A/N: Hello, all! First off, for those of you reading "Trouble On The Ponderosa" or "Merlin and Lady Alliana" (I think that's how it's spelled), I WILL BE CONTINUING THOSE! I have just had a ton of theater stuff going on (Peter Pan, Regionals, the Hobbit) and this is the first time I've really had to do any writing. Also, I have a big escape attempt to write for TOTP, and will be planning that out tomorrow while the rest of my APLAC classmates finish the state writing test. This story came out of my brain this morning, after reading some other Newsies fanfics. Currently, this story is beta-less, so I apologize for any mistakes on my part like spelling or grammer. Also, I have not seen the show, and so will be going off of all the videos and things I've watched and read about the cast. Also important note: I know the cast has changed a couple times now (Jack, Crutchie, Medda, Specs, Katherine, and more), but for this story, the cast is the original one from Paper Mill Playhouse-Jeremy Jordan as Jack, Andrew Keenan-Bolger as Crutchie, etc.

Now, I do believe this author's note has gone on long enough (and my Newsies muse-Crutchie the puppy-is telling me to start already), so sit back, relax, and enjoy!


It was a normal October 12th, 1899 in New York City. The tree leaves were turning orange, red, and gold, and there was a slight chill in the air, signaling the change from summer to fall. At nine in the morning, a lot of people were already at work-including the Manhattan newsies, who were selling their papers up and down the street. Ever since the strike a few months ago, the newsies' lives had become a little more bearable. They had beaten the publishing giant Joseph Pulitzer, and kept the price of their papes from rising any higher then they already were. They also got The Refuge closed, so no newsies would ever get messed up there again.

Crutchie was sitting on a bench outside of a park, enjoying the slight breeze. His gimp leg had been acting up as of late, and he was glad to get the chance to put it up for a minute. Suddenly, he heard a loud commotion. Swinging his head around, he finally noticed two boys cornering Smalls, the only girl newsie, up against a wall in a nearby alley. One reached out and slapped her across the face. "You trys to sells us a pape, and lie 'bout da headline? Who yous think yous are, girly?" he sneered. Smalls didn't respond-except to stick out her tongue. The other boy pulled back his fist to punch Smalls in the jaw. By this point, Crutchie had gotten up and began to hobble his way over. Before he got there, however, a young girl's voice rang through the alley. "You alls best be leaving her 'lone now, iffn you know whas gud fur ya." Everyone turned to see the speaker. She was tall, but scrawny, with blond hair and blue-green eyes, and looked to be about 12 years old. She wore clothes similar to what the newsies wore, but hers were more tattered and ragged. She stepped closer and spoke again. "Iffn yous don't leave, I is gonn make yous leave."

"Jus try an stop us!" the first boy declared. The second smirked. "I knows you-yous that orphan from 6th who nobody cares bout. Got no job, no money, no food-and jus a burden to normal folks like ourselfs." The young girl sighed-and then kicked the second boy in the groin. He went down howling, and his friend turned to back him up. This allowed Smalls to break free, and punch the first in the face. He also fell to the ground. They would have gotten back up, but Crutchie stared them down, and they complied, staying on the ground. "Iffn yous try to soak Smalls a-gayne, there's gonna be more where that came from. Now scat, 'for I wallop the both of ya." Crutchie stated. The two boys nodded, and ran off as fast as they could. Crutchie ran a quick eye over Smalls, assessing her for injuries, before turning to the newcomer. "Thanks for backing Smalls up." he said. The girl smiled. "Always happy ta lend a hand." she said, shaking Crutchie's hand. "Is wha them boys said true?" Smalls pryed. "Is you really an orphan?" The girl thought for a second, and then replied, "Kind of. My ma and pa and da rest o my family lives somewheres else-I's the only one 'round here." Crutchie and Smalls looked at each other, and nodded at the same time. "Come with us." Crutchie said. "Iffn Jack likes you, yous could have a job an' a place to live by tonight. Sound good?" The girl nodded, and followed the two newsies as they headed for the Lodging House. "I'm Margaret, by the way, but most call me Meg." the girl murmured. Smalls nodded. "Nice ta meet ya, Meg. My name's Smalls, an' his is Crutchie." At Meg's confused look, Smalls continued, "We's both newsies, see, and all newsies is known by anickname, instead of they's actual name." Meg nodded.

"That's pretty cool." she grinned.

So, what did you think? I'm sorry if I goofed up the accents...I've read a couple stories where they have accents, but I've never actually written in one before. Also, if I portray the characters incorrectly, please let me know! (again, flying by the seat of my pants here.) Please review! All reviews (whether good or bad) help me become a better writer, and help Crutchie the puppy not go any crazier then he already is. ;)

Thanks a ton-next chapter should be up soon!