~ Epilogue ~

15 years later

Beca and Jesse spent the entire weekend helping Dylan pack his things for college. He applied, sent in an essay, a pre-screening video and a letter of recommendation, auditioned and received a call back all before finally being accepted to the very prestigious Juilliard School in New York. He planned to major in Music Composition with a minor in Liberal Arts. His dream was to follow in Jesse's footstep and compose music for movies and perhaps one day maybe even Broadway. He was crazy talented, something Beca and Jesse fostered and encouraged from day one with all of their children.

Dylan played piano and guitar by ear; he also sang, danced and acted. He was a straight 'A' student and complete theater nerd but his talents didn't end there, he also loved to play football, soccer and baseball. While Dylan was the absolute epitome of 'All American Kid' but much to his Uncle Benji's dismay, his talents did not include "close up magic". Dylan had it all and it was all rolled up into this amazingly talented package that was half Beca and half Jesse. His talents made his parents abilities look minuscule.

As Beca sat quietly in the studio, in the only home her children had ever known, she realized the calm quiet of the house was speaking volumes. Her entire family was asleep. So why was she awake? In a just few short hours their family of 7, would load up and take Dylan to New York so he could begin the journey that would pave the way for the rest of his life.

Yes, the Swanson's were now a family of 7, well 8 really if you counted Laney, which they did. Jesse and Beca were blessed with 2 more beautiful children. The Christmas before Ava and Brody turned 3 they found out they were expecting again, it was a very unexpected but welcomed surprise. The bigger surprise came a few weeks later when they found out they were expecting another set of twins.

Upon hearing the news, Beca looked at Jesse and told him that if he didn't "get snipped" he was never going to touch her, "down there", again. It was not longer after that Jesse made an appointment to have the dreaded 'V' procedure every man fears when it comes to his junk. It was the least he could do considering Beca had given him five amazing children. Jesse was a smart man, he valued his jewels and quite frankly, he enjoyed having sex with his wife. So it was bye bye "super sperm" and hell-o to all the sex they could handle without the surprise of more children.

One month before Dylan's 6th birthday, Beca and Jesse welcomed Jack Hartley (Sheila's maiden name) and Emma Alexandra into the family. Both babies were named after Jesse's beloved grandpa, Jack Alexander Swanson. Their family was now complete.

And what about Laney?

Laney was a very beloved member of the Swanson brood. She spent her days playing with the kids, evenings were spent in the family room and her nights were spent on the landing upstairs outside of the kids bedrooms. The kids were her babies and she was their best friend and protector, much like Nana in the movie Peter Pan.

So when Beca and Jesse had to tell the kids that she went to sleep and never woke up, they were of course, beyond devastated. They explained that Laney was old but the kids didn't want to hear it. They just wanted their Laney back. Dylan took her passing the hardest. He was almost 13 and Laney had been around since before he was born. So, now the Swanson family was a very sad family of 7.

Jesse removed Laney's collar and tags, choosing to keep them rather than bury her with them. He and Beca each kissed her sweet face before he wrapped Laney in her favorite blanket, though Beca couldn't bring herself to cover Laney's face. She was their first baby, their fur baby. They loved her just as much as their other five babies.

With tears rolling down her face, Beca laid in the grass next to Laney petting her head and soft velvety ears, while Jesse dug the hole in the yard where Laney was to be buried. They chose to take a few last moments alone with Laney before they woke the kids and told them of her passing.

As Jesse worked, Beca thought about the times that Laney snuggled up to her while she was pregnant, looking confused and cocking her head to the side as Dylan would kick and her tummy would ripple. She remembered how protective Laney would get if someone would come to the house in the evening and she would rush up the stairs to guard her little people as they slept. Beca would miss the way Laney would bark at puddles when they went on their evening walks, convinced that her reflection was that of another dog. And of course, the one thing they would miss the most would be the way Laney would trip them up when she got excited and darted around the room.

Laney was buried in their back yard under her favorite shade tree which overlooked the valley. She was buried among the frogs, lizards, hamsters, turtles and fish that shared their home at one time or another. She was buried with "her baby" which was a small Cabbage Patch Doll in a monkey costume as well as many of the kids most treasured possessions. They wanted to make sure she was comfortable and remembered them always.

While Dylan played a song he penned on his guitar, the younger kids all told their favorite stories and memories about Laney. When they were done, Jesse sent them all inside so that he could bury Laney. When he was sure the kids could no longer see him, he broke down. "Oh my Laney girl, I love you. You'll always hold a very special place in our hearts. Thank you for looking after us all. Sleep well and sweet dreams Laney Lou." The rest of the day was pretty much a wash. Beca and Jesse couldn't get the kids to do anything. All they wanted was Laney sitting at their feet as they sat on the couch and watched movies.

Several weeks later, on his way home from work, Jesse did something he knew may cause him to be banished to the guest room. He was tired of seeing his kids sad faces as they moped around because they missed Laney.

When he got home he called Beca and the kids into the family room. In the middle of the room was a good sized box with a big bow on the top. He explained that it was a surprise for the entire family and that they should each put a hand on the lid. On the count of 3, they were to all help pull the lid off.

The kids went wild. Inside the box was a 6 week old solid black Labrador puppy with a brand new red collar and a heart shaped tag engraved with the name Mila Swanson. To his shock and surprise, Beca wasn't mad. In fact, she snuggled into his side and thanked him for putting smiles back on their kids faces. The Swanson's were now officially a family of 8 again.

Beca walked into the family room and looked around at all the suitcases and carry-ons that littered the floor. She was so glad that Jesse had everything else shipped, otherwise they would have needed to rent a private plane to get everyone and everything to New York.

In a few short hours they would all be boarding a plane bound for New York. Beca and Jesse decided to make a family trip of it since the younger kids had never been to New York but always wanted to go. They wanted to see many things but at the top of the list was Lincoln Center "where the magic happened".

Dylan had been to New York a couple of times, once to visit the campus and once to audition. Both of those times he made the trip with his parents while Beca's Mom and Dad stayed with the younger kids.

She stared at the wall in the family room that had come to define their family. The items on it were her Mother's Day gift from the year Ava and Brody were born. The wall was large and was covered with canvas photos and clocks. Jesse had a picture of each of the kids from the day they were born and had them put on square canvases and hung on the wall. Underneath each child's canvas was the child's name and date of birth and just below that was a clock set to the time they were born. In the center of the wall there was a large rectangular picture of Beca and Jesse from their wedding day on a canvas. Under that photograph was the date of their wedding and a clock. The clock was set to the time they were pronounced husband and wife. Above all of the photographs was the phrase "In these moments, time stood still…"

Beca's eyes filled up as she looked from picture to picture then around the room. So many memories, so many happy times, so much joy all of which played through her mind like one of Jesse's beloved movies. She wrapped her robe a little tighter around herself as she wandered up the stairs. She quietly opened Dylan's bedroom door and watched in wonder as her baby slept. He was a carbon copy, the complete and total spitting image of Jesse, except for one thing, he had Beca's big blue eyes.

She found herself wondering, "When had Dylan become this strapping lad?" "When had he grown up?"

Beca walked across the room and knelt next to his bed. Tears fell down her cheeks as she gazed at him. He was such a beautiful boy with Jesse's kind, gentle, carefree heart and her spunk, deadpan and wit. He, like the rest of their children, were the perfect combination of Beca and Jesse, each different in their own right yet so much alike.

"Will you ever know how much you changed my life and how much you are loved?" she whispered before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. "I love you my sweet, beautiful boy and I miss you so much already. What am I going to do without you?" she kissed both of his cheeks and started singing,

"Close your eyes,
Have no fear,
The monsters gone,
He's on the run and your daddy's here,

Beautiful, beautiful,
Beautiful Boy,

Before you go to sleep,
Say a little prayer,
Every day in every way,
It's getting better and better,

Beautiful, beautiful,
Beautiful Boy"

Beca kissed his forehead, her nose buried in his thick brown hair, taking in his scent, before standing to walk across the room. As she reached the door she turned around for another glance at her first born. "I'll love you forever, I'll love you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be." she whispered as she backed out of the room and closed the door.

She quietly made her way back downstairs to the family room where she snuggled on the couch and began looking at videos of Dylan when he was little. She found herself wondering if she had ever thought about the day he would leave them for college. If she was honest with herself, she didn't think she ever had, because she secretly hoped he would never leave them.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw something move and she looked up. It was Jesse. He was leaning against the wall, arms folded across his bare chest, watching her although she wasn't sure for how long.

To that very minute, he had the ability to make her heart flutter and the butterflies in her tummy go crazy. She was still madly, deeply in love with the nerd that stole her heart all those years ago. They had been together almost 25 years and were married for almost 19. He had the ability to make her so damn mad that she could ring his neck but she loved him and couldn't imagine her life without him.

As he stood watching her, he thought, "What did I do to deserve this beautiful, loving woman? She is my love, my life, my everything and without her my life would be nothing. She's just as beautiful today as she was the day I met her." Finally breaking the silence between them, he asked, "Whatcha doing?" as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Reminiscing…" she said with a sigh. "... and trying to figure out a way to stop time before we leave for New York in the morning." she said as she patted the place next to her on the couch.

Jesse walked across the room and kissed her gently on her lips before lifting the blanket off her lap and taking his place next to her. "How's that working out for you?"

"Shut up smart ass." she muttered with a smile. "And give me my blanket back. I had it first." she said in a playful tone.

Jesse laughed. "So, what are we watching?" he asked as Beca snuggled into his chest.

"Home movies… mostly of Dylan." she said as she hit play on the remote.

A few minutes into the DVD they were both killing themselves laughing. The video was from Dylan's 3rd birthday and the theme was Toy Story. Beca's parents searched far and wide before finally finding a real pull string Woody doll to give Dylan. When he opened it he gasped and said, "Look Colton, my Woody is bigger than yours!" All of the adults could be heard laughing uncontrollably on the video with the kids watching and wondering what was so funny.

As they sat quietly watching DVD after DVD, the only sounds in the room apart from their occasional commentary, was coming from the TV and their children as they watched them on the screen.

Jesse reached up to wipe a tear from his eye, "Juilliard, babe… Juilliard."

"I know." Beca said wiping her own tears.

"I looked it up today, it's over 2800 miles... he's gonna be clear across the country."

"I know." she said again snuggling further into his chest. "Please don't remind me."

As the movies continued to play, more and more tears fell. It was then that they realized just how much they were going to miss him. Dylan was theirfirst-born and their first to leave the nest. They had four other children but Dylan's absence was definitely going to be felt. He wasn't gone yet but the nest already felt a little chillier.

When they finished watching the home movies, Jesse decided to go back to bed. He tried to convince Beca to go with him but ever the hard head, she declined telling him that there was something she needed to do before she laid down.

She went back to her studio, continuing to cry her eyes out. Her baby was leaving, but not just leaving, he was going all the way across the country. She wouldn't see his beautiful face everyday and the way his eyes sparkled like Jesse's when he got excited about something. Wiping the tears from her eyes so that she could see what she was doing, she picked up her favorite pen, a piece of fancy Swanson family crest stationery and began writing.

My Dearest Dylan,

Well... it's here, the day I knew was coming but I prayed so hard that somehow, someway time would stand still for just another minute or ten. You're moving clear across the country tomorrow and I can honestly say, that while I know you're ready, I'm not. I'm not ready. Where has the time gone my little love and why did it all have to pass by so quickly?

I swear I only blinked a couple of times and now you're all grown up, leaving the nest and flying off with wings bigger than life itself. I couldn't be more proud if I tried, yet I'm sad all at the same time. This is so bittersweet. I hope everyone at Juilliard knows just how lucky they are to be getting you but no matter how lucky they are, they'll never be luckier than me and your dad.

From the moment I knew you were growing inside me, I knew. I knew you would be special. I knew you would grab life by the horns and embrace every moment of it. 'I knew I loved you before I met you' and I knew that I'd love you for the rest of my life.

On the day you were born, I received the most beautiful and amazing gift. Out of all of the women on this planet, I was chosen and entrusted to care for and love you. You were this tiny perfect little human who grew inside of me for 9 months and the minute I saw your tiny perfect little face I knew life would never again be the same, nor would I want it to be. It was in those very first moments that I knew you were special. Not because you're my son, but because you truly are special to all those who know and love you.

I didn't have the first clue what motherhood would be like but now I can't imagine not being a mom. I haven't always done or said the right things but you've always been a constant source of love and happiness. I've been blessed beyond measure beautiful boy and I'm a much better person for the joy you've brought to my life.

You're a wise old soul who sees the good in everyone and everything. You're an amazing older brother and role model for Brody, Ava, Jack and Emma; they are so lucky to have you to look up to. You mean the world to all of them, so please, after we've gotten you settled and it's time for us to head back home, be sweet to them. I know you'll be busy but please set aside some time to call, text or video chat with them. They're going to miss you terribly.

Dad & I are SO proud of you and all you've accomplished so far. We've been so truly and awesomely blessed to have had you all to ourselves for the last 19 years and now it's time for us to set you free into the world so that you can accomplish your goals and dreams. There are so many amazing things headed your way. Embrace each and every one of these special moments with everything you have... they all pass so quickly. Enjoy every moment of your time at Juilliard, you've worked hard and earned this amazing life changing opportunity.

A few things to keep in mind as you begin your college journey:

1) Every radio station has a semen smeared desk... even Juilliard.

2) A-capella girls don't always marry A-capella Boys and have A-ca Children.

3) It's never ok to scream "We are the Kings of campus!" on hood night. Never.

4) Juice Pouches and Rocky don't always get the girl.

5) Stay far away from girls that call "it" a dude.

6) 'Aca-Bitches' are crazy and despite what Aunt Aubrey says, toners do not exist.

7) Nodes are real.

8) Eating burgers everyday for lunch is not acceptable. Ketchup is not a vegetable.

9) Cardio and vertical running never killed anyone.

10) Saying 'a-ca' in front of a word doesn't make it cool or acceptable, no matter what Aunt Chloe says.

11) Downtown doesn't always mean what you think it does.

12) If you see old dudes singing "Booty Wurk" run the other way.

When you meet that special girl, and you will, she's out there, somewhere, just waiting for you to find her. Treat her like a princess and always show her the love and respect she deserves. I never knew true love until I met your dad. I don't have to tell you how amazing he is. You are so much like him and any girl would be luck to call you her guy. Love at first sight is a real thing.

"My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish."

Dad and I love you to the moon and back and more than there are stars in the sky.

"Don't you forget about me"

Love Always & Forever



"You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go (Aunt Amy! LOL!). So be sure when you step, step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left." ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Beca folded the letter and placed in an envelope then put it in Dylan suitcase where he would find it once he started to unpack and set up his dorm room. This was really it, Dylan was off to college and there was nothing that could stop it or slow it down.

As Beca took off her robe and placed it on the foot of the bed, she realized that life in the Swanson home, while still chaotic, would be a little quieter and a little less full. She snuggled in next to the love of her life, enjoying his warm, safe embrace. Tomorrow she would need his strength and courage to release her first born into the world knowing that he would do brilliant and amazing things with his life.

Song References:

Beautiful Boy by John Lennon

I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You by Savage Garden

My Wish by Rascal Flatts

Don't You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds

A/N: Thank you for reading this story all the way to its end. It's been a LONG journey... I know! This was the first time I'd ever thought to write anything let alone publish it. I've thoroughly enjoyed writing this fanfic and appreciate each and every one of you who read and reviewed. The epilogue was written from my own personal experience and couldn't be more heartfelt. I've laid everything on the table... every bit of love, joy, happiness, sorrow, pain and pride. Laughter through tears really is the best medicine.

While this story is over, I'm not finished writing fanfic. Please feel free to read my other stories: Gonna Make You Love Me and My Life Would Suck Without You. You can also follow me on Twitter cajunqueen714.