It's not fair. Yu-Gi-Oh ended ten years ago and I still cry whenever I watch the final episode, or read the last chapter. Why do I still care? I know how it ends. Why do I still cry? How come I still search for comfort in characters that haven't been relevant in a decade? It's not fair.


You've grown. So much, in ways maybe only I can tell. You're standing taller; your voice is louder. Never before has that sparkle in your eye been brighter. You've grown, partner. Your deck is astounding. I know every card has your entire heart painted into it. And the monsters are your eternal servants. With the love you show them, they will gladly lay down their lives for you. I even think that your Silent Swordsman looks like you. The deck you built yourself is indeed powerful. But not enough to surpass mine. Thanks to your Card of Sanctity, I can now end this duel. I'm sorry, partner. You fought well. You have been my greatest opponent; certainly I've never had so much fun before. But I am the King of Games. And it is time to end this.

"I activate Monster Reborn! Come back from the grave, Slifer the Sky Dragon!" My mighty god comes back to life with a piercing roar. He takes up the field, coiling around himself. He lowers his head so that it is level with your eyes and bares his fangs. I can hear the murmurs of our friends. They know it is over. But you stand there, staring at my god. You do not cower, or cry out. The intimidation you held with Obelisk is lost. Instead, you lower your head begin to cry. And your Gold Sarcophagus glows.

If I were you… I think I hear it in your mind, but I am not sure. Our minds, our hearts, are no longer one.

A card pulls itself out.

"The card I sealed away," you say softly, "was Monster Reborn."

My eyes widen in surprise. had this planned from the start, didn't you partner?

"It was in Gold Sarcophagus, so neither of us can use it. Slifer," your eyes sweep over the entirety of the god with a despondence that makes my heart ache, "is destroyed." And my god, in an instant, is torn from the field, leaving behind a wisp of smoke. My turn is over. There is nothing I can do. I am defenseless.

"Turn end." So this is it. You have surpassed me. I cannot help but smile. If I had to lose to anyone, I'm glad it is to you. Oh, how you've grown.

It is over. All you have to do is attack and—

You're crying. Your entire body is trembling. It is okay, I want to say. It is okay to win.

"Do you see, Other Me?" Your voice is quiet. "Do you see how strong I've become?" Your hand clenches into a fist. You raise your head and face me, the sparkle still shining. "Do you see how strong I've become for you? You've always been my hero, my goal. You make me want to be stronger. Ever since I've known you, I've always been just one step behind. But I've been practicing. Can't you tell? I've been practicing so I could be strong enough for you. Am I strong enough now? Aren't you proud of me yet?"


Oh, Yugi…

I've always been proud of you.

Now, as you stand before me, standing straighter than you ever have before, the courage I've always known you had glows off your skin like the sunlight on the Nile.

Yugi…it is okay.

You look at me for a moment. Did you hear me? "Ngh…Silent Magician! Attack him directly!"

Your monster comes at me and my life points deplete. For the first time, I have lost. And am I glad to have. You fall to your knees and our friends gasp; they are afraid to come comfort you. Your tears drip onto the concrete, your entire body taken over by tremors. The others are hushed. The only sound is my footsteps and your muffled sobs. I kneel down so I can see your face and place my hand on your shoulder.

"If I were you, I wouldn't cry."
