I was back in school after spending my spring break in Arizona with my Aunt and Uncle. I had needed to get away after the Gerard incident and I was done with this werewolf business, they only used me for research. All day I had been avoiding Allison, Lydia and the pack. They weren't my biggest problem, one sour wolf, was my problem by the name of Derek Hale.

Walking to my car, I spotted Derek already there waiting for me. Knowing he wouldn't leave until we talked, I continued my way over to him. Throwing my book bag in the back of the jeep, I just looked at Derek, waiting for him to say something, anything at all. We just stood there looking at each other for what seemed to be minutes before I finally had the courage to speak up. "I'm not explaining myself to you." I spoke in a controlled voice to avoid making a scene.

He growled and before I knew it I was chest to chest with him against my jeep. "Explain. NOW. You're part of the pack and my mate. You don't just leave!" He growled, his eyes flashing red with anger trying to get me to submit.

I stayed silent long enough to compose myself when I finally spoke up. "I'm not or will never be important enough to be considered pact so don't try to flatter me so I'll do all the research, I'm done. As for your mate, you can't say something like that and expect me to understand or accept it when I'm furious with you!"

I could see the anger in his eyes when he yelled back. "Gerard told that didn't he! The old man was trying to break up that pack, the Argents have been trying to do that for years!" Refusing to answer him back, I pushed through him and walked around to the drivers side as Derek followed, still growling as he went.

"You haven't denied anything yet so just go. Leave me alone and don't think about bringing one of your pups to do the dirty work either. When I say I'm done, I damn' well mean it." I snapped before jumping in the car and driving home.

I was his mate, Derek Hale's mate. I couldn't be, it was something that he would have mentioned a year ago when we first met and he would have not pushed me against walls and stuff if he had. I was just the awkward human who talked too much, had ADHD and annoyed the hell out of everyone. There was no way in hell that I could be Derek's mate. Or could I?