I do not own Stars Struck.

Please submit comments and reviews! Let me know how the story is and if you have any plot ideas! Sorry for any grammar mistakes.

After the dance, Christopher drove Jessica back to her parent's house in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

"I can't believe you said no to the movie," Jess said in the car.

"Well, Jess when I first met you you gave me a reality check. I cannot be this big headed pop star anymore."

Christopher pulled up to Jess' house. He opened her car door for her and walked her up to her front steps.

"Chris" Jess said, " Never to that to me again you know I hate all that attention." Jess always had this sarcastic tone to the way she talked, but it was always the truth and Christopher liked that about her.

"Yeah I know I just figured you couldn't turn me down in front of your whole school" Christopher smiled. Not just any smile, but the famous Christopher Wild Smile. It was his trademark and it made Jess melt inside, even though she always told Chris to stop looking at her that way. She loved it. Without thinking Jess stood on her toes and kissed Chris. She had been wanting to do that since they were on the tour of LA together. Jess was surprised that Chris didn't pull back. Instead he slipped his tongue into her mouth and deepened the passionate kiss. Only then did Chris pull back for some air. They stood there for a second. They felt the warm summer breeze brush past them.

"How long are you in Kalamazoo for?" Jess said breaking the silence.

"Until the end of your school year. I will be here for Sarah's graduation" Luckily for Jess that was in 2 days. She was going to be a senior next year and her sister was going to be graduating. "My parents also came down and we are staying at a hotel about 10 minutes from your house." When Chris was talking all she could focus on was Chris holding her hand and leaning against her house. Like was this even real life. On the plane ride back from LA all she could do was think about Chris. And when she got home and had 20 reporters standing on her lawn, that didn't help much either. Just as she was finishing thinking her porch light turned on and the door opened. Sarah was at it again.

"OMG it is Christopher Wild. I can't believe you are actually at my house." Sarah said.

"It's nice to meet you Sarah. Jess has told me a lot about you." Chris said still gazing into Jess' eyes. "I think it is time for me to go back home, but don't worry Sarah I will be at your graduation and Jess I will see you tomorrow." Chris winked at Jess and kissed her on the cheek. He walked back to his car and drove off. Jess had a genuine smile on her face. The smile was plastered across her face from ear to ear. Sarah grabbed Jess' hand and dragged her inside the house.

"Tell. Me. EVERYTHING." Sarah managed to say. And Jess did just that.