Author's Note: Here is Part II! I finished this at like, four in the morning, so I apologize for any mistakes and lack of inspiration. It's set in the same future as the first part, so read that first (or not, whichever you like).

Jean dragged his feet on the muddy trail, sludging through the wet muck and swearing softly. Though they were almost close to their rendezvous point, Mikasa had warned that the Commander didn't take kindly to tardiness and had ordered the Special Operations Squad to leg it, double-time.

"Three miles!" he heard her shout into the rain, and he shifted his gear on his hips, straining his back under the heavy cloak and pack. Fuck, Mikasa! We can't all run twenty miles in full gear after giving birth!

Now that had caused quite the stir once she had come out with the news. A year ago, she had gathered them in the dining hall of their Headquarters, her face unreadable, saying she had something important to say.

"I'm pregnant."

Silence. Six pairs of bulging eyes stared back at her and she briefly regretted telling her squad.

Then: "You're what," from Eren. "H-how? Are you sure, Mikasa? I mean…"

"What do you mean how Eren? You're twenty-five, you figure it out," she frowned. "And I'm sure. I'm already beginning to show." She gave him a hard glare. "I'm sorry for not telling anyone sooner," she addressed the rest of the team, "but I didn't want to worry anyone during the last mission."

Suddenly Sasha squealed, prompting the men to cover their ears. "Boy or girl, Mikasa?" she bounced in her chair, "and when are you due?" she grinned, hands flying in different directions in her excitement.

"When…" Eren's green eyes were still wide with confusion. Armin looked on the verge of tears, but his face was glowing.

Mikasa ignored her adopted brother and answered Sasha, "Boy," she gave a small smile. "And I'll have to take leave in about four months."

Historia squeezed her hand and laughed. "Well, that's the best news we've had in weeks!"

While the women fussed over Mikasa, Jean clenched his fists. She was pregnant?! Since when? And with who? He felt his heart begin to pick up speed as his childhood crush flew out the window. "Too late," his mind whispered cynically. He supposed he should have said something earlier, but with the death of their Captain still heavy in their hearts, he had wanted to wait before finally revealing his long-suppressed feelings.

"Erm, Mikasa…" Eren ventured slowly. "Exactly who is the father?"

Mikasa froze and her smile vanished. Connie and Sasha grimaced at her stern face, all color and emotion drained from it. She gritted her teeth and dropped her eyes to the wooden table in front of them.

"The Captain." She finally said at length.

Jean hardened his fingers around the straps of his pack as he remembered.

The Captain. Captain Levi. There was no way he would have been able to compete with him. But it was strangely fitting that the Scouting Legion's two most capable soldiers had eventually drifted toward each other.

When Mikasa had taken her leave from her position as Captain to prepare for the birth of her son, the matter of who would become the temporary squad leader had been shoved to the top of their squad's list of debacles, as Eren called their problems.

"Jean." Mikasa stated flatly, a hand resting on her swollen belly.

"What about Jean?" Connie questioned, sitting in her room with the rest of the squad. They were anxiously awaiting the arrival of a doctor. Jean crossed his arms and didn't look up.

"I want him to be Captain in my absence."

So Jean had, almost reluctantly, taken her place for half a year, not fully certain if Mikasa had chosen well.

You've never really been sure of yourself, Jean. Marco's freckled face would spontaneously appear in his mind during his deepest moments of self-doubt, nightmares about his friend's casual death usually ensuing afterward. But you should, Jean. Your strength doesn't lie in your power, but your ability to judge situations immediately. Just go with it.

So he led the next six Special Operations missions fiercely, each move precisely calculated and twice-thought-over, his sharp mind quickly adjusting to any skirmishes they came across. Together the expeditions totaled more intel and Titan kills than the past two years' Spec Op missions had yielded, something Mikasa had warmly congratulated him on once the news was brought to her.

But now, Jean shrugged off the rain and quickened his pace, his boots squelching beneath him as he panted from his exertion, determined to catch up to Mikasa. She was just a few paces ahead of him, and he'd be damned if he let that woman beat him to the next marker again.

Two blurs rushed by him, spattering mud. "What the hell!" he growled, wiping his face, but stopped short when he recognized the lone rider leading a vacant horse. He gave a small gasp of confusion, and struck his fist across his chest in a salute. "Commander sir!" Jean desperately hoped the Commander hadn't heard his curse. Marco always said I didn't think before opening my mouth.

The dark figure atop the occupied horse swiveled in the saddle and Erwin Smith's hard face turned to gaze into his. "Kirstein. Good. You're here," he acknowledged. "Come with me." He gestured to the empty saddle behind him.

"Sir?..." Jean scrambled to find the appropriate words, but none were forthcoming and he stuttered.

"You're dismissed from training today. I'll send word to Ackerman later. Get on the horse, Kirstein." The Commander turned his own horse around and stopped in front of Jean, who was still muddied and sweaty with nerves.

"O-of course…sir!" he wiggled his way up into the damp saddle, grabbing the reins in his hands, his legs screaming in gratification and relief.

"Back to Headquarters, Kirstein. I need to speak with you."

Once Jean had washed and appeared slightly less disheveled, he stepped into the Commander's office, noting the dark muted colors and expansive desk in front of the window. Erwin was standing with his back to him and Jean winced as his eyes shifted over the empty sleeve.

What could he possibly want from me?

"I hear from the Captain that you showed exceptional performance during her leave," Erwin began, cocking his head to face the younger man. "What say you?"

Jean paled visibly and clasped his hands behind his back in the "at-ease" position. "With all due respect sir, I don't believe my actions as Squad Leader during that time were enough to mediate her praise. I did the best I could."

Erwin's mouth twitched at the sides, and Jean wasn't sure if he saw a ghost of a smile or not. The Commander hadn't shown any mirth since Captain Levi's death.

"The Captain tells me that the total kill count numbered ninety-eight under your leadership. And Squad Leader Zoë has informed me that the Titans you captured for her are the finest specimens she's ever had the pleasure of…testing on. Your best," the Commander turned to him, eyes flashing, "has opened up a rare opportunity for you, Kirstein. Something you should not take lightly." He slid a folder across the desk toward Jean. "In a few months from now, you will be evaluated for possible promotion, and will result in your removal from Ackerman's squad should you pass and accept. Though I understand your attachment to Special Operations, I highly recommend that you consider it."

Jean stared in astonishment before closing the distance between the desk and himself. With a nod from Erwin, he picked up the folder, thumbing through the documents, each embossed with the Commander's own seal.

"I will personally be overseeing your evaluation, Kirstein. If you pass, you will take Mike Zacharius's place as one of my four Squad Leaders." Erwin's face hardened again; he was obviously remembering the demise of his close friend.

Mike Zacharius…but…he's been dead for eleven years!

"I've been waiting for a soldier as capable as Zacharius since his death. Jaeger would have been my first choice, but as he is still burdened with his temper and…ability, I am left with my second," Erwin answered Jean's unspoken question. "I will give you one week to decide. Dismissed."

With a slight twist in his lips and his mind fuzzy with incredulity, Jean saluted and treaded carefully out of the room, afraid his mouth would burst and start spewing bewildered profanities.

Shit. What?

His thoughts raced to find a possible explanation, but couldn't find one that was plausible.

Second choice? After Eren? The Commander…what?! Moved up to squad leader, working with veterans I've never seen before, I'm not as good as them!

He trudged down into the courtyard and sat down on the steps, flipping through the papers the Commander had given him. He raked a hand through his hair, pulling at the strands in frustration.

Which do I choose?

"I hear you're leaving, Jean," Mikasa pulled open her door and let him in, her son sleeping in her arms.

Jean scratched the back of his head, eyeing the small bundle before replying, "I'm sorry, Mikasa. You know I would have liked to stay with Spec Op, but the Commander put me in a tight corner. He's…manipulative, to say the least."

"You'll do well as squad leader. He picks only the very best, you know," Mikasa said softly.

"If he hadn't been at my evaluation I'm sure I would have done worse," Jean chuckled nervously, recalling his testing a few weeks before. Erwin hadn't said a single word as Jean pushed through his exams, silently gliding through the trees as he slashed at the Titan dummies in record time. The Commander had only shown a sliver of emotion when Jean had told him that he would accept his offer, raising his eyebrows and shaking his hand as they walked back to Headquarters.

Mikasa smoothed a shock of black hair from her son's eyes as he opened them, and Jean was suddenly aware of the deep, penetrating gaze from the little one. Dark gray pierced hazel and Jean fought the foolish urge to stand and salute; there was no mistake that Captain Levi was the child's father.

Jean sighed, and pulled his uniform tighter around himself. "I should go, Mikasa. The Commander wants to run through a new formation with his squad at 1500 hours. I…shouldn't be late."

Mikasa nodded, gently shifting her son to her hip (Jean thought that it was very odd, seeing Mikasa be so tender to someone other than Eren, and…Levi, he supposed) and said, "Erwin trusts you, Jean. More than you realize."

He sighed, a bit too loudly. "It's not that I think he doesn't trust me. It's just that I'm not good enough to warrant a rank as high as squad leader, Mikasa."

"You were in the top ten of our class," she said sternly, "and the best at the maneuvering gear according to our instructor. That should count for something," she stated roughly. Her son was quiet, gazing dolefully at Jean.

"Erwin's other squad leaders are veterans, Mikasa. They've been going beyond the Walls since before we were born," he snapped. "I'm a liability."

"The Commander has his reasons for specifically choosing you and not Eren," Mikasa shot back, the words rolling quickly off her tongue, "even though he ranked above you. The only way for you to find out why is to be sure of yourself." Her face softened.

Yes, Jean. Why can't you be sure of yourself? Marco's disembodied voice resonated throughout his brain, jolting him.

"I get it, Captain. I'm just…," he trailed off, still internally battling himself. Damn! "Tell the rest of the squad I said hello," he stood up to leave.

"I will," Mikasa placed her son in a small crib at the back of the room before showing Jean out. "We'll miss you, you know."

"Like hell you will," Jean gave a crooked smile, holding out his hand. "Find Jaeger someone else to argue with."

Mikasa glanced at Jean's proffered hand before knocking it out of the way, wrapping her arms around the taller man in a slightly awkward hug.

He stood still, stunned at her sudden outburst of affection, "Mikasa–"

"Come visit us before your next expedition, Jean," she said into his shoulder, "Be safe." She released him and turned away quickly.

"Of…course, Captain," he said slowly, still startled by the normally stoic woman's uncharacteristic embrace.

"I promise."

"What the hell are you doing, Ackerman?" Jean yelled out. "HOLD. YOUR. POSITION!"

The teenager twisted in his gear, grinning as he flew backward through the trees. "Just testing out a new move Hanji told me about, Squad Leader!" he gave a whoop and flung himself in the air, turning a flip as one of his wires shot from its holster.

Jean growled and circled around a tree, turning the corner tightly to catch up with the boy. Damn your son, Mikasa! The wily sixteen-year-old had managed to place in the top ten of his trainees' class, and had eagerly decided to follow Mom into the Survey Corps, landing a spot in Jean's squad. The boy had extraordinary potential, and Jean had immediately picked up on his unusual inborn talent with the maneuvering gear. Something passed down from his infamous father. But the boy never exactly followed instructions, preferring to disregard Jean's commands and going about tasks his own way.

Jean caught up with the boy, who was attempting to imitate a monkey, swinging himself from tree to tree without using any gas.

"Ackerman. For the last time: follow the fucking order." He swore, signaling to the rest of his squad to go on ahead. "If this keeps up, I'm going to have to report you to the Commander."

"Fine, fine," the boy pulled out his dual swords, his right hand flipping the blade into a backhand grip. "Just don't tell Mom."

Jean didn't respond, and shot from the tree he was hanging from, gas billowing out behind him as he raced through the branches.

He let his mind wander as he completed the day's training with his squad, still keeping a vigilant eye on Ackerman. It had been fifteen years since he had joined Erwin's side, taking Mike Zacharius's place as one of the Commander's most trusted men. Erwin hardly ventured out beyond the Walls anymore, the loss of his right arm becoming a burden more and more as he aged, so Jean often took his place as the commanding officer of Scouting Legion missions alongside Mikasa, always following Erwin's formations and instructions perfectly and without alteration. There hadn't been any mishaps under their orders yet.

Jean caught sight of the rest of his squad awaiting his next command. He gave a hand signal, and they dispersed, laughing loudly, relieved that training was over for the day. Mikasa's son spun around, his swords slashing at stray branches, leaves littering the forest ground below him, and Jean watched as he attempted another ridiculous move with the gear.

We need to have a talk about your son, Captain.

"What?" Jean slammed the blades back into their cases and holstered the handles underneath his arms.

"The Commander is terminally ill, Jean," Mikasa said, tightening the strap across her chest. "He sent me to catch you before you returned to Headquarters," she looked down from her place in the saddle and gave him a sad smile.

"Since when?"

"No one knows. He's in a meeting with the Generalissimo discussing who should take his place as Commander, should he…"

Jean narrowed his eyes. "Why would he keep something like that from me?" he muttered through clenched teeth.

"He has his reasons," Mikasa stated, repeating what she had told Jean fifteen years prior. "But we must start preparing for a new Commander." She gazed out to the looming wall in front of them.

"Any idea who?" Jean asked softly, fully prepared to hear Mikasa utter her own name. Heaven knew she was the strongest of them all, and more than capable of leading the entire Scouting Legion to swift victories against the Titans.

Or would it be Eren? His mind niggled at the subconscious suggestion.

"I honestly don't know," Mikasa answered, deep in thought. "Once Erwin…passes, the Generalissimo will announce his successor. It could be anyone at this point."

They were silent the rest of the way back to the stone castle. Upon arriving in the courtyard, she handed the reins of her horse to another Legion member, walking with Jean to the main hall.

"Mikasa. About your son…" Jean changed the subject, trying to block out the heavy news until the time was right. His heart was beginning to race, pounding with the inevitable. My mentor. Why?

"I know, Jean. Believe me, I know."


"Feel free to discipline him any way you want." Mikasa crossed her arms, and sighed angrily.

"He's not exactly like the Captain, then?" Jean probed hesitantly.

"Absolutely not." Her footsteps became heavier with each meter as they drew closer to their destination. "And yet, so much so," she suddenly offered, her voice sounding low and pained.

"Captain! Squad Leader!" a junior member ran up to the pair, boots slapping against the gravel. He saluted them both. "The Commander wishes to speak with you in his office, sirs!"

Jean started at the message. "What, now?" He glanced at Mikasa, who was sporting her customary scowl, arms still crossed.

"As soon as possible, Squad Leader. The Commander says it's quite urgent, sir!" the younger man held his salute, eyes shifting between the two senior members.

"Fine," Jean conceded quickly. Terminally ill Mikasa's voice rang inside his head. "Dismissed, Cadet."

The junior scurried away from his superiors, a cloud of worry and despair settling around them.

"Commander Erwin, sir!" Jean and Mikasa saluted smartly before stepping gingerly into the room, the smell of disinfectant heavy in the air.

Erwin's graying hair was plastered across his forehead, sticky with perspiration, as he slouched in his desk chair and his head leaned back against the dark wood. His breathing was labored and uneven.

"Jean," the Commander eyed him. "And Captain." He heaved himself from his chair with difficulty. "I'm afraid I don't have much time on my clock," he began, getting right to the point. "Two weeks the physician reports. And the matter of my replacement," he straightened his back and walked slowly, but proudly, to the small table in the corner of his office, "has been resolved between the Generalissimo and me." He handed Mikasa a folded letterhead, the seal of the highest military officer stamped across the front.

"I have named you temporary Commander of the Scouting Legion until my death, Captain. That letter, however, contains the name of the next permanent Commander, and should not be revealed until the Generalissimo orders, Ackerman," he commanded, his demeanor still cool and collected. "No expeditions beyond the Wall have been planned for the next month. So take it easy, Captain."

"Sir!" Mikasa acknowledged, not daring to look down at the letter in her hand.

"You're dismissed, Captain. I'd like to speak with Kirstein alone for a moment." He walked back to his desk stiffly, almost throwing himself into the chair.

Once Mikasa had departed, Jean walked around behind the desk, staring out the window. "Why didn't you tell me earlier, Commander? We could have done something about this much sooner."

"There are some things I only trust myself with, Jean," Erwin answered calmly. "I am content with the life I've lived."

"So be it," Jean retorted, immediately regretting his words. His throat swelled with irritation and grief.

Erwin laughed harshly. "I've seen thousands of lives tossed to the wind for my actions; who am I to choose the exact time I shall die? It is oddly ironic that I be taken by an illness, rather than by the battlefield, don't you think? A dissatisfying and unglorified death for one who was obsessed with it for years."

Jean dropped his head. "Shall I hold my place as Squad Leader until your passing then, Commander? What are your orders?"

Erwin dragged his hand across his face, wiping the sweat from his brow. "In the event of my death, Squad Leaders and Senior Team Leaders are to report immediately to the Generalissimo for the revealing of my replacement," he said casually, despite the heaviness lingering in the room. "No junior members. You may keep your position."

Jean waited for further instructions, leaning on the windowsill. When none were forthcoming, he replied, "That's it?"

"I have nothing more to offer to the Scouting Legion. Even my death has been snatched from me," Erwin answered, his face pale.

Jean felt his voice go bitter with despondency. "Do you have so little faith in us that you refuse to offer any more guidance, Commander? Do you feel nothing? You would rather languish in this hard-earned misery?"

You never know when to stop, Jean.

"You think too little of me, Kirstein." Erwin barked out his strange cackle again, fingering the emerald medallion that hung around his neck.

"I believe I have chosen my successor well."

The Thirteenth Commander of the Scouting Legion was dead by the end of the week, having finally succumbed to his illness.

The Legion's senior members were summoned to the Generalissimo's office within the innermost Wall, Sina, and Jean walked stiffly as he passed members of the Military Police Brigade.

Cowards. Debauchers. Thieves. Liars.

"Captain Ackerman, if you please," the Generalissimo placed Erwin's emerald medallion, which signified his rank as Commander of the Scouting Legion, in front of him on his desk. He held out his hand and gestured to Mikasa. "What will you do with the body?"

She saluted. "After convening with my fellow soldiers, we've agreed to properly cremate Erwin Smith, Thirteenth Commander of the Scouting Legion, as is his right as a soldier. The burning will take place two days from now to prevent spread of infection from the body." She answered, the hand behind her back clutching Erwin's last letter.

The Generalissimo nodded, satisfied with her response. "And what of his replacement? Who is to be our Fourteenth Commander, Captain?"

"Commander Erwin Smith's last order to me was to keep this letter sealed until your command, Generalissimo. No one has seen the contents, and as such, we are without a permanent leader at the moment."

The older man folded his hands. "Very good then, Captain. You may open the letter, and we shall see who will receive the glory of becoming the Fourteenth Commander of the Scouting Legion." He stared down his glasses at the eight people in the room.

Mikasa slid a finger beneath the wax seal, breaking open the letter. "In the event of my death, I, Erwin Smith, Thirteenth Commander of the Scouting Legion of the Military, have selected a candidate for the next Commander, numbering Fourteen. The decision will be left entirely to the Generalissimo, but I implore him to deeply consider my selection, should he have any reason to disagree." Mikasa read slowly, eyes skipping ahead to the next line. Her hand clenched around the paper as she read out the name.

"Jean Kirstein."

Eight pairs of eyes swiveled to Jean and he felt his heart drop into his stomach. "I…" he sucked in a large breath and closed his eyes for a brief moment, firming up his resolve.

You said I could do it, Marco.

"If the Generalissimo agrees, I accept."

Jean felt the weight of the emerald around his neck grow heavier with every step back from Wall Sina, but he dared not touch the medallion to adjust it. The Generalissimo had had no argument with Erwin's choice, and had promptly ordered the younger man to come forward, looping the small pendant through his collar. Jean had saluted his superior and walked out of the office, now mankind's leader in the everlasting campaign against the Titans.

Mikasa squeezed his shoulder as they entered a carriage, "Why are you so surprised, Jean?" she asked as they made their way back to Headquarters.

Jean's eyes wandered out the window, his reflection sullen in the glass. "I'm not surprised, Captain," he didn't look at her. "Just a little more burdened." He inhaled slowly and let it out, dropping his head to the window. "Did Erwin really think…"

"Of course he did," Mikasa's head jerked to face him. "Why wouldn't he? He trusted you with his most important matters, Jean. Why doubt him now?"

"Because three hundred lives are depending on my orders, Mikasa. The entire Scouting Legion. If that doesn't scare you…I'm just not sure if I can bear that responsibility. To throw away my very humanity…"

"What's done is done," she said shortly, mouth twisting into a tight scowl. "You must learn to. We've all known we would have to sooner or later, Jean."

"I know. Shit. Fuck. Goddamnit!" Jean swore and pounded a fist into the plush seat of the carriage. He stifled a heaving sob within his chest, grinding his teeth in anguish.

"It's okay, Jean," Mikasa said quietly, silently agonizing with her friend. She watched him break down in front of her, tears leaking from his formerly calm eyes. He gave a small whimper as his hand brushed the cord of the medallion around his neck, throwing his head back against the wall of the carriage, and clenching his teeth.

That was the last time Mikasa saw Jean Kirstein cry.

Jean waited in the courtyard for his Captain and her son, tapping his foot impatiently against the stone floor of the courtyard in Headquarters. The Scouting Legion was going out beyond the Wall today, and they were on a tight schedule; they couldn't afford to miss the time. He finally caught sight of the black-haired pair crossing the gravel toward him, Mikasa's twenty-one year old son fidgeting with the gear straps on his shoulders.

"Captain," Jean nodded to her as she approached, her face slightly distressed. He turned to her son, eyeing the slight man. "Ackerman. Ready to go when you are. Follow the formation this time, Squad Leader."

"Of course, Commander," he replied, and mounted his waiting horse, edging closer to Armin and Eren, speaking lightly to them.

Once Jean was sure his four Squad Leaders and their Senior Team Leaders had checked in with him, he gave the signal to depart.

"Teams Three and Seven cover my right flank!" Jean ordered, "One and Eight to the rear. Four and Ten to my left flank. Two and Nine in front. Five and Six cover the wagons!" He yelled out commands, his gear rattling as three hundred soldiers picked up their speed to a gallop as they thundered to the gate in the wall.

The wind whipped his green cloak around him as he led the Scouting Legion past the wall of stone, his brows furrowed in heavy determination.

"I've done some pretty terrible things during my time as Commander, Jean."

"We all have, sir. Some more than others."

"I'm sure I am guilty of even the most inhumane crimes."

"For the persistence and survival of humanity, sir."

"Could you do it, if forced to?"


"Toss aside your humanity, to save humanity. Could you do it?"

"With all due respect sir, I'm sure I will never be in such a position that would force me to decide something like that."


"I am content with my place as Senior Team Leader under Captain Ackerman, sir. We work well together, and I do not foresee anyone replacing me, nor do I wish it."

"There are certain times that call for such a decision, Jean. If the Captain were to, would you follow?"

"Perhaps, sir. But the value of a human life is something I do not take lightly. Only if there was no other way possible."

"You see my position then, Jean? The corner I am backed into? Sometimes you must become the very thing you are fighting to protect against it."

Jean wiped stray tears from his eyes, relieved that none of his subordinates could see his face.

I understand now, Commander, what you were trying to teach me.

And suddenly, Marco's smiling face blessed his blurry vision.

You should be here, Marco.

You said I could do it.

I finally have.

Author's Note: Sorry if Jean and/or Mikasa (or Erwin, for that matter) were out-of-character. I found it a bit difficult to write interactions between Erwin and Jean, considering they're somewhat alike. I also had to figure out Mikasa and Jean's awkward relationship (plus they're older) so...yeah. Hopefully it didn't come out too terrible! Shoot me a message if you want!

Part III is coming soon, and will feature Hanji Zoe and Armin Arlert. See the first part of this series for the fanart and "pairings."