Dear people reading this,

Your probably confused because the story didn't get a happy ending did it? I know your like It sucks but don't you worry! I'm actually making a sequel. So it will be this fanfiction with a different twist and new readers can start from it and still understand it. So yeah. I will see you guys in the next fanfiction it will be called High School Demigod Drama look forward to it if you want to see what happens next, if not then I don't care. But I know that I will have some Love-Hate in it which I completely love! It makes the story so much more dramatic. And I think this story reminds me of Vondy xD if you guys know what that is... if you do I LOVE YOU. But not as much since Vondy HATED each other since the beginning I mean Diego even tried to drown Roberta :\ I can't believe that but until they kissed they fell in love and they still acted like they hated each other but... never mind I just got carried away with my mexican telenovelas Well Bye! XD (The novela is Rebelde if you now it your a popstar RBD FOREVER)

Melissa (Aka. LightNightSky881)