"I'm sorry, you're who now?" Sam was the first to speak and Brittany felt fear twist and burn in her stomach as she clutched Santana's hand just a little tighter.

"I am Azakar, daughter of Queen Reyneva and Queen Caderyna, and I was—"

"Okay yeah, we got that." Quinn rolled her eyes. "And I think you're full of shit."

"So you're my Aunt Azar, aren't you?" Sugar lifted an eyebrow and looked Quinn up and down. "You're quite famous where I come from."

It too Brittany a moment to put two and two together, but when she did, a flash of panic passed through her and she looked at Santana, noting the exact moment where she figured it out too. I was named for the one who helped the Faded Ones take down my mother's regime. Azar. Azakar. You're quite famous where I come from. It was a lot to process, and who was to say this…stranger was even telling the truth. Brittany couldn't imagine that Quinn, though difficult to get along with on a regular basis, would be the reincarnated form of someone who betrayed her own sister. She came with them when they left Uecridis, why would she do that if she…?

"Santana?" Brittany asked slowly. "You know her?"

"I just met her this morning. She told me she just moved to Roswell and Roz gave her a tryout for cheerleading."

"My plan was to get to know you slowly before I revealed myself. Then, I tracked you further and further outside of Roswell and I was afraid I'd lose my opportunity."

"You're tracking us?" Santana finally spoke. "And that's supposed to make me trust you."

"It's coded in my DNA, it's not like I have some kind of device on you that I put in your backpack, though I have to say the technology here is severely lacking. Even in the hands of your enemies, Uecridis is lightyears ahead of Earth in terms of technology. The advances that my mothers' teams made on my home planet have their impacts to this day."

"To be frank, Sugar." Santana rolled her eyes. "None of us really care about the technology on Uecridis so much as we care why you're here."

"Oh, right. I'm here because I learned my true identity and I won't allow the enemies of my blood continue to use my birthright to maintain control of a planet that doesn't belong to them."

"Seems convenient that you'd just show up here right when the FBI has begun tracking us. I don't trust her." Quinn spit.

"You wouldn't." Sugar shook her head. "Your distrust was what got all of us into these circumstances in the first place."

"What have we gotten ourselves into?" Kurt whispered to Burt, who stood beside Sara, the three true outsiders to the situation.

"I was going to ask the same question." Sara closed her eyes.

"Listen, you little bitch—" Quinn approached Sugar who didn't even flinch as she got up in her face. Sam pulled her back and Quinn crossed her arms over her chest.

"I think it's worth listening to what she has to say." Sam looked at Brittany, who nodded.

"I thought Reyneva and Caderyna's baby was dead." Santana sucks in a deep breath, picturing what she'd remembered while Brittany was bleeding out in the back of the squad car.

"Well she's not, you're lookin' at her. The Faded Ones wanted Reyneva dead because she was the greatest threat to them and without her, Caderyna would be lost and the kingdom would fall apart on itself. But they needed the baby, that's why they struck when they did. As much as they wanted to topple the system, they needed royal blood in order to do so, so I was raised as the daughter of Gazeri, Caderyna's cousin who orchestrated the attack and tricked Azar into helping."

"Reyneva's own sister." Santana shook her head, trying not to make eye contact with Quinn. She wasn't sure if she could possibly be mad at her for something she did in a life she couldn't remember, but she also wasn't about to show any sort of emotion toward her either. "How could she?"

"Gazeri exploited her greatest weaknesses, her hatred of Caderyna, and her love for him."

"She hated me…I mean, Caderyna so much that she was willing to betray her sister?" Brittany took a breath and squeezed Santana's hand a little tighter, unable to comprehend that the girl she had grown up with, who had left Uecridis with her, was responsible for the downfall of an entire kingdom and the death of Reyneva.

"Who are Caderyna and Reyneva?" Burt whispered to Sara, but she just shook her head, having no idea.

"Her motives aren't written in the history, but according to Gazeri's accounts, he seduced Azar and carried on an affair with her for several months. When he offered her the opportunity to remove Caderyna from the throne, she took it."

"That makes no sense." Quinn narrowed her eyes. "Even if Caderyna was removed from the throne, there was no benefit to Azar."

"Having her sister's wife gone was benefit enough, though perhaps she assumed that Reyneva would abdicate in her time of grief, just as Caderyna attempted to do. I can't tell you why she make her choice, but she did, and she helped orchestrate the false meeting that Caderyna left the palace to attend, believing that she would be slaughtered when she arrived there."

"But she wasn't." Sam couldn't take his eyes off of Quinn, both concerned about what happened with Azar and concerned for Quinn's well-being in finding this out.

"Gazeri knew that Azar would never consent to the death of her sister, but with Caderyna gone, the palace guards were split and his soldiers had the chance to kidnap Reyneva. It was specified that they bring her alive in order to preserve the life of the unborn child and so Gazeri could kill Reyneva himself."

"Jesus." Mercedes shook her head. "This is some barbaric shit."

"They were willing to do whatever it took to seize power."

"And you lived your whole life knowing that these monsters killed your mother?" Santana breathed deeply and Brittany, even from her position on the table, attempted to comfort her.

"I had no idea. Gazeri told me that my mother was gone and I just assumed she left. It wasn't until I was old enough to search for her that I discovered who I really was. I've spent years plotting to leave Uecridis, but it wasn't easy under the constant watch of my…of Gazeri. It was only recently that I felt almost a…beacon within me that led me to you."

"The necklaces." Brittany whispered.

"I've only seen them written about, until I saw Santana's this morning. You really are bonded mates."

"That's how I ended up here." Brittany nodded. "My soul sought out hers."

"I'm out of here." Quinn turned on her heels and though Sam tried to prevent her from exiting the room, she was faster than he was.

"I'll go after her." He told them, but Santana shook her head.

"I think it's best that I do. This was a lot to absorb and I'm sure she's feeling it the most deeply."

"Be careful." Sugar warned and Santana felt a chill go down her spine.

"Quinn won't hurt me. Azar might have, but Quinn is all bark and no bite."

With a kiss on Brittany's forehead, Santana left the room. She was glad for her cheerleading sprints because by the time she got outside, Quinn was halfway up the road and she had to run to catch up with her. For all of the conflict the rest of the group had with Quinn, Santana's heart ached for her in that moment. She was designated as the protector when the three of them left Uecridis, but little did anyone know of her role in ensuring that Reyneva was not protected. Santana felt a sisterly kinship with Quinn, given their past, and she wanted to make sure she knew that they weren't going to all turn on her just because of what Azar did decades ago. She may have come from Azar, but she was also half human, and she had the choice to make her own destiny.

"Quinn." Santana called out, touching her arm.

"Don't touch me!"


"Are you kidding me right now? Listen to you? I just learned that I was a murderer in my past life and was basically responsible for the downfall of our entire kingdom. Azar's sister was murdered and had her baby stolen because I was boning some guy and hated Caderyna so much. Brittany and Sam are the only family I have here and it looks like that's over. God, you know, I don't do all the touchy feely crap that the rest of you do, but at least I knew I had somewhere where I belonged."

"You think Brittany and Sam are just going to ditch you over this?" Santana screwed up her face. "Do you know them at all?"

"They're already pissed at me about breaking into Terri and Bryan's house, it's partially my fault Brittany got shot, now they find out that this whole protector thing is bullshit. Wouldn't you ditch me?"

"I'd probably ditch you because I think you're a really big bitch, but I'm not Brittany and Sam."

"Well obviously Brittany is going to choose her mate over me. I got you killed, that's the moral of the story."

"I'm not telling Brittany to cut you out. Quinn, we were sisters once."

"Some sister I was."

"I think…" Santana took a deep breath. "That nothing makes you do crazier things than love and hate and Azar was feeling both."

"How can you be so calm about this?"

"To be honest, I'm sort of freaking out inside. But I'm willing to put all that aside to have a conversation with you. I've had so many flashbacks of Azar and she felt that Caderyna was a threat to her people. She didn't want Reyneva to let her out of captivity, she didn't want Reyneva to marry her, but Reyneva's whole…thing…was controlled by this bond. I know what it's like to not feel heard, I go through it with my dad every day, and that's probably how Azar felt, so she took refuge in this affair with Gazeri."

"But how stupid could she be? She was worried about Caderyna being one of the Faded Ones, but then there she was, falling in love with one."

"Love is stupid."

"Meanwhile, you're stupid in love." Quinn rolled her eyes.

"And ever since I've been in love, I've done stupider things than I've ever done in my life. Look at me, I'm out here with you because I know my girlfriend cares about you."

"I always thought that one day, a spaceship would pick us up and we'd all go back to our home planet. Now, apparently I'm a hero to the people who destroyed that planet and I just…don't know."

"Look, this whole this life, that life, two parts of ourselves thing is really confusing. I know that my soul comes from Reyneva and that's why I love Brittany the way that I do, but I think that we're supposed to be just who we are here."

"I think that's easier for you to say, you were reincarnated into this life, the rest of us actually came from there."

"Yeah, and then you marinated in some incubation pods for decades and lived on this planet with no knowledge of your past life for ten years. You can't say that you're the same person as Azar, because you don't even remember Azar."

"But you do."

"Just for the record, having these memories isn't exactly fun. A few hours ago, I got to relive being kidnapped. If you want to try and remember, we can do what I do with Brittany. Take my hand."

"You'd do that for me?"

"I don't hate you, Quinn." Santana held out her hand and Quinn took it, screwing up her face.

The sky was the deepest indigo and sitting on the black sand was a young Reyneva. As she always did, she was enjoying her respite from the palace. Her legs were splayed out in front of her and she let the sand filter through her fingers. It was late for her to still be out, but she was in no rush to return home. From behind, Azar approached and covered Reyneva's eyes with her small hands. Reyneva squealed, but she knew who it was, as Azar did the same thing each night when her mother would send her out to find her sister.

"Mother says you're in too late again, Neva." Azar chirped. "But she says the same thing every night."

"Let's not race inside tonight, Zar. Come swim with me, it's the most wonderful at twilight."

"But Mother…"

"I've nearly reached my tenth year, and I don't think she'll mind much if I keep my eye on you. We won't swim out too far."

"Alright." Azar conceded, as she always did at that age to her older sister, and took Reyneva's hand as they walked down to the water together.

Reyenva didn't even bother to disrobe, she walked straight into the gelatinous water, watching as the waterfall cascaded down and Azar followed her in. With a smile, Reyneva tossed water at her little sister, who squealed and tried to return the gesture, though she slipped and slid and soon had her head beneath the water. Reyneva swam to her side and pulled her up by her midsection and Azar grinned, even as she gasped for breath.

"You saved me, Neva!"

"I didn't save you, you know how to swim, you just need to remember to do it."

"Do you swim here all the time?"

"Quite often, yes. It's much less responsibility to be out here than to be in the palace with Mother ensuring that I fulfill my role."

"I can help you with it. I'm still little, but I've seen what it is you do and what Mother wants from you."

"I just much prefer life outside of the palace. It's a beautiful world we have here, and I'm uncertain why it wouldn't be in the best interest of the kingdom for me to spend more time within it."

"We have to be concerned for our safety, Mother says. The Faded Ones could rise up at any time and you're the heir to Father's throne. If you're in danger, then we all are."

"You're too young to worry about the Faded Ones, Azar. Mother shouldn't put those things in your head."

"I'm only two years younger than you. If you have to worry about the dangers we face, I want to worry about them with you."

"I'm so lucky Mother and Father chose to give me a sister." Reyenva smiled. "The stars are coming out, see."

"It's so beautiful here at night, you were right. I think it's worth how upset Mother will be when we come back late and soaking."

"She never stays angry long." Reyneva laid on her back to float and she took Azar's hand to allow her to float beside her. "Do you think we're alone in the universe, or that there's life out there among the stars?"

"You think about big important things, Neva. I never wondered about that."

"I just think it's odd that there may be a whole world beyond us and yet here we are, lying in the river."

"It's a good river. I like the waterfall."

"It's my special spot, but I can share it with you, if you'd like."

Santana pulled her hand away from Quinn's and took a deep breath. In all of her flashbacks to Uecridis, there was always such conflict between the two of them over Caderyna, but to see them as children was a bit of an eye opener. In the time since she'd been involved with this situation, she'd worked on fostering her relationship with Brittany, but the reality of it was that her soul knew Quinn's as well. Reyneva and Azar had been sisters, and close sisters at that. Despite how awful everything ended, there was a bond between them and she had to be the one to handle whatever feelings everyone had about Reyneva's murder.

"I don't know what to do." Quinn confessed. "How can I feel so much guilt for something I don't remember?"

"I don't know either, Quinn. What Azar did was unforgivable, but you're not Azar."

"I'm made from the same DNA as someone who would have her sister's wife murdered."

"We'll figure it out. I just need you not to run. The three of you were made to be parts of a whole and in order to keep us safe, we need you to be part of it."

"I just need some time. Let me just walk this off."

Santana left Quinn in the street and she turned back toward Sara's house. So much had happened in the past few hours and she understood why Quinn needed to breathe. Truth be told, she needed it as well, but with Brittany injured, she couldn't bring herself to be apart from her for too long. She clutched her necklace and stood on the porch, thinking about everything that was going on inside. Hummel, Kurt and her Aunt Sara had absolutely no idea what was going on, but they knew that aliens were among them. Sam and Brittany were dealing with the fact that the girl they grew up with had a dark past that they never could have imagined. Mercedes was trying to keep it together. And Sugar, Sugar was just there, the baby she assumed was dead, and had all of this information about them that Santana could barely process.

"Can I have a minute alone with Brittany?" Santana asked, when she came back inside.

"Yeah, yeah." Sam was the first to answer. "Everyone clear out."

"Britt." Santana sighed. "I haven't even been able to process the fact that you were shot a few hours ago and now there's all…this."

"I'm okay, Santana. I'm really okay."

"I can feel that you're not in as much pain." She took a breath and then started to cry. "I'm sorry…I'm sorry, I know I need to get it together right now, but I was so scared."

"Hey, come here." Brittany fought to sit up, gasping for breath as the pain radiated through her back. She didn't care though, she needed her arms around Santana, they needed to get through all of this together. "You saved my life."

"You saved mine first. I remembered that the Dales Stones are meant to protect us and I just hoped that it would work this time."

"It did. Please don't cry, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere."

"Everything is so fucked up, Britt. Quinn is freaking out, Sugar is here and she's like…our daughter, or whatever, we still have to deal with Hummel and Kurt and my aunt. All I want to do is curl up in bed with you and make everything that happened today go away."

"Trust me, Santana, I want that more than anything. And I hate that you had to go deal with Quinn because I can't move...she's my responsibility."

"She was my sister once, baby. I showed her that. She's not Azar. I need her to remember that so she doesn't freak out and put us all in danger."

"She's done it before."


"I'm sorry. I know you're trying to be really forgiving about this whole thing but…it's a lot for me to forgive. The reason we're here and not on our home planet is because Azar sold out her own family because she hated Caderyna so much."

"I get that, Britt, I do, and I know I couldn't forgive Azar, but Quinn is so much more than just Azar."

"Is she though? She's consistently doing things that put us in danger. Azar's choice was not that much different."

"You can't possibly comparing a plotted murder to her decision to break into Terri and Ryan's house."

"Are you mad at me about this?" Brittany asked, pulling back from her embrace of Santana.

"I'm not mad, okay, I'm just really fucking overwhelmed. You're my mate, she's my sister, how the hell do you think I'm supposed to feel being caught in the middle of the whole thing? I'm going to choose you every single time, just like Reyneva did, but that doesn't mean I like the conflict."

"It's not conflict. It's a fact that Azar got Reyneva killed because she was trying to kill Caderyna."

"What if Sugar isn't really the baby? What if this is all a plot to turn us against each other?"

"I know you feel it, Santana. I feel exactly who she is right in my chest. You know she's not lying."

"I wish she was." Santana whispered. "What are we supposed to do about this whole situation?"

"There's nothing we can do. You're human, you can't go back and even if we were to go there, we left once because we couldn't stop them."

"So what does Sugar want from us?"

"Maybe she just wanted answers. Or maybe she wanted to come to the place where we found safety."

"Brittany, there's nothing safe about this place. Even with Holly infiltrating the FBI, it's still only a matter of time before someone catches up to us. What if Hummel changes his mind about wanting to help us? What if Aunt Sara freaks about the whole thing and decides to report us?"

"You know that she won't. And I saved Hummel's son. As of right now, this is much safer for her then a place where her mother was killed and she was raised in a web of lies."

"I don't know." Santana sighed, exasperated. "I just don't know."

There wasn't much else for either of them to say, so they sat in silence until Santana left to walk it off. Sam came back in and he sat with Brittany for a long while, neither of them saying anything either. Brittany's back hurt and she was exhausted and she laid back down and closed her eyes, wishing the day away just like Santana did. They'd never had an argument before, but it sure felt like they were then, and she didn't like it at all. But she still couldn't put away her feelings about Quinn, it was hard to reconcile them when she felt aspects of Caderyna present in her at all times.

After Santana came back from her walk, she found Mercedes sitting with Hummel, Kurt and Sara who weren't saying anything either. Sugar was nowhere to be found, but it just seemed like everyone was rendered completely speechless by the events of the day, and somehow she felt like it was her role to fix everything. She was no longer the queen of Uecridis, but her people on Earth were in danger and they were suffering for everything that had happened. She at least had to try to convince the humans that everything was okay, that what they'd heard about murders and everything else had happened in another lifetime and they were in no danger at the present moment.

"I know this is a lot for all of you." She finally said. "It was a lot for me when I found out too."

"I don't understand, Santana." Kurt spoke first. "Who are all these people that Sugar was talking about?"

"They were us, in a past life. I was Reyneva, queen of the planet Uecridis in a different galaxy, Brittany was Caderyna, her wife, and Quinn was Reyneva's sister Azar."

"This is all a lot." Sara scrubbed her face. "Why…how?"

"Because of everything Sugar talked about. Reyneva was killed and reincarnated as me and I'm bonded to Brittany so she was able to find me again. The technology is just better there…it's different."

"Who killed those people at the Air Force base?" Burt asked, though Santana was surprised that he didn't have as much malice in his tone as she would have expected.

"Holly did." Santana answered honestly, figuring that there was no sense in lying anymore when everything was now out in the open. "She did it to protect the pods that contained Brittany, Sam and Quinn. Their lives were at risk, and her job was to keep them safe."

"Through murder?"

"Look, I wasn't there, I don't know what happened. All I know is that today someone from the FBI pulled a gun on Brittany and if that's the kind of threat Holly faced, then she did what she had to do."

"I have a duty to uphold the law."

"Dad." Kurt shook his head. "She saved my life."

"I know she did and that's why in my duty to uphold the law, I'm aware that the personal safety of anyone in my jurisdiction comes above all else."

"So you're not going to turn them in?" Santana took a deep breath.

"I'm not going to turn them in. The FBI shut me out of their investigation into what happened at the Intergalactic Diner and it's obvious they don't need my expertise."

"Santana." Sara put her arm on her niece's shoulder. "This is so dangerous for you."

"I don't have a choice, Aunt Sara. This isn't some high school love affair that I'm going to get over. Our souls are bonded across galaxies. I'm part of this now."

"All I want is to know that you'll be safe."

"I wish I could give you that guarantee." Santana sighed. "But I just don't know what's going to happen."

"And what about college? All you've wanted your whole life is to leave Roswell."

"I imagine that it can still happen. I don't know, I haven't gotten that far yet. Between all of this and fighting with my dad, it's just…a lot."

"Come here." Sara pulled Santana into a hug and she so gratefully accepted it, really needing human contact after such an overwhelming day. "I'm here if you need anything. I'm glad you felt safe enough to come to me."

"I'm really, really glad you saved Brittany."

"Can you do me a favor and try not to get shot? I'm not sure I could handle it if it were you."

"No one else is getting shot in my jurisdiction." Hummel affirmed, touching the gun on his belt.

"What are we supposed to do?" Sam re-entered the room, touching Mercedes' shoulder.

"You're asking me?" Mercedes' eyes widened and Sam shrugged.

"I'm asking anyone who can give me some kind of answer and I trust you, Mercedes."

"I trust her too." Santana nodded. "'Cedes, please make it so I don't have to make another decision."

"Jeeze, guys, that's a lot to ask of me. But…I think we should go back to Roswell. If Holly's taking care of the FBI then I don't think we all need to leave our families."

"If we go, Mercedes, you don't have to come." Sam assured her, though Santana could see how it pained him to say it.

"I'm in this for the long haul, Sam. If you all leave, I'm going too."

"I think she's right." Brittany limped into the room and Santana immediately went to hold her up, even if they were in the midst of some kind of weird conflict. "I just want to go home."

"I'm going to find Quinn." Sam volunteered and Brittany nodded.

Sugar came back in while Sam was out looking for Quinn, but no one really had anything else to say. It was overwhelming and confusing for everyone and after Mercedes' suggestion, it seemed like they were all just ready to try and resume their normal lives as humans. Sugar was the first to leave, telling everyone that they'd be meeting up again, and Santana gave her an awkward hug, feeling like she needed to embrace the child she thought was dead. Hummel and Kurt left next, with another promise that they'd help protect the secret of the aliens and Hummel clapped Brittany on the shoulder, stiffening his upper lip as he thanked her again for saving Kurt's life.

When Sam came back with an angry and sullen Quinn, it was clear that it was time to leave. There would be more to talk about, that much was obvious, but for the day, they all needed it to be done. Brittany just hoped that when they dropped Quinn off at Judy's she wouldn't take off. She had a lot she needed to say to her, but she just didn't have the strength to do it at that moment. She had to put all of her strength into hiding the fact that she had a gunshot wound from her parents.

After Brittany thanked Sara again for saving her life, they got into the car, Mercedes in the front with Sam and Brittany, Quinn and Santana awkwardly in the back. Though Sam tried to make conversation on the long drive back, no one took the bait and they ended up sitting silently in the car the entire way. Even after Quinn got out of the car and slammed the door at her house, the others had nothing to say. There was still something between Brittany and Santana, so they weren't exactly up for talking. They dropped Santana off and she avoided the confrontation with her father by forgoing entering through the diner and going up the back entrance to her room. She flopped down on the bed and gripped her necklace, trying to make sense of everything that had happened.

Having to explain everything to Sara, Hummel and Kurt made her feel nothing but more confused about who she was and she felt like there was this weight pushing down on her. So much of her wanted to run away. She loved Brittany, but she found herself imagining living in a little apartment in New York where there was no alien drama, no one was getting shot, no supposedly dead babies were showing up, no sisters were accessories to murder. The whole thing was so much more than she bargained for and as she turned on the music on her phone, she found herself sinking into the lyrics Oh, you loved me 'cause I'm fragile, when I thought that I was strong.But you touch me for a little while, and all my fragile strength is gone. She closed her eyes, trying to reconcile her feelings, but then she felt the burn in her chest from her necklace and she tried to remember that even if she could, she didn't really want to escape.