A/N: Hey Guys! So who saw Monday's episode of TW?! Parrish's line "I'm worth five dollars?!" was hilarious. I'd love to get some more reviews so I know what you guys think and if you have any suggestions feel free to bring them up! Okay guys, enjoy! -Rebecca

Stella's P.O.V:

I'm sitting at home just watching some Supernatural when I hear the doorbell ring. As soon as the good part was coming, the doorbell rang. I sighed and paused the episode, getting up. I opened the door to see a UPS guy with a rather large brown box.

"Package for...Stiles Stilinksi" He said reading the label.

I furrowed my eyebrows wondering why a package for Stiles would be sent to my house, "I'm his friend, I'll just sign for it" He left with a nod and handed me the box after I signed. I stepped back inside and placed the box on the table. I stared at it, wondering if I should open it or not.Ehh, Stiles isn't going to care. I shrugged and proceeded to open the box. As soon as it opened, the smell of incense and perfume hit me like a ton of bricks. I had to take a second to gather myself before looking at the box's contents. Inside was a wrapped cylinder shaped object. I pulled the fairly heavy object out and rested it next to the box. I grabbed the object under the cylinder. It felt like a book and was wrapped in brown paper and tied with a string.



I then realized this was the spell book Stiles had ordered me a few nights ago when we were still debating whether I was really a witch or not. I grabbed the cylinder object and unwrapped it.


"This would be useful if I had cauldron" I mutter sarcastically to myself. Well, now that I had the book, I might as well try a spell. I ran upstairs into my room, sat at my desk and opened it to the first page.

'The contents inside this book should not be used to harm another. Every spell is performed at your own liability and it will be you who shall face the consequences.'

'To perform a successful spell, a witch must have a clear and peaceful mind. Spells performed under stress or other distracting emotions have a possibility of affecting the outcome. Enjoy.'

I let out a breath and turned the page to the Table of Contents.


*Attraction Spells- Bring someone into your life, Make yourself attracted to someone, etc. (Pgs. 1-12)

*Banishing Spells-Make yourself unknown to others, Remove others from your life, etc. (Pgs. 13-23)

*Beauty Spells-Change how others see your appearance, Change hair/eye/skin color, etc. (Pgs. 24-37)

*Cleansing Spells-Remove dark or negative energy from your life

(Pgs. 38-42)

*Dream Spells-Control the dreams of others, See what other's are dreaming, Enter the dreams of others, etc.

(Pgs. 43-58)

*Earth Spells-Grow plants/trees/grass, etc.

(Pgs. 59-64)

*Glamour Spells-Get someone to notice you, Make yourself more attractive, etc. (Pgs. 65-75)

*Love Spells-Make someone fall in love, Make someone fall out of love, etc.

(Pgs. 76-86)

*Sleeping Spells-Restful sleeping, Dreamless sleep, etc.

(Pgs. 87-100)

*Weight Spells-Lose weight, Transfer weight, Add weight, etc.

(Pgs. 88-100)

I decided to do something simple so I turned to page 59, where the Earth spells were located. I looked for an easy spell.


What you'll need:

- Soil

-Leaf from an adult tree


-Salt water

I grabbed the book and went into the kitchen, filling a pitcher with salt water. Then I went in my backyard where I would grown this tree. I managed to jump high enough to grab a leaf from a tree that was already in the yard. I looked around to find the perfect spot where my tree would go. After I decided to plant it about 12 feet away from the other tree, I opened the book to the spell's page again.


Dig a hole with your bare hands about 5 inches deep. Then place the adult leaf into the hole. Don't fill the hole yet. Take the salt water and chant this while soaking the leaf:

I bless this leaf,

To grow as large it can be.

And make its roots,

Produce a tree.

I did as was told.

Now bury the leaf. Be patient. Results will not occur immediately.

I got up, brushing dirt off my knees. Well that was fun. I went back inside carrying the now, empty pitcher and decided to tell Stiles that I got the book.

To Stilesssssssss:

So I got that spell book you ordered for me. I just did a spell that would make a tree...

My phone buzzed a few minutes later

From Stilessssssss:

A tree? C'mon you could've done something cooler! :P Are you ready to go yet? I'm around the block.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the time. I cursed loudly, I have to be at the hospital in 10 minutes!

I grabbed my sweater and ran outside to see Stiles pulling up in front my house. I hopped in to see him smirking, "A tree, huh?"

I pouted, "I wanted to do something easy and simple, okay! I hope it works. I've never done a spell before, my powers usually just happen when I want them to"

"Well, now you can learn to use it in other ways. I hear spells make your powers stronger." A few minutes later he stops at the entrance to the hospital.

"Thanks! I owe you Chipotle." I told him rushing out the Jeep.

The next morning...

Stiles and I got to school early so I could go talk to before first period about my test grade, which was completely ludicrous. I got a C! I totally thought I Aced it. I left the room and went to look for the two goofballs. Then suddenly I hear Stiles' voice, "So you killed her?" I looked over to see them talking and stepped in their way, stopping them.

"Scott killed who?" I asked sternly, a little scared of the answer.

"Scott thinks he killed Allison." Stiles said bluntly.

"What?! Scott what-"

"It was a dream!" He exclaimed, "I don't know ! I just woke up ! I was sweating like crazy and I couldn't breath... I never had a dream where I woke up like that before..." I let out a breath of relief and got out of their way, moving next to Stiles. I didn't think Scott would actually kill someone but then again I don't know about the Wolf Scott.

"Really?" Stiles said, continuing the conversation, "I have. Usually ends a little differently."

"Ew" I said nudging him.

"A : I said I never has a dream that make me feel that way, and B : Never give me detail about you in bed again." said Scott.

"Noted. Let me take a guess here.." Stiles said but Scott cut him off

"-No. I know..you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow. Like I'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out."

"No, of course not!" Stiles denied but Scott and I gave him a doubtful look "Yeah, that's totally it."

I noticed Scott looking a little upset about that and I pinched Stiles for his lack of sympathy, "Hey come on, it's gonna be fine alright. Personally, I think you're handling all of this pretty freaking amazingly. You know, it's not like there's a 'Lycanthropy for Beginners' class you can take."

He looked at me, "Not a class...but maybe a teacher."

I opened my mouth to say something but Stiles beat me to it, "Who? Derek?!" Then he hit Scott on the back of the head, making me gasp.

"Seriously Scott," I started, "Did you forget about the part where we landed him in jail?"

"No, but...chasing her...dragging he rot the back of the bus felt so real."

"How real?" I asked

"Like it actually happened.." We opened the door to see the police in the parking lot and a bus with the emergency exit door hanging from the hinges, revealing a ton of blood. The three of us froze.

"I think it did." I hear Stiles say.

One of the police officers came up to us, "Hey you kids get back inside, this is a crime scene" We turned and did as was told but Scott started speed-walking frantically.

"She's probably fine!" I said trying to catch up to him.

"She's not answering my texts!"

He started looking around for any sign of Allison in the halls, "It could just be a coincidence" I tried again.

'A seriously amazing coincidence.." Stiles muttered.

"Just help me find her, okay?" Scott told us. I got on my tip toes to look through the crowd but I didn't see Allison anywhere.

Scott was still turning his head in all directions frantically, but then he suddenly made a sharp turn and leaned against a locker. He was breathing erratically, then punched it, making Stiles protectively put an arm out in front of me. We didn't know what to do at that moment so we just stayed where we were, frozen. Scott started backing up into a body. Allison!

The school's intercom beeped, making it known that an announcement was coming. The principal's voice rang out, "Students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the accident of last night in one of our bus. While the police tries to determinate what happened, classes will proceed as usual. Thank you."

Stiles let out a groan, along with most of the students in the hallway."Let's go to class" I said pulling his arm, but he stopped me.

"Look." he said pointing to the left. I turned my head to see Jackson at his locker...the locker that Scott just punched the hell out of. The door was barely hanging on. Stiles and I let out a laugh and continued to class.

"So do you want to come by later so see how my magical tree is coming along?" I asked looking up at him.

"I'd love to." He replied, stepping aside so I can enter the room first. I rolled my eyes at him, smiling slightly and sat down in my seat, which was next to Stiles' Scott came in a few minutes after and sat in front of us.

began writing on the board. I began glaring at the back of his head, still thinking about the grade he gave me. He told me that he wouldn't change it because he gave me what he think I deserved.

Scott turned around, "Maybe it was my blood." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Maybe it was animal blood. You know, maybe you caught a rabbit" I replied, thinking out loud.

"And did what?" Scott retorted.

"Eat it." Stiles suggested.

"Raw?" asked Scott

"No, you cooked it in a little werewolf oven! I don't know, you don't want or can't remember anything!"

"Mister Stilinski ! If that's your idea of a quiet whisper, you mind want to put your earphones out in a while ! I think you and mister McCall would benefit for a little distance, yes ?"

"No..." I heard Stiles say. I pouted, now I was going to be all alone.

spoke again, "Let me know if the separation anxiety is too much." He smirked and turned back to the board. I glared at him even harder, then suddenly the chalk he held in his hand, then suddenly the chalk he had in his hand erupted into a big puff of white powder. He turned around and the class burst into laughter. His entire face, including his glasses was now covered in the chalk's powder. I turned to Scott and Stiles to see then looking at me unbelievably with large grins. I let out a small laugh, I guess these powers will come in handy.

"Hey! I think they found something!" said a girl rushing towards the window. Everyone stopped laughing and went to look too. An ambulance was parked and paramedics were rolling a stretcher with a body toward it.

"That's not a rabbit" Scott whispered to Stiles and I, who were still watching the scene.

The body on the stretcher jolted up and screamed, making everyone watching scream in unison. I didn't realize I grabbed onto Stiles' shirt until he put his hand on mine. "Okay?," he said looking at me concerned. I nodded. He put an arm over my shoulder and went over to Scott, who looked panicky."Good, this is good, okay...he got up! He's not dead...dead guys can't do that."

Scott turned to us, "Guys...I did that."

The bell rang, signaling that it was lunch time. We got the cafeteria and got lunch, still talking about Scott's dream.

"But dreams aren't memories." I told them, holding my tray of chicken tenders and some milk. We sat down.

"It wasn't a dream," Scott told me taking off his bag, " Something happened last night and I can't remember what."

"What makes you so sure that Derek has all the answers" asked Stiles

"Because! During the full moon he wasn't changed...he was in total control. While I was running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent guy."

"You don't know that." I repeated for what seemed like the hundredth time today.

"I don't not know it..I can't go out with Allison , I have to cancel."

Stiles looked at him, "No. You're not cancelling, alright. You can't just cancel your entire life. We'll figure it out." I nodded supportively.

I saw someone walk to our table and sit down. I looked up to see the princess herself, Lydia. I could see Stiles sit up straighter.

"Figure what out?" She asked, I got annoyed. Why is she being so nosey?

Stiles was speechless so Scott answered, "Uhh...just..homework"

"Why is she sitting with us?" Stiles whispered to Scott and I, who were equally confused. Then three more people arrived, including Allison, and sat at our table.

"Hi" she said smiling at us, but mostly Scott.

"Get up." I heard Jackson say to the kid sitting at the end of the table. I rolled my eyes, great. Now he's sitting here too? Can't I just enjoy my lunch?

"Why don't you ask Danny to get up?" the kid asked looking up at Jackson.

"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot." Danny replied coolly.

"Well, it's hard not to when she displays it to the world." I said under my breath. I guess Stiles heard me because he nudged me with his knee under the table, making me jump. The kid moved and Jackson sat down.

"I heard they're saying it's some type of animal attack." said Danny trying to start a conversation, "probably a cougar?"

"I heard mountain lion." said Jackson.

Lydia jumped in, " A cougar is a mountain lion." I raised an eyebrow and Jackson looked at her weirdly, "Isn't it?" she asked dumbly, trying to cover up her previous statement, I frowned. No girl should dumb herself down for a guy. Especially one like Jackson Whittemore.

"Who cares" the Jock said shaking his head, "The guy's probably some homeless freak who was gonna die anyway."

I clenched my fist. I know now that when I get angry, my powers start working involuntarily. Stiles noticed this because he put his hand on mine, attempting to calm me down, while the other was typing on his phone.

"Actually, I found out who he is, check it out," He reached his arm out so the table could see the video of a news report his phone.

"The sheriff departmentwon't speculate on the details of the incident, but confirmed that the victim, Garrisson Meyers, did survive at the attack. Meyers was taken to a local hospitalwhere he remains in a critical conditions"

Scott leaned back, "Wait, I know this guy."

"You do?" I asked curiously

"Yeah, back when I used to take his bus when I went to see my dad. He was the driver." The three of us looked at each other, trying to figure out if this information meant something,

"Can we talk about something more fun, please?" Lydia asked aloud, making me roll my eyes, "Like..oh, where are we going tomorrow night?" She looked over at Allison, who looked at Lydia confused, "You..said that you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow, right?"

Allison swallowed her food and glanced at Scott before answering, "Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do.."

"Well! I'm not sitting at home again, watching lacrosse videos. So, if the four of us are hanging out..we're doing something fun."

Scott looked nervous, "Hanging out? The four of us?," he looked at Allison, "You wanna hang out..like, the four of us..and them?"

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, it sounds fun.." But Allison didn't really sound too excited either. She was probably forced by Lydia to go along with this and couldn't say no.

Jackson spoke up from the end of the table. "You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork.' I tensed up again. This guy is going to make me have that actually happen if he doesn't cut it out.

Lydia looked at him, "How about bowling? You love to bowl!"

"Yeah, with actual competition" he replied bluntly.

"How do you know we're not 'actual competition.'" Allison asked him, then she looked at Scott, "You can bowl right?" I let out a loud scoff involuntarily and pretended to have a coughing fit.

"Sort of.." Scott answered

Jackson leaned on the table, "Is it 'sort of' or yes?"

"Yes...in fact, I'm a great bowler."

"You're a terrible bowler" Stiles told Scott as we were walking down the stairs.

"I know! I'm such an idiot."

"God, it was like watching a car wreck. I mean first, it turned into a whole group date thing..and then out of nowhere comes that phrase." Stiles ranted

"Hang out" I said aloud.

Stiles went on, "I mean, you don't hang out with hot girls. It's like..death." My face started getting red and hot. Stiles always says stupid shit like this without thinking. I was going to say something but he kept going on, " Once it's hanging out, you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out."

"How is this happening?" Scott asked, " I either killed a guy...or I didn't."

"I don't think Danny likes me very much." Stiles stated aloud.

" I asked Allison on a date and now we're hanging out."

"-Am I not attractive to gay guys?" continued Stiles. I looked around and saw that we were the only ones left in school.

"I make first line and the team captain wants to destroy me and now..., " He looked at his phone, "Now, I'm gonna be late for work."

"Wait! Scott!," Stiles called out after him, "You didn't...am I attractive to gay guys?!"

He turned to me, "Am I attra-whoa you're mad."

I looked up at him, "You can't hang out with hot girls?!," his eyes widened, "Well, I bet it's SO easy to hang out with me, right?!" All the flyers taped onto the walls fell down with a loud rip and all that could be heard was the papers falling onto the floor.

His jaw dropped, "Stells, you know I-I didn't mean it that way.."

"Whatever, Stiles. I'm walking home today," I know he didn't mean to hurt my feelings but I'm so tired of him saying stuff like that in front of me and not bother to worry about how I feel, "I don't want to you to come see my tree anymore." I began walking away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Stells, I'm sorry. You're not hot, 'I almost slapped him right there, "You know I think you're the most prettiest girl in the whole wide world, okay? And you can hit me if you want."

I glared at him, "You're lucky I'm not wearing comfortable shoes because I would totally walk home! Let's go,dumbass."

He smiled and grabbed my book bag, still trying to make up for his comment, 'Let's go mi'lady."