
The day started out fairly normal. After Ancient Greek, Percy and I went to training. Then we were supposed to clean our cabins. While I was scanning the Athena cabin for loose blueprints, I heard a knock at the door. Chiron was standing outside looking very anxious.

"Annabeth, I need you to get Percy and tell him to go to the Oracle-I mean Rachel. It seems rather urgent. I would do it myself, except I have to teach Swordplay in five minutes."

I walked across camp to the Poseidon cabin and I guess I was so worried about what Chiron said that I forgot to knock. I walked in on Percy staring at a picture. I knew was it was; Percy and I getting thrown into the camp lake on his birthday. He spun around and turned bright red.

"Annabeth! I didn't hear you come in!"

"Oh um…I didn't knock. Sorry."

"It's fine. Are you okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost."

He casually set down the picture and I blushed.

"Um, yeah. Chiron said you need to go talk to Rachel."

"Oh no. That's never good." He said half teasingly, half seriously.

"You want to come?"

"Okay." We walked silently towards the Big House. I slipped my hand into his.

"I saw you looking at the picture."

"Oh. Um, yeah."


"If this is a quest, I don't want…"

"What, Seaweed brain?"

He took a deep breath and said, "I don't want to go without you."

I kissed him on the cheek and we kept walking.


Oh gods. I have to go see Rachel and maybe get another quest. And what if it's not with Annabeth? I hate prophecies.

When we got to the Big House, Rachel was waiting for me, sitting in one of the chairs around the ping-pong table that we use for camp meetings. I sat down across from her and Annabeth wished me luck. When she left, a shiver went down my spine as Rachel's eyes glowed green.

A Quest of Five the gods select

Air, Water, Fire, Wisdom, and Death

Wood saved from a fire soon will burn

Through a great sacrifice, wisdom will learn

Air, Water, and Fire must each take their turn

Or the life of a friend death soon will earn

Great. I waved to Rachel then left to find Annabeth. I found her sitting on Zeus' Fist staring into the sky. It took me a while to climb to the top, but when I saw the view (and Annabeth) it was worth it.

"Wow. I've never been up here before."

"Oh. Hey Seaweed Brain." Suddenly remembering why I hadn't been with her earlier, she said, "Oh my gods what did she say?" Annabeth's eyes flashed with fear.

"Well the good news is, the prophecy was more straightforward than usual."

"So it is a quest." She looked like she was about to cry.

"Yes, but we will both be going. At least I'm pretty sure we will be."

I repeated the prophecy for her and stormy gray eyes looked troubled.

"You had better go tell Chiron. That's no ordinary prophecy."

"I know. But can't I stay here with you for a little while?" I whined jokingly.

"All right but only for a little while."

We laid down next to each other on the rock and stared up at the sky.

Annabeth said, "You know what bothers me? The prophecy said that the gods are sending the quest. We've never had a specific request from the gods before."

"Oh…I didn't even think of that. I was too busy thinking about that third line. It could only mean Frank."

"So who do you think the Five are?"

"Well, Air would be Jason. Water, which would be me. Fire…hmm…that would have to be Leo. And Wisdom would be you, of course. Death could be Hazel or Nico."

"I sure hope it's Hazel. If this quest will determine Frank's fate, she'll want to go."

"Plus you hate Nico." I said jokingly

Annabeth shoved me and told me that I'd better go tell Chiron now. I argued with her for a while and then she said that if I didn't go now, she wasn't going to kiss me goodbye. That got me going.


Oh Percy. All right. Think, Annabeth. Why would the gods ask for a quest? I flopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Well, at least it will be the five of us, Jason, Percy, Leo, Me, and Hazel. Well, I think it will be Hazel. I'm a little excited to go on another quest, but that prophecy makes me uneasy. And what about the line "wisdom will learn"? Hmm…

When I woke up I looked at my watch and realized that I was late for breakfast. I jumped out of bed, brushed my hair and teeth, and ran towards the Big House. When I got there, everyone was sitting down and no one was talking. That's unusual, I thought to myself. Everyone stared at me as I walked over to Percy and gave him a hug. I turned around and saw Chiron behind me, looking very upset.

"I would like Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Jason, Frank and Hazel to come with me."

I looked at Percy and he mouthed "the prophecy". I nodded and followed Chiron away from the Big House.