A/N: I know that updates have been slow all around for my stories and I apologize. I've been busy and muses have been scarce but I'm trying to update now! I've started writing again and I hope to have another update sooner rather than later. I hope you enjoy the update and the way the story is coming together. Don't worry. Things should pick up soon enough. Enjoy!

Mia had practically pushed her way off of the plane once they had landed. She had been the one to grab her suitcases and Katherine's suitcase from the turnstyle after they both got off of the plane. She elbowed her way through the crowds to get the two of them everywhere that they needed to go as they made their way through the airport. Mia had even gotten them a cab to their hotel once they were ready to leave the airport. For her part, Katherine had let her friend be the force of nature that she knew Mia could be. She followed behind her friend, blending in to the crowd as they moved from place to place. It seemed easier that way and it meant that she didn't have to push her way through any lines herself. Mia was always better at getting through the most crowded places without leaving her best friend behind so Katherine was content to do things the way that they always did them.

When they finally reached the hotel, Mia wanted nothing more than to drop off their suitcases before taking off to see some sites and maybe even grab something to eat but Katherine had a headache and she begged her friend to let them try to take a nap. She hadn't slept much the night before and it was all starting to weigh on Katherine although Mia didn't seem happy. Katherine was far too tired but be dragged around all of Venice right now. Mia had tried pouting. When that didn't work, she had tried bribery. Finally Mia gave up and flopped on one of the beds while, Katherine slipped out of her shoes and climbed under the covers, happy to get a little rest.

"You're going to be a party pooper," Mia complained. She was pouting and even used her best 'whiny' voice. "Aren't you? This is going to be the way the whole trip is going to go. Isn't it?"

Katherine pulled the blanket over her head and let out a low groan in response. It wasn't that she didn't want to explore. She just didn't have the energy to do any of that. She turned away from her friend, keeping her back to the other woman. If she didn't look, then she wouldn't see the pout that Mia had perfected years ago. If Katherine didn't see the pout, then Mia couldn't influence her to get up right now.

"Lemme sleep," she said, her voice muffled by the blanket and thick with a desire for sleep. "Jus' ... like ... twenty minutes."

Mia tugged at the blanket that was over her best friend's head with a pout. "This is why I told you to sleep on the plane! Didn't you sleep at all while we were flying here?" she asked as she finally peeled back the blanket.

Katherine brushed the mess of blond hair that ended up in her face, staring up at the ceiling with a heavy sigh. "Maybe like an hour. Or two." She wasn't entirely sure how much sleep she had gotten although she had taken a short nap. It didn't seem like she was going to get a nap now either. Not if Mia kept this sort of thing up. "Can you please just give me a half hour, tops, to get some rest? Then I'll let you drag me all around. Hell, by then I'll be ready to get some espresso and maybe a sandwich and everything. I just want to make this headache go away."

Mia huffed out a breath, hands on her shapely hips as she rolled her blue eyes. "I'll go see if they have some aspirin or something somewhere in case that might help," she said with a nod. If Katherine wouldn't come with her, she'd do a little exploration on her own. The aspirin were just an excuse, a formality to explain why she was leaving the hotel room. "Just don't get too comfortable."

Katherine pulled the blanket over her head again with a heavy sigh. She knew already that Mia wasn't going to let this drop. Still she closed her eyes and waited to hear the door close behind her best friend. Maybe she could manage a short nap while Mia was out of the room. It might only be 15 minutes but right now 15 minutes of sleep sounded like it would be pure bliss.