Wendy isn't in this story or is mentioned very briefly.

Peter isn't *spoiler* Malcolm.

Ava is Henry's adopted sister, the adopted daughter of Regina.

That's where I'll always love you

Chapter 1

"Relax, kid. We're not going to hurt you."

That's what they all say, I thought to myself as Tamara's grip tightened on my arm.

"Just everyone I love," Henry replied. "You tried to blow up Storybrooke." He struggled against Greg's iron grip.

"True, but that was never the point," Tamara said. Henry gave me a worried look before turning to Greg, confused.

"It wasn't?"

"We came here to destroy magic, Henry. But then we found something more important, something that changed everything."

"Oreos?" I said cheerfully, my stomach growled; I was starving. The two adults shot me a glare before turning back to Henry.

"You," Greg said.


I looked over Tamara's shoulder, noticing Emma, the Charming's and Regina running towards us.

"Hey, Emma!" I shot her a cheerful wave.

Suddenly I was falling.

"Henry, Ava!" They chorused as I was blinded by the green light. I grabbed onto Henry before we were sucked into the portal, I just prayed to go god we weren't going to meet any more fairy-tale characters.

[Page Break]

I landedface first into sand. "Come on Ava!" Henry grabbed my arm, trying to scramble away from our captors.

"Slow down, Pal." He grabbed Henry by the scruff of the neck.

"I would suggest you let go of him before I go Ninja Turtle on your ass," I said politely. Greg scoffed "You've got nowhere to go" before releasing Henry, I put an arm around the kids shoulder.

"We made it," Tamara beamed. "Mission accomplished."

"Are you sure about that?" Henry started, "Because our moms are coming to get us, both of them." I rolled my eyes.

Greg approached us, "You might want to take a look around kid. Do you see any clock towers?"

"All I see is a stupid old man," I grumbled under my breath. Henry smirked as Greg continued. "You're a long way from Storybrooke."

No shit.

"It doesn't matter. My family have been to the enchanted forest before and they can get here again."

"Henry, I don't think-"

I was cut off by Tamtam, "Well, we're not in the enchanted forest."

You don't say?

"This in Neverland," she said.

I scoffed, "Perfect."

"Shut up," Greg growled at me. Oh, not so friendly.

"Give me the communicator," Tamtam held her hand out "We need to signal the home office."

"Who works there, Tarzan?" I smirked.

"Who we work for is not your concern," he glared at me. "Walk," he pushed us both.

What a bossy boot.

We eventually reached a clearing in the woods and Greg started a fire. It was freezing and my entire body was shivering.

"You okay, Kiddo?" I said quietly.

"They'll come for us right?" he asked me, looking worried.

"Yeah, don't let anyone tell you otherwise." I gave him a peck on the cheek. "Mom won't stop till we're home."

"Neither will Emma," I added.

"Plus, I think Hook might fancy me. Just a little," I flicked my brunette hair.

"You're like half his age," Henry said, smirking.

"Shut up!" I grumbled.

The bushes around us started to shake. I prayed to god it wasn't some sort of animal, "What was that?" Henry murmured.

"I have no idea," I breathed.

Figures emerged from the trees, all wearing Robin Hood style clothing and all carrying very dangerous looking weapons. The boy at the front of the group was scarily tall and looked around my age, seventeen or eighteen I was guessing. He held a club in lazily in one hand, his hood obscuring half of his face. He was like a beanpole.

"Who are you?" Greg asked, worried.

"We're the home office," Beanpole replied, amused. "Welcome to Neverland."

"The home office," Tamtam started. "Is a bunch of teenagers?"

"It would appear so," I said sarcastically.

"They're not teenagers," Henry said. I gripped his shoulder, "they're the lost boys."

Weren't they supposed to be like, seven?

"Well, look at that," beanpole smirked.

"Why do the lost boys want to destroy magic?" Henry continued.

"Who said we wanted to destroy magic?"

Woah, Greg and Tamtam were in for it now.

"When I say run, run." I whispered to Henry as the adults confronted the teenagers.

"Then you're not getting the boy," Greg said slowly.

Beanpole flashed a frightening smile, "Of course we are."

Greg screamed in agony as his shadow was detached from him, he fell to the ground with a thud. "Now would be good time to run," I breathed. "Yeah"

"Run Henry," I dragged him behind me.

"Get the boy," I heard beanpole order as we fled. The boys followed us, shouting and laughing as if it were a game. An arrow shot past my head, I fell into Henry and he fell to the ground.

"Okay, this is not a fun game," I grabbed him by the arm and tried to haul him up. A pair of hands grabbed me by the waist, dragging me backwards; I dragged Henry along with me. I rested against a rock as the lost boys ran past.

"Thanks," Henry said, out of breath. Mystery kid pulled his hood down, "Pan and his forces are in tune with nearly every single grain of sand on the island. We must be careful," he said with a smooth British accent. Figures, I meet an insanely attractive boy when I look like a potato and am on the run from kids who have taken Lord of the Flies too seriously.

"Are you a lost boy?" Henry asked, I rolled my eyes

"No, Henry. He's secretly Peter Pan, he's just not telling us." I said sarcastically. Something flashed in Hottie's eyes before he turned back to Henry. "I was," he replied before grabbing a rock and cutting the plastic around Henry's wrists.

"But I escaped; now they're after me too." His ears were so cute, I hid a smirk.

"But why?" I asked.

"No time for questions, we must keep moving. Come on," he put a hand on the small of my back and guided us further into the forest.

We were running for what seemed like forever, I was constantly dodging arrows and trying to shield Henry from arrows. Hottie with the cute accent ran in front of us but nor arrows appeared to go near him.

We stopped in a clearing, breathing heavily.

"I think we lost them," the boy said.

"Can we rest for a minute?" Henry asked, the boy nodded before giving me a once over; I turned away and pretended to take in the scenery.

"You're both new," he said. "Did the shadow take you too?"

"No, we were kidnapped by people that work for Pan." Henry said, taking deep breaths.

"I'm sorry," Hottie said. "If he sent for you, that means he wants you. And if Pan wants you, he will get you."

I snorted, "Sounds like a weirdo. God kiddo, what have you gotten yourself into now?" I turned back to him.

"But he only wants me, he doesn't want you." Henry started, "You could go home."

"And leave you here until your family get here? You wouldn't last a day kid," I smirked. He gave me a mock glare before turning back to our new friend.

"Why does Pan want you?"

Hottie moved his scarf, holding out a small container attached to a rope around his neck. I moved closer to see what is was.

"Glitter?" I scoffed. I could feel his breath moving my hair, "Peter pan wants you for glitter?" I let out a chuckle.

He gave me a stern look, "Pixie Dust. I stole it from him, I thought I could use it to fly away and go home, but it doesn't work. It's useless."

"Don't worry; our family are coming to rescue us. You could come too," Henry smiled.

"You think you're the first boy to believe that they're family are actually coming for him?" Mystery boy replied.

"My family are different. They always find each other," Henry smiled.

"You better hope they don't, or else Pan will rip their shadows into oblivion." What was this dude's problem?

"Right, I don't care how good looking you are but if you think for one second that I'm going to let you stand here and fill my little brother with doubt I will not think twice about dumping your fine ass somewhere those lunatics will definitely find you. Savvy?" I said quietly before smiling. The boy looked shocked for a moment; I had that effect on people. Not really

"We need to get to the Echo caves," he said. I heard the footsteps of the Lost boys, "Lead the way."

We were running again.

I swear I was going to drop ten dress sizes by the time our rescuers got here.

[Page Break]

"Whoa, whoa," I spread my arms out, stopping Henry and Hottie from falling off the cliff.

"Oh, way to go Colombo!" I hissed, "Now we're done for."

"I'll give them the pixie dust," he said. "Maybe they'll let us live."

"You just want to give up?" Henry asked.

"Sweetie, unless you want to take your chances at Cliff diving, I really think you should just listen to what he is saying." I said, peering over the edge.

"We have no choice, they got us. This is the end," Hottie said.

"No, it's our way out," Henry said, ripping the bottle of dust from his neck.

He wouldn't

"What are you doing?"

"Henry, I don't think –"

Henry grabbed our arms and pulled us backwards.

"We're getting a running start," Henry breathed.

"Oh, no no no!" I said.

"Everyone knows pixie dust is meant for flying," Henry said.

"In the movies, Kiddo." I exclaimed.

"But the dust doesn't work."

"That's because you have to believe," Henry said, squeezing my hand.

"Well I definitely do not believe!" Hottie said.

"Well that's okay," Henry opened the bottle. "Because I do"

"Henry!" I shouted as we flew off the cliff.

Once again, I was surrounded by a green light. This time however, I wasn't falling. I was flying. It wasn't as easy as it looked; I kept on getting separated from Henry and our Mystery friend. Eventually, they had to put me in the middle so I didn't drift away.

We landed in a clearing; I let out a squeak as I hit the dirt. Henry helped me up, brushing the dirt off me. Nameless Hottie approached us.

"See when you believe, anything is possible." Henry beamed.

"You couldn't be more right, Henry." The tone in his voice changed. He had a wild and intense look in his eyes. "How do you know my name, I never told you!" Henry said, I pushed him behind me.

"Henry, stay back." I said.

"Let's make it a game, a puzzle to solve." The Evil-Hottie said, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Quite frankly sweetheart, I'm not sure we want to play your game." I hissed.

"You lied to us, you work for Pan," Henry said; trying to get past me.

"Henry, stay back." I growled.

"Not exactly." He walked forwards, I had to look up.

"I. am. Peter pan."

I looked up into his eyes, "I knew it." All the feelings of attraction to him were instantly gone, how could I be so stupid. I clutched Henry closer to me; we were practically the same height. It was kind of annoying because I was seventeen and Henry was what, 11?

"Smart girl," he smirked.

"But you told Greg and Tamara that magic was bad, that you'd help them to destroy it," he stepped back, amusement still dancing all over his face.

"Because I needed their help and it's so much easier to make people hate something than to believe," he said, raising an eyebrow.

"Why did you bring me here?" Henry said, escaping my grasp.

"For quite some time, I have sought something extremely important. Something more allusive than the greatest of all mysteries"

"Soap, maybe?" I smirked.

Pan glared at me, "The heart of the truest believer." He walked around us, closing in. "And when you took that dust Henry, and jumped off that cliff." He paused and knocked on a tree. "You proved yourself."

"You are the lucky owner of that very special heart," Peter smirked.

"Stay away from him Dumbo," I sneered.

"And now, you and it are mine."

"Yeah, and I'm a fucking Victoria Secret Model." I glared at Pan, stepping in front of Henry.

"Girls talk too much," Pan said. He grabbed a knife from his belt and for a split second, I thought he was going to slice my throat.

He raised it into the air, "Come on boys!" he shouted. Figures emerged from the shadows, the trees, walking towards us. I gripped Henry tighter, "I'll get you out of here, I promise." I said, almost inaudibly. We were completely surrounded by weapons and tall people, don't forget the tall people.

Suddenly, Henry was ripped away from me and I was grabbed by none other than Beanpole himself.

"Let's play!"

AN: Please review!
