AN: Hello my lovelies! So since you asked for it here is the sequel to 'Believe in Love'. We're gonna follow these two has they go through the trials of getting hitched. Little FYI, the title is what I actually said at my own wedding. So enjoy and as always I own nothing but the tale.

"Amigos and familia, may I have your attention please?" Antonio said as he rose from his seat wine glass in hand. All eyes turned to the Spaniard and a hush fell over the room. A broad smile spread across the green eyed man's face as he quickly glanced to his right. Romano sat with his arms crossed over his chest and a bored expression on his face. Yet, his amber eyes were alight with excitement.

"You have all been gathered here because you are our nearest and dearest. We have an announcement," Antonio said having turned his attention back to the guests who filled the dining room of the villa to capacity. At this point Romano stood up, surprising everyone, and smiled broadly.

"We're fucking getting married," the Italian stated in his own eloquent manner. All present sat silently for a moment waiting to make sure they had heard correctly. Once the news sank in the room exploded with talk and activity. Feliciano squealed and hugged his brother tightly.

"I'm so happy for you, Fratello!"

"Get off me, idiota. You already knew," the older Italian said as he extracted himself from the younger's grip.

"Finally!" Gilbert exclaimed and took a swig from his stein.

"Wedding planner!" Francis called out excitedly as he bounded to the Spaniard's side and hugged the tan man.

"Hell no!" Romano growled and gave the Frenchman a scathing glare.

"Now Roma why not?" Antonio asked as pulled out of the blonde man's hold.

"Because I don't want some dog and pony show. Hell, I'd be fucking happy just to go down to the courthouse tomorrow,"

"Ve~But fratello you have to have a wedding. Weddings are so much fun and there's lots of food," Feliciano said with a pout.

"Oui, mon ami. Feli iz correct. A wedding iz a dizplay of your l'amour. Would you not love to zee Antoine in a 'andsome tuxedo zmiling at you az you walk down zhe aisle?" the Frenchman said with a glint in his eyes.

Romano's face became tomato red as he pictured his beloved Spaniard in a white tuxedo with a red carnation in his lapel.

"Wait! Why am I the girl?" the fiery Italian asked indignantly and shook his head to banish his thoughts.

"You really have to ask?" Gilbert crowed from his seat.

"I will kill you, albino potato bastard!" the auburn man cried as he tried to reach for the Prussian.

"You don't want to have a wedding, mi Corazon?" Antonio asked quietly instantly stopping the Italian's actions. Romano looked into the Spaniard's expectant green eyes and his heart cinched.

"It's not that I don't want a wedding," the golden eyed man said as he slipped his arms around the chocolate haired man's waist. "It's just…I don't need all that flash. I just need you,"

Antonio stood ramrod still for a moment. It was very rare for Romano to initiate any form of affectionate contact let alone say anything so insightful and sweet. Once the initial shock wore off the Spaniard wrapped his arms around his Italian and nuzzled his neck.

"Mi tomate, te amo,"

"Ti amo, tomato bastard,"

"Zhat iz zo beautiful," Francis cooed and quickly hugged the two lovers.

"Oi! Get off, wine bastard!" Romano spluttered effectively ending the tender moment.

"I can't do this anymore!" Romano cried out as he flung the newest stack of wedding magazines that Francis had brought over on to the floor. Antonio walked into the living room from the kitchen a tomato in each hand.

"What's wrong, mi amore?" the Spaniard asked as took a seat next to the Italian and handed him one of the tomatoes. The auburn man snatched the tomato from his lover and took a large bite of it.

"This whole…wedding mess. I'm done! Please, let's just go to the courthouse and get it over with," the Italian begged turning pleading eyes to his lover.

Antonio set down his snack and pulled the auburn haired man into his lap

"Come here," the Spaniard said as Romano half heartedly struggled against the green eyed man's hold, but settled in quickly with a heavy sigh.

"Roma, look at me," amber eyes met green. "It will be okay, mi tomate. All this 'mess' as you put it will be worth it once we are married. You'll see,"

"Whatever, bastard," Romano said as he leaned his forehead against the Spaniards. They sat like that for a moment before Antonio shifted his head and kissed Romano. The Italian tentatively returned the kiss and that was all the Spaniard needed to deepen the kiss. His hand came up and held the auburn man's head as he hungrily ran his tongue over the Italian's bottom lip. Romano opened to him instantly and their tongues explored greedily.

In one swift movement Antonio shifted their position so that he had Romano on his back pressed into the couch cushions. The Spaniard trailed fiery kisses along the smaller man's jaw to his ear.

"Te amo," he purred and traced the shell of Romano's ear with his tongue.

"Toni," the amber eyed man breathed as a shudder of desire skimmed down his spine. The chocolate haired man chuckled and leaned back from the Italian who whimpered in protest. Antonio smiled down affectionately at his lover as he tugged his shirt over his head. Romano watched the Spaniard and unconsciously ran his tongue over his lips.

The smaller man quickly reached up to run his hands over the hard plains of the tan man's chest and abdomen. Just as his finger tips grazed the Spaniard's sun kissed skin Antonio grabbed Romano's wrists and pinned them above his head.

"No, no, mi Corazon," the chocolate haired man growled huskily as his head descended and his lips ghosted over the Italian's neck.

"B-bastard," Romano said as his eyes clouded over with need.

"Oh, Roma. I know you can be nicer than that," Antonio whispered against the crook of the Italian's neck and shoulder before biting down hard.

"Fuck!" the Italian cried out in a heady mix of pain and pleasure his hips bucking against Antonio's. The Spaniard snickered sadistically as he suckled, nipped, and licked where he had bitten. Romano's breath came out in short needy bursts and he struggled against Antonio's hold.

"What do we say when we want something, mi amore?" the chocolate haired man asked as he captured both of Romano's wrists in one hand. The other trailed its way down the amber eyed man's arm and torso, before sliding up under his shirt. The Spaniard ran a calloused thumb over the Italian's taught nipple making him take in a hissing breath.

"Please! Please, Toni, please," Romano begged and bucked under the tan man's caresses.

"As you wish," Antonio said as his free hand slid downward toward the button of the Italian's pants.

"Bonjour, mes amis. Guess what I juzt picked up from zhe printerz?" Francis' boisterous voice rang out through the villa making the two lovers freeze in place.

Antonio whispered a string of Spanish curses and Romano growled in rage.

"Mi amigo you have absolutely perfect timing," the Spaniard said sarcastically as he raised himself up from the couch and glared daggers at the Frenchman.

Francis eyed his now visible friend quizzically taken slightly aback by his angry demeanor, but upon closer inspection realized what he had walked in on.

"Ohhonhon, I zee I 'ave interrupted zomezhing. I zhall come back later zhen,"

"Don't bother, damn snail bastard," Romano roared as he disentangled himself from Antonio and stormed out of the room.

"Roma?!" the chocolate haired man called his eyes fixing on his lover's retreating form.

"I'll be right fucking back, tomato bastard," the auburn man shouted back and Antonio sighed heavily. Fiery green eyes then fixed on deep blue with a mix of emotions.

"Don't look at me like zhat. If you were going to be intimate you zhould 'ave locked zhe door," the blonde man said indignantly as he strode into the living room and placed a decent sized box on the coffee table. When the Spaniard read the company name his mood shifted instantly.

"Are those the invitations?" the chocolate haired man asked excitedly his bright green eyes shimmering. He quickly retrieved his discarded shirt and tugged it back on.

"Oui, Antoine. Pleaze, 'ave a look," the Frenchman said lazily waving his hand at the box. Antonio quickly flipped the box open and pulled out one of the red envelopes he found inside. Gold script adorned the red paper where the various addresses were placed. The Spaniard opened the envelope and pulled out the off-white card. The border of the card was red as well as the script.

"They're beautiful, but I still can't believe Roma wouldn't let me put the two small tomatoes in the center," Antonio pouted slightly and Francis giggled at him.

"L'amour iz all about compromise, mon ami,"

Just then Romano walked back into the room and glared nastily at Francis. The Italian man then stalked over to the couch and took the invitation from his fiancé. He quickly looked it over.

"I guess they'll do. They got our names right at least," the auburn haired man said nonchalantly, but his amber eyes danced happily.

"I'm glad you approve," Francis said with a huff as he snatched the invitation back and placed it in the box.

"Was that all you were here for or do you have more fucking magazines for us to look at?" the Italian snapped at the Frenchman.

"You are zhe one 'oo wanted a wedding az quickly az possible. I would like a little zhow of gratitude for all my 'ard work or would you like to do zhis all yourzelf?" the blonde man groused and stuck his nose up haughtily.

"We do appreciate all that you have done amigo. Don't we mi Corazon?" Antonio said turning hard green eyes on the Italian.

"Whatever. Thanks snail bastard," Romano said not looking at Francis and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Better," the blue eyed man said as he took a seat next to Antonio. "Now, mon ami, we need to dizcuss zhe bachelor parties,"

"I fucking thought I told…"

"Oui, oui I know. Alfred 'as already told moi you do not want one. Zhat doez not mean zhat Antoine can't 'ave one," Francis said cutting off the Italian's protest. The fiery Italian huffed and turned his glare to the other side of the room.

"Mi tomate, why is it that you don't want a bachelor party? It's just harmless fun with friends," Antonio asked as he watched his love intently not missing the auburn man flinch slightly.

'Yeah, harmless fun where your friends can remind you that your saddling yourself with me forever,' Romano thought with a deep sigh.

Suddenly, a strong arm snaked its way around the Italian's waist and pulled him flush against the Spaniard.

"Romano look at me," Antonio said firmly. Doubtful amber eyes turned to look into loving light green ones. "Tell me what is bothering you,"

The Italian swallowed timidly and opened his mouth to answer. His words died on his lips and he grimaced. He didn't want to make Antonio think that he doubted their love, but he couldn't help it. That part of him that just could never trust anyone was rearing its ugly head.

"Are you worried that I'll have second thoughts about marrying you?" the Spaniard asked hurt evident in his voice. Romano's eyes widened in shock.

'How the fuck does he do that?' the Italian thought and looked away in shame. The green eyed man chuckled dryly.

"What am I going to do with you?" the Spaniard asked rhetorically and placed a feathery kiss on the auburn haired man's temple. Disgusted with himself for doubting his Spaniard's love, Romano mustered his resolve.

"Fine, we'll both have bachelor parties," the amber eyed Italian said with more confidence than he felt.

"What?" the green eyed Spaniard asked shock evident in his voice.

"I want to show that I believe in our love. S-so we'll have the damn bachelor parties," the auburn haired Italian gave the Spaniard a lopsided grin and was instantly crushed into a hug.

"Mi Corazon you are always full of surprises," Antonio said excitedly and drew his love into a quick kiss.

"Alfred, mission accomplished. Zhe bachelor parties are a go," Francis said crisply into his cell phone as he observed the two lovers.