"Hey, Alec?" Magnus said lightly, taking Alec's hand into his. At the moment they were still in the hospital. Alec wouldn't be released for two more days but they didn't want him in school for another week.

Alec looked up at his lovely boyfriend, a small smile creeping up his lips, "Charming?"

Magnus chuckled, "Charming?"

"Suits you." He grinned and entangled his fingers with Magnus's.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out once all of this was over.." Magnus's voice drifted off a bit. He was afraid Alec didn't want to be too open about their relationship yet, what if this was a bit too soon for him? "I mean only if you would like-"

"I would love to," Alec cut him off. He couldn't help but bring Magnus's knuckles to him and kiss them lightly, he didn't know why it was hard for Magnus to ask. Magnus was over confident and seeing him that was sort of cute..Anyways he saw before how Magnus would get hurt, he needed to give it all a chance.

"Oh yeah.. the police know what happened. They're only going to do a two years in Juvy unless you go to the court and get them more time.."

Alec chuckled and shook his head, "I think a two years is enough. I don't want to get into anything deep.."

Magnus gave him a confused look, "They're-

"Its okay." Alec smiled and brought down Magnus, giving him a small kiss, "I mean they won't be at school. So that's good."

Magnus's face was only inches apart from his, close enough that he could feel Magnus's breath against his cool skin, "You okay I love you right?" Magnus breathed out, Alec slightly getting a scent of mint. Alec nodded, returning the words in a small whisper as Magnus bent down and connected their lips.

Alec leaned on his elbows, returning the kiss. He opened his mouth slightly, allowing entrance to Magnus's tongue. He felt warm, strong hands wrap around his chest, going back around his back. "I love you." Alec whispered against Magnus's lips and continued the kiss.

"You.." Magnus cut him self off kissing him slowly, "Are beautiful. You're the most gorgeous being I have ever laid my eyes upon."

Alec felt him self blush at the compliments, his face turning a light shade of pink as he wrapped his arms around Magnus's neck. He couldn't get enough of him. Magnus was his drug. Magnus was pure perfection to him and hearing Magnus say that- tell him he felt the exact same way made him feel amazing. A way no one had ever made him feel. "Charming," Alec whispered and kissed him lightly, "You're my charming."

Magnus chuckled against their lips, the moment being interrupted when they heard a small knock on the door before hearing the noise of the door opening. Magnus broke the kiss and slightly leaned up to see who it was. It was two grown people when he realized they were Alexander's parents. The man had Alexander's eyes brows and dark hair. His mother having light blue eyes, not bright as Alexander's though.

He slowly let go of his beauty to see Alexander's eyes narrowing at them. "Alexander." Maryse said, "We heard you were here. Um.. who's this? Your friend?"

Magnus took a step back and looked over at Alec. Alec noticed the small look of hurt in his eyes. It was now or never, he thought. "This is my boyfriend." He said lightly and looked over at his boyfriend. His boyfriend who really did look like a Prince Charming. It was now or never, he thought before continuing, "When you guys were gone.. This is Magnus.. my old friend.. he came back..."

Maryse's eyes widened in shock as Robert made a low grunt and walked away. Not saying a word. Alec felt the pang in his chest, "Mom.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before-"

"Alexander," His mother cut him off as she walked over to him, "Are you happy?"

Alec looked at her confused, "Yeah, I mean-"

"Then that's enough." She smiled and tears suddenly grew in her eyes, "We were so worried something horrible happened to you. I see you're okay right now. Don't worry about your father he just needs to get used to I-it." Her voice broke at the last word as she broke out into a sob.

Alec's eyes softened as he leaned up and hugged his mother, "Mom..thank you for accepting me. Where's Max?"

Maryse pulled away and rubbed her eyes, smudging her mascara, "He's at school, I'm sorry this happened to you." She looked down at the mascara on her hands and laughed before looking at Magnus. Her eyes widened as if she had forgotten he was there. "Magnus.. its been a long time."

Magnus smiled at her and nodded, "Yeah. I'm sorry you had to find out this way. It's nice seeing you again."

Maryse smiled at him, "Its nice to see you too. So should I call you Son?"

I couldn't help but chuckle as Magnus laughed, "Its okay Mrs. Lightwood, what ever you prefer is okay."

Maryse chuckled, "Call me Mom."

(Two days later)

"Think I can sink this one in the corner pocket?" Alec cockily leaned against the pool table.

His cue stick tapping the green felt on the table. Only the eight ball remained.

Magnus took a sip of his beer, rolling his eyes. He had warned Alec not to drink so much and now he was basically half drunk making Alec more confident. He guessed that was one good thing. "I don't see why not. You've been whooping my ass the entire night."

Alec grinned. Ever since he had gotten out of the hospital he quickly demanded to be taken to a bar, he wanted to do something he had never really done, even though he had gotten out a couple of hours ago. He turned around with a cocky swag ad bent over the table, lining up the cue stick behind the white wall, "If I get this shot you owe me a prize."

"Okay," Magnus smirked, tilting his head in agreement, "What do you want?"

Alec smiled as he drew his stick back, "I'll tell you after I win." The stick connected with a hard tap to the white ball and Magnus watched as the ball rolled directly to its target, causing the black ball to hit the wooden side before spinning and depositing its self in the corner pocket.

Alec stood up and smiled victorious. He sauntered over to Magnus, placing the stick on the table. He was happy he had convinced his boyfriend to wear his hair down tonight. He looked more alluring like that. Alec knew Magnus had been oblivious to the glances he had been getting all night from both men and women. Even men with their women.

He stood in front of Magnus and slung one arm around his neck. The universal sign of an intimate relationship. He did that mainly for whomever was watching them. Yes, this tall, gorgeous, bronzed, beautiful man belonged to this scruffy, average looking guy. Let all the Camille's in the room seethe with envy. Let them wonder what it was Alec had they didn't.

He took the half finished bottle out of Magnus's hand and placed it on the table next to them. He leaned in to whisper into Magnus's ear. He could feel the tension crackling around them. Out of the corner of his eyes he could see some people bluntly staring at them, while others tried to be polite and not look at them directly but kept glancing in their direction. "Let's get out of here."

Magnus nodded. Alec smiled at him as Magnus pulled away and threw a twenty on the table.


Magnus looked over at Alec as he strolled next to him. The bar was only a few blocks away so they had decided to travel by foot.

Alec grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together. Magnus caught the smirk on his face. Alec was up to something. He could've sensed it at the bar and now as they walked down the street holding hands. This was almost new. Holding hands in public other than school.

They were about half way home when Alec suddenly pulled him off the side walk and down between a damp alley between two buildings. His back with the brick wall with a resounding thud that he felt down his spine. But before he could adjust his bearings, he felt Alec's lips on his own. Alec sucked his lips hard, scraping them with his teeth. He heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down but it was only when he felt Alec's hands pressing into his chest when he realized it had been his jacket. Alec's movements were fanatic, erratic. A lock of his hair was twisted around Alec's fingers that he kept a tight tension on.

Alec was rutting his hips against his left thigh and he could feel Alec's erection pressing against him. However, he wasn't in the same state.

"Alec." His boyfriend right now was trying to mark his neck and fuck his thigh at the same time. He places his hands on Alec's hips to steady him, "What are you doing?"

"I want you." It was a hoarse whispered admittance. He shifted his hips a bit so that his erection rested on top of Magnus's growing one. "Want you." A sharp tug on his hair and Alec's lips were back on his, kissing him feverishly. Magnus kissed him back but it felt as if there was more than passion behind this.

"Alec." Magnus tried to reason behind fanatic kisses. "We're in public. Suppose someone sees us."

"Then let them watch." Alec sealed his lips against Magnus's cutting off any further conversation, twisting his tongue around Magnus's. "Let the whole world fucking watch. I want them to see that you're mine."

It took a while for Magnus to finally figure out what Alec was trying to tell him.

Magnus placed his hands firmly on Alec's hips and pushed him back. "So you just want everyone to see that we're together?"

Alec nodded. He tried to move back in closer to Magnus but his arms forced him to stay at a distance.

"So i'm just some trophy to you?" The hurt in Magnus's voice was evident. He shook his head in disbelief and pushed off the wall. "Is that why you're all over me in public all of a sudden?"

Magnus was taking everything entirely the wrong way. "No!" Alec shook his head frantically. "I didn't mean it like that." Magnus still looked as if he didn't believe him. "I just wanted you that's all."

"Like what? That you were just parading me around like some sort of a show dog to just boost your ego?"

Alec sucked in his bottom lip and looked away. In a way Magnus was right. He was just doing it to boost his ego in a way. After all he was certain that lots of people thought that he didn't deserve to be with a guy who looked like Magnus, although he couldn't figure out when he started to care about what others thought. Being with Magnus was sort of like a fuck you to all the people who didn't think that he deserved some one like that. But instead all he did was hurt Magnus instead.

He let go of Magnus's wrist and shoved his hands in his pockets. His eyes focused on the ground. He was just fucking everything up. He shouldn't be surprised by it now. It was the one thing he was always good at.

They walked the rest of the journey in silence. Once they got there he made a bee line to the apartment door. He just wanted to collapse on the bed and wish that this night had never happened.

His hand was already on the door knob, about to turn it.

"What are you doing?"

It was his turn to look at Magnus confused. Then it hit him, maybe he pissed him off enough that he didn't want Alec t stay. Magnus looked at him with weary eyes and sighed as he unlocked the door and pushed it open. "Just because we had a small fight it doesn't mean that I don't want you around."

He allowed Alec to walk in the apartment in front of him. He noticed how fidgety his beautiful angel had become. His hands were in his hair pockets, underneath his shirt. It was as if Alec didn't know what to do with him self. Magnus made a mental note not to let him drink so much again.

"Alexander we need to talk."

Alec's face fell a bit. Angel, he hated that phrase. Nothing good ever came out of needing to talk. He stopped pacing the living room floor to see Magnus resting against the back of his couch.

"What?" He mumbled a bit and slightly closed his eyes, feeling the alcohol getting to him.

"Listen. I love that you're being more open about our relation ship but.. it..it didn't seem real. As if you were doing this for something else."

Alec shut his eyes tightly and let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair, "I'm..I'm sorry. I was thinking of what Camille had said and its true. Guys like you don't go for guys like me-"

Without noticing Alec suddenly felt strong arms around him causing his eyes to snap open. He was slowly turned in the taller boys arms to have his chin lifted up. "She's taken care of. She moved schools. Her dogs are gone." He bent down and kissed him ever so tenderly on his rosy pink lips. "Never think that way. If you want for ANY other reason we'll be open. Just.. please don't do it because of that."

He felt a bit lost until he felt Magnus tipping his chin higher. He felt his insides melting as Magnus's warm lips covered his own. So soft. So supple. Slow deliberate movements. A clever tongue invading his mouth. He couldn't move if he wanted to. He was being kissed thoroughly and properly. He wrapped his arms tightly around Magnus's neck and returned the kiss. His heart leaped back up into its right position.

He felt him self starting to walk backwards with Magnus guiding him to the bedroom. They were barely parting for air before reconnecting their lips again. He didn't know how their clothes came off. All he knew was that he was naked on his back and Magnus naked on top of him as their cocks were brushing against each other creating incredible friction.

Hot kissed rained down on his chest. A warm, wet tongue leaped around his nipple and playful fingers pinched the other one. His body moved on automatic. His legs locked around Magnus's waist, pressing their hips together. Keeping their legs locked together he sat up to get Magnus's lips. He was sucking on Magnus's tongue as his hands moved down the muscled torso to the toned back side. He squeezed Magnus's ass with both hands, thinking about maybe one day, him topping. He grinded his hips up against Magnus's cock while still holding on to his ass. His boyfriend moaned into his mouth and thrusted back against him.

This is what he loved about Magnus. Magnus was bigger than him, but he didn't intimidate him. Sure, he wasn't used to being shorter than anyone but yet he wasn't. He was covered by him. Alec tangled his hands up in Magnus's hair as a long finger pushed into him. His breath hot and panting against Magnus's ear.

"You like that baby?" Magnus placed hot open wet kisses against his throat.

Alec simply moaned in return. He couldn't make up words to speak as that finger stroked against that sensitive bundle inside of him while Magnus's heavy member laid next to his own. He could feel the heat emanating from it against his skin. All of that was fucking his and no one could take it away from him not even a damn model. Magnus.. loved him.

He felt something wet and slick being applied to his entrance. He didn't even know when Magnus had grabbed the lube. He couldn't concentrate on anything. Just hot skin, slick hair and Magnus's cock pressing into him. He could feel almost every ridge on Magnus's shaft as he pressed into him and that when he realized he wasn't wearing a condom. Even better.

He closed his eyes and threw his head back allowing the natural rhythm of their bodies to take over the movements. The push and pull. The up and down. The in and out. The heavy breathing. Messy kissed. Grunting and moaning. Everything was just washing over him like a wave. His body was there but his mind was somewhere else floating and just feeling the sensations of their love making. Love making. That was what they were doing, wasn't it? It just seemed to fit right now at this point.

Magnus's hips slammed into him. His fingers squeezing his hips hard enough to leave visible bruising. Magnus was letting go and so was he. A momentarily blackness washed over him and then his mind came back to his body. Magnus was lying on top of him and their fingers were locked together. Perfection. That was what they were together. Perfect.

Eventually they got cleaned up and Alec was too spent to even bother to pull the blanket over his body. Magnus crawled over him to get to his side of the bed. Immediately he wrapped an arm around Alec's waist to pull him against his body. Godamnit. That sex he just had with Alec had to be the best sex that he ever had in his life. He had never felt so connected to anyone in life like that before. It was an exhilarating feeling that he wondered if he could ever duplicate it again.

Alexander relaxed in his arms and was breathing softly. He had drifted off already. Magnus remained quiet for several minutes just feeling Alec's body against his own and watching the gentle rise and fall of his chest. His beautiful inky hair falling over his face. He was beautiful. He would challenge anyone who dared say different.

He settled down to sleep, nudging his nose against Alec's neck, his lips kissing the tender flesh up to his earlobe. "I love you." He whispered into Alexander's ear.

A/N: Huehuehuehue