Tensou finally got the results back on his scans of Rebecca's eyes and had gathered everyone around for the results. Rebecca had wanted it that way from the very moment. She was terrified of getting the answer alone and wanted her friends to support her just in case the news was bad.

Rebecca found herself a place to sit. Regardless of Tensou's answer, her eyes were going to take some time to heal. She wasn't sure what Vrak had done to them or even to her but she doubted his methods would just wash off after her first shower or that eye drops would return her vision. She knew it would at least be a few days before she could see again and in the meantime needed to get used to finding her way around the ship.

Next to her, Noah took his spot. He had earned a second chance from Rebecca and her forgiveness for his mistake, but he still didn't feel comfortable. Troy had offered him a weak apology for threatening to attack him and had promised they were going to put their differences aside to look after Rebecca. However, there was still some anger coming from Troy. Noah knew it would be a while before there was complete peace between them and he thought it fair. He had broken Troy's trust just like he had broken Rebecca's.

The other Rangers found a spot around Rebecca while they waited for Tensou to come in with the news. They had already all shown their support to Rebecca by helping her find her way around the ship, cleaning up after themselves so she wouldn't constantly be bumping into stuff, and they were helping her get back to her training. Cam and Blake, and all the ninjas, had shown Rebecca that it was possible to fight without her sight. Troy had made the Rangers train in a similar fashion before Rebecca met them. It was tough and it wasn't the way Rebecca wanted to live her life, but she knew she had options still.

She just hoped they were temporary. She hoped there was something Tensou could do or that her sight would return to her, or maybe there was a weapon the Rangers could steal from Vrak or Vekar that would give her back her ability to see.

She heard Tensou approaching before the others did. The sound of his motor running and the sound of his wheels rolling on the wooden floor gave him away. Rebecca looked up and listened as he rolled. Once she heard him stop she gulped loudly.

"What's the verdict?"

"I've tried everything," Tensou said. Rebecca felt both Noah and Troy squeeze her hands. "I've run all my test, analysed all the data, searched through all the files and looked into every resource I have. There's nothing I can do."

Rebecca didn't expect him to be so blunt. She had to admit, hearing the cold truth hurt. Though a part of her hadn't wanted him to beat around the bush, now wished he had kept her hope alive just a little bit longer.

"Am I... blind?"

"I can do a lot," Tensou said. "But undoing the damage Vrak has done is impossible. It looks like he meant for this to happen."

"I guess I didn't stop him doing worse," Gia sighed. Rebecca turned to the yellow Ranger and shook her head. She didn't want Gia to feel bad. While she hadn't seen the fight, nor had she seen the wounds Gia had suffered as a result of their captivity, Rebecca had heard it all. From Gia's screams when she had been with Cliff, to the way she cried out every time Vrak got the better of her, to the way she breathed heavily as she willed herself to stand up against Vrak. Gia had tried everything to protect her, and while it seemed it had already been too late, the intention was there.

"You're not at fault here."

"I am," Noah muttered. He let go of Rebecca's hand and she could hear his sigh. She knew him well enough to know without seeing that he had dropped his head and could hear his hand running through his hair. "Rebecca, I'm so..."

"Yeah, sorry, I get it," Rebecca said.

Jake turned to Tensou, "You're sure there's nothing we can do? Your laser..."

"My laser doesn't perform miracles," Tensou shook his head. "If anything, trying the laser might only make the problem worse."

"What about chips? Like the ones for my brain?" Jake pointed to his own head. "Come on, Tensou, I was far worse off than Rebecca. If it weren't for your chips, I'd be just a vegetable right now. Can't we do something like that for her?"

"Optical implants are a possibility," Tensou said. "Unfortunately, getting them implanted in her brain would require invasive surgery and..."

"There was nothing invasive with mine."

"You have a Ranger suit," Tensou said. "You don't feel it, but when you're morphed, it's all invasive. How do you think you know how to use those weapons without training?"

"So can't Rebecca just borrow our suits?"

"No," Tensou shook his head. "Your suits are programmed for you."

"But we've shared. Rebecca's been yellow before. Gia..."

"Gladly," Gia nodded.

"No! The suits will protect any occupant, but they were not designed for Rebecca. She can't borrow Gia's Ranger suit for the procedure. Not to mention, a chip on her brain won't work because the problem's with her eyes. In order for any implants to work, I would have to take her eyes out and replace them with optical sensors."

"Take my eyes out?" Rebecca frowned. "Uh... ouch?"

"Yes, ouch," Tensou nodded. "Very ouch. If we were to do that, I would want to get it right. I don't have a spare set of eyes like I did a heart for Gia. I'd have to create them, and there's no guarantee my first try would be successful. Not to mention, there's no way of implanting any chips in Rebecca' brain because none of the suits were..."

"Mine was," Orion said and lifted his hand slowly. "The morpher found me, but didn't your Gosei guy or whatever say he designed the silver Ranger suit with Rebecca in mind?"

"I... uh... yeah," Tensou said. "Actually... he did. Rebecca was supposed to be the original Silver Ranger. Obviously the morpher's been adapted for you, Orion, but it shouldn't been too hard to reprogram it."

Tensou then looked around the room, "But this procedure will still take a long time, and I would need the Silver Ranger for just as long. You will risk..."

"If this is what Rebecca wants," Orion nodded his head as he looked at Rebecca. "If your sight is really that important to you, I can give up my morpher for a few days."

"If he does," Rebecca asked, "You won't have to cut my brain open, Tensou?"

"No. I will still need to extract your eyes," Tensou stated. "And I will need to get the right dimensions to create comfortable, well fitted optic sensors."

Rebecca gulped loudly. Her stomach churned. Tensou's procedure did not sound comfortable even without the brain surgery. She turned to the little robot.

"What are the odds that over time my sight gets better?" she asked. "Like, not completely, but maybe I start to see shapes and light and stuff, or even to the point where I need really, really strong glasses like Noah?"

"Uh... well, it's not looking good," Tensou said. "Your eyes are basically... well... if they were to recover, even slightly then... well, everything I've known about humans up until now is completely wrong."

"It's that bad?"

"This isn't a big deal," Tensou told her. He held up his tablet and read off it, "Many humans had suffered blindness and have gone on to lead normal and even exceptional lives."

"I know."

"Hell, even one of the Rangers was blind."

"A... what?"

"A Spirit Ranger. Master Swoop from the Pai Zhuq Academy has trained his entire life without any vision whatsoever. According to my research, you wouldn't know it if you met him. He's mastered his other senses. He lent his spirit to the Jungle Fury Rangers and he fights just as well, perhaps better, than the others on the team."

"Okay, fighting's pretty cool," Rebecca nodded. "But what about everything else. Watching Ryan grow up, seeing smiles and rainbows and flowers and all that other stuff. Tensou, how am I going to live the rest of my life without seeing another rainbow?"

"Um... well... uh... there is... I mean, if you remain blind it will be impossible to see rainbows but... your other senses..."

"You can't smell a rainbow," Rebecca frowned. Suddenly, she heard Tensou come closer and then felt his arms come around her in a hug. "Um... what are you doing?"

"Do you feel that?"

"Are you hugging me?"

Tensou rolled away. "Perhaps I'm not the best example. Uh, Noah, Troy, will one of you hug her?"

Noah shifted away and let Troy put his arms around Rebecca. The younger girl wasn't sure what Tensou was trying to accomplish at first, but feeling her brother's arms around her and his warm body was nice. He was actually warmer and softer than she expected. She noticed how her head fit perfectly on his shoulder, and how his arms could hold her tight, but not too tight. It was just right. Then she noticed the way he smelled. He had just come out of the shower, so he smelled fresh, clean, and a little like vanilla.

Not to mention she could feel his heart beating through his chest. She had never noticed that before. His heartbeat was calming, reassuring and made Rebecca smile. When Troy finally moved away from her, she felt good.

Amazing, even. She looked to her brother, "That was the best hug you've ever given me, ever!"

"Really?" Troy asked. "Um... because I just kind of hugged you. I mean, I meant it but... Tensou said hug so I hugged."

"Humans are quite amazing," Tensou said. "When my sensors shut down, I'm deprived. If my optical sensors were to stop working, I would hear just as much as I always did. You humans have a different ability. You lose your sense of sight or hearing or smell or anything and you're suddenly part of a whole new world. You no longer need to focus on what you see so you redirect that energy to your other senses."

"So, Rebecca might never see a rainbow but she'll enjoy the smell of a rainfall a lot more than any of us could?" Gia asked.

Tensou nodded and then turned back to Rebecca, "So, it's up to you. Would you like to go ahead with the procedure and I can implant new eyes to return your sight, or would you like to just go on?"

The End

Author's Note: Alright, so by the time this is published, Super Megaforce will have already ended its hiatus and with new episodes comes a whole new set of adventures for the Rangers. These adventures belong in a story of their own. So I'm ending the Invasion Begins here (because, let's be real, the Invasion began a long time ago).

However, as I'm writing this, it's August 3rd. New episodes won't begin for another few weeks and I can't go that long without writing. There will be some short stories that come between this chapter and the newest big installment of Super Megaforce.

Thank you to everyone for your support! It means a lot!