A/N: Hey guys, so I'm trying out a new story. Feedback is highly encouraged! Hope you like it. –Rebecca

Stella's POV

"I've wanted to get this off my chest for a while now…" he said as he closed the unbearable gap between us.

"What is it, Tom?" I looked into those deep blue eyes and my breathing hitched.

"Stella, I'm in love with y-"


I let out a long sigh and ripped the sheets off, marching to my window.

"What the hell, Stiles?! You interrupted Tom Hiddleston confessing his undying love for me" I glared at him while he climbed through, stumbling a little.

"Isn't he like 33? Ew" he replied, raising an eyebrow at me while I went to turn my light switch on.

"Yeah and your point is? He's still unbelievably hot," I turned around and looked at him, "Why are you here anyway? Our first day is tomorrow and you know I like to get my full 8 hours" Which was true.

"You're not gonna believe this!" He said waving his arms a little too excitedly, "Someone found a dead body in the woods!"

"…And?" I said not getting why this was so important that he had to wake me up.

His eyes widened, "AND? And we're gonna check it out! C'mon we gotta get Scott; I'll wait in the jeep"

I sighed and mumbled a few curses while grabbing a pair of jeans and my hoodie-well Stiles' hoodie that I forgot to give back. I placed a few pillows under my sheet incase my dad came in. It probably wasn't going to happen, and he probably wouldn't care if I'm out in the middle of the night, let alone notice, but I liked the feeling of being paranoid and adventurous at the same time. I swung my leg over the windowsill and stood on the wobbly branch Stiles mentioned earlier. I closed the window as quietly as possible and climbed down.

I walked to Stiles blue Jeep and hopped in the passenger seat.

"Nice hoodie" he smirked, pressing his foot on the pedal.

"Yeah, my bad. I kept forgetting to give it back to you" I told him, picking a piece of lint off the sleeve. I lied. I didn't give it back because it smelled like him and I liked wearing it around the house, but I wasn't going to fill him in on that teeny detail.

"I can't believe you're taking Scott and I to see some dead body in the woods" I muttered.

Stiles, Scott and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. So long, that if you look in one of my baby albums, you'll see- if not both, one of them in a picture with me. We are inseparable, that's how it's always been and how it's always going to be. We've been through a lot, too. From the McCall's divorce to when Stiles' mom, Claudia, died. My mom? Well she died during childbirth. Of course, I didn't get to know her so I'm not really all that upset about it. My dad is one of those businessmen that travel all the time so he's hardly home. Well, except for now, he wanted to see me go to my first day of school.

I didn't notice Stiles stop in front of the McCall house until he spoke, "Wait here, I'll go get him"

I nodded and watched him try to climb onto Scott's roof. I was debating whether I should go help him or not until I saw a very scared Scott on his porch with a baseball bat, ready to attack an intruder. Oh god.

"AHHH!" the idiots screamed when they saw each other.

Scott spoke up first, "Stiles, what the hell are you doing?!"

"You weren't answering your phone! ...Why do you have a bat?"

"I thought you were a predator!"

"A pre-" Stiles laughed a little, mind you, he's still on the roof "Look, I know it's late, but you've got to here this. My dad left twenty minutes ago, dispatch call. They're bringing every officer of the Beacon department, and even the state police. I have Stella waiting in the Jeep"

Scott looked out to the Jeep to find me waving at him. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked back to Stiles, "For what?"

Stiles began to get down from the roof "they found a body in the woods"

Scott looked at Stiles with a dumbfounded expression, "A dead body?"

I almost face palmed myself.

Stiles rolled his eyes, "No a living dead…Yes, jackass a dead body!"

"You mean, like, murdered?" Scott asked

"Nobody knows yet. It was a girl, probably in her twenties..." Stiles trailed off

Scott looked at Stiles, then out at me in the Jeep, confused, "Hold on, if they found the body, then what are they looking for?"

Stiles' eyes widened from excitement, "That's the best part... They only found a half! We're going"

The boys got into the Jeep, Stiles driving as usual, me riding shotgun and Scott in the back. I turned in my seat and gave him a sympathetic grin, knowing he was awoken from his sleep like I was a few minutes prior.

"This wasn't my idea." I told him and then turned back around.

In the Woods

Stiles parked in front of a sign that said 'IT IS FORBIDDEN TO ENTER THE PRESERVE AT NIGHT'

I saw it, then looked back with wide eyes, "Guys, look."

"We're seriously doing this?" Scott asked us.

I looked to Stiles, who just shrugged and said, "You're the one who always bitches that nothing ever happens in this town!"

"True dat." I added

We began to walk, and let me tell you, it was terrifying being in the woods at night. So I was holding onto Stiles' arm as we were walking and because it was so dark, I didn't see the rock I ended up tripping over.

"AH! It's so dark; I can't see a damn thing!" I cursed, getting up from the ground and brushing the dirt of my jeans. I heard the guys chuckling, "It's not funny!"

Stiles stopped, "Oh wait" he said, pulling out a flashlight and turning it on.

I glared at him, "Seriously, you couldn't have used that when we entered?"

He shrugged and gave me his arm to hold onto like I was before. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Scott's arm instead on purpose, watching the frown form on Stiles' face and the smirk forming on Scott's.

We continued walking, then Scott spoke up,"I was trying to get a good night sleep before practice tomorrow..."

"Right, because, sitting on the bench asks such a heavy effort!" Stiles replied sarcastically. I frowned knowing it was true. All last year, Scott and Stiles didn't get to play in one game. But that still didn't stop me from going.

"No, because... I'm playing this year. In fact I'm playing first line..." Scott shot back. I smiled at his motivation.

As always, Stiles had a comeback "Hey, that's a spirit. Everyone should have a dream. Even if it's an unrealistic one."

"Stiles! Stop it, you can't tell the future. Maybe Scott is going to make first line"

He stopped.

"Just asking by curiosity, which part of the body are we looking for?" I asked, half joking half serious.

Stiles paused for a moment, "Huh... I didn't even think about that"

Of course he didn't, we're going to die. I just know it. Leave it to Stiles to get Scott and I killed in the middle of the wood.

Scott seemed to read my mind, "And err... What if the one who killed the body is still out here?"

"Good question, Scott" I said, looking pointedly at Stiles for an answer.

He giggled nervously, "Also something I didn't think about!"

"Great," I sighed, climbing a little hill, "Just freakin' great, it's comforting to know that you planned this up with you usual attention to details!"

"I know!" replied Stiles, making me roll my eyes.

Scott stopped and let go of my arm. I noticed he was breathing really hard. Asthma. I reached in his pocket and grabbed his inhaler, giving it to him. He grabbed it and began to spray it into his throat.

When he was done, he looked up at me and Stiles' worried faces, "Maybe the asthmatic should be the one who holds the flashlight, huh?"

I heard voices ahead, "Wait guys, do you hear that?"

I was then grabbed down by Stiles. He had me pinned to his chest. He looked at me, put a finger to his lips and nodded ahead. I looked to see what he was showing me. Cops, shit.

His breath was warm on my neck, "when I say 'go' we run, okay?"

I could only nod.

"…one, two," he whispered in my ear, "three!" I was grabbed and pulled by Stiles. We were both running for our lives.

I looked at him, "Wait, Scott!"

His eyes widened and he looked back to see Scott yelling "Wait!"

"Come on!" Stiles yelled back.

"Wait Up! Guys!" Scott was closer and I gave out a sigh of relief.

All of a sudden, Stiles pushed me into a bush. What the fu- I looked through the leaves to see Stiles get caught by an officer.

"Hang on, hang on, this little delinquent belongs to me" another voice said. I closed my eyes and cursed. Stiles is in huge trouble.

"Dad!" Stiles said a little loudly, probably trying to warn Scott and me that he was there, "How are you doing?"

Sherriff Stilinski ignored the question, "So you're listening to all my phone call

Stiles smiled, "No ! ... Not the boring ones..."

Papa Stilinksi rolled his eyes, "So where are your usual partners in crimes?"

Hearing this made me sink a little lower beneath the leaves. I knew Stiles wasn't going to rat out me or Scott.

"Who, Scott? Scott's home. He said he wanted to get a good night sleep before first day of school tomorrow. And Stella said she wanted to get her 8 hours," he paused, "you know how girl are with their beauty sleep. There's just me... In the woods... Alone..."

The Sherriff shines his flashlight around the area, luckily not passing the bush I was hiding in. It was actually getting a little itchy in here.

"Scott you're out there? Scott? Stella? Kids?" There's no answer and the sheriff takes his son by the neck, "Well young man, I'm going to walk you back to your car, and you and I, we're going to have a discussion about something called violation of privacy"

After they left, Scott and I came out of our hiding places.

"Well…that was close" I said, pulling leaves from my hair. Ugh, Stiles is going to pay.

He nods and then stops, "do you hea-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, a lot of Stags come out of nowhere! I got pushed by one and fell to the ground in a ball.

"Scott!" I yelled, after I knew they were gone

"I'm here, are you okay?" He asked helping me up.

I nodded and looked him over making sure he was okay too. He checked his pockets and cursed.

"I dropped my inhaler" he told me, panicking a little.

"Okay, I'll help you look." I told him before getting on the ground and feeling for the object, which was hard considering it was really dark. Then, I touched something that didn't feel like the ground, or the inhaler. I turned my phone on and shined the light on whatever I touched.


He took a glance at the half of a dead woman's body and jumped back in surprise, causing him to fall down the hill.

"Scott!" I called after him. I tried to run down after him but ended up falling and twisting my ankle in the process. "Shit!"

I heard a yell from the bottom of the hill, knowing it was Scott. The adrenaline I got from that was like nothing else. I ran down that hill, not giving two craps about my ankle. It was probably the same thing that made mothers lift cars off of babies. Although the situation was very different. When I got to Scott he was running too.

"Stella!" He grabbed my arm and we dashed out of the woods.

When we get to the road, we heard a howl.

I looked at him, "Scott…what the fuck just happened?"

He was too much in shock to answer, all he said was "let's go home"

Next Morning

I got home around 2 last night and woke up around 7 for school. All I could think about was Scott.


"So what happened back there?" I asked Scott, breaking the silence.

"I…I got bitten."

"YOU WHAT?! Let me see!" I freaked out, grabbing his shirt and pulling it up, "oh my god"

It looked bad.

"I'm going to take care of it at home, you know my mom brings all those medical stuff from the hospital" he said trying to calm me down and maybe him a little.

"Scott, if that gets worse, you better let me know."

End flashback

I felt a vibration in my hand and saw I got a text from Stiles

Stilessssss3: Yo get your ass outside :P

Me: Coming!

I grabbed my bag and headed for the door. I looked around and saw that my dad had left a note on it.

I really, really wanted to see you off on your first day back but I got an emergency to tend to at work.

Sorry Pumpkin,


I ripped it down and sighed, leaving and walking to Stiles' Jeep.

"Morning!" I said getting in

"Morning." He turned to me, "I'm sorry about last night, I didn't mean to ditch you guys, but as you saw, I didn't really have a choice…"

I gave him a small smile, "It's okay, but did you talk to Scott?"

"About the bite? Yeah. He's coming to school, though. Maybe it got better?"

"He's coming to school? Stiles, I saw that bite. He should be in the hospital for stiches or something for god's sake!"

His lips were pressed in a line, "I guess we'll find out how it is soon"

Stiles pulled up to the school and parked. I looked around and saw all the old kids and the new ones and sighed.

"Oh come on, you have to be at least a little excited for school" he said smiling at me.

I raised an eyebrow, "Excited is the last choice of words to express how I feel about school."

He laughed a little, "Oh hey, look its Scott!" Scott reached us, "So let's see this"

Scott lifted his shirt a little, "It was too dark to see very much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf"

Stiles looked skeptical, "A wolf bit you? No, not a chance"

I spoke up, "Actually, I think it was a wolf. You didn't hear that howl, Stiles." Scott nodded in agreement.

"No you didn't!" he denied

"Excuse me? What do you mean we didn't? How would you know what we heard?"

"Because California doesn't have wolves for like sixty years" Ugh, this kid and his research.

"Really?" Scott asked, a little irritated that Stiles wouldn't believe us.

"Yes, really. Look, there's no wolf in California" I rolled my eyes

Scott smirked, "Well, if you don't believe us about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe when I tell you we found the body"

"Scott keep your voice down, the last thing I want people to think of me on the first day was that I find dead bodies lying around" I whispered harshly

"Are you kidding me?" Stiles asked, the both of them completely ignoring me.

"I wish. I'm gonna have nightmares for a month!" Scott replied, glad he caught Stiles' interest

I looked to the left and saw that Lydia Martin was about to walk past.

Stiles continued showing his excitement, "That is freaking awesome!" Lydia passed, "I mean, seriously, it's the best thing that ever happened in this town, since... the birth of Lydia Martin"

I got this knot in the pit of my stomach hearing that. Like it always does whenever Stiles talks about Lydia. I sighed, watching him trying to catch her attention, which wasn't working too well.

"Hey, Lydia! You look... like you're gonna ignore me!" I kind of felt bad for him but I shook it off, letting a smirk cover my lips.

He looks over at Scott, "You're the cause of this, you know?"


"Dragging me down your nerd depth! I'm a nerd by association"

I scoffed, "You know, it's not because you're a 'nerd'," I made sure to put air quotes as I said nerd," It's because Lydia is a shallow bitch."

Stiles looked hurt and Scott laughed; "Now if you'll excuse my boys, I'm going to class"

I walked away, shoving Stiles a little as I left.