All right, here it is people. The end to my story. How fun huh? Okay, I know I owe a ton of explanations. I kinda just went with the flow of things. First things first the relationship between Pluto and Picollo, okay..I feel bad for Picollo. When do you ever see him with a woman? Never. So the whole point was to just give the guy someone he could cuddle with and possible use Pluto's pregnancy in the next story (Trunks/whatever I decide to call her) That was the idea at least. I'm not sure if it'll fly though. That's up to you guys. It would basically be a story about Rini coming back to earth from the moon and falling for Goten. Her friend (Pluto's kid) would go with her and things would spark between her and Trunks. Lol.where am I GOING with this??? You guys get what I'm saying..a lot of romance. That's what I do.

I am very proud of this story. And I hope that you all have enjoyed reading it. So here is the final chapter, just a little cheesiness to wrap it all up!! And again, if you want a sequel I am always open to your suggestions. Email me!! Love you all and thank you for all of your support. And a quick warning! In my opinion this chapter is major sappy guys! Lol, hope you love it!!

Surrender Sweet Prince


~One Wedding and 9 months later~

"She is NEVER going to get out of me!" Serena grumbled placing a hand over the arch of her back and attempting to rub the dull ache away. Absentmindedly, she twirled her wedding ring, a simple yet beautiful Princess cut diamond on a shinning gold band. Above that was the actual wedding band, gold with tiny diamonds circling the ring. She was a married woman now with a loving husband and she was very, very pregnant. She purposely reminisced about her wedding day in order to forget that very fact. Being pregnant was wonderful, sure, but she could not believe how much pain little Rini was causing in her lower back!

Serena sat down at the kitchen table, placing a large plate of steaming macaroni and cheese and a glass of milk down in front of her. She had little faith in her ability to cook so she had done what she could with Bulma gone which meant box meals and canned soup. Since everyone else was training she sat alone, content with the silence of the large Caps. Corp house. Digging into her meal for one, Serena thought back to the day she has become Vegeta's wife. A dreamy smile crossed her face as she remembered the clear blue skies their outdoor wedding had been held under. Bulma and Serena's feminine touches were everywhere from the elegant five-layered cake to the extravagant archway with lavender satin ribbons and pure white roses entwined over the carved wood.

The wedding had been before a small group of personal friends and family. Bulma, Chi-Chi, Videl and 18 had been the bridesmaids dressed in soft lavender gowns. Yamcha, Goku, Gohan and Krillin had been the groom's men, each handsome in their tuxes. Rini and Goten, the flower girl and ring bearer, had looked absolutely adorable walking down the carpeted aisle together.

And the most handsome of all, her husband. She still had a vivid picture of how amazing he had looked in his fitted tux and midnight blue vest. His penetrating ebony gaze had never strayed from hers as she crossed the carpet to where he stood at the alter waiting for her. Since her own father could not be there, Serena had thought it would be fun to have Trunks give her away. So the lavender haired boy, dressed much like his father, had proudly walked Serena down the aisle hand in hand, tenderly kissed her cheek, hugged her tightly and then gave her away to his dad.

In a clinging white satin dress, modeled after the one her mother, the Queen, wore Serena had faced her Prince; stunned by the emotions she saw swimming in her mates eyes. He tried hiding them with his usual smirk but Serena had just shook her head and told him with her thoughts that it was not a bad thing to let his feelings show every now and then. Facing each other with love shinning in their eyes, they had murmured the words that would bind them together as man and wife for the rest of their lives.

A week later had been one of the happiest and saddest days of her life. She had gone to the doctors with Bulma and found out that she was pregnant. Running home, she had run straight to the gravity room where she knew Vegeta would be. As soon as she told him he had immediately fainted which alarmed Serena because she never knew he was capable of fainting. Once he was awake, the couple had embraced and laughed like two teenagers.

That night the Briefs had held a fabulous celebration in Serena's honor, inviting all friend and family to the joyous occasion. The last visitor to arrive, much to Serena's surprise, was Pluto. She had looked into the Time Guardian's eyes and known right away.

*~* Flashback *~*

Serena stared at Pluto, feeling a sickness in hear heart that was indescribable. Silence hung thickly around her. Her hand desperately reached for Rini's and her daughter came forward, holding tightly to that hand. "Pluto, it time already?" Serena asked, speaking past the lump in her throat.

Vegeta stood up and walked over to Serena, his features set in a severe frown. "Time for what, Sere?" he asked, staring at the tall green haired woman.

Pluto sighed, her shoulders feeling heavy with the burden she had to carry. It had to be done though. It would be a danger to allow small Lady to stay while she was also born. "Yes my Princess. Rini must return home now."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Vegeta demanded, fury edging his words. "My daughter is not going anywhere!"

Rini, amazingly enough, was the one to handle the situation from there. She walked up to her father, fighting her tears and tugged on his jeans. He sank to her level and stared at her with eyes full of sadness. Rini placed her hands on each side of his face and kissed his nose. "I have to go daddy. I can't stay here." She whispered, hating the hurt look on her fathers face. "I'm already here, in mommy. I have to go back to the future where I belong."

Vegeta released a shaky sigh and pushed his hands through his thick, spiky hair. "I know you do brat." He said, his voice thick with emotion. He wrapped his arms around his daughter's small form and crushed her to him. "There wont be a day that I spend not missing you."

Rini released a mournful cry and hugged her father tightly. "I'll miss you too daddy!"

Vegeta pulled back and placed a lingering kiss on his daughter's forehead. "I love you Rini. Now..go say goodbye to your mother."

Rini nodded, a sad smile curving her soft lips. "Love you too daddy." She murmured, then turned and flung herself into Serena's waiting embrace.

Serena held her daughter for a long time, not willing to let her go but knowing that she would have to. Finally, after several minutes had passed she pulled away and smiled down at her daughter. "My little angel." She whispered, brushing her pink bangs from her face. "I will always love you Rini and like your father I will miss you more then I can even say." She paused to take a deep breath. "I know your future mother misses you. Go to her. But never forget me, okay?"

Rini laughed softly and kissed Serena's cheek. "Never meat-ball- head."

"Rini?" a soft voice spoke up behind her and she turned to see Goten standing, watching her uncertainly. Her heart twisted painfully but she knew that the child growing in her mother would come to love Goten someday, just as much as she did now. She walked up to Goten and slid the mood ring he had given her from her finger. "Hold out your hand Goten."

Goten did as she asked, his eyes gleaming with tears. Regretfully, she placed the ring in Goten's hand and curled his fingers around it. "I have to go back to my time, in the future. But I'm going to be born here soon. When I am..when the me from this time is old enough, give her this ring, okay?"

Goten nodded solemnly. "I promise." He said. Without warning he pulled her into a hug. "I'll miss you Rini."

"I'll miss you too Goten." Stepping out of his embrace, she placed a light kiss on his cheek and slowly stepped back to where Pluto waited for her. "Thank you all for being so wonderful to me. I'll never forget you." And with that, she was gone.

*~* End flashback *~*

Serena wiped the salty tears away that were sliding down her cheeks and pushed herself up, grabbing the empty plate and glass and walking to the sink. Suddenly pain gripped her being and she cried out in surprise, dropping the dishes. They shattered on the floor and Serena jumped back, leaning heavily against the wall and gasping. Oh god, it was time! She placed a hand over her bulging stomach, willing the pain to cease. "VEGETA!!" She screamed out with voice and mind. He was there immediately to catch her as her legs gave out underneath her.

"Holy shit Sere!" He exclaimed, smirking slightly. "It's about that time, huh?"

She looked up at him, her eyes holding alarm. "Yeah, I think so." She said breathlessly.

Vegeta saw the fear in his mate's eyes. It was enough to scare him but he needed to be the strong one now. "It's okay honey. Just breath okay?" He cradled her in his arms and brushed a kiss around her forehead. "Let's get you to the hospital."

Serena nodded, sighing as the pain subsided. "Hurry please." She pleaded, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck as he ran out of the house and flew as fast as he could into the sky towards the hospital.


Serena sighed gratefully as another contraction passed. She loosened her hold on Bulma's arm and sunk back down into the cushy hospital bed. Lord, that one was a hard one! "I'm sorry Bulma." she muttered, attempting to wipe the dampness from her brow.

Bulma smiled and shook her hand. "That's okay Sere. I know exactly what you're going through." Bulma, Trunks and the Son family had been called to the hospital immediately after Serena had arrived. Vegeta had actually taken it upon himself to call up everyone and make sure that they were all there for the birth of his daughter. "Did you need anything?" Bulma asked, rising from the chair beside Serena's bed.

"Some ice would be nice."

"You got it. I'll send Trunks in to look after you while I'm gone." She disappeared out the door and seconds later Trunks poked his head in. "Hey Serena."

Serena smiled at the young boys uncertainty and beckoned to him tiredly with her hand. "Come in Trunks. Keep me company for a while." She crooned softly, assuring him that nothing was wrong.

Trunks smiled and walked into the room, taking the seat that his mother had previously occupied. He looked at Serena then turned his curious gaze to her large stomach. "She's not hurting you is she?" He asked, reaching tentatively forward and placing a hand gently on her stomach.

Serena shook her head, chuckling softly. "She's not causing me pain. She just wants out, don't you honey?" she spoke softly to her unborn child.

Trunks blinked in surprise. "Can.can I talk to her?"

Serena's heart melted at the sweet gesture. It made her beyond happy that Rini would always have Trunks as a big brother to watch out for her. "Of course you can." She murmured.

Trunks' hand stilled upon her stomach and he inched closer to where his half-sister was. "Umm.hi..Rini, I'm your big brother Trunks. Actually half, but what does that matter right?" his voice became more certain and he smiled at Serena, excitement shining in his blue eyes. "I can't wait to meet you. I'll train you real hard, I promise. Well, when dad says your old enough that is."

Serena started to laugh when she felt another contraction coming on. "Trunks." she gasped. "Go get someone, quick."

Trunks' eyes widened and he yanked his hand back, jumping off the chair and running from the room. Serena closed her eyes, praying that this one would pass quickly. She ground her teeth together and reached out to grasp something when her hand landed on something warm. She opened her eyes and looked up into the worried eyes of her husband. "Ve.Vegeta?"

He nodded and sat down next to her on the bed, holding her hand tightly in his. "It's okay Serena." He leaned over and kissed her softly. "I'm here now."

Serena grabbed a hold of his hand, squeezing it tightly as the pain gripped her being.

"Breath Sere, breath." Vegeta said, coaching her along as if it were something he was used to doing. "Come on hun, we'll get through this one together."

Serena moaned as the contraction peaked then the pain started to fade. "They..they're coming faster sweetie." She said once she had caught her breath. Her body shook as she fought the urge to push.

A doctor entered the room, a stethoscope hanging around her neck. She smiled at them both, her russet eyes kind. "Hello Serena." She said softly. "This must be your husband." She reached a hand over and Vegeta took it. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir."

"Ah...likewise." Vegeta muttered, still not used to being the nice guy. He watched the doctor look over the monitor and check the equipment beside Serena's bed.

"Well Serena, it looks like it's about time. Are you ready to have your baby girl?"

Serena shook her head enthusiastically, soft tendrils of her hair sticking to her sweaty forehead. "I was ready two weeks ago."

The doctor laughed along with Serena, then brushed her brown hair back into the loose knot at the back of her head and wrote something on the clipboard she was carrying. "I'll have some nurses come in and we'll get you delivered then." She turned and left the two alone.

Serena looked up at her mate, smiling at the lack of color in his face. It made her feel better that he was just as scared as she was. "Vegeta." He looked down at her and she reached up, pulling his face down to hers. "Everything is going to be fine." She whispered against his lips.

Vegeta smirked. "I know it will Sere. You're one tough woman, thanks to me of course." He said, pulling a beautiful tinkling laugh from her lips. Hearing footsteps he looked up to see three nurses come into the room. He quickly turned back to his mate, his heart constricting at the sight of her pure beauty. "Serena..if I forget to tell you later, thank you."

Serena stopped watching what the nurses were doing and turned her confused gaze back to her mate. "For what Vegeta?"

"For saving me." He took a deep breath and rushed on before he lost his nerve. "For turning me from the cold-hearted man I used to be to the man I am now. I don't know what I did to deserve an angel like you but I will spend the rest of our lives together being eternally grateful to whoever sent you to me." He leaned down and kissed her temple, fighting the fear that was clawing away at him. "I love you Serena. I never thought I could love and you proved me wrong."

Serena drew a shuddering breath and held her mate close, feeling their hearts beat in synchronism. "I love you so much Vegeta. Thank you for loving me back. I promise I'll spend every day proving you wrong from now on." She joked.

Vegeta chuckled softly and pulled back, moving out of the way of the nurse who was adjusting Serena's bed. "I'm sure you will." He muttered, rolling his eyes.

Serena giggled, her bright blue eyes focused only on him. "I have to go now Vegeta. I'll see you in a bit okay?" she whispered, reaching out for his hand.

Vegeta took it and kissed the soft skin over her knuckles. "Okay. Love you Sere."

"Love you Veggie."

He watched the nurses roll her from the room and walked out into the lobby where his friends waited.

"Hey buddy." Goku said, slapping his shoulder in a friendly gesture. "How is she?"

Vegeta smiled, an actual smile that reached his eyes and brightened his heart. "She's fine Kakarott. She's a strong girl. She'll be fine."

An hour and five minutes later he was starting to doubt his confident words. He sat next to Goku; his dozing son curled up in the chair on his other side. "Christ, how long does it take to have one kid?" he exclaimed, jerking back in his chair.

"Took Chi-Chi three hours with Goten." Goku offered, trying to sooth his friend's worries. "Come on Vegeta. Relax. Serena's going to be just fine. You said so yourself, she's a strong girl."

"That was over an hour ago!" Vegeta shouted, pushing himself up and pacing the lobby floor restlessly. He was about to scream in frustration when he heard a door opening down the hall where Serena was. He yanked his head up and his heart hammered to a halt as he saw the doctor walking slowly down the corridor, a tiny bundle wrapped in a pink blanket cradled in her arms. He took one step forward and then another, his steps becoming faster as the doctor approached. When he was a few feet away from the doctor he stopped and looked at her expectantly.

The doctor raised her compassionate eyes to Vegeta and smiled. "Vegeta, meet your daughter." She said softly, carefully holding the small bundle forward. "Watch her head." She advised, placing the baby in his waiting arms.

Vegeta could only stare down at the little baby girl in his arms. He brushed a fingertip over her tiny nose and laughed when she yawned. "Hey there kid." He whispered. "I'm your dad."

"Your wife is just fine. She's..umm.very hungry but either then that her health is in perfect condition." The doctor smiled at father and daughter and turned to go back and assist the mother.

"Congratulations Vegeta." Goku murmured, coming to stand next to the Saiyan Prince. "She's beautiful." Both men stared down at the small child with her downy pink hair and tiny little nose. Trunks and Goten had woken up and eagerly ran forward to meet the girl, Chi-Chi, Bulma, Videl and Goten not far behind.

The women crooned over how adorable the little child was while the men just stared in silent awe at how small and perfect she was.

"I want to see Serena." Vegeta spoke up suddenly, his eyes searching for his mate.

Bulma smiled and stepped forward, placing her hand on Vegeta's arm. "Come on, I'll take you to her."

Vegeta looked down at his daughter. She was sleeping peacefully, perfect eyelids closed over, what he was sure were beautiful ruby eyes. He followed Bulma down the hallway and into a room.

Serena immediately looked up, knowing that her mate was coming before he was even in the room. He walked in and her heart melted as she looked at her husband tenderly holding their child. Bulma gave Vegeta a gentle shove forward and with a wink in Serena's direction left the room.

Vegeta looked up at Serena; afraid to move for fear that he would wake his daughter. He slowly crossed the floor and sank down on the mattress beside Serena, sitting so that they were both leaning against the pillows and staring down at their beautiful baby girl.

"Look what we have made Vegeta." Serena breathed, carefully brushing her fingers through Rini's soft hair. "Isn't she beautiful?"

Vegeta looked down at his wife, his beautiful mate. "She's an angel, just like her mother." He murmured.

Serena smiled, her deep blue eyes sparkling with unshed tears. Her heart swelled with love for her mate and for the small daughter they held between them. She bent her head and kissed her daughter's warm forehead. "Welcome to the world Rini, my little angel."


Later that night Serena stepped from the shower, relieved to have the sweat and hospital smell washed from her body. She brushed a comb through her golden locks and smiled at her reflection in the mirror. She was glowing. She had always wanted to be the kind of woman who glowed. Blotting her hair dry, she grabbed the long, soft pink robe hanging from a hook on the doorway and slid it on, tying the belt around her waist. Her hand rested on the doorknob and she started to turn it when she heard Vegeta's husky voice on the other side.

She quietly turned the knob and opened the door, turning the light off as she stepped into their bedroom. Vegeta, unaware still that she was in the room with him, sat on the bed, ankles crossed and their daughter wrapped snugly in his strong arms. Serena listened, a smile pulling at her full lips as Vegeta told Rini a story.

"The Princess stared at the Prince, her eyes flashing with inner fire. He had won the fight. But what he didn't know was that the actual victory was hers for the Princess had managed to get a hold of something much better then a victory. She had the Prince's heart. It took a log time but the stubborn Prince finally realized how deeply he loved the Princes. No matter what he did, she had his heart and always would. When he finally confessed his feelings for the Princess she threw her arms around him and poured her own heart out. Who could blame her though, right? I mean, this Prince was beyond good looking."

Serena released a gleeful laugh and Vegeta looked up, smirking at his laughing wife. "You're mom just doesn't understand honey. See how tough I have it?" he muttered to his sleeping daughter.

Serena walked over to the bed, her shoulders still shaking with mirth. "Is she asleep?" she asked, peering over his arm at Rini.

"She's been asleep for a while now." Vegeta said, keeping his voice low. He carefully handed Rini over to his mate, watching as her eyes softened and smiling as Serena crooned to the baby, making unintelligible noises. He stood and followed Serena over to the crib in the corner, standing behind her as she placed Rini into the crib and covered her tiny body with a blanket. "Sleep well angel." She whispered.

Eager for some time alone with his wife, Vegeta turned Serena around and lowered his lips to hers, tasting the sweetness that graced her soft full lips. "I've missed you Sere." He muttered, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist.

Serena sighed and leaned against his hard muscular body. "Oh Vegeta. I've missed you too." She ran her hands in a soft caress over his bare chest and willingly followed him as he pulled her back to their bed. He laid her down, spreading her hair out around her like a golden fan. He held her close; breathing in her scent, content just to have her so close to him. With a lingering kiss pulled her head down on his chest. She was asleep in a matter of seconds. He joined her shortly after. The two slept, entwined in body and soul, sharing a love that would last them this lifetime an every one to come.