't move as she could only watch as he unlocked the safety and pulled the trigger.

"'Tash! Its okay, you here," Clint shook her awake. Before she was fully awake, she had a knife to his throat. By now, Clint was used to this routine and just let her do her thing. Just old habits, like biting your fingernails, or talking with your mouth full, just an old routine. "It's okay, it was just a nightmare,"

"Thanks," she mumbled, stowing the knife away. After a few minutes of vainly trying to fall asleep they both gave up and went to go spar.

"Want to go watch James Bond and make fun of him?" Natasha proposed it was still 4 am and they had nothing to do.

"H*ll yeah," Some things never changed.

"So are we back together, I mean, I know that with Ivan and all, things have been hard on you, but…" Clint trailed off; they were in a Natasha's room currently watching Skyfall.

" I'd like that," Natasha smiled at him. Their moment was somewhat interrupted by a phone call.


"Agent Romanoff," Coulson greeted, "Is Barton with you?"


"Good, we have a mission for you, briefing in 30," he hung up.

"We got a mission," Natasha said. They both smiled, back in their old routine. Some things never change.

The end. Thanks to everyone who reviewed, favorited, and followed this story; it was my first time ever writing a fanfic and all the awesome reviews and stuff will probably want me to write another, because i'm an avid Marvel fan. So tell me if you like how this story ended :) ending stuff is always where i have trouble in writing. I might write an epilogue later... please review and give me your thoughts :) and thanks again for giving me your support (i.e reviewing, favoriting, and following) it was my first fanfic so it meant a lot to me :)