Hi minna~ Here's my second KnB fanfic, I'm excited for this one, hehe! It's somehow KuroHarem, but not all people in the series will fall in love with him... Most of them anyway :D

First of all, I would like to thank my writing "coach" (Yeah, pretty much the right term... and friend.) for this "homework", which resulted to this. I'll try to live up to your expectations!

Has anyone watched episode 18 in the anime? Not really a spoiler but... THAT FIST BUMP BETWEEN AOMINE AND KUROKO! ASDFGHJKL- I've seen it in the manga but... the anime just makes it so... CANON. (If you know what I mean)

Enough about that, here's the prologue! Please tell me what you think of this. And in case you want to view my other story ideas, they're all on my profile! :) Enjoy...

Oh and as for my other fic, Mentors, Miracles and Madness, chapter 8 will be coming soon! Just changing some things here and there... *smirks*

Oh, and finally... Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke (huhuhu), all rights go to their respective owners. I only own the fanfic... and the side OCs who no one really cares about (Most of the time, my OCs are shippers of Kuro x _ (insert random name of harem contestant)

The Generation of Miracles found it suspicious on how all of them had a date with Kuroko Tetsuya on the very same day with the very same meeting time. Not only that, they were all suspicious on why they all met along the way, it wasn't a coincidence right? It couldn't have been a coincidence. Fate was playing with them, right?

"Why the heck do I have to bump into all of you? And besides, Tetsu asked me out on a date! Get out of the way, or I'm going to be late!"

"Aominecchi, you're so stubborn and hot-headed! You're not the only one Kurokocchi has a date with today!" Aomine Daiki and Kise Ryouta started having their usual "cat fight", only to be stopped by Midorima Shintarou who stood between them.

"You are all so full of yourselves, getting a date from Kuroko isn't really a big deal... I think. And besides, he said meet-up, not date." Midorima Shintarou was blushing, he had meant to add that he also had a "date" with Kuroko, but he figured that would make him look so... so... un-himself-ish.

"Ah, but Kurochin told me that we would be all alone today... I'm so sad, Kurochin lied to me. You steal my snacks, I crush you." Murasakibara Atsushi was trying to show it didn't concern him, but the sweet-eating giant was good at showing he liked something... or someone, therefore contradicting what he had meant to do and say.

"Interesting... so it means Tetsuya all invited us out into 'dates' at the same meeting time and at the same place... as expected of my Tetsuya. He knows how to make things... complicated." Akashi Seijuro was thinking of a reason on why Kuroko Tetsuya would do such. "Could he be hiding something from us?"

No, no, Akashi did not like this conclusion. He thought even harder, but that seemed like the only sensible reason. Their former teammate never played with their feelings, or...

It could be someone else in the works.

"HEY! RAINBOW HEADS!" shouted out someone who was not too far from them. This made their heads turn, only to see a desperate-looking animal-like beast, desperately catching for breath, as if it had just come from its hunt for food.

"Why is he here?" Aomine's expression hardened into one of anger, he did not in the slightest like them being called as rainbow-heads.

"Rainbow-heads? That's so mean of Kagamicchi..." Kise tried to sound offended, but he somehow liked the idea of them being a rainbow. They are in fact a rather... colourful bunch.

"What business do you have with us, Kagami Taiga?" Yes, it was no other than the wild Kagami Taiga, looking as reckless as ever. Akashi Seijuro could not help but ask himself why he had deemed this –ahem- person as a rival in both basketball... and love.

"You all have to help me.. Grr... god damn it!" Kagami growled, he probably looked stupid right now. He did not like turning to his one and only rivals for help... not that he had a choice. He couldn't possibly turn to his teammates, so "unfortunately", he chose to turn to the Generation of Miracles themselves and join forces with them. He knew it was better than to lose to him.

"And why should we?" Midorima Shintarou could not think of any way on why he should help Kagami Taiga. The conflict between Kagami Taiga and the Generation of Miracles did not help in this situation at all.

"Because..." The red-haired tiger was reluctant, for he knew that the Generation of Miracles were all beasts who could easily devour him in competition, he knew they weren't to be messed with.

Not that he worried about that right now, he wasn't the one at fault here.

"Because what?!" Aomine Daiki was turning impatient, no way was he gonna help someone who got in the way in his relationship with his shadow.

"Now, now, Aominecchi we'd might as well listen to what he has to say..." At Kise's suggestion, Aomine sighed and calmed down. Seeing this, the blonde was relieved the tanned youth didn't go berserk, but if his hunch was right, he couldn't blame Aomine for not keeping his control.

For Kagami Taiga never came to them for help unless it concerned that person.

"Kisechin... whose side are you actually on?" Murasakibara usually didn't even bother to listen, but since Kagami wasn't really a "weakling", he'd might as well join the said conversation.

"Uh... both?" Kise shrugged, he was somehow more of the cheering type than the leader type after all. Even if the competition involved him, he would support both sides with all he got.

"Don't waste our time, Taiga. We had agreed to... go meet up with him, I –ahem- we could not possibly keep him waiting any longer. " Akashi Seijuro was about to walk pass through him when he was stopped by the firm grip of Kagami Taiga's hand on his own.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands, only Tetsuya has the right to touch my hand like that outside of the court." Akashi's fingers slid off the sweaty hands which held them tightly. "I hope I have made myself clear."

"Oh sorry about that..." Kagami sarcastically apologized, Akashi sensed this and he was returned by a glare. "No wait, that's not what I came for! I have bad news for all of you..." His eyes wandered to see if anyone else was listening, sensing the coast was clear, he continued.

"Kuroko... that guy... he has a boyfriend, and it's not one of us."

Some thought he was lying, some thought it was all bull. However, they all meant the same.

No one challenges them to a game of Kuroko Tetsuya's love, no one.

"Who on Earth would Tetsu fall in love with other than us?!" Aomine exclaimed, somehow sounding exasperated.

"Is there a person who loves Kurokocchi more than me? No, absolutely not!" Kise started stomping his feet, and the rest knew better than to not cover their ears, for they knew noise pollution was coming.

"I knew Oha-Asa was right nanodayo. Today is a day of misfortune." Hearing this, they couldn't help but ask themselves how Midorima Shintarou could still stay calm about this and still talk about luck and horoscopes.

"So... who is it? This guy Kurochin's in love with... we'll just have to crush him, right?" Murasakibara Atsushi did not even consider the fact that crushing that poor guy, whoever that was, could cause to Kuroko Tetsuya's disappointment. He was glared at by Akashi, telling him to keep silent and never say that again. He could only pout, he knew that either way, Akashi Seijuro would kill this guy and get Kuroko in the end, the mere thought just somehow annoyed him.

"It's someone you know very well... big guy." Kagami nodded to himself, as if he had just delivered both a good clue and a good nickname.

"Now's not the time for guessing games, Bakagami! Get to the fucking point!"

"Silence, Daiki, control yourself." Akashi chastised, then telling him to go on with what he was saying. He smirked at the thought, that something interesting was finally happening.

"It's... Tatsuya." as he breathed out his "brother's" name, he couldn't help but feel nostalgia. He shook this off and thought the present was what mattered, yes, he himself knew that he and the Generation of Miracles didn't like Kuroko's heart get stolen by someone else.

"But... Murochin never told me about it."

"Did you think that he would tell you? That guy's really really selfish and secretive, he thinks secrets make him look all mysterious... Believe me, I've known him for a long time."

"Very well, Taiga, you sound convincing enough. We're going." They could sense killing intent being emitted directly from Akashi Seijuro, they shivered at the thought that Himuro was the target of the former captain's hatred.

"Uh... Akashicchi, where are we going?" Kise asked out of curiosity, he could not follow the conversation at all.

"Is that not obvious? We're off to see Tetsuya." Akashi looked up at the clear blue sky, enveloped with white clouds.

The sky reminded him of his dear shadow, and it just made him want him even more.

A storm was coming...

Himuro Tatsuya flipped his cell phone close and shook his head, he found playing hide and seek with Kuroko Tetsuya really fun... in a weird way. In fact, Kuroko probably wasn't even trying to hide, maybe he was just there and yet Himuro just couldn't notice him.

Where could he possibly be?

Himuro looked around the park, they had agreed to meet there. But he figured that since it was still early, Kuroko probably hadn't arrived yet.

He sat down with his hands calmly settled on his lap, but somewhere in him, he was just somehow excited.

And since his "brother" Kagami Taiga wasn't with them, he wouldn't need to hold back on having quality time with the phantom sixth man of the Generation of Miracles.

Speaking of the Generation of Miracles... I wonder if they'll kill me once they find out...

Himuro shivered at the thought of those prodigies being angry at him, he practically couldn't imagine how much chaos and bloodshed that would cause.

"Himuro-kun, would you please get off me?" A blank voice spoke out of nowhere, and it was all too familiar for him.

He had noticed too late, that he was actually sitting on Kuroko Tetsuya's lap. He quickly stood up in surprise, he still hadn't got used to his... soon to be boyfriend's weak, almost unnoticeable presence.

"I'm sorry about that, Kuroko-kun. Was I heavy?" he joked in a teasing tone.

Hearing this, Kuroko could only smile and tell him he was honestly heavy, how he was so honest and innocent deeply pleased Himuro Tatsuya.

Did my heart just skip a beat?

"Did I keep you waiting? If so, I'm sorry about that..." He somehow felt guilty for making Kuroko wait, he had no excuse for being late. The almost without emotion phantom sixth man of the Generation of Miracles actually accepted his suggestion of going out on a date.

"Not at all, Himuro-san. However, I am worried about something..." The boy seemed concerned about something gravely, and it's been weighing on him all day by the looks of it.

"What could it be, Kuroko-kun?"

"Well... today was supposed to be the day when I meet up with everyone from the Generation of Miracles, and it seems my schedule with them collided with ours... I wanted to tell you but I didn't want to be a burden... It would have been rude to refuse your offer after all." The blunette said apologetically with matching eyes which seemed to look deep into Himuro's soul.

"No, you misunderstand. You're not being a burden at all... If you had told me, I could have just rescheduled this. In fact, I should be the one apologizing... I didn't know you were also busy with them..." He would have appreciated it more if Kuroko had told him beforehand though, he did not say this, for he didn't want to hurt the blunette's feelings.

"Well then," he continued on, better than doing nothing. He didn't want Kuroko Tetsuya to be bored with him on their first date together. "Where do you want to go? We have plenty of time."

"Hmm... Himuro-san, can you decide?" Kuroko was obviously clueless on how dates were supposed to be like, but of course that's where Himuro's dating experience comes in.

Wait, did he even have any?

He'd might as well rely on his experience with girls trying to get him into having a date with them. Due to those happenings in the past, he studied more on girl's preferences for dates in case he gets a girlfriend in the future.

Oh well, gender doesn't really matter right? What's important is the feelings you put into the date.

What would the Generation of Miracles do in this case?

What would "little brother" do in this case?

No, no, he said to himself, he couldn't even imagine one of them dating Kuroko without the others tagging along or stalking them.

"Well, Kuroko-kun... let's start easy, shall we? Let's try... that place." Himuro Tatsuya's finger was pointing at the newly-opened amusement park, and Kuroko merely nodded at this.

"Okay," Kuroko said silently. For reassurance, he found himself holding Himuro's hand. Himuro could only smile at this, only now had he noticed how small the blunette's hand was, and how warm it felt on his.

"This is the first time," Kuroko looked up at Himuro, who was bit taller than him.


"That... I actually held someone's hand of my own accord."

Hearing this, Himuro felt himself blush. He couldn't believe he was his first, it was probably a big deal, considering he does have a lot of –ahem- harem contestants.

"I see... is that a bad thing?" he chuckled.

"No, not at all. In fact I'm glad it's Himuro-kun, and not anyone else."

While the two boys were having the "time of their life", a certain someone was seeing this from afar, his eyes glinting as if he had just won the lottery.

"I can't wait to tell them, wahahahaha."

He quickly grabbed his cellphone and browsed his contacts, seeing the contact labelled "Shin-chan", he quickly went into action.

Once he sends this message, one will be eliminated from the game, this could momentarily guarantee his safety. Two birds in one stone, how clever.

Message sent.

He smirked at this, he could practically hear the Generation of Miracles' disapproval of this from miles away, especially Midorima Shintarou's.

"This message... of all times, Takao had to attempt to annoy me again." Midorima shook his head in disapproval, just remembering his teammate's face annoyed him. "Today must be the most unlucky I've had in my entire life."

"Midorimacchi, you're over-exaggerating... Wait, what message?" Kise blinked in surprise. He grabbed the cell phone from Midorima and speed-read the message. "Wait... is this true? NO!"

"Ah, stop being so noisy, Kise. Don't go crazy over one single message-"

"Look at this Aominecchi, and you'll see what I mean!" Aomine Daiki literally stared unto the screen and didn't budge for 5 seconds. Kise had to slap Aomine's face to bring him back to Earth.

"What was that for?!" Aomine growled, glaring at the blonde for his actions. Kise backed off and said it was to wake him up, defending himself from Aomine's continuous cuss chain.

"I didn't know Murochin was like that... friendship over." Murasakibara Atsushi was utterly... furious for some reason.

"Maybe telling them it was Tatsuya wasn't a good idea..." Kagami muttered. He somehow felt sorry for Himuro, but there was no room for pity in competition, and he knew that very well.

"Ryouta, can you please had that cell phone over?"

E-Eh, but Akashicchi, this isn't mine..." Kise protected the cell phone, even though he wasn't a fortune teller, he pretty much knew what was about to happen.

"Well then, Shintarou, may I?" Akashi turned to look at Midorima, and Midorima had no choice but to agree. He was already saying his prayers for his cell phone.

Akashi wrapped his fingers around the cell phone, and it didn't turn out pretty. His fingers squeezed the cell phone hardly, and cracks emerged, until the glass on the screen completely shattered by his strong grip. It broke down and what remained was a lifeless phone.

"I'm sorry, my hand slipped..." Akashi said mercilessly. The rest knew better than to insult him further. "I really have the urge to kill someone right now... who is it I wonder?"

"Holy sh- Is this place even safe?" Aomine felt a surge of panic, when their former captain back in Teiko was like this, he knew nothing good would come out of it.

"Well, the message did say Kurokocchi and Himuro-kun looked all chummy and close, holding hands and all..."

"Ne, ne, is someone going to die now?" Murasakibara asked intentionally, he somehow liked the thought of someone dying right now, for some unknown reason, it just sounded like a really brilliant idea.

"Shh... Murasakibaracchi, don't go giving him ideas!" Kise was frantic, fearing Akashi would actually do so. He didn't need more phones and people dying in front of him, for Kise Ryouta never liked funerals.

"Akashi, are you..."

"I'm fine, Shintarou, in fact, I feel better than ever." Akashi cut in, as if knowing what Midorima Shintarou had meant to say. He wore his sadistic smile again, and this probably served as a warning.

A sign that... the trigger had been pulled, and all he had to do was to hit the target.

Chapter 1 is already in the works while I'm typing the author's note hehe~ Well, first will be Himuro. No spoilers for who are next, please remember that this is only a fanfic. And... I sort of forgot what Himuro called Kuroko and what Kuroko called Himuro... Well, Kuroko's pretty polite, he addresses people with a "-kun" so I figured... yeah. As for how Himuro calls Kuroko, addressing Kuroko as "Tetsuya" seemed rather weird when their relationship is only at the beginning state (Yes, there will be development :)) ), so I figured he would start with being all formal :V But don't worry, that'll change as this goes on.

Thank you for reading! :) Hope you liked it!

Edit: Changed it to "Himuro-san", well yeah, I guess formalities in Japan work that way :D thanks for the suggestion by the way, AspergianStoryteller-san. And also, I almost forgot that Kagami called Himuro by his first name -_- sorry for the inconvenience.
