As soon as I watched last night's episode, Riddled, I kind of found myself wishing Stiles had been there in the basement with a bear trap on his leg when Lydia, Scott, Aiden, and the Sheriff arrived, because I thought it would've been great to see their reactions. So this just kind of happened.


Lydia's voice echoed throughout the walls of the basement as she rushed to descend the stairs, along with Scott, Aiden, and the Sheriff trailing not far behind her.

"Please." A small whimper echoed. The voice was begging and soft, completely unlike the Stiles they were used to, but it was unmistakably him nonetheless.

"Over here!" Scott said quickly, already taking off to where the voice and the horrific smell of blood was coming from. He had no idea what he was expecting, though, because once he saw Stiles, his best friend, his brother, laying on the floor in pain with tears staining his cheeks, he swore his heart broke in half.

The Sheriff didn't waste any time, quickly kneeling down onto the floor next to his son, setting the flashlight he was holding onto the floor next to him. In one swift movement, he immediately took off his jacket off and wrapped it around the shivering boy. Holding his son in his arms, he turned towards Scott, before turning towards the bear trap that had caught Stiles' leg with a look of disgust at all the blood.

"Can you get that off of him?"

Scott nodded, not thinking twice, before he tapped into his Alpha strength and broke the bear trap in half with little to no problems. This was his brother, after all. He quickly took off his jacket, wrapping it carefully around the wound, knowing it'd be enough to hold them over until they got the help he actually needed.

"Stiles. Son, can you hear me?" As soon as the Sheriff saw the trap had been broken, he ran a hand through Stiles' hair, trying to get the boy to focus on him and what he was saying. Even though he wouldn't stop shaking, he knew he had to get him to the hospital and quickly; he had to get warm and get his leg checked out professionally. The Sheriff quickly stood up, cradling Stiles in his arms, before turning back towards Scott, who looked just as worried as he did.

"We've got to get him to the hospital. Scott, call your mom and tell her to meet us there. Lydia and Aiden, help me get Stiles into the backseat of the car." As he was yelling out instructions, taking charge because the thought of losing his son was not an option, he began rushing back towards the stairs, knowing the three teenagers would be following him not far behind.

As the five began making their way back up the stairs, Aiden stopping briefly to grab the flashlight that had been abandoned by the Sheriff, the only palpable sounds were their rushed footsteps and Stiles' shallow breathing, which only made everyone run faster.

As they reached the Sheriff's car, he quickly rushed Lydia to go in first. Once she was settled, he gently and carefully laid Stiles down in the backseat, allowing his head to rest peacefully on Lydia's lap.

"Go in the other side. Be careful with his leg." He instructed as he faced Aiden, the last part probably coming out more threatening than he had wanted. Even though Aiden was hardly Stiles' biggest fan, all he could do was nod and do as he was told, quickly making his way to open the door on the other side and climbed in next to Lydia. He couldn't help but mutter a curse word under his breath when he attempted to move Stiles' legs to make room for him to sit, only to have him whimper louder.

As the Sheriff shut the door after one last look at Stiles, he turned towards Scott who had shown up behind him.

"I called my mom, she'll be there in five minutes."

"Good. Okay. Get in." He said quickly, nodding his head towards the passenger's side seat. As Scott made his way to the other side, the Sheriff climbed into the the driver's seat, slamming the door shut, before turning back to the backseat.

"I don't think he'll have much time, Sheriff." Lydia said, cradling Stiles' head close to her body, in an attempt to keep him warm and offer him some comfort.

"Hang in there, kid." The Sheriff whispered under his breath, obviously meaning to say it to himself more than anyone else, though in a car with two werewolves and a banshee, that was inevitable. With that said, he turned his attention back towards the front and inserted the correct key into the ignition, fumbling with it slightly. As soon as the engine roared, he immediately turned on his police lights and began making his way to the hospital.

Needless to say, the ride was hectic. With the police lights going off, the Sheriff continued to drive at a fast pace, the only thing that calmed him down was the fact that he didn't want to hurt his son even more.

"Please. Make it. Stop." Everyone was surprised when they heard Stiles speak up, even if it was still more of a whimper than anything else. It definitely tugged on their heartstrings, though, because it was obvious that the pain that Stiles was feeling was only worsening.

"Shhh." Lydia said, cradling his head closer towards her if that was even possible at this point. She definitely wasn't used to seeing Stiles in such a state. None of them were. And that was evident by the looks of concern coming from Scott and the Sheriff.

"Hold on, Stiles. Hold on, okay?" Scott's voice was shaky, and all he could think of at that moment was that he should've been the one sitting in the back with Stiles and not Aiden. He wanted to be there with him, making sure he was okay.

The Sheriff looked back at Stiles through the rearview mirror for a second before turning the steering wheel a sharp left, entering the hospital parking lot, messily parking the car, not caring about that.

He and Scott immediately got out of the car, making their way towards the backseat to get Stiles, almost simultaneously.

"Come on, Stiles. Come on, son." Holding him close to his body, he couldn't help but notice how small and fragile Stiles looked, especially all wrapped up in his Sheriff's jacket.

As the Sheriff rushed to make his way towards the entrance of the hospital, Scott, Lydia, and Aiden followed close behind. Once they entered the hospital, they were all thankful that it was warm, hoping that it would help Stiles even if only a little.

"Mom!" Scott waved her over once he saw her.

Once she took notice that they had arrived, she wasted no time waving over the doctor and nurses she had asked for, along with a gurney. Part of the Sheriff didn't want to let go, almost as if he was scared of what would happen if he did. But he set his son down gently, because he knew had to.

"Don't worry, Stiles will be in good hands." Although she had said this to Scott, it was quite obvious that it was aimed towards the Sheriff as well.

Before they could do or say anything else, Stiles was being rolled away. And all they could do was hope for the best.