AN: So basically this story is about what if Beckett got pregnant when Castle came for his surprise visit in Valkyrie. My story will follow season six episodes, but how they would have been changed if Beckett was pregnant the whole time. The first chapter is based on 6x01 – Valkyrie and 6x02 – Dreamworld. I do not own any part of Castle or any lyrics from songs.


"Love can make you happy

If you find someone who cares to give a lifetime to you

And who has a love to share."

Cast Your Fate To The Wind

Kate Beckett had spent more than a decade of her life chasing down killers, including the monster that killed her mother, but that all seemed like a piece of cake compared to her having to call Castle and tell him that even though it had been six weeks since they had seen each other that she was not coming home due to a case. The disappointment in his voice when she told him made her question her decision to take the job in DC. While she knew that this was a great opportunity for her, she missed working side-by-side with him everyday and and then every night laying down next to him to sleep.

When Beckett had left for DC she and Castle had decided it was best for him to stay back in New York for the time being until she was got her bearings at her new job. Instead they spent countless hours on the phone talking to each other or texting each other. Even though they were not physically spending time together they talked almost as much as they did when they actually lived together. There had not been one single day where they did not communicate with her other.

When Castle showed up at her apartment in DC that fateful night in September, Beckett had been in utter shock to see him. She had been amazed that she had been able to form some kind of coherent words before she totally pounced him. Beckett didn't know if she ever had wanted a man as much as she needed Castle that night. Castle had been feeling the same way about her and that is why he risked her yelling at him and traveled down to see her. Even though Castle had been married a couple times before, his relationship with Beckett was totally different than anything he had ever experienced. They had a real true connection. He couldn't imagine how he had made it so many years without having her beside him.

That night they had thrown caution to the wind and made love without using any sort of protection. They were both so desperate for each others love and attention neither of them had thought about it. Neither of them cared. All they could think about was that after six long and lonely weeks they could finally be one again.

All of they joy they had felt that night soon was replaced by fear for both of them. When Beckett found out that Castle had been exposed to a deadly toxin she felt like she had been shot once again. The pain in her chest as she felt her world crashing down almost overtook her, but she did what she had done so many years before after her mother's death and brought a little bit of her wall back up so that she could be strong for Castle. She knew she needed to be there to support him and to catch the bastard that had done this to him. The bastard that was trying to take her Castle way from her. She didn't have the time to break down and cry.

Beckett was able to maintain her cool until she saw Castle collapsing when he got out of the car. All of the rage that she had hidden inside of her from her mother being killed and the fear she had about losing Castle built up in her and started to boil over. She knew she would do anything possible to save the man that she loved more than anything. She did not want to lose another person she cared about.

After the antidote to the toxin was found and Castle was taken to the hospital, Beckett spent hours sitting next to his bedside waiting for him to wake up. There was nothing more that she wanted than to see his smiling blue eyes and hear his voice. When Castle finally woke up Beckett let her wall crash down again. Her fear finally started to subside. When Castle told Beckett, "Sometimes the hardest things in life are the things most worth doing," she knew that regardless of what was to come, her and Castle could make it through anything. Little did Beckett know that one of those hard things that come in life was already growing inside of her.

"You set your sail when the tide comes in and you just cast your fate to the wind."


AN: The first chapter was more setting up the story since Beckett wasn't going to know that she was pregnant the day after they had sex. The next chapter Beckett will found out that she is pregnant. Hit me up with reviews.

Songs: Love (Can Make You Happy) by Mercy (totally a Castkett song) and Cast Your Fate To The Wind by We Five