A/N: Yep, it's a crack I think. I don't know why I wrote that, but I think that everybody has a fear. But anyway, I hope you'll like it! It's not beta-ed, I tried my best to fix everything, but...

Disclaimer: Tales of Vesperia doesn't belong to me.

"Kill it. "

The thing looked at him with its big eyes. He felt bad about that.

"Please!" He begged.

He shivered when he saw it coming near of him. He took a step back and his back hit the wall. Bad luck!

"Flynn…!" He whispered. He wanted to cry. Crap! "Flynn!"

He didn't try to look at his friend, he didn't want to lose the sight of the thing. Near of them, he could hear his friend laughing. That…!

"I can't."

"What do you mean!?"

He was on the verge of fainting. The more the thing came close, the more he froze. And his tears fell. He has always hated it and the mere thought of it on him while his sleep scared him. Then, his blond friend came in front of him and leaned forwards the thing. When he saw it in his hand, he ran away to the other corner of the room.

"Oh please, Yuri. It is small, it won't kill you!"

"You don't know! I'm sure that it wants to eat me!"

Flynn raised his eyes and came close.

"Flynn, no! Don't even dare!"


"Don't even dare…" He breathed difficultly.

The thing was in front of his eyes. He hated it with all his heart! But more than that, he was scared. Why did such a thing exist!? Flynn continued his way and Yuri felt dizzy while it was near of his face.

"Please…I beg you…"

Then, with a sigh, Flynn went to the window and Yuri chilled.

Ten Years Later…

"Do you attract them!?" Yuri asked dryly, his eyes locked on the thing.

"I think it's you." Flynn answered with a smile. "You're still afraid of them, aren't you?"

"I'm not afraid! It's just…" He looked at the thing. "Okay, it's a phobia. Don't make fun of me!"

At the same time, someone knocked at the door and Flynn gave his authorization, under Yuri's protest who just wanted him to kill that stupid thing! Estelle appeared, a smile on her lips that grew up when she saw Yuri.

"I didn't know you were back, Yuri."

"Hey!" He answered, not looking at her.

"Is there a problem?"

"A story of…" Flynn began.

"Nothing!" Yuri cut him.

He wasn't going to tell her, right? Estelle tilted her head and she said with a soft voice:

"Flynn, do you know there is a spider on your window?"

"It's not a spider. It's a devil." Yuri replied harshly.


"Don't worry, Lady Estellise. Yuri has just a spider phobia."


He would kill Flynn when Estelle would leave. Oh yeah. But after he would have killed the thing and its eight eyes only!

Estelle went to the window, opened it and threw away the spider under the widened eyes of Yuri.

"There, it won't bother you anymore."

"Huh…Well, thanks…"

He didn't expect it. He was surprised and ashamed. He was afraid of spiders and he has been saved by Estelle. How ironic! Estelle came near of him and said:

"I'll protect you of them like you have protected me!"

Well, he wasn't sure that she understood that spiders were worse than Alexei or the Adephagos.

"I'm feeling better now that I know that someone is protecting Yuri's back from spiders." Flynn said with a grin.

Yuri took a pillow and threw it at him while Estelle chuckled. He would take his revenge!