Hello All!

Welcome to my little corner of the Lokane universe with my feels and love in tow for this great ship. These prompts given to me are/have been submitted to my tumblr. This anthology will be updated sporadically when I am writing for the prompts/why I have time (I am also working on other lokane projects)...they range from one shots to drabbles depending on how in depth I go. If you wish to submit a prompt...either PM me or the better option would be to send me an inbox via tumblr...here is the link...just remove the parentheses...


I love all prompts from fluff to drama to angst to sadness to "ehem is it getting hot in here?" to basically anything...don't be shy if you have a prompt.

Let me know what you think!

I'd love to see reactions and know if you think a particular prompt could make a good multi fic.

To check out more of my Lokane work just click my name and suffer along in feels of my other stories.

Happy reading!

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.

Prompt: Jane takes care of a sick Loki! Because fluff

*whispers* yay for fluff :))

Also there is a fan art for this! link posted to my bio!

"A Sick Day"

Jane pressed the cold compress to Loki's head.

Loki winced. "Gently, woman." His body had taken a toll the past few days. The pallor of skin grew ashy and his eyes had sunken in. His cheekbones were more prominent and his hair a tangled mess.

Jane sighed. "Well if you didn't get sick in the first place…"

She stood up and went to get more blankets from the closet.

"One millennium since an ailment," Loki mumbled. "..and the moment I stepped foot into your threshold, I am attacked by a Midgardian disease."

Jane smirked from inside the closest, hearing his words. "You're just bitter because you cannot cure yourself."

Loki eyed Jane once she returned with more blankets. "What makes you believe I cannot cure myself?"

Jane began to unfold the blankets and place them on Loki's slightly shivering form. "For one thing, you would have cured yourself the moment I made you swallow the day-quil-"

"-That vile poison should be banished from this realm and all healers. It is no wonder your kind keeps dying-"

"-or when I took your temperature," Jane interrupted, placing the compress back on his head.

Loki smiled. Despite his weakened form, his smile was the one attribute which had not been affected by the sickness. "Perhaps I endure this pain to have you as my nursemaid."

"And why is that?" Jane asked. She almost felt like laughing, watching him try to maintain his witty banter while stuffed under blankets.

"I do enjoy watching your brow furrow when you check my temperature." Loki said, smiling as he recalled the memory. "And your smile as you force feed me soup…..and watching you twirl you writing instrument when you keep me company in here while you work….or perhaps when you walk away to get me something I need..the sway of your hips-"

Jane grips both sides of the blanket and rips them off Loki's body. His body seizes into a cold panic and he begins to shiver. "I-insufferib-ble w-wench."

Jane smirks. "I'm sorry….what am I?"

Loki glared at her, but without threat. "C-cruel….and m-merci-cilous"

Jane smiled and tucked the blankets back on him. She placed a gentle kiss on his forehead…which was beginning to cool down. She smiled at him and placed a warm hand on his cheek. "I learned from the best."

The corners of Loki's mouth turned up as well. "That you did, my lady."

Jane stood and began walking to the door. "I'll go get that tea you like…." She turned around quickly. "And keep your eyes close as I leave."

Loki closed his eyes with a grin still on his face. "As my nursemaid commands, so I shall abide."

…but the sick god of mischief could not help but open his eyes once Jane turned for the door.