The door opened and Johanna jumped up with excitement knowing that only Katniss wouldn't knock before entering, however her excitement quickly disappeared when a made up, waxed and prepped Katniss dressed in her Mockingjay uniform stood in the doorway.

"So she's decided to send you to war" disappointment flooded Johanna's voice

"Yeah I leave in a few hours" Johanna rushed to Katniss embracing her within a tight hug that threatened never to end.

"Have you told your mother and Prim?"

"They've been informed but Coin thinks it's best that I don't see them…but its clear that it's just another form of punishment"

Johanna knew that if they only had a few hours she wasn't going to spend it with Katniss looking how the district wanted her to look, and so as they hugged Johanna unzipped the outfit

"What are you doing?" Katniss asked, not in an angry way but confused as to why when the prep team had put in so much effort Johanna was removing her uniform

"Because if I only have a few hours before you go to war I don't want to spend it with the district's Mockingjay, I want to spend it with Katniss Everdeen, the woman I love" Tears raced to Katniss' eyes as for the first time someone told her that they loved her when no cameras were hungrily watching them

Within moments Johanna was hugging Katniss' bare body, the only evidence left of her prep teams efforts now was the make- up and the Plat that had become iconic in itself. Katniss kissed the forehead against her and whispered back

"I love you too" Katniss pulled away from the hug and took hold of Johanna's top, lifting it up and off her head, because she wanted to be as close to Johanna as possible, and the only thing that could calm her nerves about going to war was the feeling of being completely safe with Johanna so that she had something, other than her family, to fight to return to.

Johanna realised why Katniss was undressing her, knowing that she needed it, took off her trousers and sat down on the bed with her looking at the difference between the pools of clothes on the floor

Johanna pushed Katniss down on the bed, gently but with a demand of authority, Katniss of course allowed her, and took in ever kiss that Johanna placed on her bare skin, her kisses started on her collar bone and worked their way over her shoulders before travelling down her arms and to her stomach

"Johanna?" Katniss questioned, not wanting Johanna to feel that she had to pleasure Katniss out of fear or worry

"Until you leave I want everything to be normal, just the two of us talking, holding each other and making love….Trust me" She smiled letting Katniss know that this wasn't because she was leaving, it was because this is what Johanna wanted, the two had made love countless number of times, each time better than the last, but Johanna had never tasted Katniss and if she was being forced to leave then Johanna didnt want to miss out on a single part of her. Johanna kissed all along Katniss' stomach moving down ever so slightly with each kiss, until her lips met Katniss' centre, her lips brushed the smoothness. She looked up at Katniss and saw pure pleasure, not a woman worried about the next few days maybe even weeks, but a woman who was completely focused on here and now. And so Johanna's tongue flicked out and began to lap up her wetness, overcome by the warmth and sweetness of the body beneath her. She could hear Katniss moaning, a noise that made her tongue lap faster and faster, she began to suck, kiss and lightly tease at Katniss' core, taking in every movement, promising to remember it all. Her hand rested firmly on Katniss' stomach as she did, but when a hand came down to hold hers the feeling of love that flooded her body was like nothing she had ever experienced. Katniss' free hand came down upon Johanna's head gently holding her in place. The hands allowed her to focus her licks on the pleasure spot of the woman she loved until, her back began to arch and the rocking intensified. Katniss' hands showed no signs of letting her go as her grip on Johanna's hand tightened, wanting to keep it in her own forever. And in one final motion of licks Katniss screamed out allowing her body to succumb to the pleasure, shaking as it did.

Johanna left more kisses on the inside of Katniss' thigh before moving up her body and kissing her, the kiss was a desperate one, the need to take in as much sensation of the kiss as possible.

Johanna pulled back cuddling into the crook of Katniss' arm allowing her to stroke the short hair on the back of Johanna's neck, Katniss' whole body began to tingle as she felt delicate fingers run small circles on her stomach. And here the two women stayed. The pleasure that filled the room completely for a while, until the fear of the war began to return tainting the room as it did.

"Katniss, promise you'll look after yourself out there" Johanna hated bringing up the war right now but knew that one of them was going to, and she needed to make Katniss realise that she had to come back from this war. Johanna had already lost everything because of the Capitol and now that she had finally trusted someone enough to fall in love with her she wasn't going to let them take that away as well.

"I promise"

"No really, you can't trust anyone out there, not Snow's men nor Coin's" tears fell down Johanna's cheeks as she thought about all the things that could go wrong out there, Katniss was the face of this war and so everyone would be gunning for her. And even if she managed to survive the people the Capitol held so many unknown traps, a single wrong step could trigger a trap that would steal Katniss from Johanna forever.

"Johanna, I promise you will return, the only things that won't be returning are President Snow, and the Mockingjay because when all this is over I can just be Katniss again" she smiled as she leant in to kiss Johanna again. After that both women simply held on to each other never wanting the time to come when Katniss had to put her uniform back on. But of course that time did come.

Katniss rose from their bed and began to put the uniform back on, knowing that she would have to have her hair and makeup redone and that the team wouldn't be happy about it, and of course Coin would say it was a sign of her not cooperating just for the sake of being difficult. But Katniss didn't care if they weren't happy because she wasn't happy about any of this situation, especially the cheek that Coin had, to dress her up when in her mind she was sending Katniss to her death, which in Katniss' eyes made her no different to the Capitol. When she was finally dressed she walked towards the door, turned around and took hold of Johanna's hands. It felt like she had barely been back in the room since she had entered, everything seemed to go fast, the moments of pleasure, the moments of love all of them had seemed to flash by, but she had expected that.

"Johanna, I love you, and I will return" she knew it had been said but she wanted to reinforce it to try and make this easier on Johanna, of course nothing she said would have made this moment any easier on either of them.

"I know, I love you too, and Katniss you prove Coin right that she was worried you'd be a loose cannon! You make her regret ever punishing you!" Johanna smiled with the spark that Katniss had seen may times before

"I'll make her pay…" Katniss smiled back, before kissing Johanna for the last time before she went to war.

Leaving Johanna stand and watch her walk towards the unknown dangers of the capitol.




Hey guys :) hope you enjoyed it, would love to receive some criticism, compliments and reviews, cause im planning on writing another Joniss fic, so would like to know if i did this one justice :) xx