AN: OMG OMG One of my favorite authors reviewed! Thank you so much, Phoenixhp5t3! Everyone who reviewed, thank you so much! You gave me motivation to write another story.

Bella POV

Okay, so in hindsight, trying to climb this tree was not such a good Idea after all. I do not know what possessed me to do this but I was waiting for Carlisle to pick me up from Charlie's and take me home to spend some time with him and my siblings. Well it started when I was done getting ready early and went to wait outside. As a general rule, someone as clumsy as me doesn't get the urge to climb a tree. Don't ask me why I did it, because I will tell you I don't know. Anyway, the reason I now know it was not a good idea is the fact that now I am perched up here on the highest limb, wondering how I even got here in the first place, and trying to come up with some way that I can get down. As I was sitting here I was thinking about Carlisle and Esme's rules. There weren't too many, but more than I had ever had before. Hmmmm... Does climbing this tree count as putting myself in danger? Looking down at the huge drop that would no doubt shatter some bones, I concluded that yes it did, and I need to get down before Dad gets here. All right, shouldn't be that hard. I got up so I can get down. Right? I hesitantly made my first step down, hanging on to a limb for dear life. I made it one step down, just about fifteen more and I would be at a low enough level to not hurt myself too badly if I fall. Another step and then another. Hey I'm doing pretty well. Suddenly the limb I was standing on broke and I fell, hitting about seven or eight branches on the way down. Yes, tree climbing not a good idea AT ALL. My jacket then caught and I was hanging from one of the lower branches. I was pretty sure I was bleeding and would probably bruise from all the branches I hit, but at least I got caught before I could fall to the ground.

I tried to get out of my jacket by wriggling and squirming but to no avail. Well that is just fantastic. Dad is going to be here any minute and I am going to be in huge trouble. My cell phone started to ring in my Pocket. I reached in and pulled it out, with some difficulty, and answered. It was Carlisle.

"Hey Dad." I tried to sound innocent.

"Hello, Bella. I just called to warn you I will be a couple minutes late because I had a call from work. What are you doing? You sound like you are up to something."

"Oh you know, just… Hanging around." I said as I swayed slightly in the breeze.

"Well I will see you in a couple minutes, bye, Sweetpea." He said and then hung up. I closed my phone and thought "man this sucks worse than vampires."

Minutes later, I still for the life of me could not get out of this stupid tree. Just then I heard Dads car coming down my street, I know because only the Cullens drive that fast. I blushed thinking about my current situation and how he was going to find me. I saw his car pull up and stop in my driveway. Immediately he was out of his car and in front of me. At first he was just staring at me like he was trying to figure out why I was hanging from a tree, and then his stare turned worried when he saw that I was hurt. He looked around and listened, checking if anyone was around. When he was sure that we were the only ones, he jumped onto the limb that I was hanging from, a good eight feet in the air. He unhooked my jacket from the stupid branch of this stupid tree. He caught me and landed on his feet with me in his arms.

He set me down gently and asked the question that I couldn't answer. "What in the world were you doing up in that tree, Isabella."

Oh great, I thought, the full name. He means Business. When he means business, He usually means punishment. Wonderful way to start out the day Bella, just had to go and climb a tree. What are you, ten?

"That was not a rhetorical question Isabella Marie, and I expect an answer. Now." He said sternly.

"Well… um … I Don't actually have an answer for you. I just…felt like climbing a tree." I said and winced at my horrible excuse for an explanation.

"Since when did climbing trees have any appeal to you?"

"Since none of your business, that's when." I muttered, my embarrassment making my attitude come out.

"I'm sorry what was that?" He asked, though he heard perfectly what I said.

"Um…Since… I don't know. I'm sorry, Dad." I tried to sound as repentant as possible.

His Stern expression did not waver. "Come, I will take a look at you injuries and then we will discuss your sassiness and urge to put yourself in danger any way you can."

I groaned and followed him into Charlie's house and toward the bathroom where we kept the first aid kit. I have a feeling this is not going to end well for me and I have a sinking feeling I will be showing up to greet my siblings with a sore bottom. Can't I ever stay out of trouble?


AN: So here is the first chapter, I don't know how many there will be but idea suggestions are good. Please leave a review and thank you so much for taking time to read my story. –CullenGirl9397