Hey Guys,

I'm alive and I am so sorry for being away for the past few years but RL got in the way big time. My mum separated from her previous partner and my teenaged little sister had a rollercoaster or emotions. I have also undertaken a TAFE course to become an assistant in. using and am trying to find part-time work.

I will be revamping Broken Bonds, I am not quite happy with the flow of the story (teenaged me was a little impatient) and I hope to get the first few edited chapters out around November-ish. The Golden Bloodline may also go under a revamp in the New Year but sad to say is Ive become a little out of touch with my favourite anime :(

I am working on chapters for Winter's Family, Blizzard of Hope and maybe The Hidden One and Wall Maria. I am aiming to have a couple of new chapters for WF and Both before I start on updates for HO and WM. The editing for BB and TGB will hopefully happen in the next few weeks.

Anywhoo just thought I'd give you guys a little update. Thanks for sticking with this author,

~Luna Midi