read my A.N. I know they suck but it's going to explain a lot

Hi guys yes this is going to be a boyxboy fix I don't know why I'm writing this but I hope you all really like it if not don't read. It's not going to be cute a cuddle puppy crap, Percy has gone threw some serious skittles I'M HAVING IT WERE PERCY HAD SAVED ANNABETH FROM THE CLIFF AND FEEL INTO TARTARUS ALONE. ANNABETH ISN'T A CHEATING WHORE, THERE R TO MANY STORY'S LIKE THAT EVEN IF THEY'RE FUN TO WRITE its going to be dark at some point and I will try my best on grammar and spelling but God knows I'm terrible at it. Also I'm not a big fan of twilight but I have some friends who are. Last this and I swear I'll try and shut up okay. Please if you don't like it or don't have anything nice to say then shut the fuck up and turn around. If ur a nice person and fav of follow me then awesome it great and if u comment and I like it or you have a question I'll give u a shout out before the story starts. Now I'm going to shut my pie hole and get to work thanks (wow that was long, oops sorry shutting up)

Percys pov

It's dark, I can barely see through the black and red light. I hear the screams of my friends and family are all around me, but I can't see them. I'm alone with nothing to keep me believing I'm actually alive, I'm really breathing, not dead,but then the overpowering pain that runs up and down my body, reminding me, I'm still alive.

Then the whispering starts, the voices of my family who I have cost the lives of, most pain runs through me like electricity.

"Stay with us Percy"

"Don't go, we love you Percy"

"Stay, please it's fun here, we can be family again" the soft voice of my love one's flood my mind. The voices are to sweet, to sweet to be true, all of them trying to convince me to stay in this dark hell.

"Percy I love you remember that, stay with use, please my hero" (A.N. o.O okay starting to freak myself out anybody else)

"No, no it's not true you're not real", I scream back. The whisper stop its completely silent, then that all spoke at wince as if they were one. And the pain increased with. Every. Word

"Wrong chose my hero, now you DIE"

I shot out of my bed like a bullet as my scream filled my small room. God their getting worse, stupid nightmares. Looking at the clock I can tell it's only about 2 a.m. well at least I got a few hours asleep, stupid tartarus.

"Percy, you okay babe" a deep voice said. Looking up there stood my favorite cousin, Nico as he walked into my room from the shadows.

Nico had grown, he was tall, broad chest, stood proudly with big muscles giving him the dark, dangerous, and sexy look.

I look down at my feet ashamed, why ME I'm ruining my parents and my family's lives. Why, why did the fates hate me. Was I just a little toy to them to screw with for fun. I practically could feel Nico scowl, as he silently sat down, pulled me into his lap any hugged me tightly.

"Shh, stop thinking down about yourself, you did nothing to deserve this. It's. Not. Your. Fault, you hear me." His breath was hot on my neck, giving me confort as he rubbed my legs.

"Yes " I said in a soft voice.

"Good, now come on I know you're tired" he kissed me gently on the lips before he pulled me down on the bed. Him on his back, me on his chest as I clutched his shirt tightly and prayed that I wouldn't have any more nightmares with him here protecting me, but of course I was wrong.

It was around 6 a.m. when I woke up again, the rest of the night was okay but I had still be plagued with the dark dreams.

Nico was still asleep, his arms wrapped around me tightly his lips were in a soft smile as I lied on his strong chest. I'm not gay, I'm bi, or whatever you call it when you like both sexes I guess you could say, and Nico was my boyfriend, I snuggled closer to him, he smelled good like when fresh rain with musky dirt smell, weird but a good weird.

A soft knock came from my door, there stood my mom they most amazing person on the planet.

She smiled when she noticed Nico, but then it disappeared. Oh no, something was wrong, because I knew she approved of Nico, especially when I had gotten out of tartarus alone. (A.N. if u didn't know that than, bad no imaginary cookie for you for not reading my stupid note)

"Percy, sweetheart wake up Nico I have something to tell you both, okay" with that she turned around and left the room, leaving me shocked.

"Well, that was new" a grumpy ghost king mumbled.

"You're awake"

"Of course I am, how can I sleep with someone so sexy in my arms" he said then suddenly he was on top of me leaving soft kisses on my neck. I blushed trying to wiggle out of his strong arms.

"Come on neeks let me go your heavy and my parents are waiting" he groaned against my neck causing me to giggle like a little girl.

"You think that's funny do you"

"Yep" I said and popped the 'p'

"Boys come on I'm to young to be a grandfather, now get down here or I'll feed the rest of breakfast to Miss O'Leary" (SPELLING?) Paul on the other hand didn't like my boyfriend, surprisingly Paul was a protective dad.

Sighing in defeat we both got up and went to the kitchen, were blue eggs and ham were waiting for use. Yummy.

After eating we both sat there and waited for them to speak first. Finally my mom spoke first.

"Percy, you remember your uncle Charlie, right"

"Yeah the cop who lives in spoons, or something like that"

"Yep, that's the one"

"What about him" I asked, and this time Paul answered

"Percy we love you know that right, I see you as my son, okay" now they were scaring me Nico grabbed my hand giving me a reassuring squeeze.

"Percy, he's made some arrangements so you could go and live with him and your cousin Bella, you can even go to school with her since your both in the same grade" they knew of my hatred for this place as well as my love. Every were I when there was a memories of both good and bad.

"When, why, where, can Nico live with use"

" I talked to Charlie and he understands about Nico, he's willing to let him live there saying that he has plenty of room" my mom spoke and relief flood through my, I was positive that I would not leave him. Then Paul spoke up.

" I know its hard but you're in pain Percy we can see it, the nightmares, refusing to go to camp. I know its hard but its for the best, okay son. Both of you will be leaving tomorrow so you catch a train to Forks Washington"

"Well I guess we better get packing"

Yahhhhhhh first chapter please tell me what you think






Next chapter is about Charlie talking to Sally and telling Bella about their new guest. then put some wolves and vampires into the mix.. yeah this is going to be fun

Okay I'm done talking now byeee
