Answer The God Damn Phone

Author: Twi-Ranger
Words: 1,015
Disclaimer: I don't own Chicago PD or song lyrics (Titles).
Author's Note: So new story. I'm not sure if I want to make this story like a sequel to He Saved Me. What do you guys think? There can be references, or a whole new story, with a few similarities.

So the title came from JJ Demon's The Phone Song (Vibrating).

The Title of the story is from What It Is by Kodaline. I feel like that song is Chicago PD's theme song (It comes out on the promos). Happy Valentines Day you guys.

Uploaded: February 14, 2014




Erin groaned as her phone rang. She looked at the time and it was three forty-seven in the morning. She grabbed her phone and saw an unknown number. She hit the green button and pressed the phone in her ear.

"Hello?" Erin asked, sleepily.

There was no response in the other side.

"Hello?" she asked again, slightly annoyed. When she got no response, she hung up the phone.

She tossed the phone on the nightstand and turned, so her back was to the phone.

She tried to go back to sleep, but the phone call was bugging her. Not a lot of people had her number. After she got into the intelligence group, she had changed her number.

Chicago PD




Erin saw the unfamiliar number. She answered the phone and again, she got no answer. She stared at the phone. It was the fourth call that day, and it always ended the same. She was so sure she didn't know the number. That number had never called her.

Chicago PD




It was the same number. She was in the car with Halstead. They were going to a drug bust, and the calling hadn't stopped.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" Jay asked, frowning as the phone rang.

"No," Erin answered, as she stared at the road ahead.

"Why?" he asked, noticing Erin's weird behavior.

"Why not?" she asked him, not taking a look at him. "Leave it."

Jay didn't say anything, as he stared at her.

Chicago PD




It was two in the morning, and Erin had had enough. She grabbed the phone and pressed the green number.

"Leave me alone!" she snapped, as she glared at the darkness in front of her.

The person on the other side chuckled. Fear paralyzed Erin; she did not recognize the voice. "How's daddy dearest?" the voice asked.

She knew whom the man was asking about. She knew Voight had a lot of enemies. She knew they were willing to do anything to get to him, and her connection with him could put her in danger, but she never believed it would actually happen.

"Stop calling me," she told the man, knowing it was a weak attempt.

The man laughed again. "Goodnight Erin, see you soon."

He hung up, but Erin sat there, the phone pressed against her ear. See you soon, she didn't know what he meant by that. She didn't know who that person was. She didn't want to tell Voight. She knew if she told him, he would become overly protective, and she didn't want that. She wanted to deal with it herself. She lay back down and stared at the ceiling. She didn't want to fall asleep. Not when the man knew who she was.

Chicago PD




Erin shot up from her bed, slightly afraid. She grabbed her phone, and sighed in relief when she noticed it was just her alarm. Her head was pounding from the stress. She got out of bed to get ready for the day. The day was going to be horrible, she already knew it. She didn't realize when she had fallen asleep, but she knew it was late.




Erin saw her phone lighting up. She knew it wasn't her alarm, not this time. She sighed, as she looked around. She was alone in her bedroom. She knew she didn't need to be afraid. She knew she could protect herself. Hank Voight raised her for thirteen years.

She yanked her phone from the table and answered it. "Leave me the hell alone!" she exclaimed, having enough.

"Erin," Halstead asked, confused.

Erin frowned, and rubbed her eyes. She was so sure it was a man. "Sorry," she whispered.

"Are you alright?" he asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I just didn't get much sleep last night. Look, I got to go to work. See you at work," she told him. She hung up, not giving him a chance to answer.

She stared at the phone. She closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down. She walked to the restroom to straighten herself up before she went to work.

Chicago PD

Erin didn't get a phone call that day. She was slowly getting rid of her paranoia. She handled her work, she was going back to normal. Everything seemed fine. She felt relaxed, although it wasn't going to stay like that. She had to take it while it lasted.

She went home after a few drinks with her friends. She got ready to go to bed, slightly forgetting about the phone calls. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Chicago PD




Erin groaned, as she stretched her arm out to get her phone. She looked at the time and it was three forty-seven in the morning. She answered, sleep fogging up her common sense.

"Hello, sweetie," the unfamiliar voice told her.

Any sleepiness she felt quickly went away. There were two voices she heard, one in the phone, and the other in the room. She looked around and couldn't see anything it was too dark. She sat up, and felt someone cover her mouth and wrap their arm around her throat, cutting off the air. She struggled. She tried to fight back, but her oxygen wasn't circulating. She scratched the arm, trying to hurt him so he would let go and she could fight back, but he didn't let go. The more she fought, the harder the grip became. Soon, she lost consciousness. Her body slumped against him.

Chicago PD

He watched her. She was a child, barely three years old. She was laughing as her mother pushed her on the swing. There was a small smile on his face as he watched her. He looked around and saw many people there. There were many kids. There were so many little kids, but no one noticed him. No one cared he was there. He just sat there, smiling, as he watched her, laughing, begging for her mom to push her higher. He watched.

Next Chapter:
And Now You've Disappeared Somewhere