That Alien Dog


Author's Note: AU

It is late at night as Beast Boy is on his part of the shore. He reflects about the terrible day he had. He almost became a pet of an rock like alien with a mind of a small child. Robin and the others went towards Beast Boy.

Robin walks up to Beast Boy. "Hey Beast Boy", Robin said to Beast Boy. Beast Boy looks at Robin and the others. "Hey Robin", Beast Boy said to him. "Do you have room for four more friends"? Robin asks Beast Boy. "Sure", Beast Boy said to them.

The other titans sit around Beast Boy. "When I was on that ship and it was about to leave, I thought I never get to see you guys ever again". Beast Boy said to them. Cyborg puts his hand on Beast Boy's shoulder. "BB, we missed you like crazy. We chased an alien green dog, and we thought that green dog was you". Cyborg said to Beast Boy.

Beast Boy sighs as he looks at them. "So how did you guys finally figured it out that the alien dog wasn't me"? Beast Boy asks them. Raven looks at Beast Boy. "Well, the alien green dog licked me all day long, it has a very long tongue, and it's body was different. We would have figured it out sooner if it didn't have too much fun". Raven said to Beast Boy.

Beast Boy has a sadden look on his face. "Friend, we are happy to have you back. Tell me what's troubling you"? Stafire asks Beast Boy. Beast Boy looks at Starfire. "When the dog and I bumped into each other at the park, I was surprised to see another animal that was green like me in our city. For a moment, I thought I would never get to met another animal like that again". Beast Boy said to them.

Robin looks at Beast Boy. "Beast Boy, it's because of the dog we were able to find you. Plus the dog didn't bargained with us, and it didn't double cross us. If anything, that dog saved you". Robin said to Beast Boy.

Beast Boy looks at Robin. "That's true, while I was on the ship, I saw that rock headed alien leaving the ship. It gave me a renewed strength and hope to escape. I saw the dog and it got me freed from that forsaken collar. I was ready to fight back. When I heard you telling the others that you needed more, I knew to make my entrance to kick that rock alien's butt". Beast Boy said to Robin.

Robin nods to Beast Boy as he smirks at him. "Yeah if you were gone, things wouldn't be the same at the tower with out you". Robin said to Beast Boy. "Yeah, who else besides Robin I would play video games with"? Cyborg asks Beast Boy. "Yes and who would tell me jokes that I wouldn't understand"? Starfire asks Beast Boy. "Who would also annoy me with the jokes and the pranks"? Raven asks Beast Boy.

Beast Boy lightly smiles at the others as he knows where this is going. "Me", Beast Boy said to them. "Exactly, we all might be busy with one thing or another sometimes, but you are important to us. If you feel forgotten or left out, all you have to do is tell us". Robin said Beast Boy. "Yeah man, you don't have to be accidentally captured by a rock headed alien". Cyborg said to Beast Boy. "Highly agreed", Starfire said to Beast Boy. "Ditto that", Raven said to Beast Boy.

Beast Boy has a smile on his face. "Thanks guys, I feel a lot better now. It's good to know that you guys are here". Beast Boy said to them. The five teen share a group hug on the shore.

End story